Just Go (6 page)

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Authors: M. Dauphin

BOOK: Just Go
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“What,” I growl, not having the patience to play these games.

“That was a silly move,” the voice says.

“No, what was silly was threatening me. You better pray I don’t find out who this is.” I hang up and turn my phone off, just to turn it back on immediately. I can’t afford not to have my phone on and next to me. I’m Adam Callahan, someone’s always in need of me.

Getting in my car I head back to my place. The one drink doesn’t have me drunk, but from everything that happened today, it’s made me want more. After the ride up the lonely elevator, I walk into a quiet lobby and unlock my door, just to be met by an overactive puppy ready to play. Laughing, I scoop him up and walk to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge and the leash to take this little man out.

“Just me and you tonight, dude,” I say to him. Jesus, I’m going nuts, talking to a dog like he can understand what I'm saying.

After about two hours of drinking alone, talking to an animal that only wants to chew on my shoes... my expensive designer shoes... I grab my phone to check my messages when she pops back into my memory.


I just want to hear her voice. Hell, that’s a great idea. Maybe she can finally explain to me what’s wrong with her, and why she doesn’t want me. That has to be the only option, as there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me. It only takes a few phone calls to get her number. When you’re rich like I am, money talks. And when you have the right connections, that money talks at all hours of the day.

I shoot her a quick text, opening up lines of communication.

Adam- It was wonderful seeing you tonight, Annaliese.

Five minutes go by and no response. Maybe she didn’t hear the first one, so I try again.

Adam- I meant what I said about you.

After I finish off the bottle of Patron and am staring at an empty glass, there’s still no response. Little she-devil thinks she can ignore me, huh? Time to tempt her with Mr. Chicago.

Adam- Are you ignoring me?

Adam- Come to me. Tonight
555 E. Bellmont.

A beer or three later and there’s still no response. I did read her right, didn’t I? She does want me, right?

If she's going to ignore her texts, I'll up my game and call her. No woman ignores Adam Fuckin' Callahan.

So I call her.

She doesn’t answer. What. The. Fuck. I may be losing my mind, but I text her again and tell her to come here... now. I plan to explore her body more thorough than I did last night. The curves, the legs, those heels. Shit. And now I’m way more horny than I was before, but I’m so tired and fairly certain I’m drunk. Doing anything but sleeping on this counter isn’t happening unless Annaliese decides to give me a chance. And she still hasn’t responded. I am getting so worried over her not responding like a woman waiting for a man to call her that my man card may be in serious jeopardy. Fuck. I need to go to bed and dream about puppies and rainbows or some shit. Anything except Annaliese.


The sun glares in my wall of windows, waking me from my drunken slumber.

What the hell?

I look around, trying to remember how I landed to sleep on the couch, but last thing I remember was taking Thor out when I got home, and the rest of the night is a blur. How much did I drink last night?

I squint my eyes at the brightness and curse. Why does Chicago always feel like having blaring bright sunshine on the days when I’m so hung-over even a small flashlight would feel like fire burning a hole in my head? Why can’t it be cloudy and grey today?

“Shit,” I curse and get up and off the couch, looking at the bottles littering the counter. I shake my head. Since when do I drink alone? At the very least I would have called over a piece of ass to fuck last night, but from the looks of my surroundings, there’s nothing here that suggests anyone else but Thor and I were in this apartment last night.

Speaking of Thor, he’s currently curled up on the foot of the sofa that I just got off of. Jesus, I wish I could still be sleeping. Unfortunately, I’m supposed to be the first into the building today. I’ve always run meetings, and have never called in due to a hangover. Normally I’m more careful about drinking on weeknights.

I shower quickly and grab an English muffin on my way out the door. Stopping by Starbucks, I grab my coffee and walk the block to work. I wish I could enjoy the sunshine but right now I want to curl into a ball in a dark room and take a very long nap. God, I feel like I’m in college again, trying to get over a hangover before having to sit through an hour-long class. Unfortunately for me, that hour-long class has turned into an hour-long meeting that I am in charge of.

Once I’m in the office, I open the doors and close the blinds, blocking the sunlight from killing my mood any more than it’s already been killed. I pull out my phone to check the time and something tugs at my memory. Weird.

Ten minutes until staff shows up. Today’s meeting is nothing new, but I always like to have them prepared for the week to come before Monday. Monday meetings are pointless, because everyone hates Mondays and meetings. Putting both of them together on one day makes everyone hate their boss. I don’t want my employees to hate me.

My company is one of the biggest start-up companies in Chicago. When I was eighteen, I took the advance trust fund money my father gave me for college and invested in a small accounting firm in downtown Chicago. When they made money, I made money. When they lost money, I lost money. I love the thrill of making things grow and grow, and never losing. It soon became an addiction. My ex-wife was there with me the entire time, helping me build the business. Carson and Lewis is approaching its tenth birthday, and each year it’s grown exponentially. We now have offices in twelve major cities in the US, as well as France, Japan, and Australia. My team here, a team of about thirty employees, helps keep an eye on the branch investments, as well as keep an eye out for new possible investments. We have our fingers dipped in about every pool you can think of. From accounting, to lawyers, to daycares, to head shops. Our money is spread everywhere, and we’re currently at the top of the charts for start-up companies you want behind you.

It’s like
, but way more profitable for both parties.

The meeting starts on time and I notice Benton in the back, trying to hide his wounds from the nosey employees. I dare anyone to approach him about it. They’ll be looking for another job faster than they can blink.

Luckily, my crew senses my mood and disperses quickly and quietly after the meeting, leaving me and Benton in the conference room staring at each other.

“The Nova deal gonna go through?” he asks looking at me through one swollen eye.

“Yeah, it looks that way,” I say wanting to apologize to him but not finding the words. Instead I find something else to fill the awkward silence, “How are you doing?” I nod to his wounds and he chuckles and shakes his head.

“Been better. Glad I’ve got a few days to recoup. Carly was pissed, but once she sees the money, she’ll be fine,” he says, then stands and nods at me.

“It’ll be in your desk by two,” I promise, then nod at him as he walks out of the conference room.

By noon, I’m starving, angry, and so sexually frustrated that I consider calling in one of the interns for a little release, but I can’t. Something is stopping me from it. I send an email out, informing everyone that I’ll be out of the office for an hour or so, then head outside to grab some lunch. On the elevator ride down, I pull out my phone to check my messages.

That’s when my stomach drops.

Shit, what did I do last night?

From the looks of it, I called her and texted her four times. I either grew a fucking vagina or I was incredibly shitfaced last night to not remember that. How could I be so stupid?!? And how the hell did I even get her number?!?

For my entire lunch, I sit alone at a table outside, watching people pass by, and for the first time in a very long time, I can’t get a girl off my mind. Maybe it’s because she has a fight in her that most women don’t have when they get around me. Maybe it’s that she pushed me away, which makes the game of cat and mouse even more thrilling. Either way, she’s embedded herself into my memory and doesn’t even know it.

Making it back to the office, I see my winnings envelope on my desk, discreetly tucked inside an inner office delivery envelope and smile. At least they still know what they’re doing. I open it, expecting the bills to spill out, but instead I get a pile of pictures and a note. What the hell?

Opening the note first, I look around to make sure there’s no one watching me.  The handwriting is sketchy, but it’s not hard to make out:

You should have listened to us.

That’s it. And there’s no Goddamned money! Shit!

The pictures are of me outside walking Thor last night after the fight. Most of them are from afar, which means they didn’t have access to a long-range zoom, or they want me to think that. The last few are of Benton and Carly.

What. The. Fuck.

I shake my head and look at the clock. It’s only one, I can get his cash to him in time still. Sending Reese an email to forward B a note to get to my office, then to transfer a thousand into his account, I sit back and sigh. I know she’s good for it, and I know she’s not going to tell anyone. That’s why she’s the best secretary in the city of Chicago. Because she keeps to herself and does what she’s told, no questions asked. If only all women were like that. I bet Annaliese is.

I get a text as Benton walks in the room, and as much as I’m itching to see if it’s her responding, I don’t. I can’t seem too eager with her, and I’ve already proven myself to be a pussy when it comes to waiting for her.

“What’s up, man?” he asks as he shuts the door behind him. I darken the glass and put my phone on hold, locking the door with my remote.

He looks around then whistles, “Damn, what’d I do?”

“Here,” I say shoving the envelope at him.

He’s confused, but he takes it and opens it. His eyebrows pull together at each image, and when he gets to the bottom of the pile to the pictures of him and Carly, he’s red-faced and furious.

“What the fuck, Adam?” he growls

“Listen, I don’t know who sent these, but I have my suspicions. Vick doesn’t spread word about fights openly, so it has to be coming from the inside. From the way he seems to hate you, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were him sending these threats, just to throw you off your game and get you beaten down enough to lose so bad you don’t come back.”

“Right.... But I don’t see him doing that.”

“He’s fucking nuts, B. You didn’t really let him see you ogling his daughter, did you?”

“No, man! I’m married! I just—“

“Couldn’t take your eyes off those damn legs?” I mumble out loud and he laughs sharply.

“So you’ve noticed, too, huh? Damnit, she’s—“

“Fucking beautiful.” Damnit, I said that out loud too, didn’t I?

“You need to tell me something, A?”

He’s watching me curiously, and I could tell him. Hell, he probably already knows, but I feel like telling him would make him an accessory if Vick ever found out about what I did. That’s just too risky; I’d hate to put him in more danger than he already is.

“Nah,” I shake my head and pin my gaze back on him. “They didn’t send the money, which pisses me off, but I’m still transferring money to you so Carly doesn’t leave your ass.” I laugh, knowing she wouldn’t leave him, but hoping I at least spared him a fight or two with her.

“Adam man... you don’t need to do that.”

“I know. But it’s being done as we speak so don’t try and talk me out of it. You’ll still get your cut a soon as the money comes in. Just think of this money as ‘I’m sorry’ money.”

“You didn’t—“

“Shut up and take the damn money. And go home. You seriously do look like shit.”

“Will do. As soon as I follow up with this firm about a new hire they want to bring in. Some new chick, who knows. They seem to be hiring a lot of new people lately, which is great news for our pockets, right?”

“Absolutely,” I answer.

He leaves me to my empty office, closing the door behind him.

I contemplate for the hundredth time today, just getting a girl in here as a stress reliever, but nothing will compare to her, and it pisses me off that my mind even goes there. Hell, my mind hasn’t left there since our encounter a few days ago. Add with the sassy attitude she shot off in the bathroom, she has me completely hooked.

                Shit, I’m screwed with this one.












Chapter 5


It's Friday morning, and by ten a.m. I've hit the gym, had coffee and breakfast, and even showered and gotten ready for the day. I’d gotten so used to getting up for my practicum that I’ve grown used to early rising, and even prefer it. Even when the night before is spent watching sappy movies, crying to your best friend that you’re never going to find that type of love, then falling asleep on the couch with her before the movie’s even over.

The phone rings and I run to the kitchen to where it’s plugged in to answer it before it goes to voicemail. It’s not Adam’s number, and it’s not any other number I know, so I answer as professionally as I can, hoping that this is a call for an interview.

“Hello, this is Annaliese Ryder,” I say trying not to laugh at myself for being so nervous. The person on the other end of this line is human, just like me. I shouldn’t be so nervous.

“Ms. Ryder. This is Deborah Cullings from the Academy of Science and Math. I want to personally thank you for applying for our current open position,” she starts, and I can feel my heartbeat quicken as she goes on. “Unfortunately we have filled the spot this morning. We thank you very much, and wish you well in all of your endeavors.”

“Oh, thanks. You too,” I manage to squeak before the phone call is disconnected.

Well that sucks.

I stare at the phone screen for what feels like hours. My stomach is upset and my head is starting to hurt from trying to hold back the tears. The only good thing about this week so far is that I had amazing sex. I try not to think about whom it was with, or our encounter in the bathroom, because then I’d just get even more depressed that I just happened to screw the most un-eligible person in the state of Illinois. Then my mind would go into a spiral about everything else sucky that has happened this week. From probably blowing my test, to my credit card and ID getting stolen, to me having absolutely no leads on a job; it would all go downhill. So I choose not to think about him.

Mr. Chicago.


“Hey, bitch, who was that?” Gab yawns and reaches for the coffee pot.

“A school where I applied. They already found someone to fill the spot.”

“Oh, baby, I’m sorry.” She hugs me and holds on tight. “You’ll find something. I have faith.”

Easy for her to say as she starts her new job soon.

“Yeah. Thanks,” I manage, not wanting to talk about my situation.

I’m currently pissed at myself for making such a big stink about not needing my dad’s money and doing things on my own. In about a month I’m not going to have enough money to cover rent and my portion of the bills, which scares me. And I don’t like to be scared.

I’ve been that enough in my life.

“So I’m gonna head out and get some new clothes today. You wanna come with me?”

“Yeah, I’d love it. But I need to watch my money if you want me to keep living with you. This jobless wonder needs to save everything she can.”

“Oh, come on! You know you could have a job if you really needed one.” She raises her eyebrows at me and I know exactly what she’s talking about.

Could I really work for my dad? I mean, it’d be money coming in, it couldn’t be that difficult, and it wouldn’t be me going back on my word since technically I’d be making my own money still and not just accepting his handouts. Still, I’d feel like it was a pity job if I took it. Would I be able to live with myself? I spent so much time in school to become an administrator. I love working with kids. Would working in an office make me as happy?

No, the answer is no. However, it will let me stay living here with Gabby.

“I know, Gab. If nothing comes up soon I’ll call him.”

She smiles and hugs me before heading out the door, leaving me all alone and pretty depressed about the route that my life is taking. I could have went for an easier degree to find a job in, but I’m passionate about helping kids, especially in the city of Chicago. There are so many schools that need good educators and great leaders that I felt it was my only option: do something I’m passionate about and help people at the same time.

I walk out to our small balcony and sit at our table, watching the cars move below and start to really think about my life. What if I can’t do what I’m passionate about? What if I have to settle just to have money to survive? Money. It always comes down to money.

Just the thought of money brings me back to my night with Adam. Maybe because he has all the money he’ll ever need. That’s what I tell myself since it's obvious that I haven’t really stopped thinking about him, especially after our little scene in the bathroom. I did text him back yesterday, but only to tell him to stop harassing me. So far it seems like the text worked since he hasn’t tried contacting me anymore and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. As much as I don’t want to admit to myself, there was a small part of me that enjoyed being sought out by him. By the man that most women claw and catfight over just to have drinks together. He was actually seeking me, fighting for me. And I was a total bitch.

Suddenly my phone rings, breaking the dangerous path my thoughts were taking.

“Hey Daddy,” I say smiling into my phone.

“Hey, Baby Girl. How are things going?”

“Fine, I guess.” I sigh, really wishing he hadn’t called.

“What’s wrong, Annie?”

“I got a call from a place I put an application in to today. They already found someone to fill the job. I’m just worried, that’s all.”

“No reason for my little girl to be worried about anything. Tell you what, I’ve got a management position open that you’d be perfect for—“

“Stop, Dad. I don’t want your handout,” I say cutting him off.

“Listen to my offer, Annie,” he grinds out pissed I cut him off. “You have all the requirements for this position. Hell, you’re probably more ready for it than some of the other managers. All you’ll be doing is keeping track of the books on a few drivers, riding along every now and then as checkups on them. Pretty simple stuff. It’s a salaried job, starting at sixty a year and going up from that.”

“Daddy, that’s insane! I can’t do that!”

“You can too, Annaliese. Ryders don’t say they ‘can’t’ do something.”

I sigh and think about his offer. The money would be great. It’s not teaching or working with kids, but it’s a job that’s stable and pays well.

“What if I get an offer for a position at a school while I’m working for you?”

“Then you take it. Hands down. I’m not wanting to lock you into the company if you don’t want it, Annie. I just don’t like my baby girl to worry about money issues.”

What’ve I got to lose?

“Alright. I’ll do it.” I feel so defeated right now.

“Great. I’ll have Lisa e-mail some details to you tonight. And tomorrow night keep open. I know you technically don’t start until Monday, but I want you to ride a route of a Saturday night to get the feel of things.”

“Sounds good, Dad. Thanks.”

“Anything for my baby girl.”

He hangs up and I stare at my phone. Technically, I’m not his baby girl. I’m the older girl. The one that lived.

Feeling completely overwhelmed, I spend the rest of the day cleaning our already spotless apartment. It’s clean, bright, and stupidly quiet. Why the quiet’s making me so mad today I’m not sure, but it really is. There’s too much of nothing happening here. The thought that maybe we need a dog crosses my mind more than once, but I laugh it off. I’m not sure Gab would love a furry creature biting her on the toes all night long.

By the end of the day I’m exhausted from doing absolutely nothing all day. It’s really depressing sitting in a house all alone, all day, with nothing to do but watch TV. I really should find a hobby. Now that school’s over and I’m waiting on my ‘grown up’ life to start, I’m starting to see how much time school work really took up.

The next morning I’m up before the sun again. Throwing on my gym clothes, I opt for an early morning run through the streets of our neighborhood. I love this city. The crisp morning air, the historic buildings mixed with newer construction on one city block. It’s truly a great city to live in, full of all different walks of life.

I grab a coffee and head to the park to sit on a bench and watch the sunrise. I’m glad I stayed with the early rise routine these last few weeks since my practicum ended. It’ll make it so much easier having to get up and be at work by eight when my body’s already used to rising early and leaving the apartment right away. There are people jogging and milling about on the lawn,. The constant traffic of Chicago is starting to pick up. Horns, sirens, train noises. I take it all in, smiling at how lucky I really am.

I spend the rest of my day wandering around the city. I window shop, find a new outfit for tonight, something professional but fun, and grab lunch from a hotdog stand near my apartment. By the time I get back to the apartment, Gabby is already in the middle of... something... with the door hanger on her door knob and music blaring from inside. Just walking by, I hear moans coming from her room. Manly moans. She’s got a man in there. Good for her. Maybe he’ll pay more attention to what she needs than the last girl she was with.

Once I’m back in my bedroom, I can still hear them going at it. Part of me is actually jealous that in the middle of the afternoon she can be as sexually active as she is. The other part is annoyed that I have to hear it.

I grab a change of clothes and head for the shower, turning on the vent and the shower radio to drown out the moans and other noises coming from the room down the hall. Only a few hours now until my orientation at my new job. I’m not as depressed about it as I was when first took the job. I know it’s summer vacation, and schools aren’t necessarily hiring right now. I know my dad told me I can get out whenever I need to, if something else were to come around. I’m just going to think of this as a filler job to keep me busy until the time comes for me to start my career.

At six I tell Gab my plans for the night and she hugs me, telling me she’s happy that I won’t become a hobo living in a van down by the river. I laugh and we joke for a few minutes before it’s time for me to head out. My stomach is full of nerves and I’m not really sure why. I’ve met all of my dad’s drivers. We all get along. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ll now be considered a boss to some of them. What if they hate me because of this? What if they don’t like that I’m just waltzing into the company at such a high level? Why am I so nervous?!

The black car is out front waiting for me and I smile when I see Joe step out of the driver’s side door and grin at me. My stomach flops and a genuine grin comes across my face. Tonight’s going to be fun.

“Hey, you,” he drawls as he hugs me lightly then holds me at arm’s length and looks me up and down, whistling. “You’re not technically my boss ‘til Monday, right?”

“Right.” I grin at him, waiting for the inappropriate comment to fly from his beautiful lips.

“Great. Then I don’t feel bad for telling you that you look so fucking delicious tonight.”

“Why thank you, Joe,” I say and give a joking curtsy towards him as he shakes his head at me. His eyes lock with mine and for a second I feel like he’s going to kiss me, but he looks down just before I go in for the kill.

“Right. So we need to get movin’. A lot of important people are waiting on us to be on time tonight.”

I nod and he helps me into the passenger seat, then leans over to help me buckle in, getting so close I can feel his breath on my shoulder as he slowly stretches the belt and clicks it in place.

“There. Safe,” he murmurs and his lips part when his eyes quickly flash to my light pink, glossy lips.

“Thanks,” I whisper enjoying this game we’re playing. I already feel the heat pooling between my legs. This man knows how sexy he is, and he knows what he does to me.

Not quite as good as my night with Adam, but I’m starting to believe nothing will ever come close to that again.

Joe backs away slowly and shuts the door, only breaking eye contact when the door closes tight. He moves swiftly into the driver’s seat and turns to full on business mode. For the next four hours we drive around the city, picking up the rich, some famous, and some incredibly drunk patrons. I’ve always wondered how my dad makes so much money on just a chauffeur business, but seeing the clientele tonight I’m a little more at ease that it’s just because they have the money to throw away.

Growing up, my friends always made cruel jokes that my dad was involved in more than just driving people around. There were always whispers about him being someone that the law didn’t even want to mess with, but I never saw that side of him. I always saw the family man who loved his daughters... daughter. The man who loved his wife and worked his ass off to provide for them. Seeing the people he pretty much works for, my mind is put at ease that he isn’t some mobster thug that steals money from people.

We drop off the last client for the night and Joe sighs as he shuts his car door.

“This shit isn’t easy.” I smile at him as his head falls back on the headrest and his eyes close. As soon as he opens his mouth to reply, his phone rings.

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