Justice Falling (4 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Justice Falling
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My prick hardened painfully in my trousers. Feeling something for a woman I had just met was incredibly unusual. Not being able to control my body’s impulses made me feel like a randy teenager. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what was different about her, but I was determined to find out.

Cami turned around and gasped, her gaze meeting mine. “You came?” Her tone held a sense of wonder.

I stood and tucked my hands into my pockets making sure to give myself a bit of extra room in the groin. This one frightened easily, and I didn’t want to scare the poor thing off by presenting her with a stiffy.

“I said I would.” Her gaze scanned my form, taking in the dark suit I wore. She opened her mouth, and then closed it. A hand came up to her chest. I wondered if her heart beat quickened because I affected her. I hoped so. “Are you ready to go?”

“Well, I really hadn’t thought you would come.” Cami looked away and down. “Sometimes men say things, but never follow through and I--”

“I’m not like those men, Precious.” Her gaze shot to mine as I moved to stand only a couple feet away. “I always follow through.” I touched the strands of a loose lock of silky hair. She had it pulled back, and one stubborn lock that was shorter than the rest fell freely to dangle along her curved chin. I leaned really close, but not enough to touch her. She stiffened as I let my breath billow along her ear. Her scent was unusual. A mix of watermelon and baby lotion. Did she smell like that

I took a step forward letting the heat of my body encroach on her space. She sighed, and tilted her head offering the long white column of her neck. It would be so easy to take that offering. Instead, I moved slowly as to not startle her, and leaned my cheek against hers. “I follow through in all things. I never leave a woman wanting,” I whispered, dragging my cheek against hers in the lightest of caresses.

As I pulled away, I noticed her eyes were closed. She took a breath, and licked her lips. I had to bite mine to stifle the urge to steal a taste of her berry-red mouth.

“Shall we?” I asked, tucking her hand into the crook of my arm.

She looked reticent, but, instead of pushing back, she lifted her shoulders and rounded them back letting out a long breath. “Let me just grab my purse.”

I tugged her toward the exit. “You won’t need it.”

She stopped. “I have to have my phone on me at all times just in case…” She looked wildly behind us as if scoping out her escape.

“In case of what, Precious? You have to call for help?” With one quick turn of my hips, I pressed her form against the glass with the force of my body alone. She moaned, and her eyes widened when I centered my erection against her belly. I wanted her to know exactly what she was doing to me. I set both hands on either side of her head, caging her like a wild animal. “I assure you. These hands are used only for pleasure.” I showed them to her then slid one palm from the line of her chin down her neck to settle at the hollow where neck and shoulder connected. I wanted to peel back the layers of her shirt, sink my teeth into her pale skin, and mark her there.

“I just…I’d feel more comfortable having my purse and phone.” She sounded breathy and strained.

I caressed the side of her face. She held my gaze then looked away. Direct eye contact made her uncomfortable. “Eyes, Cami.” Those cat-like orbs focused on me. “Get your purse. I’m famished.” Taking a couple steps back, she scurried around me and pulled a tiny purse from her desk drawer. It couldn’t possibly have held more than a phone and wallet. I was used to women who carried around a duffle bag full of God only knew what.

“Ready?” I asked with a grin.

Again she looked down and walked toward me. When she reached my side, I used one finger to tip her chin up. It irked me that she felt compelled to look down. “You’re so beautiful. I feel remiss in not saying so earlier.” A lovely blush stole across her face, and a small smile split her red lips.

“Thank you.”

I cupped the side of her neck, and petted her pretty cheek. “I think I’ll tell you every day that you’re beautiful just so I can see that blush paint your pale skin.” She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

“Let’s go, Precious.”

Chapter 3



We walked silently side-by-side down the long city block. I was nervous going out to lunch with a man like Nate. Truth be told, any man would scare me. It had been so long. As if he sensed my hesitance and insecurity, his hand grasped mine. He tilted his head to the side and watched me. Maybe to see if I’d pull away? I wouldn’t. Couldn’t. It was the single connection I needed to feel calm and more at peace with going on my first date in…well, my first date ever.

I looked at the busy patrons as we walked hand-in-hand down the city block towards “The Place.” Nate’s warm palm against mine felt nice, right somehow, and the silence surrounding us completely comfortable. Neither of us felt the need to fill the space with inane conversation. When he mentioned he was taking me to one of the hottest eateries in town, I had to control my desire to squeal. The Place, as it was simply named, was a hip, trendy restaurant that masqueraded as affordable but was really anything but. I’d never been able to afford it, and I didn’t think the general population could either. It was where the elite of New York City enjoyed lunch.

Once, Hank sent me to the restaurant to pick up lunch for him and his wife. The workers fawned all over the fact I was picking up lunch for
Aspen Reynolds. Of course I knew her as Mrs. Jensen by then. The chatty steward made a point to gush on and on about how lovely she was. I agreed with him, of course. Hank’s wife was insanely beautiful and undeniably smart. None of that mattered to me. When she introduced herself as Hank’s fiancé back when I started work at Jensen Construction, she was kind and down to earth. Nothing like the obscenely rich socialite people claimed her to be in those horrid magazines.

It was humbling to know that even when you had more money than could possibly be spent, you still were compelled to wear a mask. Aspen ’Reynolds’--not ’Jensen’--was all business, powerful, able to cut you down to size if you so much as crossed her. I knew Aspen Jensen, the polite, loving, intelligent wife of my equally charming and down to earth boss, Hank Jensen. People were just people. We all had our problems, and roles we were expected to play in life. I liked Aspen even more when I realized that she shared her true self with me. She didn’t feel compelled to put on an act. Unfortunately, I wish could offer the same in return. There was a side to my life I hid and wasn’t planning on revealing. Ever.

Nate led me to a seat near an open window. This section of the restaurant had an indoor/outdoor feel. Technically we sat inside, but our table butted up against a huge window that opened out onto a garden where others were happily enjoying their meal. The sun’s rays sprinkled through the trees, and the sounds of the city were drowned out by the piped in music. It felt incredibly serene for the busy lunch hour.

“This okay, love?” Nate asked, and helped push my chair in.

“It’s wonderful, thank you.”

When the waiter arrived, Nate ordered water and something he called a “Charcuterie” plate as he handed the waiter the menus we hadn’t opened. I was disappointed for a moment. I was looking forward to pouring over the menu until he added, “I wanted to get right down to getting to know you.” It was really sweet and fit the alpha male side he’d presented yesterday and today.

“There really isn’t much to know.” I shrugged, and placed my hands demurely in my lap. I’d never been to such an expensive place. I wanted desperately to fit in. Sometimes I thought I failed miserably. My clothes were secondhand, and my dwindling pitiful bank account could attest to my lack of success.

“Start at the beginning.” His blue eyes sparkled. I found it hard to look away. “Tell me about your name. Where did Cami come from? It’s rather uncommon. Did your Mum and Dad have a reason for it?”

“I don’t know.” His eyebrows knit together. Trying to change the subject of why I didn’t know where my own name originated from, I went another direction. “It’s actually short for Camille. That’s my birth name.”

“Camille is lovely. I rather like Camille. Unique. Just like the woman.” Nate winked, and I felt myself flush with heat.

“Thank you.”

“And your Mum and Dad? Where are they now? Here in the city?” He asked with a twinkle in his lovely green blue eyes. I loved how he used the word “Mum” instead of “Mom”, but really didn’t want to get into the specifics of the fact I didn’t have one.

Avoiding my past was going to be harder than I thought. Not that there was anything of great interest or importance. I was a nobody. He’d figure that out and move on to the next hot ticket. Which would be better for me. Easier. I wasn’t the kind of girl you took home to your family.

“I don’t know my parents. I grew up in foster care. I was placed in one home or another as far back as I can remember.”

“Does that mean you don’t have any siblings?” His tone was kind and made me want to share with him.

I shrugged. “I guess it’s possible. Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about the fact that I may not be alone. I could have a brother or sister somewhere.” He smiled, and put his chin into his palm while leaning against the table.

“Siblings aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, you know?” His smile showed an adorable dimple on one cheek almost hidden by the dark swath of hair from his goatee and mustache. My heart sped up as I studied his face. Men like him graced the covers of magazines and dated perfect model types whose biggest worry was whether their handbag matched their outfit. I was not that girl. Yet, here he sat at a table with me.
For how long?
Once he knew about Tanner and about my other job, he’d be gone as fast as my first love. Tyler -- the man that screwed me over in more ways than one.

“You sound like you speak from experience.”

He nodded. “I do. You’ve met my brother, Collier Stone.”

“That’s right! The little mix-up.” I looked down at my hands, regretting the accusatory way I’d spoken to him yesterday.

Nate’s finger tipped my chin up. “Eyes, Precious. I like to watch your eye color change as I speak to you. It’s mesmerizing.” Once more, my face heated. “You’re so lovely when you blush,” he whispered over the table.

The waiter took that moment to return with a variety of nibbles that ended up being an array of meats, cheese and fruit. “I hope my choice is okay,” Nate said. There was enough to feed an army but in dainty little plates with multi-colored dips that I assumed were mustard or honey. “Shall I explain them to you?” Nate had obviously ordered this before.

I shook my head and smiled at him. “I like surprises. There are so few in life.” I picked up a slice of salami, added a square of white cheese, dipped it lightly into the first saucer, and then took a bite. Sharp cheese coupled with the tang of the mustard and salt from the meat mingled with each other to provide a scrumptious pairing. I licked my fingers and nodded. “You should try that combination. Here, let me make you one.” I danced in my seat a bit, excited at finding a good mix on my first try.

As I put the trio together, it dawned on me that Nate wasn’t speaking. I looked up and found him watching me intently. His eyes blazed with a heat so hot I could almost feel it across the table. “What?” I asked sounding more breathy than I intended. The man just did something to me.

“I like watching you. You’re incredibly beautiful, Camille.” He said my name in a way I’d never heard before; soft, sensual and filled with desire. I took a deep breath, licked my lips, and then held out the offering to him. Instead of taking it, he leaned forward and took the morsel into his mouth letting his lips graze the tips of my fingers. The bolt that rippled through me at that miniscule touch shifted up my arm spreading through every limb, awakening something that I thought was long gone. “You were right. Meat, cheese, and you…bloody delicious.”

My skin burned. “So, tell me more about your brother?”

“Brother and sisters,” he corrected and my eyes widened. Wow. That’s a lot of family. “One half-brother, Collier, which you’ve met.” I nodded remembering keenly the blonde God-like man that handled a lot of our legal needs. Collier Stone was another stunning man. Long, lean, with a perfect structure. He had blonde layered hair, chocolate brown eyes, and was deeply in love with Aspen’s sister, London Kelley. “My sisters are Emma and Ella. Emma works for Collier and me as the office administrator. Ella is married and lives back home in London with her husband and son.”

“You must miss her terribly. I know if I had a sibling, I’d want to be near them always.”

“Would you?”

I nodded emphatically. “Of course. I find that people with large families take those people for granted. I don’t have any family to speak of except my s-…” I stopped instantly, realizing my mistake.

“Except your what?”

“Um, my roommate, Jin.”

“Tell me about this roommate Jin. What does he do?” Nate’s shoulders tightened and chest seemed to broaden.

“Jin is a she, and she’s my best friend.” Nate visibly relaxed. “She does this and that. Anyway, tell me about why you came to the states.”

Nate slowly took a bite of a pear and leaned back. His suit coat flared out, his dress shirt stretched across his body. I could just barely see the ridges of taut muscles through the fine fabric, but it was enough to spark my libido. With great effort, I bit back a groan that bubbled up. I wished I could see more of his body. His gaze shot to mine catching me looking my fill. Immediately, I looked down and away.

“Eyes.” His demand had me lifting my gaze instantly. “Don’t ever be embarrassed about looking at me, Camille. I enjoy your eyes on me. Especially if you like what you see,” he grinned. “Do you Camille?” His voice was low, gravely, as if he gargled with a box of rocks. “Do you like what you see?” He asked boldly.

I was transfixed. His gaze, the way he looked at me literally held me captive. Taking what he wanted, he owned my vision. I nodded then whispered. “Yes. What I can see of it.”

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