Justice Falling (23 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Justice Falling
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“Now take my cock into your mouth baby, just slowly. Lick and suck it however you feel comfortable.” She stilled and leaned down. I felt a soft kiss on just the head then her tongue swirled around the tip.

I moaned, not for her benefit, but because it felt so damned good. Her mouth came around the crown and she sucked in about an inch and let it go with a plop. “Fuck that’s good!” I encouraged so she’d know what worked. For a moment I didn’t feel anything until I felt a wetness at the very base and then the sensation moved up my length inch by slow inch as she licked my length. “Yeah, Precious. Perfect,” I said as she finished the journey then put the front half of my cock into her mouth. Her little tongue swirled around the flesh as she sucked. I saw bright lights flashing along the edges of my vision as the mother of all orgasms rolled and built in my body.

“You got it, baby. Keep going like that and I’ll come so bloody hard.” She moaned and the vibrations sent spikes of pleasure down my shaft to rest heavily in my balls. They tightened and swelled as she lapped at the tender tip of my dick, pressing her tongue into the slit at the top.

As Camille sucked and treated me to an oral loving, I buried my face between her thighs. She jerked when I sucked her clit into my mouth then retaliated by sucking my dick further into hers. Camille got the hang of what she was doing and started bobbing up and down over my shaft, sucking, licking and kissing every inch, driving me completely wild. While she sucked, I made sure to give just as good as I was getting. I tongue fucked her over and over until she was crying out, my dick lodged deep in her throat.

I wanted more, so much more. I kept going, bearing down, eating her as if I’d never get another chance. She howled around my dick then sucked me so hard I didn’t have the time to warn her, spurting hotly into her mouth. Stream after stream left my aching cock as she sucked it down, taking it all as I licked and tongued the cream of her third release. Fucking ambrosia.

Physically spent, I turned her around and cuddled her to my side, her head on my chest where I needed her. “Think about moving in with me. I’m in love with you and want to make this a home for you, me and Tanner and possibly any little ones we may have accidentally made along the way.”

She groaned and all the breath left her lungs. Finally she responded, “I’ll think about it.” It wasn’t a no but it wasn’t a yes either.

“How long?”

“How long what?” she asked.

“How much time do you need to decide? A couple days?”

“Nate,” she warned.

“Okay, okay.” I kissed her temple. “A week?”

 She shook her head against my chest.

“No, huh, well how about a fortnight then?”

“How long’s that?” she asked.

“About two weeks.” I waited in silence. I thought possibly she’d fallen asleep when she finally answered. “Okay, I’ll have my answer for you in two weeks.”

I hugged her then tipped her chin up to kiss her swollen lips. “That was a mighty fine blow job by the way.” I grinned and waggled my eyebrows at her. She smacked my chest and buried her face into my skin. Her cheeks were flushed that rosy pink I adored.

“I enjoyed what we did. That was…”

“Mind blowing? Worship worthy?” I added.

She giggled and bit down on my peck then sucked the skin, finishing with a soft kiss. There would be a mark left there. She didn’t realize the velocity of her sucking capability. I didn’t care, I wanted marks from her love bites all over me as reminders. “I was going to say fun, but that sounds so paltry now.”

We both laughed and I hugged her to me. She draped a naked thigh over my groin. “What happened with Ty, Camille?”

She groaned and pushed her hair out of her face. I gripped her waist and hauled her completely on top of me. Skin to skin. She clasped her hands on my chest and leaned her chin down. “What do you want to know?”

So many things,
I wanted to reply. Instead I started with the burning question. “Why doesn’t he know about Tanner?”

“It’s not a pretty story, Nate. I’d hoped to save you from it.”

“I need to know if we’re ever going to move forward.”

She nodded and leaned in for a kiss. I returned her kiss then settled back down to wait.

“A couple days after I turned eighteen, I met Tyler. We hit it off right away. I was taken by his looks and he seemed nice, interested in me. He talked me into bed after only two dates, and took my virginity roughly in a hotel room. We only ever met in a hotel. At the time I didn’t think much of it as I was trying to find a job, figure out what to do with my life. I didn’t have much to my name and no friends. He made me feel cared for and wanted.”

I let her think about the past and figure out how she wanted to share it.

“Then I missed my period. After a week of waiting for it, I finally took a test. It said I was pregnant. I went to Tyler’s office because I couldn’t wait any longer. I was scared but excited about bringing a life into the world with the man I thought I loved. I was so wrong.”

Her eyes misted, but her tears never fell. I hoped she was done crying for the prat.

“I told him I was pregnant and he claimed it wasn’t his. He knew I had been a virgin but didn’t care. He called me a whore and manhandled me a little.”

My arms tightened around her and I gritted my teeth, ready to throw some clothes on and go beat the living hell out of the bastard.

“You were so fucking young. He took advantage of you!” I was unable to keep my opinions to myself.

Camille put her fingers to my lips. “Let me finish. You don’t know everything. What I say next may change your opinion of him and me.” Her lip quivered.

I sucked her lip into my mouth soothing the ache. “Nothing will make me not love you.”

She took a deep breath. “He told me to get rid of it, that he didn’t care what I did. And then…”

Anger filled all the little pockets of my soul and I wished he was here right now so I could tear him apart the way he had my sweet Camille all those years ago.

“…he gave me ten thousand dollars. Told me that’s all I was ever going to get, to leave and deal with the issue.”

“Christ! Rat fucking bastard! He should have taken care of you, Camille. Helped you.” Now I knew why she’d never had a relationship after Ty, and why she’d run from one between us. It was likely the same reason she hadn’t told me she loved me.

I wouldn’t pressure her for the words. She told me in the way she looked at me, the way she smiled when I entered a room and the way she made love to me with her whole body, heart, and soul.

“Don’t you hate me for taking the money?” Her face was tight her bottom lip tucked tight between her teeth.

“No, no I don’t. The opposite in fact. He gave you that money to keep you quiet and to dispose of his responsibility. You
that money to survive. I could never think poorly of you. I love you, Camille. Nothing you say or do is going to change that. I love you. Do you hear me?”

 She nodded.

 “Can you feel how much you mean to me?”

Her hands cupped my cheeks. I turned my head and kissed each palm. “I love you so much, Nate. I’m so sorry I haven’t said so. I’m just so scared to love you and lose you. There’s still so much we need to get through.” Tears trickled down her cheeks again. At least this time they were because of her love, not because of her fear.

“We have time. We have all the time in the world.” I hugged her and kissed her more times than I could count. Slowly I pulled back and held her gaze with mine. I wiped the tears from the apples of her lovely cheeks. “Knowing you love me…it’s everything, Camille. It’s all I need.”


Chapter 15



The better part of two weeks passed by in complete harmony. For once in my life, I felt everything was moving as it should. After three years of dancing, I was leaving Justice, my alter ego behind.

I wouldn’t miss her or the various men who adored her. I’d be heading out on a high note, too. Tonight, I would work my regular stage shift and a private booking. The owners said it would be a real money maker. Apparently, a group of Richie Rich’s heard their favorite dancer was leaving and booked a private show. Since it was my last night, the owners made sure they paid double for the privilege of having me all to themselves. It would be my highest earning night ever. I couldn’t wait to use that money to pay off my next set of online courses. It would put me ahead of the curve and back on track with my studies.

True to his word, Mr. Jensen signed me on full-time and Tanner and I had full medical benefits now. I couldn’t be happier. A heavy burden lifted knowing I’d be saving that expense and Tanner was protected.

Aside from Nate’s near constant prods about moving in with him, things were going so well I hesitated to change it. He wanted Tanner and me with him, officially; period, end of discussion. I still wasn’t convinced it was a good idea. We’d only known each other for a few weeks and most of those were tumultuous. Things had recently been beyond amazing but that didn’t change the newness. I’d agreed to stay with him on the evenings I didn’t work at Gems, but so far I still had my space. I worried about what to tell Jin. I was concerned that she’d be devastated if I told her I was moving in with my boyfriend. It turned out I was wrong. Nate told her.

The man would drive a perfectly sane woman to the loony bin. Half the time I didn’t know what to do with my alpha, overly possessive boyfriend. He didn’t waste time talking to Jin about the prospect. Jin admitted being sad but knew that neither of us wanted to live the rest of our lives as we were now. Once she found out Nate would be paying a year’s rent in advance and that we’d pay her to watch Tanner while I worked, she knew it was a win-win situation. She wouldn’t have to worry about a roommate and she’d make extra money caring for Tanner during the day. She might consider leaving Gems, too.

Nate still hadn’t mentioned Tyler since our discussion and for that I was grateful. It seems as though what he found out about his friend had irreparably ruined his friendship. It was a catch twenty two. As much as I hated Tyler, I didn’t want to ruin anything for Nate. I loved him and wanted him to be happy. The situation with his friend and me weighed heavily on him. I wished I could make it better.

Leaving those thoughts behind I focused on the fact that it was my last night at Gems. I planned to go out with a bang. The owners informed me that the “suits” as they called them, were ready for me to go on.

I checked the clock and splayed my fingers to express my need for five more minutes. One last look in the mirror and my black pulp fiction inspired wig was snugly in place, the blood red corset with black trim held tightly together by crisscrossing black satin ribbon. I turned to check my booty. G-string perfectly placed, garters running down the middle of my thighs nicely, just a little nudge here and one there and I was ready for my last performance.

Gems had been a home of sorts for the past three years, but I wasn’t sad to leave. I had a future so bright it blinded me in its golden rays. After almost two full weeks, I’d decided I would move in with Nate at the end of the month. I’d thought of nothing else the last couple weeks, running over the pros and cons. All the cons related to the newness of our relationship and leaving Jin and Zachery. The pros were so many it filled an entire lined yellow sheet of paper. The biggest pro? I loved him. And over the past few weeks we had been together, he’d proven he loved me. Nothing was going to get in between that love. He promised he’d always love me and I believed him.

I planned on telling him the big news tomorrow morning. Tanner would be ecstatic.

London had made a fantasy room for him at Nate’s apartment. He called it a flat, New Yorkers called it an apartment. In my mind it was big enough to be a mansion. It had more rooms than he needed and lacked for nothing in the way of amenities. The building had a pool, a gym and a restaurant. A busy professional working virtually would never have to leave the building.

Nate took advantage of the pool most nights. Watching him swim was like watching a moving piece of art. His lines, the movement of his toned muscles stretching and propelling him through the water was breathtaking. Tanner loved the pool like any four year old would but hadn’t had much experience in water. Nate worked with him on learning to swim and said once we moved in he’d take him each night to ensure he was safe around water. Another pro according to Tanner.

I made my way slowly up the stairs and onto the stage. A black velvet curtain hid me from view. Sounds of male laughter, clinking of glasses and whistles started the second the lights dimmed and my music started. I let the heavy tones of the base sweep across my senses, thrum against my chest and rumble into my heels. Music and movement helped me escape the reality of what I was actually doing. When I followed the melody with fluid movements and gymnastic inspired pole work, I was usually able to forget that a crowd of horny men were watching and often times touching themselves while I worked.

I took a deep breath in as the curtain rose. My hands gripped the pole above my head, and I faced the back wall, allowing the men to see my bare ass pressed against the pole, my back arched. I knew without needing a mirror that the picture I presented was every man’s fantasy. Using this as a tool I pulled high, swung my legs into the air and curved around the pole to the floor. When I looked up to assess the men, my eyes caught a pair of familiar blues, ones I did not look forward to seeing.

Tyler Thornton.

His grin was wide and he held a hand loosely in front of his face as he took in my body. He licked his lips and I turned my head. The odds were he wouldn’t recognize me. I was wearing a wig, and, frankly, it had been a long time since he’d seen this body. It was different, matured, and changed after having a child. Sweat prickled at the edges of my hairline. Usually I didn’t perspire. I was in excellent shape, long and toned, yet still curvy. The presence of my ex, Tanner’s biological father, put my nerves into overdrive.

 I took long yoga-style breaths, bent at the waist and shook my moneymaker. Several of the men whistled. Some threw money on the stage. A few didn’t even pay attention, they were so busy talking business in the back to notice the half-naked girl on a stage fifteen feet in front of them.

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