Justice Falling (20 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Justice Falling
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I blew on her sensitive core and gloried in the quiver that ripped through her body. She placed her hands on the edge of the counter. Her knuckles whitened with the force of her grip. I pulled the lips of her sex apart with the pad of my thumbs, leaned against her thighs and licked her from the bottom of her tiny rosette all the way up to the tight kernel of her clit. Her body shuddered as I sucked her clit hard into my mouth, swirling around the bump, lapping greedily.

When I dipped into her sex and pushed my tongue as far as it would go, her tangy essence coated my mouth, surrounding me with the pure womanly taste of my Camille. No man had ever gone to this place but me. The dizzy feeling of power and possession roared through me. I growled into her sex, held her arse to my face and ravished her. Licking and lapping, sucking and fucking until I felt her tighten her thighs. My hands deftly held her in place. Her body leaned out, arching into a beautiful rainbow shape, her mound pressing closer, her lush tits pointing to the ceiling. She was unearthly, gluttonous in her passion. Her need drove her to claw at my back and sink her hands into my hair as she ground into my searching mouth. I loved it. Every press of her hands made me mad with lust as she rode my face, driving her orgasm to the highest peak. When Camille hit that final plateau, I sucked her clit into my mouth firmly planting my lips around the center of her pleasure. Then I surrounded the tight knot with my teeth and flicked at the sensitive flesh with the very tip of my tongue until she broke, crying my name.

“Nate! Oh God, Nate!” she practically screamed her release. Her juices trickled down her thighs and I lapped up every last drop, pressing my tongue deep where her nectar was strongest. Her body tightened again as another orgasm took my sweet Camille into orbit. This one shocked her so much she flung her body back and slammed her head against the cupboard.

I pulled away from her delicious cunt and brought a hand behind her head. “Shite, Precious. Be careful,” I scolded, putting my forehead against hers.

She was dazed and unaffected by how hard she hit her head but she’d likely feel it tomorrow. I licked my lips, still tasting her sweet honey on my tongue. My dick hardened even further at her taste. More. I needed so much more.

“Be careful? How can I?” She took a jagged breath. “How can I when you’re doing that?” Then something changed and she pulled her head away from mine, realizing where she was. “Oh my God. We can’t do this here. Out in the open. Tanner could walk in.” She placed a trembling hand over her lips, her eyes wild.

In moments faced with an extreme case of blue balls, you’re capable of giant leaps in logic and improvisation. I hauled her body against mine. Her legs locked behind my lower back as I walked her right into my pantry. I couldn’t take her to bed. We’d have to walk past Tanner’s room.
Tanner’s room?
Fuck, I was so gone for this woman and her kid.

Turning abruptly, I pushed her against the door of the panty. The thick gnarled wood was hard and unrelenting. It was also solid fucking wood, a good inch thick that would muffle, if not obliterate, any noise. “Hold on tight, Precious. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” I grinned lifting her arse with one arm. She held onto my shoulders and squeezed her toned thighs against my ribs as I got my jeans unbuttoned and boxers pushed down enough to let out my cock. I was far too eager to sample her heat.

I kissed her hard, fast and deep, then took her body the same way. She cried out at the striking penetration. “Fuck, you’re so,” I gritted my teeth. “So bloody tight.” I accentuated my words with a hard thrust. Her eyes closed.

“Eyes, Camille. Give them to me. I want everything you have. When I’m inside you, I want everything you are right there with me.”


Chapter 13



His words held me against the pantry door as easily as his strong arms did. He didn’t realize how much he seduced me with only a few simple directives. I was so far gone for this man I no longer knew which way was up, down, sideways, backwards, forward. All I could do was
When Nate was inside me, joined in the most intimate way possible for a man and a woman, nothing else existed.

His rock hard length pressed deep into me. The wide knob of his cock dragged along hyper-sensitive tissue, sending spikes of pleasure to every pore. I clung to my man as he slid his arms up my back to cup each shoulder with his palms. With this new leverage he plowed into me, bringing his hands down hard on my shoulders and jack-knifing his hips up, going impossibly deep.

“Christ, Camille. You’re never bloody running from me again.” Nate took my lips in a brutal kiss. I loved it. I loved the way he got possessive, accentuating his words with deep thrusts that sent me higher and higher, ready to take the plunge. I kissed him back. As hard as he gave, I gave in return. “Promise me,” he said on a particularly hard drive into my core.

“Oh God, I’m going to…again!” My back arched as if a hot poker pressed into my lower spine and jolted me to move. The feelings were so strong. The way Nate built me up, smoothed his hands up and down my body, caressed, squeezed, manipulated--owned every response until my body gave him exactly what he wanted at his command surprised me.

“Promise me you’ll be mine!” he roared, holding my hips in place, wedged between the door and his body. His cock rooted deep inside. He kept me there on the edge of release, swirling his hips around in dizzying tantalizing circles, stirring the pleasure, coaxing my body’s response.

“Yes, Nate, yours. Baby, only yours.”

“Oh, I love when you call me baby,” he growled and picked up his pace, relentlessly pounding. His body was tight, his muscles strained beautifully as I clung to his thick biceps. The pleasure of my orgasm was such that I lost all connection to time, space, and matter. I drifted in the height of bliss for so long blackness swam around me.

When I came to, my body was spent though I was standing against the pantry door. The heavy weight of Nate’s body surrounded me, his labored breaths puffed wildly against my neck.

“Shite, I love fucking you.” His words broke through the sex-induced haze. He
fucking me. That was not the same as saying he loved me, though I suspected things were more serious than I had ever dreamed possible.

“I love um, you doing that to me.”

His mouth moved into a grin I felt against the damp skin of my neck. “You can’t say fucking?”

Heat suffused my cheeks. “I can. Just as a rule, I don’t usually cuss.”

“Too crude for my sweet American girl?” Nate chuckled and planted a line of kisses along my neck. I craned my head to the side to give him better access.

I inhaled, enjoying his lips on my skin. “No, just when you have a child at eighteen, you learn quickly to mind your words or your little parakeet will reiterate it. Speaking of little ones, I need to check on Tanner.”

“Of course. It’s easy to get carried away with this luscious body.” His hands covered my breasts and squeezed. He looked at my chest lovingly as if he was loathe to let me leave.

“You won’t find me complaining.” I looked down then back up. I cupped one of his cheeks, feeling the prickly stubble abrade my palm. He leaned into it warming my heart. “Nate, I never knew it could be this good. Feel like this with a man.”

His gaze held mine. There was conviction and strength in the warm blue eyes. “Precious, it’s always going to be like this. There’s so much more to experience together. Years of it in fact.” He kissed me then pulled out of my body. A trail of semen followed. We looked as the result of our love making trailed down my leg.

“Fuck.” I finally used profanity. Right now, it was warranted. Heat overtook my body and my heart pounded ferociously against my chest. My skin felt heightened and prickled at the edges as if someone was tickling me with a feather…everywhere. That scary buzzing sound hit my ears and I clung to Nate’s biceps to stay standing. I spent long moments taking deep breaths trying desperately to calm down.

Nate closed his eyes, licked his lips, took a deep breath and held onto my shoulder. His eyes opened and locked on mine. “Don’t run,” he said as if his heart was breaking. I was having a panic attack about the fact that, once again, we acted like stupid sex-drugged teenagers who didn’t know any better. And he was worried about me running off? Men really are from Mars.

“Twice!” I held up two fingers which could not to be mistaken for the peace symbol.

He shook his head. “Camille, I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I didn’t intend to shag you in the kitchen. Bloody hell I didn’t intend to shag you at all tonight. Not with Tanner here.”

My eyes widened. “Oh. My. God.” What if Tanner woke and didn’t know where he was. He’d be frightened out of his mind. “I have to go to him.” I pulled my sweater down and looked around for my jeans. Crap! I left them in the kitchen.

Nate opened the door and I rushed in. Grabbing a wad of napkins from the counter I cleaned up the evidence of our pantry romp, threw on my undies and jeans and was clasping the button as I rounded the door to the room that Tanner was sleeping in.

He was still dead to the world. That hit me like a crash dummy vehicle hits a test wall. He was comfortable here.

“Camille, leave him. Let’s talk about this.”

I rounded on Nate then stomped off into the kitchen. Once there, I grabbed my glass of wine and downed it in a couple of gulps. “I can’t believe we did that again! What are we sixteen? Can’t keep our hands off one another long enough to put on a condom? We’re playing with fire, Nate!”

“I know, I know. We’ll figure it out. Whatever happens, I’m sorry.” He looked so panicked, very unlike the normally over-confident, alpha male always in control. Right now he was just a man. A man who, along with his
made a couple really bad errors in judgment that could affect the rest of our lives.

“It’s not just you. I was there. Full participant right here.” I raised my hand mockingly. “I… we cannot have a baby right now. We don’t know each other well enough for that level of commitment. I’m just now on track with taking care of Tanner, my job, schooling.”

Oh God it could all be over from two stupid mistakes. Though they felt so incredibly right at the time, the consequences could last a lifetime. I doubted that Nate wanted to be shackled to me and a couple kids.

He rounded on me, pulling me into his warm chest. His hand held my head and I could hear the thud of his heart, strong and comforting. I rubbed my nose against the soft Henley he wore, doing exactly what I wanted to do earlier when he first showed up at my apartment.

“Camille, you listen and you listen good. You are not alone. Not now, not ever again. I know it’s only been a short time but…” His words cracked and I looked up at him. “We’re together and I don’t see that ever changing. I want to be with you. I want to get to know Tanner. Spend more time as a threesome. Over the past few years I’ve been floundering, focused on my career and nothing else. I’ve used women as mere shags.” My body tightened hearing him speak of being intimate with other women. The hard edge of jealousy dug into my heart. He ran his arms up and down my back, relaxing me once more.

“Until you. This. Us. It’s somehow better than anything I ever dreamed I’d have. I’m…” He took a deep breath, cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly. Then he pulled back. “I’m in love with you.”

The entire world slowed, went silent, then stopped moving all together. Nate’s eyes turned an indigo blue. “Did you hear me, Camille?”

I shook my head, feeling hot all over. Numbness filled my senses. If he hadn’t been holding me so tightly I may have turned into mush and melted to the floor. A man loved me. No, not any man. This man. My Nate.

His lips quirked into a knowing grin. “I love you, Precious.”

“Again,” I whispered wanting nothing more than to hear the most beautiful words ever said aloud.

“I love you, Camille Johnston.” He kissed my cheeks.


He kissed my forehead. “I love you.” He kissed each of my closed eyelids. “I love you.” He trailed his open mouth down the side of my cheek, along the edge of my chin. “I love you,” he said one last time before his lips took mine in a hot open-mouthed kiss.

The man of my dreams loved me.

Only in my wildest fantasies did Prince Charming capture the peasant girl and make her his. I wasn’t worthy of him, his love. He still didn’t know about Gems. We hadn’t figured out how to negotiate having a relationship with Tanner in the picture.

“Look Precious, I know this may come as a surprise to you but I’m not the kind of man who bestows accolades of love, willy nilly.” His gaze bore into mine. “I have never told a woman that I loved them, other than Mum and my sisters. Only you.” Honesty, sincerity and yes, love, permeated his words. My strong, confident, alpha male was professing his love for me.

Tears filled and blurred my vision and fell down my cheeks. “Nate, I…”

He stopped me from continuing with the pad of his thumb over my lips.

“Don’t. You don’t have to say anything. Just know I love you. And if my voracious need to mate with you results in us having a wee one, well, then I’ll do everything in my power to be the best father.”

More tears. I could not hold them back any more than I could stop breathing. Nate pulled my face into the crook of his neck, holding me while I cried. He was the perfect man and he loved me. Me.

The orphan girl from New Jersey nobody ever wanted. I was so consumed with my own love for this man I was incapable of putting the feelings into words. Instead, I’d show him. Nate picked me up and walked me to his bedroom. This would only be the second time I’d lain in his bed, but this time, I’d stay. I wouldn’t run.

In case I didn’t believe Nate’s profession of love, he spent hours showing me just how much he cared. He muffled my lustful cries with his mouth and swallowed the pleasure as easily as he gave it. Over and over he proved to me how much he loved me, telling me repeatedly with his body, his kiss, his fevered touch and his words until I fell to sleep nestled in his arms.


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