Jude Devine Mystery Series (109 page)

Read Jude Devine Mystery Series Online

Authors: Rose Beecham

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Lesbian Mystery

BOOK: Jude Devine Mystery Series
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Jude picked up a handgun. Beretta M9s were standard issue for Hawke’s men, and in addition to these, he kept a range of other sidearms including the SIG Sauer P226 and the Kimber Custom. Magazines and boxes of ammunition were stored along the top shelves above various mortars, fuses, primers, detonator cords, standard and flash-bang grenades. She assumed Hawke stored his explosive compounds somewhere other then the house he slept in.

“How many men do you have here?” she asked.

“Twenty present today.”

“And the ASS?”

“No more than six.” Hawke opened a security door that led to a concrete entry hall. Beyond this lay an armored exterior exit. He opened this, inviting, “

A Hakenkreuz Commando unit stood to stiff attention in the dusty yard. One of them saluted and snapped forward. Jude could feel the sneaky appraisal from the ranks but sensed a more respectful reception than usual, perhaps in response to her attire. In deference to Hawke, she’d chosen black pants and top and a black ballcap, and she wasn’t carrying her usual Glock. Instead she wore her favorite six-gun on a low-slung belt, a neat line of .38 ammo gleaming from the cartridge loops.

The Model 19 was a gleaming nickel-plated tribute to days gone by. It had been her father’s revolver, passed to her when she graduated from the FBI Academy. Jude loved its the elegant lines and custom wood grips. The Smith & Wesson also had wonderful balance and a smooth, classic action. Shooting from the hip wasn’t exactly a guarantee of accuracy, but she could blow a few tin cans off a fence, playing gunfighter. This being the twenty-first century, her shootout chic was spoiled by sunglasses, hiking boots, and a cell phone, but Jude could still daydream.

“We’ll need a reconnaissance team and a tactical assault group,” Hawke commanded the troops, rudely interrupting her nostalgic contemplation of Old West traditions.

While the neo-Nazis busied themselves preparing for their version of a showdown, Jude strolled around the compound perimeter, stopping occasionally to practice her draw. She would be glad when today’s unfolding drama was over and she could clear another objective from the clutter of her mind. Returning the 19 to its holster, she glanced back at Hawke, who was demonstrating the MP5.

Whatever happened at Lone Burro, Jude hoped she would be firmly cemented in Hawke’s trust and affection and could extract the information her masters sought. They would want her to keep stringing him along, but the day was approaching when he would expect bedroom perks. Jude was only willing to take the “personal sacrifice” ethos so far. If making a graceful exit meant leaving the Bureau, she would.

Sheriff Pratt would offer her a real job if she asked, and life would be a lot less complicated. She could buy herself a little house on a few acres, get a horse, adopt one of the shelter mutts Bobby Lee’s mom was always hinting about, and find a real girlfriend. She wasn’t getting any younger. It was time to stop obsessing over Mercy and accept that some things weren’t meant to be.

Jude blinked as a needle of intense light pierced her peripheral vision. In the same split second a sharp, distinctive whiz carved the air a few feet ahead of her and a bullet careened into the yellow earth.

She hit the deck, yelling, “Get down!”

A couple more shots ricocheted off a storage shed about twenty feet away. Jesus. Had Aidan Hill summoned the big boys to take Hawke out so no one could stand in the way of the ASS attack? If so, she was taking career advancement way too seriously.

Jude stared around. She was hopelessly exposed on flat terrain with no place to duck for cover. The men at the rear of the compound were taking positions. Most had stampeded into the house. There was no sign of Hawke. So much for gallantry.

Cursing beneath her breath, she belly-crawled toward the shed. The way things were going, it was probably the explosives repository. Several more bullets skittered around her. Jude spotted one of them and scraped it into her hand. It was a .243. FBI snipers typically fired .308 Winchester rounds.

She made it behind the shed and hunkered there, trying to get a sense of the situation. The shots only seemed to be coming from one area. Jude got to her feet and brushed herself off. She drew her pistol, although there didn’t seem to be much point. She couldn’t see who was shooting at her. Wiping dust off the barrel, she thought about calling the sheriff for assistance, but her presence on the compound would take some explaining.

She peered around the corner of the shed. At that moment, she heard someone running and Hawke fell in next to her carrying a Kevlar vest.

“Thank God you’re alright.” He was pale. “Here, put this on,

“Do you have some binoculars?” she asked.

“Inside the house. We can’t stay here. This shed has a gasoline storage tank in it.”


“My men are ready to cover us.”

He flicked a hand around and Jude realized he knew how to defend his compound. Shooters were in position in most of the rooms inside the house. None made easy targets.

“You first,” he said. “I’ll cover you from behind.”

Jude nodded. “Ready when you are.”

Seconds later she was running toward the front of the house in a deafening storm of gunfire. It occurred to her that if Hawke wanted to take her out, this was his opportunity. The fact that she made it in the door alive spoke highly of her undercover skills. Evidently he trusted her.

Catching her breath, she holstered the 19 and said, “Who in hell is attacking us?”

One of the men checking assembling weapons and ammunition in Hawke’s living room answered, “The ASS,

Hawke waved his cell phone. “Another text message from those traitors. They’re demanding we submit to their leadership.”

“Or they’re going to shoot everyone?” Jude was incredulous.

“They want this compound,” Hawke said. “Preemptive strike”

A young Hakenkreuzer scurried in. “There’s a Hummer approaching,
Herr Oberst

Hawke continued to study his phone. “They want a meeting.”

“And the negotiations begin with gunfire?”

Hawke paused to gaze up at the Führer portrait, probably wondering,
What would Hitler do?
He made his decision and announced, “I’ll speak to them, but a leader doesn’t allow compromises that harm the movement.”

He sent a text message, summoned a handful of men, and moved to the door. To Jude, he said, “Stay in the house,

With that he stepped outside and a couple of the men opened the gates. A Hummer swept into the compound and disgorged the ASS leadership. Jude felt deeply uneasy as she watched the discussion from a viewing shaft in the front windows. The Hakenkreuzer standing next to her had his M4 trained on the men.

“We’re meant to be fighting for the same thing,” he said grimly. “But these chickenshits don’t know the meaning of loyalty.”

Their voices were raised and every man had his hands on his sidearm. Jude checked her watch. By now Hill was probably staking out Lone Burro. It was time to let her know that the situation was fluid.

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind when a shot rang out and the scene in front of her devolved into chaos. Hawke was down. Men ran in all directions, trading gunfire. The Hakenkreuzers in the house started yelling and shooting. A man tried to drag Hawke to cover, but he was hit.

Jude thought,
Christ, Arbiter’s going to fucking kill me

Resigned to the inevitable, she grabbed an MP5 submachine gun, shouldered it, and charged out the front door. Firing continuously, she ran to Hawke, hooked her free hand in the shoulder of his vest, and dragged him back toward the house. The distinctive thwack-thwack-thwack of the MP5 resounded in her ears along with volleys from Hawke’s men. A couple of Hakenkreuzers emerged from the doorway and hauled their leader the final few feet inside. She backed up after them, spraying the Hummer with fire.

As the front door slammed closed, she dropped to her knees next to Hawke, took his pulse, and ripped away his vest.

“We’re calling 911,” she said to gasps of consternation. “Second thought, the ambulance won’t find this place.”

Hawke said weakly, “You have my absolute devotion and—”

“Not now, Harrison,” she interrupted, throwing her car keys to one of the faithful. “Bring my Dakota around to the back door. The rest of you, provide cover until I get Mr. Hawke out of here. Then it’s time for all of you to vanish. I’m calling the feds.”




“Well, this is just lovely.” Aidan Hill marched back and forth in the hospital waiting area. “I have four bodies. No ricin. And the Telluride Film Festival will probably sue us.”

“On the bright side, you look really hot in your SWAT gear,” Jude said.

“What were you doing out there?” Hill regarded her with narrow-eyed suspicion.

“I told you. MCSO liaison.”

“Dressed for the gunfight at the OK Corral?” Hill threw up her hands. “Please. Don’t insult my intelligence.”

“You’ll find the ricin,” Jude said wearily. “I think it’s in a storage pod at one of their houses.”

“Something else you overheard?”


Hill dragged her hand dramatically through her hair. “Something smells bad.”

“What’s the problem?” Jude asked. “You’ve arrested all the ASS who weren’t dead. The Bureau didn’t kill anyone. The film festival is safe from terror. You can go public with an announcement about foiling the plot. Everyone gets what they want.”

“This situation went completely out of control,” Hill said.

“The glass half empty,” Jude mumbled.

“I expected more of you.”

“Well, we both know what a disappointment that can be,” Jude said.

Hill stomped around some more, and Jude considered the idea of sleeping with her again. Maybe there was enough anger to make for passion.

“Don’t even think about it.” Hill glowered at her.

“I can’t help myself. You have a very attractive ass.”

“God, I wish I could arrest you.”

Jude turned on the charm. “That might be fun.”

“Do you think this is some kind of joke?”

“If you must know—”

“Don’t try me. I’m not a patient woman.” Hill fell silent as a doctor approached.

He said, “I’m Dr. Samuel Bettelheim.”

A coughing fit overcame Hill. Bright red, she apologized.

Jude managed an expression of polite interest. She did not ask
So, how’s your neo-Nazi patient doing?

“Mr. Hawke is in stable condition,” the doctor informed them. “He’s asking for Ms. Devine.”

“Thanks, Doctor. I’ll ask one of the nurses to show me in.” With a sweet smile at Hill, Jude said, “I guess you’ll be packing up and heading home soon.”

Still brooding, Hill promised, “This is not over. I’m looking into your story, Devine.”

“Whatever. I have to go now.” Jude took the agent by both hands, jerked her forward, and kissed her on the mouth. “Take care of yourself.”

As she walked away, Hill came after her.

“Jude?” She hesitated. “Whatever you’re doing out here, be careful.”

Chapter Nineteen

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