Jude Devine Mystery Series (103 page)

Read Jude Devine Mystery Series Online

Authors: Rose Beecham

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Lesbian Mystery

BOOK: Jude Devine Mystery Series
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“This unfortunate situation calls for a creative approach. Obviously, I’m going to dump Bobby Lee’s ass.”

Loyally, her deputy said, “He’s sure asking for it.”

“So, we have an opportunity.”

Tulley squinted. “How’s that?”

“You’re going to circulate the story that I came around here all riled up and tore him a new one because I found out he’s been seeing a woman in Durango.”

“That’ll work. Everyone already knows about her.”

Jude produced a shocked expression. “Do you mean to tell me Mrs. Sherman isn’t the only one?”

Tulley gulped. “I thought you knew.”

“Apparently I’m the last person to find out my boyfriend’s still up to his old tricks.” Jude heaved a loud, self-pitying sigh. “How embarrassing.”

“I know for a fact those women don’t mean a thing to him,” Tulley blurted.

Jude treated this thin consolation with the contempt it deserved. “I’ve had about all I can take. I’m going back in there.”

Tulley hurried to stand in her path, his dark amber eyes flashing in panic. “Don’t do something you’ll regret. He’s not worth it, boss.”

“Get out of my way,” Jude said. “It’s time he learned his lesson.” She shoved Tulley aside, noting, “You’ve packed on some muscle, Deputy.”

As he beamed into the mirror at the end of the hall, she threw open the door to the master bedroom and pointed at Crystal Sherman. “You, get out of here and go make nice to your husband before he finds out he married a slut. As for you”—while Crystal looked on in horror, she spun Bobbie Lee around and handcuffed him—“you’re coming with me.”

“What are you going to do to him?” Crystal whined.

“Want to find out?” Jude produced a spare set of handcuffs and waved them in front of the nympho wife’s startled face. “These are for you if you’re not out of my sight in five seconds.”

As Crystal scuttled from the room, Bobbie Lee said, “I guess this is gonna be all over town and I’ll be a hunted man.”

“Relax,” Jude told him. “We can leave Crystal out of this. It’s that woman in Durango I’m pissed about.”

He craned around at her, his blond cowlick falling across his eyes. “The waitress or the teacher?”

From the doorway, Tulley said, “There’s this program at the United Church. Sexaholics Anonymous.”

“How would you know?” Bobby Lee asked, not unreasonably.

Tulley chose to ignore the question, instead negotiating on his friend’s behalf, asking Jude, “If he promises to join the program, will you let him loose?”

“No.” She hustled Bobby Lee out into the living room and through the front door.

As they reached the Dakota, Gavin Sherman strode out from behind the house, Crystal hanging off his arm. Her breasts heaving beneath her snugly fitting crop-top, she planted her hands on her hips and shrilly informed Bobby Lee, “I bet you’re sorry now, asshole!”

Before Bobby Lee could utter a bemused word, Sherman’s fist connected with his jaw and he sagged against Jude.

“That’s for trying to grope my wife,” the deputy said. With a respectful nod at Jude, he added, “You can consider that a blow in defense of your honor, too, Detective. If there’s one thing I can’t tolerate, that’s a cheat.”

“Fair enough.” Jude signaled Tulley. “Wrap up whatever you’re doing with that hound and meet me at headquarters in an hour. You’re wanted in Telluride.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because none of the FBI agents are handsome enough to charm the organizers.”

Tulley studied her face uncertainly.

Jude said, “That was a joke, Deputy.”

Fidgeting, he asked, “Where are you taking Bobby Lee?”

“Somewhere I can beat him up without witnesses.”

Sherman clapped Tulley across the shoulder. “Hell hath no fury” was his cheerful verdict. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go work that A-frame before you head back.”

As soon as they were out of sight, Jude removed the handcuffs from Bobby Lee and helped him up. “Are you okay?”

He cradled his face. “I’m ruined.”

Jude lifted his hand away to inspect the damage. “You’ll live. Apart from the bloody nose, you’ll just have puffiness and bruising.”

“Oh, that’s just perfect. Did you plan this?” he asked suspiciously.

“No. Did you?”

He shook his head. “Tulley couldn’t handle her, so I intervened.”

“I appreciate that. Sorry about your face.”

“It’s not the first time.” Bobby Lee held out his hand. “Friends?”

“Absolutely.” Jude dropped a quick kiss on his undamaged cheek after the handshake. She’d grown fond of her phony boyfriend in the two years of their fictional relationship. “Stay away from Crystal.”

“You bet your ass I will.” He tried to flash his teeth but winced in pain. “Stay away from Dr. Westmoreland.”

“I’m working on it. Are you going to that goddamned soirée?”

“Yeah, Agatha sweet-talked me into it. Are you?”

“Uh-huh.” Jude had arrived at a brilliant plan. She was going to invite Hill on the pretext that they would be seeing various Telluride Film Festival luminaries and could gather intelligence. In reality, she planned to flaunt Hill in front of Mercy to prove that she’d moved on.

Bobby Lee said, “Unbelievable. I’m going to have a black eye when I meet the beautiful people.”

“You’ll look like a bad boy.”

He grinned crookedly. “Aren’t you tempted by that, my darling?”

Jude laughed. “Get out of here before I blacken the other one.”

Chapter Fifteen

Jude pulled into the CRAP compound slightly after 8:00 a.m. For a Wednesday morning, the place buzzed with frenetic activity. Weary from the past several days, she leaned against her pickup and fought off a yawn. She needed coffee.

“My Valkyrie.” Harrison Hawke strode toward her from amidst a group of fellow fanatics, all in black uniform. They stared as he applied his dry lips delicately to her hand. “I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“I hope this isn’t a bad time.”

His response came creepily close to a simper. “I am entirely at your disposal,
, regardless of the hour.”

He escorted her toward his barricaded dwelling, acknowledging heel clicks and salutes with sharp nods.

“Are you holding a training day?” Jude asked as soon as they were alone in front of the surveillance monitors in the Nazified living room.

“In a manner of speaking.” Hawke removed his black visor cap and dropped to his knees in front of her.

Staring down at his shiny bullet head, Jude thought,
Oh, shit. Here it comes

“Actions speak louder than words,” her suitor intoned. “The pages of the pan-Aryan struggle will be stained in blood and anointed with the honor and courage of those who sacrificed all. Among the names of those who founded the new White Homeland, yours will be emblazoned directly below mine.”

Jude said, “Harrison, what about your knee surgery? We could sit down.”

He gave a sharp, grateful nod and got to his feet with a grunt. They sat in the club chairs opposite the stone fireplace. As though to draw inspiration, Hawke gazed up his painting of Adolf Hitler for several revitalizing seconds. He then clutched Jude’s hand.

“Crucial decisions have been made since we last spoke. A new banner has been erected. The bell tolls and an initiative is underway to eliminate the false obstacles that divide us. We must shake loose the Manchurian candidates draining the lifeblood from our movement.”

So far, the strangest marriage proposal Jude had ever heard.

“The gauntlet has been thrown down.” His voice rose. “Petty dissent and ego-politics must be crushed if we are to usher in a new era. The cop-out of leaderless resistance must be strangled at birth.”

“You’re going to meet with the ASS,” Jude deduced.

Hawke’s fingers poked between hers. They felt like lukewarm breakfast links. He said, “This Sunday. On neutral territory.”


“They proposed Ghost Canyon. I haven’t sent my response yet.”

Jude shook her head. “No, you’re too far from help out there. Access is via a bottleneck. And cell phone signal drops out in the canyon. Sounds like a trap to me.”

She knew the area well, spending at least half her time on calls relating to campsite thefts and missing cattle. The canyons had provided a haven for rustlers and outlaws for the past 150 years. If you wanted to disappear, or make someone else disappear, the opportunities were infinite.

“I have the greatest respect for your feminine instincts.” Hawke finally released her hand so he could fondle the reproduction SS dagger at his side. “Do you have a suggestion?”

“Lone Burro, the old mining camp just outside of Bedrock.”

“I’m not familiar with it.”

“Secluded but accessible. You can Jeep in and out. Close to a main highway. Excellent sniper positions. You can own this venue, Harrison.” She tossed the baited hook. “Perhaps there’s some advice I can offer, since I know the location. I’m willing to accompany you and your men. In plain clothes, of course.”

Hawke’s head flushed pink along with his face. His voice filled with emotion. “
, how can I ask you to take such a risk?”

“There is too much at stake for me not to.”

As she feared, this declaration spurred Hawke to pick up where he’d left off earlier. This time he stood to attention before her.

“Your noble idealism would be an inspiration to any man. For me, it fuels a flame that devours all doubt. In his darkest hours, der Führer reached out to the woman who shared his destiny throughout the greatest struggle of the century. He honored her sacrifice as I honor yours.
, I—”

“Harrison, we serve a higher goal and must never lose sight of that,” Jude interrupted. “The personal cannot be permitted to eclipse the political.”

Hawke drew her to her feet. “And when the two coincide?”

With a sigh, Jude placed a firm hand to his cheek. “The time will come when we can indulge ourselves in dreams, but that time is still in the future.” Allowing a catch to enter her voice, she said, “Sometimes I feel despair.”

He covered her hand with his own. Rare softness infiltrated his watery gaze. “Why,
mein Schatz
Tell me what’s troubling you.”

“It will take more than words to organize the movement. I know you have the backing of a wealthy donor, but it won’t be enough. Even if you can change the mind of the ASS leader and the April unity meeting goes well, how will we finance growth?”

Hawke tucked her arm into his and steered her toward the front door. “Put your mind at ease. We’re not alone. The vision of a White Homeland has mobilized many across the globe, and a network of supporters is now channeling funds to my organization.”

Jude gave him an uncertain smile.

Hawke couldn’t resist a boast. “The CRAP is going to enter a business arrangement with my contacts in Argentina. The profits we earn will support our growth and fund the CPA.”

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