Just Go

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Authors: M. Dauphin

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M. Dauphin

Just Go
© May 2015 by M. Dauphin


All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.


This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.




Cover design © 2015 Katie Lee

Edited by: Karen McVino

First Edition May 2015


Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.


In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

To my grandma.

The old ‘scutter’.











“Sir, are you sure you want to do this?” Seth asks, attempting to warn me from the situation.

“Shut the hell up and help me with these bags, Seth. I don’t pay you to play mother hen,” I growl at him as I haul my bags out of the hotel I’ve been staying in for the last few months.

That’s right. A mother fucking hotel.

My ex-wife decided that our third wedding anniversary would be a fantastic time to introduce me to her boyfriend. Ever since I found him blowing his load inside of my wife, I’ve been living in a suite in the Thompson Chicago. I’m Adam Callahan. The price of this suite hasn’t bothered me; it’s the fact that it’s been so damn far from my work that I’ve had double the travel time than I’d like just to get to work in the morning.

Today I finally get out. I’m a free man. Free from the hotel, free from my marriage, and free from the congestion of Chicago traffic. A high-rise downtown is the perfect place for me, and my penthouse renovation is finally finished. All I need to do is sign the papers, grab a few drinks, and celebrate the only way I really know how: booze, friends, and hot fucking sex.

Seth shakes his head at me as I dip into the backseat of the car, waiting to sit in traffic for yet another half hour just to get to the lawyer's office. He knows what I’m about to do; that I’m about to throw the preverbal brick through the window and shatter anything she thought she was getting from me. Since he’s always been a huge fan of Dianne, he’s tried talking me out of it for a month now. That’s not what I pay him for though. I pay him to drive me to where I need to be, which he used to do very nicely until the divorce happened. I’ve wondered plenty of times about the two of them enjoying each other’s company more than I thought they did, but I really don’t care to know that truth. I just want Dianne and my marriage to her in my past, or as much of it than can be. Thank Christ this is the final time I’ll be making this trip. My phone buzzes in my pocket but I ignore it. I’m sure it’s my mom, trying to show me the comfort and support she thinks I need today. Really, I’m just done with all of this. If I could move away, I would, but being at the top of my game and owning my own company really makes it hard to relocate right now.

The car starts to swerve in and out of traffic, trying to make it to the lawyer’s office before Dianne, not wanting to give her any more reasons to bitch. I lay my head back on the seat and close my eyes, going over the last time we met in front of the lawyers. She’s apparently not happy about the divorce settlement, but that’s what happens when you get married young and sign a pre-nup that you never read without ever thinking divorce would come knocking. I smile to myself, knowing that she can’t touch any of my money I’ve made since the start of our company, and look forward to seeing her reaction today when my lawyer hands her the final offer. She’s going to be livid. Not that I care though. I did nothing wrong in our relationship. She’s the cheating whore.

Finally we pull up in front of the building on North LaSalle and I wait for Seth to open my door, taking one final breath of fresh air before the Chicago city air hits me. Opening my door, I nod at Seth and walk towards the large glass doors one final time. A leggy brunette in a hot as shit polka-dot dress rushes in ahead of me, giving me time to admire the legs that don’t seem to end and the shiny black heels that are screaming to be the only thing this girl is wearing. Her long hair cascades in waves down her back, and her bright pink bra strap makes my mind go to all kinds of places it hasn’t been in a while.

Grinning to myself, I start to make my move, just as she speeds up her pace and throws herself into the arms of a guy in a cheap-ass, ill-fitted suit. Oh come on, I’m so much better than that douche. She’s too hot for that guy. What has this world come to?

“Mr. Callahan?” I hear my name being called from behind me and, remembering why I’m in this building in the first place, replace my shock with a mask of impassiveness and turn to face Dianne’s lawyer.

“Knightly,” I say, and nod curtly at her. This one is ruthless. I’ve been a saint this whole divorce process, not once even having sex with anyone so they wouldn’t be able to throw infidelity at me. Jesus, my hand can only do so much. If I don’t find a piece of ass as soon as today is over, I may end up with blue balls for eternity.

“Right this way. Dianne should be here any minute,” she states curtly as she turns and walks towards one of the conference rooms.

I smile inwardly, reveling in the fact that I am, for once, early to one of these pointless meetings. Not that I’m not taking this divorce seriously, but I have way too many other things on my plate to worry about making it to a divorce preceding hearing on time. I’m Adam Callahan. They can, and will, wait on me.

We walk into the room and I take my seat next to my lawyer, smiling and nodding swiftly as I sit. Once Knightly walks out of the room to wait for Dianne, my lawyer, Anthony, turns and glares at me.

“You aren’t making my job easy today, Adam. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Why is everyone questioning my motives today? Of course I want to, or I wouldn’t have had her sign the agreement.

“I’m paying you the best rates in the entire city of Chicago. I’m paying you to do a good job, not to have an easy one.” I look into his eyes and he nods slowly. Accepting the fact that I’m not backing down, no matter how ugly this is about to get.

“Alright. You know she’s going to flip a shit, though, right?” he warns and I smile.

“She shouldn’t have been so stupid and should have actually read the thing when it was given to her. I can’t wait to watch her reaction,” I say honestly. “You think we should videotape it? It’d be great for YouTube.”

Anthony laughs and shakes his head, “Yes, that’s true. It’d also be terrible PR for your firm, and it’s already taking a hit with the divorce of the founders. I’m not sure you want something else clouding up the already foggy future of your company.”

I glare at him for a moment, and before I can tell him to fuck off, the door swings open and Dianne walks in with her lawyer tailing behind. Looking at her, I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t ruin her day today.

At one point, I thought I loved my wife. I thought I was happy. She was hot and I was horny. We fucked often and it was good, no complaints. She is smart in the business world and helped get our company to the place it is now, so I thought we were a good fit. What I didn’t take into consideration, however, was the complete lack of emotion she’s had towards this whole divorce. I was completely devastated when I found her in bed with someone else. I guess I thought we were partners for life. How I was wrong. The moment her eyes hit mine as he was finishing inside her, when she grinned at me while his orgasm ripped through him, unaware that I was even there, that’s when I knew she never loved me. That’s when my mind started working logically for the first time in years. My thoughts immediately went to my assets:
my car, house, and money

I realized then that I never loved her.

I’m not really sure what true love is.

And I’m not entirely sure I care to find out.











Chapter 1


8 months later

My head is pounding and even through the darkest tinted sunglasses I have, the sunlight is glaring at me, taunting me, reminding me how stupid I was to go out and party the night before the biggest test I’ll ever take, and I haven’t even left my apartment yet! I groan and throw back the aspirin left for me and swallow, enjoying the smooth taste of the most perfectly prepared coffee I’ve drank in a very long time. Being on a budget sucks the life out of my usual Starbucks trips.

I grab my bag and remember that my ID and a credit card are currently in the hands of strangers, thanks to the asshole that stole it last night. Jesus, last night was rough. Cursing to myself, I check the clock to make sure I have time before I have to leave, then log into my online accounts to cancel the number of the card that was stolen. Luckily, nothing had been purchased on it yet, but it still makes me wary that they would try. This also means I’m going to need to head to the DMV and get a new license. Just freaking great.

First things first. I need to ace this test.

Opting to walk to campus this morning, as much as I’d rather be lazy and take a cab, I throw on a pair of shorts, slip on my Toms, and grab my messenger bag. I need to clear my head from last night. I told Gabby that I really didn’t want to stay out late because I had a final this morning and needed to go home before I got too drunk. None of that mattered in the end. She got trashed before I did and can be so hard to deal with drunk that I just kept on going so I didn’t have the confrontation I knew would happen.

When it finally did, I gave up and told her I was going home. She was pissed, and the only thing that saved me was the beautiful man that walked onto that bus. The man who made me feel things last night I never thought I’d want to feel. Things I never thought I’d be able to feel. The beautiful man that left me coffee and a very mysterious note this morning on my counter. How in the world he knew I had a final this morning is beyond me. All the note said was ‘Good luck on your final.’

What the hell is that all about?

I was drunk, but I’m pretty sure I never mentioned that fact that I’m still technically in college. Sure, graduation is next week so it’s not like I’m a freshman. Though, something tells me a guy like him wouldn’t typically take a girl home if he knew she was still in college studying to be a school teacher.

No, this man knew something I didn’t. We met randomly when he kicked the ass of my attacker, then a few hours later when he walked onto the party bus ready to rip the driver a new ass for being in the way, our eyes met and everything around us stopped. I knew I felt something for him in that dark alley, but seeing him with his three-piece suit and jacket over his arm with his sleeves rolled up showing a full sleeve tattoo; holy hot. I still remember the way he demanded control last night. Just the way he spoke without touching me at all had me completely at his will.

“You better learn to walk better than that, sweetheart. I’m not sure I’m able to wait until we get to your place to show you everything I want to do to you.”

If that’s not bad enough, my mind decided now’s as good a time as any to replay what he did to me once we finally made it back to my apartment.

“God damnit.” He hisses as I bring my legs up to his shoulders. Grinning up at him, I reach down, take him into my hand and line him up to enter me.

“Oh shit,” I moan as he enters me. His rhythm damn near perfect, his moans in sync with mine. I feel him growing more and more tense as the seconds tick on, and all I can think is that I don’t ever want this to stop. 

Jesus my panties are soaked just thinking about it. I can’t keep thinking like this. I have a test to take in an hour that determines if I’m good enough to become a teacher in the state of Illinois. I paid too much money to take this test, and I’m not about to fail it because I can’t get my mind out of the gutter. Or away from this mystery man. Why can’t I just remember his name? He did tell me, didn’t he? How can I remember everything he did to me, but not his name?

The more I walk, the more I feel the reminder of what we did last night. I smile as I walk through the streets of Chicago towards DePaul University. Even when I lost my virginity, I wasn’t this sore afterwards. I was sore, but it wasn’t a good type of sore. Tyler Fatsini had absolutely no clue what he was doing, so needless to say I wasn’t wet enough, he wasn’t hard enough... it was all just a huge mistake. I cried for days after that, swearing off all men from the Bronx and anyone that lived within a fifty mile radius. Luckily for me, my father moved us to Chicago shortly after so I didn’t have too hard of a time finding someone that fit my qualifications of not being a New Yorker.

No, this sore I’m currently experiencing is all the right kinds of sore from doing everything just right. A soreness that’s a constant reminder of how attentive and amazing a lover mystery man was. Oh-so-hot memories from last night flood through my mind and I may be blushing a bright red thinking of the naughty but so nice things we did as I wait for traffic to slow enough to dart across the street.

He took me like he owned me. The words he used when he spoke to me were so dirty that my panties were going to need to be changed if I kept this up. His grin when he realized I meant what I said when I told him we would try to use all of Gabby’s condoms. I’ll never be able to look at our counter again without letting a sly, knowing grin escape my lips. Which reminds me, I really need to disinfect the countertop when I get home today as Gabby will freak out if she finds out about my hot night sexing up kitchen counter with Mr. Wonderful.  Not that she’d be surprised, but I’m just not sure she wants her next sandwich to have a hint of Annaliese ass to it.

The light finally changes and I hurry across the street before the little light starts flashing orange again. Jesus, it’s like they expect you to run across full speed just to make it to the other side before the light turns. I sigh when I see an old man trying to make it and lightly jog back to help him across before traffic buries him alive. Chicago traffic in the morning rush hour is brutal. We make it across the street just as traffic starts to buzz by us and he smiles at me, thanking me profusely.

“Very nice young lady. Very nice. Don’t see that often enough around here,” he carries on as he walks away from me, still smiling.

At least I can make someone feel good today. I still have a splitting headache, and if I don’t hustle, I’m going to be late for the most important test I’ve ever had to take.

No pressure, Annaliese.

Rushing the last few blocks to campus, I nearly run like an Olympic sprinter about to cross the finish line, but I hold back and make it to my exam room with just minutes to spare. Grabbing my seat after signing in, I try to calm my mind from the thoughts that wouldn’t stop running through it the entire walk here. Thoughts from last night.

The way he talked to me, so forceful, so domineering. No one has ever treated me like that before and I feel like a new woman. Maybe my recent break up from Rob
was really the best thing that could’ve happened to me. Now I’m free to explore this new side of me. A side I wasn’t sure I’d ever have.

“Alright, phones and notes away, pencils out,” the test coordinator announces as she starts to go over the rules of the test.

I’ve never understood how a paper and pencil test could show whether someone’s going to be a great educator or not, but it is what it is. I start the test, answering the questions I’ve been preparing for for months now. Getting half way through the test, I look at the clock. It’s already been an hour and I only have one more before time is up and I have to turn it in, finished or not. My head is pounding and it’s insanely hard to concentrate right now due to the hangover and incessant memories from last night running through my head.

What’s wrong with me? I’ve had sex plenty of times. Why was last night so different? Why can’t I get this mystery guy out of my head!?

With fifteen minutes left of the test, I finish up my final answer and skim for errors, then rush it to the proctor and get the hell out of there. I’ve never liked tests, never liked silent rooms. I just can’t do it.

Walking outside, I’m met with a completely different day than I faced before my test. The clouds have rolled in, the wind’s picked up, and it’s starting to sprinkle. Shit! There’s no way I’m walking home in weather like this. I’ll either end up sick, or with my luck, it’ll start to downpour halfway through my walk and I’ll end up looking like a drowned rat. No thanks. A cab is way safer right now. I go to grab my wallet but remember I spent all my cash from last night and don’t currently have a credit card since the asshole from the alley stole my clutch. No, this can’t be happening. I was having such a fantastic day when I woke up. Up until I had to start moving around, my day was wonderful hanging out in bed and trying to memorize everything that happened last night.


I hate to do this because I’ve made it clear to him that I can make my own way in this world, but obviously can’t do that today. I pull out my phone to call my dad and he picks up on the first ring, all business.

“Vick,” he snaps into his phone.

“Hey, Daddy,” I smile as I speak, trying to hide the fact that I’m about to beg him for help.

“Oh. Oh my, Annie? God, baby girl, I’m sorry. Hey how’d your test go this morning?” His demeanor went from all business to all fatherly the minute he realized he was talking to his only daughter.

“Oh, uh.... It went good. Thanks,” I say shuffling my feet as I sit on a bench under the awning of the school.

“Good, good. You’re going to do great things in this world, Annie. I’m so proud of you,” he beams and I cringe. I hate that nickname but he’s been calling me that since I was five years old, so with him I let it slide.

“Thanks, daddy. Hey... I walked to school this morning for the test....” I trail off as he starts in on me.

“What do you mean you walked? If your car isn’t working you should have called me, Annaliese. We Ryders don’t need to be walking around the city alone,” he growls at me and I shake my head in disgust. How can being the CEO and founder of the biggest chauffer company in Chicago make it dangerous for me to walk to school? He’s always been too over-protective of me. I get it. Losing my sister when she was ten took a toll on the whole family, but I’m a grown woman now. I can defend myself.

Last night in the alley was just a fluke.

Oh God, now I’m thinking about mystery man again. He looked insanely familiar, but I was also pretty drunk. His hands were so perfect. His eyes... his cock. GAH! I wish I could just see him in the daylight. Maybe then I’d see him without my drunk goggles and not be obsessing over him.

“Annie, are you still there? Did you hear me?” my dad asks, breaking into my daydream.

“What? Yeah!? Sorry, Daddy.” He’s always been a sucker for the ‘daddy’ card and I’ve learned how to play it well. “It’s gonna rain, Daddy. Can I use a car... please? Straight to the apartment, I swear.”

Last time I asked him for a car, Gab and I ended up going out for about ten too many drinks and we coerced the driver to join us. He was a blast. I wonder what ever happened to him after my father fired him.

“Do you not have the money for a cab?” he asks worriedly.

“Uh,” I can’t tell him about what happened last night. He would assign me a personal bodyguard for sure. “No, I left it at home.”

I hear my dad sigh, then hear the computer clicking away in the background. I smile because I know as much as he wants to tell me no, he’s going to say yes. He always does.

“You’re still on campus, right?”

“Yup!” I stand and start walking towards the door knowing he’s going to have a car here for me any minute.

“Great. Joe will be right around to get you. He’s just a block away right now.” The phone disconnects and I smile to myself.

Score! I should be upset with myself that I had to call on my dad to help after making such a big stink about being independent, but I can’t get down-poured on today. Tonight we’re going out and the last thing I need is to have a cold from the rain.

Standing just inside the door, I wait until the black Cadillac
pulls up and Joe gets out, smiling at me as he runs to open my door. I run towards the car, holding on to my purse tightly so it doesn’t get rain-spotted, and duck into the open car. When Joe gets back into the driver seat he turns and smiles.

Oh this boy can melt my panties any day.

“Hey, Sweets. How’d the test go?” he smiles as he starts the car.

“How the hell did you know about that!?” It’s like everyone around me knows everything I’m doing.

“Your father won’t stop talking about you. It’s annoying really. He’s so proud of you, Annaliese.”

“Ah, I should have known. Well thank you, it went terrible. I couldn’t clear my mind of other... things. I’m just praying I passed so I don’t have to take it again.”

And so I don’t have to face the wrath of my father, but I’d rather not think about that.

“I bet you did fine. So what’re you up to today now that you’re a free woman and all?” he asks as he pulls out into mid-day Chicago traffic.

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