Journey of Souls (32 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

BOOK: Journey of Souls
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From what I can gather, a soul’s thoughts about certain human behavior preferences for themselves in the next life are known by guides and those masters charged with operating the life selection stations. It appears to me some souls take this responsibility more seriously than others. Yet, a soul in the prelife selection phase can reflect only so much on how they would fit into a specific body. When souls are called to the place of life selection the guesswork is over. Now they must match their spiritual identity against a mortal being. Why one soul joined, for psychological reasons, with two human beings thousands of years apart is the basis of my next case.

Case 27 is a Texas businessman who owns a large, successful clothing firm. During a vacation in California, Steve came to see me on the advice of a friend. As I took his history, I noticed he was tense and hypervigilant. While his fingers toyed with a key chain, Steve’s eyes darted anxiously around my office. I asked if he was nervous or afraid of hypnosis as a procedure and he replied, “No, I’m more afraid of what you will uncover.”

This client told me his employees were demanding and disloyal and the multitude of personnel complaints had become intolerable. His solution had been to increase discipline and fire people. I learned that he had two failed marriages and was a binge alcoholic. He said he had recently tried a recovery program but quit because “they were getting too critical of me.”

As we talked further, Steve explained that his mother disappeared after leaving him on the steps of a church in Texas within a week of his birth. After a few lonely and unhappy years in an orphanage, an older couple adopted him. He added that these people were stern disciplinarians who seemed to disapprove of him all the time. Leaving home in his teens, Steve had many scrapes with the law and once attempted suicide.

I found this client’s personality to be overly assertive and untrusting of authority. His anger was rooted in feelings of isolation and abandonment issues. Steve said he felt like he was losing control over his life and was willing to try anything “to find the real me.” I agreed to short-term exploration of his unconscious mind if he would consider seeing a therapist later in his own town for sustained counseling.

As this case unfolds, we will see how Steve’s soul maintains its identity while responding to physical life in a human body. The intensity of this association is increased in hypnosis when my subjects discuss their motives for body selection. One reason why I have used this case is to expose a difficult barrier to discovering our identity-that of childhood trauma. Souls who unite with people that develop early personality disorders deliberately set themselves up for a difficult life. Before taking my client into the spirit world to learn why his soul chose this life, it was necessary to relive his early childhood memories. In the short excerpt which begins this case, this subject will see his real mother again. It is one of the most poignant scenes I have ever facilitated.

Case 27

Dr. N: You are now a baby in the first week of life and your mother is seeing you for the last time. It doesn’t matter that you are a baby because your inner adult mind knows everything that is going on. Describe to me exactly what transpires.

S: (subject starts to shake) I … I’m in a basket … there is a faded blue blanket around me … I’m being set down on some steps… it’s cold …

Dr. N: Where are these steps?

S: … In front of a church… in Texas.

Dr. N: Who is setting you down on the church steps?

S: (the shaking increases) My mother … is bending down over me … saying goodbye … (begins to cry)

Dr. N: What can you tell me about your mother’s reason for leaving you?

S: She … is young … not married to my father … he is already married. She is … crying … I can feel her tears falling on my face.

Dr. N: Look up at her. What else do you see?

S: (chokes) Flowing black hair … beautiful… I reach up and touch her mouth … she kisses me … soft, gentle … she is having a terribly hard time leaving me here.

Dr. N: Does she say anything to you before leaving?

S: (subject can now hardly talk) “I must leave you for your own good. I have no money to take care of you. My parents won’t help us. I love you. I will always love you and hold you in my heart forever.”

Dr. N: What happens then?

S: She … takes hold of a heavy door knocker… it has an animal on it… and bangs on the door… we hear footsteps coming… now she is gone.

Dr. N: What do your inner thoughts tell you about all you have seen?

S: (almost overcome by emotion) Oh … she wanted me after all … didn’t want to leave me … she loved me!

Dr. N: (I place my hand on the subject’s forehead and begin a series of post-hypnotic suggestions which end with the following instructions) Steve, you will be able to recall this subconscious memory in your conscious mind. You will retain this picture of your mother

for the rest of your life. You now know how she truly felt about you and that her energy is still with you. Is this clear?

S: Yes … it is.

Dr. N: Now, move forward in time and tell me how you feel about your foster parents.

S: Never satisfied with me … made me feel guilty about everything … controlling and judging me … (subject’s face is dripping wet with tears and perspiration) don’t know who I am supposed to be

I’m not real

Dr. N: (I raise my voice) Tell me what is unreal about you.

S: Pretending … (stops)

Dr. N: Keep going!

S: I’m not really in control … constant anger … mistreating people to … get even … hopelessness …

Note: After additional conditioning, I will now take my subject back and forth between his subconscious and superconscious mind.

Dr. N: All right Steve, now let’s go back to the time before your birth into this life. Tell me if you have ever lived in another life with the soul of your birth mother.

S: (long pause) Yes … I have.

Dr. N: Was there ever a particular life you lived with this soul on Earth which involved any sort of physical or emotional pain between the two of you?

S: (after a moment subject’s hands grip the arms of his chair) Oh, damn-that’s it-of course-it’s her!

Dr. N: Try to relax and not go too fast for me. I want you to enter the life you see in your mind at the most crucial point in your relationship with this soul on the count of three. One, two, three!

S: (a deep sigh) Oh my … it’s the same person … a different body but she was my mother then, too

Dr. N: Stay focused on the Earth scene. Is it day or night?

S: (pause) Broad daylight. Hot sun and sand …

Dr. N: Describe what is happening under the hot sun in the sand.

S: (haltingly) I am standing in front of my temple … before a large crowd of people … my guards are in back of me.

Dr. N: What is your name?

S: Haroum.

Dr. N: What are you wearing, Haroum?

S: A long, white robe and sandals. I have a staff in my hand with gold snakes on it as a symbol of my authority.

Dr. N: What is your authority, Haroum?

S: (proudly) I am a high priest.

Note: Further inquiries revealed this man was a tribal leader who was located on the Arabian peninsula close to the Red Sea around 2000 BC. In preclassical times, this area was known as the Kingdom of Sheba (or Saba). I also learned the temple was a large oval structure of mud bricks and stone dedicated to a moon god.

Dr. N: What are you doing in front of your temple?

S: I am on the steps judging a woman. She is my mother. She is kneeling down in front of me. There is a look of pity and fear in her eyes as she looks up at me.

Dr. N: How can her eyes show both pity and fear at once?

S: There is pity in her eyes because of the power which has consumed me … in taking so much control over the daily lives of my people. And there is fear, too, for what I am about to do. This disturbs me, but I must not show it.

Dr. N: Why is your mother kneeling on the temple steps before you?

S: She has broken into the storage house and stolen food to give to the people. Many are hungry at this time of year, but I alone can order distribution. The food must be measured out carefully.

Dr. N: Did she act against some rule of food rationing? Was this a question of survival?

S: (abruptly) There is more to this-by disobeying me she is

undermining my authority. I use the distribution of food as a means of… control over my people. I want them all to be loyal to me.

Dr. N: What are you going to do with your mother?

S: (with conviction) My mother has violated the law. I can save her, but she must be punished as an example. I decide she will die.

Dr. N: How do you feel about killing your own mother, Haroum?

S: It must be done. She has been a constant thorn in my side-causing unrest among my people because of her position. I cannot govern freely with her here any longer. Even now, she is defiant. I order her death by banging my staff on the stone steps.

Dr. N: Later on are you sad about ordering your mother’s execution?

S: (voice becomes strained) I… must not think about such things if I am to maintain power.

At this point Steve’s mind had relived two emotionally wrenching events involving voluntary actions of separation between mother and son. Although he had made the karmic connection, it was important that his abandonment as a baby not be isolated as pure historic retribution. For healing to begin we had to go further.

The next stage in our session together was designed to recover Steve’s soul identity. To do this, I took him into the spirit world. In each of my cases, I try to bring the subject back to the most appropriate spiritual area to get the best results. In Case 13, I used the place of orientation. With Case 27, we will go back to relive the spiritual time just after his return from the place of life selection. In this setting, I want Steve to see the reasons for his current body choice and the role of other soul participants in his life.

Dr. N: By what name are you known in the spirit world?

S: Sumus


Dr. N: All right, Sumus, since we are now in the spirit world again, I want us to go to the period just following your initial viewing of the man who is Steve. What are your thoughts?

S: Such a resentful man… he is so angry about his mother dumping him on a doorstep … and those hard-nosed people who will

take over as his parents … I don’t know if I even want to take this body!

Dr. N: I understand, but why don’t we put that decision aside for a few minutes while other things develop. Tell me what you actually do once you leave the place of life selection.

S: Sometimes I might want to be by myself for a while. Usually, I am anxious to have the opinions of my friends about the lives I look at, especially one this rough.

Dr. N: Surely, you had more than one body option?

S: (shakes head) This is one I should take … it’s a rough decision.

Dr. N: Tell me, Sumus, when you are back with your group of friends, do you discuss the possibility of yourself associating with some of them in the next life?

S: Yes, more often than not, these close friends are going to be in my life to come, just as I will be in theirs. Some of my clutch will not be in certain lives. It doesn’t matter. We all discuss our next life with each other. I want to get their ideas on details. You see, we all know each other so well-our strengths and weaknesses-former successes and failures-what to watch out for … that kind of thing.

Dr. N: Did you discuss with them any details about the kind of person you should be in your next life before actually going to the place of life selection?

S: Oh yeah, in a roundabout way. Nothing concrete. Now that I have seen Steve, and who the others might be in relation to him in this life, there are reservations. So I talk to Jor.

Dr. N: Is Jor your guide?

S: Yes, he listened a lot to what I had to say about who I thought I should be before I was sent to the place where we look at lives.

Dr. N: Okay, Sumus, you have just returned to your primary cluster group from the place of life selection. What do you do first?

S: I talk about this guy Steve who is so unhappy … no real mother … all that stuff … what kinds of people will be around him … their plans, too … it must fit all together for us.

Dr. N: You mean which souls are going to take certain bodies?

S: Right, we need to firm that up.

Dr. N: Are soul assignments still negotiable at this point, or is everyone told which body they will be in after leaving the place of life selection?

S: No one is forced to do anything. We know what should be done. Jor… and the others help us make adjustments … they are sent in to round out the picture … (subject’s face becomes grave)

Dr. N: Is something bothering you at this moment, Sumus?

S: (in a cheerless manner) Uh … my friends are moving away … there are others coming … oh…

Dr. N: I gather some deliberations are about to occur with other souls. Try to relax as best you can. On my command you will clearly relate to me everything that is happening. Do you understand?

S: (nervously) Yes.

Dr. N: Begin! How many entities do you see?

S: There are… four of them… coming over to me… Jo. is one of them.

Dr. N: Who is first?

S: (subject grabs my hand) It’s … ……. she wants to be … my mother again.

Dr. N: Is this the soul of the woman who is Haroum’s and Steve’s mother?

S: Yes, she is… oh… I don’t want to…

Dr. N: What’s going on?

S: Eone is telling me it’s time for us to … settle things … to be in a disordered life as mother and son again.

Dr. N: But Sumus, didn’t you know this at the place of life selection when you viewed Steve’s mother taking her baby to the church?

S: I saw the people … the possibility… it was still an … abstract consideration … it wasn’t actually me yet. I guess I need more convincing because Eone is here for a reason.

Dr. N: I take it none of these newly arrived entities is from your own clutch?

S: (sighs) No, they are not.

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