Journey of Souls (21 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

BOOK: Journey of Souls
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S: (in a soft tone) She is Idis.

Dr. N: It sounds to me as if you have a high regard for her. Do you communicate well with Idis?

S: Yes I do-not that we don’t have our disagreements.

Dr. N: What is the main area of conflict between the two of you?

S: She doesn’t reincarnate much, and I tell her she should have more direct exposure to current conditions on Earth.

Dr. N: Are you mentally in tune with Idis to such an extent that you know all about her background training as a guide?

S: (shakes head while pondering) It isn’t that we can’t ask questions … but we can only question what we know. Idis reveals to me what she thinks is relevant to my own experience.

Dr. N: Are guides able to screen their thoughts so you can’t read their minds completely?

S: Yes, the older ones get proficient at that-knowing how to filter things we don’t need to know because this knowledge would confuse us.

Dr. N: Will you learn to filter images?

S: I already have … a little.

Dr. N: This must be why I have had many people tell me they have not been given definitive answers by their guides to all their questions.

S: Yes, and the intent of the question is important … when it was asked and why. Perhaps it was not in their best interests to be given certain information which might disrupt them.

Dr. N: Aside from her teaching techniques, are you fond of Idis in terms of her identity?

S: Yes … I just wish she would agree to come with me… once.

Dr. N: Oh, you would like to actually have an Earth incarnation with her?

S: (grins mischievously) I have told her we might relate better here if she would consent to come to Earth sometime and mate with me.

Dr. N: And what does Idis say to that suggestion?

S: She laughs and says she will think about it-if I can prove to her that it would be productive.

At this junction I ask Nenthum how long Idis has been associated with him and learn she was assigned these three entities when they moved into Level III. Nenthum, Raoul, and Senji are also under the tutelage of a beloved older master guide who has been with them since the beginning of their existence. It would be inaccurate to assume that more advanced spirits lead lonely spiritual lives. This subject told me he was in contact with many souls. Raoul and Senji were simply his closest friends.

Levels III and IV are significant stages for souls in their development because now they are given increased responsibilities for younger souls. The status of a guide is not given to us all at once, however. As with many other aspects of soul life, we are carefully tested. The intermediate levels are trial periods for potential teachers. While our aura is still yellow, our mentors assign us a soul to look after, and then evaluate our leadership performance both in and out of physical incarnations.

Only if this preliminary training is successful are we allowed to function even at the level of a junior guide. Not everyone is suited for teaching, but this does not keep us from becoming an advanced soul in the blue section. Guides, like everyone else, have different abilities and talents, as well as shortcomings. By the time we reach Level V, our soul aptitudes are well known in the spirit world. We are given occupational duties commensurate with our abilities, which I will go into later in this chapter. Different avenues of approach to learning eventually bring all of us to the same end in acquiring spiritual wholeness. The richness of diversity is part of a master plan for the advancement of every soul, and I am interested in how Case 22 is progressing in Level III.

Dr. N: Nenthum, can you tell me if Idis is preparing you to be a guide, assuming you have an interest in that activity?

S: (quick response) I do have an interest.

Dr. N: Oh, then are you developing as a guide yourself?

S: (modestly) Don’t make too much of it. I’m really no more than a caretaker … helping Idis and taking directions.

Dr. N: Do you try and imitate her teaching style?

S: No, we are different. As an apprentice-a caretaker-I couldn’t do what she is able to accomplish, anyway.

Dr. N: When did you know you were ready to be a caretaker and begin assisting others spiritually?

S: It’s an … awareness which comes over you after a great number of lives … that you are more in balance with yourself than previously, and are able to aid people as a spirit and in the flesh.

Dr. N: Are you operating in or out of the spirit world as a caretaker at this time?

S: (has difficulty in forming a response) I’m out … in two lives.

Dr. N: Are you living in two parallel lives now?

S: Yes, I am.

Dr. N: Where are you living in this other life?

S: Canada.

Dr. N: Is geography important to your Canadian assignment?

S: Yes, I picked a poor family in a rural community where I would be more indispensable. I’m in a small mountain town.

Dr. N: Give me the details of this Canadian life and your responsibilities.

S: (slowly) I’m … taking care of my brother Billy. His face and hands were horribly burned by a flash fire from a kitchen stove when he was four years old. I was ten when it happened.

Dr. N: Are you the same age in the Canadian life as you are now in your American one?

S: About the same.

Dr. N: And your prime assignment in the Canadian life?

S: To care for Billy. To help him see the world past his pain. He is almost blind and his facial disfigurement causes him to be rejected by the community. I try to open him to an acceptance of life and to know who he really is from the inside. I read to him and go for walks in the forest holding his arm. I don’t hold his hands because they are so damaged.

Dr. N: What about your Canadian parents?

S: (without boasting) I am the parent. My father left after the fire and never came back. He was a weak man who was not kind to the family even before the fire. My mother’s soul is not very… capable in her body. They need someone with seasoning.

Dr. N: Someone physically strong?

S: (laughing) No, I’m a woman in Canada. I’m Billy’s sister. My mother and brother require someone mentally tough to hold the family together and give them a course to follow.

Dr. N: How do you provide for the family?

S: I am a baker and I’ll never marry, because I can’t leave them.

Dr. N: What is your brother’s major lesson?

S: To acquire humility without being crushed by a life of little self-gratification.

Dr. N: Why didn’t you take the role of your burned brother? Wouldn’t that scenario provide you with the more difficult challenge?

S: (grimacing) Hmm-I’ve already been through that one!

Note: This subject has been physically injured in a number of past lives.

Dr. N: Yes, I suppose you have. I wonder if Billy’s soul was ever involved with physically hurting you in one of your past lives?

S: As a matter of fact, he did in one of them. When I was the sufferer another caretaker stayed with me and I was a grateful receiver. Now it is Billy’s turn and I am here for him.

Dr. N: Did you know in advance your brother was going to be incapacitated before you came into the Canadian life?

S: Sure, Idis and I discussed the whole situation. She said Billy’s soul would require a caretaker, and since I had negative contact with this soul before in another life, I welcomed the job.

Dr. N: Besides the karmic lesson for Billy’s soul, there are some for you too, in terms of your being in the role of a woman who is tied down. You can’t just take off and roam around as you often do in your lives.

S: That’s true. The degree of difficulty in a life is measured by how challenging the situation is for you, not others. For me, being Billy’s caretaker is harder than when I was on the receiving end with another soul as my caretaker.

Dr. N: Give me the most difficult factor of this assignment for you as a caretaker.

S: To sustain a child … through their helplessness … to adulthood … to teach a child to confront torment with courage.

Dr. N: Billy’s life is an extreme example, but it does seem Earth’s children have much physical and emotional pain to go through.

S: Without addressing and overcoming pain you can never really connect with who you are and build on that. I must tell you, the more pain and adversity which come to you as a child, the more opportunity to expand your potential.

Dr. N: And how are things working out for you as a caretaker in Canada?

S: There is a more difficult set of choices to be made in the Canadian family-unlike my American life. But, I have confidence in myself … to put my comprehension to practical use.

Dr. N: Did Idis encourage or discourage your wanting to accelerate development by living parallel lives?

S: She is always open about this … I haven’t done it too much in the past.

Dr. N: Why not?

S: Life combinations can be tiring and divisive. The effort may become counter-productive with diminished returns for both lives.

Dr. N: Well, I see that you are helping people in both your lives today, but have you ever lived contrasting lives where you did poorly in one life and better in another at the same time?

S: Yes, although that was a long time ago on Earth. This is one of the advantages of life combinations. One life can offset the other. Still, doing this can be rough going.

Dr. N: Then why do the guides permit parallel lives?

S: (scowling at me) Souls are not in a rigid bureaucratic environment. We are allowed to make mistakes in judgement and learn from them.

Dr. N: I have the impression you think the average soul is better off living one life at a time.

S: I would say yes, in most instances, but there are other motivations to cause us to speed up incarnations.

Dr. N: Such as … ?

S: (amused) The rewards for bunching up lives can allow for more reflection out of incarnation.

Dr. N: You mean the rest periods between lives might last longer for us after concurrent lives?

S: (smiles) Sure, it takes longer to reflect on two lives than one.

Dr. N: Nenthum, I just have a couple more questions on the mechanics of soul-splitting. How do you see the manner in which you divide your soul energy into various parts?

S: We are … as particles … of energized units. We originated out of one unit.

Dr. N: What was the original unit.

S: The maker.

Dr. N: Does each part of your soul remain intact, complete within itself?

S: Yes, it does.

Dr. N: Do all parts of our soul energy go out of the spirit world

when we incarnate?

S: Part of us never leaves, since we do not totally separate from the maker.

Dr. N: What does the part that remains in the spirit world do while we are on Earth in one or more bodies?

S: It is … more dormant … waiting to be rejoined to the rest of our energy.

Most of my colleagues who work with past life clients have listened to overlapping time chronologies from people living on Earth in two places at once. Occasionally, there are three or more parallel lives. Souls in almost any stage of development are capable of living multiple physical lives, but I really don’t see much of this in my cases.

Many people feel the idea of souls having the capacity to divide in the spirit world and then attaching to two or more human bodies is against all their preconceptions of a singular, individualized spirit. I confess that I too felt uncomfortable the first time a client told me about having parallel lives. I can understand why some people find the concept of soul duality perplexing, especially when faced with the further proposition that one soul may even be capable of living in different dimensions during the same relative time. What we must appreciate is, if our souls are all part of one great oversoul energy force which divides, or extends itself to create our souls, then why shouldn’t the offspring of this intelligent soul energy have the same capacity to detach and then recombine?

Collecting information about spiritual activity from souls who are in the higher stages of development is sometimes frustrating. This is because the complex nature of memory and knowledge at these levels can make it difficult to sift out what these people recognize and won’t tell me, from what they really don’t know. Case 22 was both knowledgeable and open to my questions. This case is compatible with other accounts in my files about the diversity of soul training in the spirit world.

Dr. N: Nenthum, I want to turn now to your activities in the spirit world when you are not so busy with Earth incarnations, interacting in souls groups and learning to be a guide. Can you tell me of other spiritual areas in which you are occupied?

S: (long pause) Yes, there are other areas … I know of them

Dr. N: How many?

S: (cautiously) I can think of four.

Dr. N: What would you call these areas of activity?

S: The World Without Ego, the World of All Knowing, the World of Creation and Non-creation, and the World of Altered Time.

Dr. N: Are they worlds which exist in our physical universe?

S: One does, the rest are non-dimensional spheres of attention.

Dr. N: All right, let’s start with the non-dimensional spheres. Are these three areas in the spirit world for the use of souls?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: Why do you call all these spiritual areas worlds?

S: I see them as … habitations for spiritual life.

Dr. N: So, three of them are mental worlds?

S: Yes, that’s what they are.

Dr. N: What is the World Without Ego?

S: It’s the place of learning to be.

Dr. N: I have heard of it, expressed in different ways. Doesn’t it involve the beginners?

S: Yes, the newly created soul is there to learn who they are. It’s the place of origin.

Dr. N: Are the ego-identities passed out at random, or is there a choice for beginner souls?

S: The new soul is not capable of choice. You acquire your character based upon the way your energy is … combined … put together for you.

Dr. N: Is there some sort of spiritual inventory of characteristics that are assigned to souls-so much of one type, so much of another?

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