Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6) (2 page)

BOOK: Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6)
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Gritting his teeth, Jerry sprinted ahead of the group then stopped abruptly, causing the guy and Kylie to crash into him. Putting his arm around her shoulder, he glared at the young man. “I’m taking care of Kylie. Her dad would want it that way.” The guy looked Jerry up and down then rushed over to the two girls, hooking an arm around each of them.

Jerry was such a bullshitter. He knew Banger would be livid if he saw his precious daughter snuggled against Jerry’s chest. He knew she was off-limits because she was the president’s daughter, and Banger had made it a point, on more than one occasion, to let Jerry know not to get near her. Hell, Banger didn’t even want him to
to her, but he couldn’t keep himself away from her. He was drawn to her, and even though he knew it was wrong, dangerous, and all kinds of stupid, he’d wanted Kylie so bad for far too long.

“You want to come with us to the festival?” She looked up at him, her pretty face so innocent and tempting.

I want to kiss you hard, suck your pretty tits, and ram my cock in you. I hope you’re not fuckin’ that pansy-ass prick up ahead. If you are, I’ll have to beat his ass.
“Sure. Where’s it at?”

“In the quad. It’s the spring festival, and they have a band, beer, and everything.” Her gaze was wide.

He laughed and fought the urge to kiss her. She was so damned adorable.
Fuck, I’m playing with fire.

“Wait up, guys.” Kylie gestured her friends to stop then looked up at Jerry. “I want you to meet some of my friends.”

“Is the asshole a friend, or boyfriend?”

“Ricky? We’re just friends. Anyway, so what if he were my boyfriend?” She raised her chin defiantly.

“I don’t give a shit, but your dad would.”

“You’re not going to tell my dad about me being tipsy, are you?”

“You’re more like drunk, babe, but no, I’m not gonna tell him.”
There’s no fuckin’ way Banger’s ever gonna find out I’ve got my hands all over his daughter. Shit.

“Thanks,” she whispered.

They caught up to her friends, and Kylie introduced them to Jerry while he stared impassively at them. His thoughts were only on Kylie, and if she continued drinking at the festival, he would definitely have to carry her back to her dorm room, tuck her into bed, and give her a long, deep kiss good night.

“It’s kind of awesome you being here. I never pictured you at my college.” Her soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

“How come?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I just think of you as being at the club.”

“So, you think of me?” he teased, clasping her shoulder tighter. “I like that.”

She punched him lightly in his side. “You know what I mean. I just picture you and all the other guys as living and breathing the club. I guess I never imagined you outside the Insurgents’ world.”

“Yeah, well, I
step out sometimes. I wanted to say hi before I headed back to Pinewood.”
I rode my ass up here to see you. Fuck, I go hard just thinking about you.
“You don’t come to Pinewood Springs that often.”

“I know,” she groaned. “When I first got here, I was so homesick, but now I’m so busy with school, activities, and parties that I never seem to have time to go home and see Dad, and all of you.” She held him tighter. “I’m fucked up. I drank too much.”

“I’d have to agree, but hold on to me. I’ll make sure you’re okay.”
I love the way she feels around me. Damn. I’m like a goddamned love-sick teenager.
“Are we almost at the quad?”

She nodded, pointing in front of them. Jerry saw a crowd and heard the whine of the electric guitars as they approached a large, grassy area. Floodlights were installed all around. Booths scattered around the perimeter of the area, the largest boasting a neon yellow sign over it with the words “Beer Tent” printed in black. All around, students talked, laughed, and drank beer out of red plastic cups. The scent of hickory wisped around the quad, and billows of smoke rose from some of the booths as burgers sizzled on the large grills.

“You want something to eat?” Jerry asked Kylie, who was still clinging on to him.

“Yeah, I better get some food. I haven’t eaten since early this morning.” She laid her head against his leather jacket. “I’m feeling real woozy.”

“Drinking on an empty stomach will do that. Let’s get a burger.” He led Kylie—tucked under his arm—to the food booth, glancing around as they waited in line. There were so many drunk students, and he couldn’t help but laugh aloud as he watched them stumble and fall. He wondered how many times Kylie and her friends went out drinking. It couldn’t be very often; he knew from the bits of conversation he overheard from Banger that she was doing well in college.

“I want a lot of relish on mine,” she said.

He looked down, and her gaze met his. They stood watching each other for a long moment. “I think you put your own on. I see a table with a bunch of packets.”

The people manning the booth looked older than the ones at the event. “What would you like?” a man in his forties asked.

“Two burgers.” Jerry pulled out his wallet and gave a twenty. After much maneuvering, he managed to sit Kylie down, put the food on the table, and turn over six packets of relish to her, for which he received the sweetest smile he’d ever seen. “You wanna Coke?”

Shaking her head, she said, “A beer.”

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

She groaned. “Please don’t act like my dad. Just be a friend, okay?”

He definitely had no intention of treating her like a daughter, so he just smiled. “Okay, I’ll be right back.”

When he returned to the table, a medium-sized guy sat next to Kylie, saying something to her, close to her ear. Jerry’s jaw tightened. “Here you are.” He placed the red cup in front of her, his steely eyes boring into the young man. The guy immediately jumped up and scurried away. “Who was that? Another admirer?”

“I don’t have a clue who he is. He didn’t tell me his name. He wanted to hang with me. I’ve never seen him before, but the school is really big, so that’s not a surprise.” She took a bite of her hamburger. “Yum.” She wiggled in her seat.

Jerry loved the way she munched on her food—so delicately—and told him all about her classes. As she shared the funny stories about her friends and professors, he had a hard time staying focused on anything else but having her wrapped in his arms, kissing her deeply.

“There you are, Kylie. I’ve been looking all around for you. Where’re Taylor and Mary?” A young woman with purple and pink streaks in her hair stood behind Kylie, her gaze lingering on Jerry’s ink across his hard biceps.

Kylie turned away from Jerry. “Hey, Ari. Taylor and Mary are with Ricky in the beer tent. Did you just get here?”

“Not too long ago.” She smiled. “Who’s your friend?”

“Oh, sorry.” Kylie placed her hand on his forearm, her touch soft and warm. “This is Jerry, and Jerry, this is Ari.”

“Hi,” Ari said thickly. “What year are you?”

Jerry tilted his head. “Year?”

Kylie giggled. “He doesn’t go to school here. He’s a friend of mine from home. He stopped by to say hi to me. Isn’t that sweet?” She leaned her head against his shoulder, his jeans grew tighter, and Ari’s gaze never left his face.

“Wow, I didn’t know you had such a good-looking friend. Are all the guys this gorgeous in Pinewood Springs?”

Kylie nodded. “A lot of them are in the Insurgents.” The simple comment pissed Jerry the hell off.
Who else is she looking at?

“Insurgents? What’s that?”

Another giggle. “My dad’s motorcycle club. Remember, I told you he’s the president?”

“Oh, yeah.” Ari’s leg rubbed against his knee. “So, you’re a biker. Cool. Do you ride a Harley?”

Jerry jutted his chin out. “Of course.”

“Only Harleys are worth riding, right?” Kylie poked his side in a teasing way, and a low growl vibrated in his throat. Damn, she was fucking turning him on, and she didn’t even know it. “Jerry has a real badass Harley that’s electric blue. I love it.”

“Sounds cool. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. I’d love to take a spin,” Ari hinted.

“It’s the color of your eyes,” Jerry whispered, his lips brushing against Kylie’s ear as he breathed her scent in deeply, felt her hair against his forehead. She turned toward him, his lips skimming across her cheek, and smiled. For one long moment, it was just him and Kylie, and the urge to capture her mouth overwhelmed him. He was so close. All he had to do was move his head a tiny bit and he’d be on—

“So, will you take me for a ride on your Harley?” Ari’s nasally voice cut into his thoughts.

Jerry shook his head, his lips pressed together. “I don’t take bitches on my bike.”

Ari’s gasp mingled with Kylie’s peals of laughter. As Ari opened her mouth, Kylie said, “No, don’t rip his ass. He’s not calling you a bitch in the way you think. In the biker world, all women are ‘bitches.’ It’s their word for ‘women.’ Don’t take offense.”

Throwing him a dirty look, she said, “That’s fucked up.”

He shrugged then turned away. He was done with this woman’s idle chatter; he wanted to have Kylie all to himself. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he said, “You wanna get another drink?”

“Earlier, Ricky said he’d bring me a beer.”

Jerry grunted. “I can get you a beer. You don’t need any prick doing that when I’m here.”

“Stop.” She scrunched her face, trying to appear angry, but then she laughed. “He’s not a prick. We’re good friends, and he’s always helping me out.”

“I bet he is,” he muttered under his breath. “You just watch yourself with him. He looks like he wants more than friendship. He’s not for you.”

“Why do you say that? Who
for me?”

Jerry could swear he saw a shimmer of lust in her blue gaze. “I just know
isn’t.” How could he tell her he was the best one for her, that he’d treat her real good in and out of bed?
I have it bad for her. Fuck!

“Here you go, Kylie.” A smiling Ricky placed a plastic glass of beer next to the one Jerry had brought. Taylor and Mary, smashed off their asses, laughed behind him.

“Thanks.” Kylie’s lips curled into a flirty smile, which made Jerry’s insides boil. He leapt up, pulling her with him. “What the fuck?” she said as beer spilled over the table.

“Let’s go dance. I’ll get you another one.”

Before she could say anything, he was tugging her behind him, marching over to the area in front of the band. The music was not the hard rock beats he preferred—it was alternative music in the vein of Imagine Dragons—but he didn’t give a shit. As long as it placed Kylie in his arms, he’d dance to beating conga drums. Whirling her into his embrace, he moved to the music, loving the easy swing of her hips. His fingers inched down until they landed just under her rounded ass and he pulled her closer to him, chuckling when he saw her gaze widen as his hardness pressed against her.

“Uh… I think this song is more for freestyle dancing instead of couple,” she said, pushing him back with her hands on his chest.

“You don’t like dancing with me?” Jerry cupped her chin in his hand. “That’s too bad, because I’m enjoying dancing with you,” he said in a low voice, smiling at her discomfort. He liked the way she darted her eyes everywhere but on him and licked her lips repeatedly. He fucking
that he was getting to her.
Oh, yeah.

“I do, but I think we should dance freestyle.” Her voice was breathless, and he bet if he placed his hand on her chest, he’d feel her heart pounding away.

He squeezed her tightly, loving the feel of her. “Okay, whatever you want.” She pulled away quickly, her gaze still everywhere but on him.

They danced apart for a few songs, and then she and her friends made several trips to the beer tent. Jerry chugged the red cups of beer she brought him, even though they tasted like piss. He couldn’t believe how everyone was guzzling it down like it was premium shit. He guessed that’s what they thought beer tasted like. After the third cup, he was done with it, and he watched in amusement as Kylie and her friends became even more smashed than they already were.

After she almost fell for the fourth time, Jerry decided it was time to take her to her dorm. Pulling a protesting Kylie away from her friends, he wrapped his arm around her and headed back. Stumbling and stopping along the way provided many opportunities for his hand to skim across the side of her breast and brush against her ass, lighting a fire within him.

Finally managing to find her key on the ring of over two dozen—why the hell she had so many, he couldn’t figure out—he opened her door and lay a giggling Kylie on her bed. “Babe, I can’t believe how drunk you are. I hope you don’t do this every weekend.”

“No, just every night,” she slurred, bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.

“Fuck, I hope you’re joking.” He took off her biker boots and tugged the sheet and comforter down from under her. Tucking her in still clothed—he didn’t trust himself to take off her jeans and tight knit top—he stared down at her, mesmerized by the way her hair spread around her head on the pillow, like a halo. Her breasts heaved gently, and he wanted to feel their softness in his hands. He was sporting a major hard-on, and he knew he could have her, but he didn’t want to take advantage in her drunkenness. It wasn’t that he was a gentleman—if it were any other girl, he’d already have his dick inside her, licking and sucking her tits—but
beautiful, vulnerable girl was Kylie. If and when he fucked her, he wanted it to be her decision as well as his. He wanted her to know every single dirty thing he’d be doing to her. Right then wasn’t the correct time.

Jerry sighed and pushed up to leave when a gentle touch held him back. As he bent his head, Kylie put her hand on the back of his neck and drew him to her. With their lips inches from one another’s, she strained forward, hers catching his. Her kiss was soft and warm, and the barriers he’d erected collapsed with that one, solitary kiss.

She drew back a little and Jerry crushed her to him, his mouth seizing hers, knowing he was going to regret it—and not giving a damn. He tangled one hand in her hair, the other one cupping her jaw. It was like he’d never kissed before; it was wild and desperate, and he didn’t know if he’d ever stop. Her tender lips moved in rhythm with his, parting slightly. He slipped his tongue into her welcoming mouth, eager to consume her. She tasted like beer and honey, and the hesitant stroke of her tongue on his sent him reeling. He plunged his tongue harder and deeper, losing himself in her sweet scent and panting breaths. He closed his eyes and the world faded around him.

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