Journey of Souls (24 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

BOOK: Journey of Souls
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I now moved my subject into an African life around 9,000 years ago, which she said was an important milestone in her advancement. This was the last life she was to spend with her guide, Kumara. Kumara was an advanced soul herself at the time of this life, counseling a benevolent tribal chief as his influential wife. I tentatively located their land as the highlands of Ethiopia. Apparently, my subject had known Kumara in a number of earlier lives covering thousands of years during Kumara’s final incarnations on Earth. Their association in human form ended when my subject died, saving Kumara’s life on a river boat, by throwing herself in front of an enemy spear.

Full of love, Kumara still appears to this subject as a large woman, with skin of polished mahogany and a shock of white hair crowned by a headdress of feathers. She is practically nude, except for a strip of animal hide around her ample middle. On Kumara’s neck hangs a garish bunch of multi-colored stones, which she sometimes jiggles in my subject’s ear to get her attention during dreams in the middle of the night.

Kumara teaches by a technique of flashing symbolistic memories of prior lessons already learned in past lives. Old solutions to problems are mixed with new hypothetical choices in the form of metaphoric picture puzzles. By these means, Kumara tests her student’s considerable storehouse of knowledge during meditations and dreams.

I glanced at my watch. There was no more time for background information if I was going to allow for exploration of this woman’s after life experiences. Rapidly I took her into superconsciousness, anticipating some interesting spiritual disclosures. She would not disappoint me.

Case 23

Dr. N: What is your spiritual name?

S: Thece.

Dr. N: And your spiritual guide kept her African name of Kumara?

S: For me, yes.

Dr. N: What do you look like in the spirit world?

S: A glowing fragment of light.

Dr. N: What exactly is the color of your energy?

S: Sky-blue.

Dr. N: Does your light have flecks of another color in it?

S: (pause) Some gold … not much.

Dr. N: How about Kumara’s energy color?

S: It’s violet.

Dr. N: How does light and color identify the quality of a soul’s spiritual attainment?

S: The intensity of mental power increases with the darker phases of light.

Dr. N: Where does the highest intensity of intelligent light energy originate from?

S: The knowledge by which the energy of darker light is extended to us comes from the source. Our light is attached to the source.

Dr. N: When you say source-you mean God?

S: That word has been misused.

Dr. N: How?

S: By too much personalizing, which makes the source less than it is.

Dr. N: What’s wrong with us doing that?

S: It takes the liberty of making the source too … human, although we are all part of its oneness.

Dr. N: Thece, I want you to reflect on the source as we talk about other aspects of soul life and the spirit world. Later, I will ask you more about this oneness. Now, let’s go back to the energy manifestations of souls. Why do spirits display two black glowing cavities for eyes when not showing their human forms? It seems so spooky to me.

S: (laughs and is more relaxed) That’s how Earth’s legends of ghosts came about-from these memories. Our energy mass is not uniform. The eyes you speak of represent a more concentrated intensity of thought.

Dr. N: Well, if the myths about ghosts are not so fanciful after all, then these black eye sockets must be useful extensions of their energy.

S: Rather than eyes … they are windows to old bodies … and all the physical extensions of former selves. This blackness is a … concentration of our presence. We communicate by absorbing the energy presence of each other.

Dr. N: When you return to the spirit world, do you have energy contact with other souls who may look like ghosts?

S: Yes, and appearance is a matter of individual preference. Of course there is always a multitude of thought waves around me-mingling with my returning energy, but I avoid too much contact.

Dr. N: Why?

S: It is not necessary for me to make attachments here. I will be alone for a while to contemplate and sort out any mistakes from my last incarnation, before talking to Kumara.

Note: This statement is typical of advanced souls returning to the spirit world, mentioned earlier in Case 9. However, this soul is so advanced she will have no deliberations with her guide until much later, and upon her request.

Dr. N: Perhaps we should talk about older souls for a minute. Does Kumara incarnate on Earth any more?

S: No, she doesn’t.

Dr. N: Do you know others like Kumara who were here during the early times on Earth and don’t come back any more?

S: (cautiously) A few… yes… many got on Earth early and got off before I came.

Dr. N: Did any stay?

S: What do you mean?

Dr. N: Advanced souls who keep coming back to life on Earth when they could stay in the spirit world.

S: Oh, you mean the Sages?

Dr. N: Yes, the Sages-tell me about them. (this is a new term for me, but I often pretend to know more than I do with advanced souls to elicit information)

S: (with admiration) They are the true watchers of Earth, you know to be here and keep watch over what is going on.

Dr. N: As highly advanced souls who continue to incarnate?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: Don’t the Sages get tired of still hanging around Earth?

S: They choose to stay and help people directly because they are dedicated to Earth.

Dr. N: Where are these Sages?

S: (wistfully) They live simple lives. I first came to know some of them thousands of years ago. Today it’s hard to see them … they don’t like cities much.

Dr. N: Are there many of them?

S: No, they live in small communities, or out in the open … in the deserts and mountains … in simple dwellings. They wander about, too …

Dr. N: How does one recognize them?

S: (sighs) Most people don’t. They were known as the oracles of truth in earlier times on Earth.

Dr. N: I know this sounds pragmatic, but wouldn’t these old, highly developed souls be more useful helping humankind in positions of international leadership rather than being hermits?

S: Who said they were hermits? They prefer to be with the common people who are most affected by the movers and shakers.

Dr. N: What is the feeling one gets when meeting a Sage on Earth?

S: Ah… you feel a special presence. Their power of understanding and the advice they give you is so wise. They do live simply. Material things mean nothing to them.

Dr. N: Are you interested in this sort of service, Thece?

S: Hmm … no, they are saints. I welcome the time when I can stop incarnating.

Dr. N: Perhaps the word Sage could also be applied to souls like Kumara, or even with the entities to whom she turns for knowledge?

S: (pause) No, they are different … they are beyond the Sages. We call them the Old Ones.

Note: I would place these beings beyond Level VI.

Dr. N: Are there many Old Ones working with souls at Kumara’s level and above?

S: I don’t think so… compared to the rest of us … but we feel their influence.

Dr. N: What do you feel in their presence?

S: (pensive) A… concentrated power of enlightenment… and guidance …

Dr. N: Could the Old Ones be embodiments of the source itself?

S: It is not for me to say, but I don’t think so yet. They must be close to the source. The Old Ones represent the purest elements of thought … engaging in the planning and arranging of … substances.

Dr. N: Could you clarify a bit more what you mean by these highly placed souls being close to the source?

S: (vaguely) Only that they must be close to conjunction.

Dr. N: Does Kumara ever talk about these entities who help her?

S: To me-only a little. She aspires to be of them, as we all do.

Dr. N: Is she getting close to the Old Ones in knowledge?

S: (faintly) She … approaches, as I approach her. It is slow assimilating with the source, because we are not complete.

Once the duties of a guide are fully established for the advancing soul, it is necessary for these entities to juggle two balls. Besides completing their own unfinished business with continued (though less frequent) incarnations, they must also help others while in a discarnated state. Thece talks to me about this aspect of her soul life.

Dr. N: When you are back in the spirit world and come out of your self-imposed isolation, what do you ordinarily do then?

S: I join with members of my company.

Dr. N: How many souls are in your company?

S: Nine.

Dr. N: (jumping to the next conclusion too quickly) Oh, so the ten of you are a group of souls under the leadership of Kumara?

S: No, they are my responsibility.

Dr. N: Then, these nine entities are students whom you teach?

S: you could say that

Dr. N: And they are all in one group (cluster) which, I assume, is your company?

S: No, my company is made up of two different groups.

Dr. N: Why is that?

S: They are in … different progressions (levels).

Dr. N: And yet, you are the spiritual teacher for all nine?

S: I prefer to call myself a watcher. Three of my company are also watchers.

Dr. N: Well, who are the other six?

S: (matter-of-factly) People who don’t watch.

Dr. N: I want to clarify this using my terms, if you will, Thece If you are a senior watcher, three of your company must be what I would call junior guides?

S: Yes, but the words senior and junior-that portrays us as authoritarian, which we are not!

Dr. N: My intention is not to denote rank, for me it is just an easy identification of responsibility. Consider the word senior as meaning an advanced teacher. I would call Kumara a master teacher or possibly an educational director.

S: (shrugs) That’s okay, I suppose, as long as director doesn’t mean dictator.

Dr. N: it doesn’t. Now, Thece, cast your mind to a place where you can see the energy colors of all your company. What do the six souls who are not watchers look like?

S: (smiles) Dirty snowballs!

Dr. N: If they are white in tone, what about the rest?

S: (pause) Well … two are rather yellowish.

Dr. N: We are one short. What about the ninth member?

S: That’s An-ras. He is doing quite well.

Dr. N: Describe his energy color.

S: He is … turning bluish … an excellent watcher … he will be leaving me soon

Dr. N: Let’s go to the opposite end of your company. What member are you most concerned about and why?

S: Ojanowin. She has the conviction from many lives that love and trust only bring hurt. (musing) She has fine qualities which I want to bring out but this attitude is holding her back.

Dr. N: Ojanowin is developing more slowly than the rest?

S: (protectively) Don’t misunderstand, I am proud of her effort. She has great sensitivity and integrity, which I like. She just requires more of my attention.

Dr. N: As a watcher-teacher, what is the one quality which An-ras has acquired which you want to see in Ojanowin?

S: (no hesitation) Adaptability to change.

Dr. N: I am curious if the nine members of your company advance in a rather uniform way together under your teaching.

S: That’s totally unrealistic.

Dr. N: Why?

S: Because there are differences in character and integrity.

Dr. N: Well, if learning rates are different between souls because of character and integrity, how does this equate with the mental capabilities of the human brain a soul selects?

S: It doesn’t. I was speaking of motivation. On Earth we use many variations of the physical brain in the course of our expansion. However, each soul is driven by its integrity.

Dr. N: Is this what you mean by a soul having character?

S: Yes, and intensity of desire is part of character.

Dr. N: If character is the identity of a soul, where does desire come in?

S: The drive to excel is internal to each soul, but this too can fluctuate between lives.

Dr. N: So where does a soul’s integrity fit into this?

S: The extension of desire. Integrity is the desire to be honest about Self and motives to such an extent that full awareness of the path to the source is possible.

Dr. N: If all basic intelligent energy is the same, why are souls different in their character and integrity?

S: Because their experiences with physical life change them and this is intentional. By that change new ingredients are added to the collective intelligence of every soul.

Dr. N: And this is what incarnation on Earth is all about?

S: Incarnation is an important tool, yes. Some souls are driven more than others to expand and achieve their potential, but all of us will do so in the end. Being in many physical bodies and different settings expands the nature of our real self.

Dr. N: And this sort of self-actualization of the soul identity is the purpose of life on our world?

S: On any world.

Dr. N: Well, if each soul is preoccupied with Self, doesn’t this explain why we have a world of self-centered people?

S: No, you misinterpret. Fulfillment is not cultivating Self for selfish means, but allowing for integration with others in life. That also shows character and integrity. This is ethical conduct.

Dr. N: Does Ojanowin have less honesty than An-ras?

S: (pause) I’m afraid she does engage in self-deception.

Dr. N: I wonder how you can function effectively as a spiritual guide for the nine members of your company and still incarnate on Earth to finish your own lessons.

S: It used to affect my concentration to some extent, but now there is no conflict.

Dr. N: Do you have to separate your soul energy to accomplish this?

S: Yes, this capacity (of souls) allows for the management of both. Being on Earth also permits me to directly assist a member of my company and help myself at the same time.

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