Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6) (9 page)

BOOK: Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6)
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He chuckled. “Gimme your car keys and show me the way to the nearest liquor store.”

Twenty minutes later, Jerry was popping the top of a twenty-two-ounce beer bottle, his brown gaze on her blue one. Taking a long pull, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Fuck, I needed that. Want one?”

“Okay, but I want the smaller size.” When she took the bottle from him, their fingers touched and strange twists churned in her stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to Crested Peak?”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well, you succeeded.” She took a small sip. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“That’s good. For a while there, I thought you may have been pissed about me comin’.”

“No. Why did you want to see me?”

He moved one shoulder in a shrug, lit up a joint, and inhaled deeply. “Want a hit?”

Kylie took it from him, the weird sensations hitting her again when his fingers grazed hers. The weed calmed her down; she should’ve thought about smoking some when he’d first come into her room. Mellowing out, she put some music on from Shinedown and they began to chat easily. “How’re things in Pinewood Springs? You know, I almost went home this weekend, but changed my mind at the last minute. I have a shitload of stuff to do for school, so I thought it’d be nice to have the room to myself. Taylor went to Durango to see her family. Wouldn’t that have been funny if I went to Pinewood and you came here?”

Hunger filled his brown gaze. “You’re alone for the whole weekend?”

“Yeah.” Insecurity nipped at her weed-induced confidence.

“I’ll be damned.”

“Most of my friends went somewhere. I almost went with a couple to Scottsdale. Mary’s parents have a condo there. It’d be nice to lie by the pool and get drunk on Mai Tais.” She giggled.

“Sounds like fun. Why didn’t you go?”

Kylie pointed to the stack of books on her desk. “Too much to do.”

“Am I bothering you by being here? I could go and hang with my friends. I don’t want to keep you from your work.”

“No,” she said quickly. “You’re not bothering me at all.”
Smooth, Kylie. Can you sound any more desperate?

“If I am, just say the word.” Jerry narrowed his eyes. “Is Ricky on campus?”

“Ricky? No, he went to Vegas with some of his buds. Why?”

“Did he ask you to join him?”

Was he jealous? No, it wasn’t possible, because that would mean he
liked her. And if he did, why would he fuck the club girls? “He did. Can you open another beer for me?”

“You dating the dude?” He handed her the beer. That time, his hand covered hers and he didn’t pull away.

Holding the beer in mid-air, loving the small jolts of pleasure his hand on hers caused in her core, she shook her head, her mouth too dry to answer without making an ass of herself. He let go and leaned back in the chair, lighting another joint. After taking a gulp of beer, she mumbled, “We’re just good friends.”

“Keep it that way.” His tone was velvet, yet edged with steel. The smoke from the weed drifted around him.

She cleared her throat. “Smoking pot always gives me the munchies. You want something? I went to the store yesterday and bought a lot of stuff. I have Cheez-Its, chips, pretzels, Chex Mix, roasted peanuts—I love those—and string cheese.”

“Let’s grab some dinner.”

“Yeah, we can do that too. What do you feel like eating?”

“You choose. I’m just having a good time being with you.”

She swallowed hard. “Let’s go for Mexican. I can drive. Let me just freshen up.”

Several minutes later, she came out of the restroom, her makeup touched up and grungy jeans swapped for a short black jean skirt and a white lace crop top. “Ready?”

“Fuck, you look beautiful.”

The way his gaze boldly assessed her body made her blush. Kylie quickly grabbed her keys and opened the door. “Come on.”

Jerry rose to his feet and brushed past her so his chest grazed her breasts, her nipples hardening on contact. When she gasped, he laughed. “Give me the keys, babe. I’m driving.”

“I can drive. I know where the restaurant is.”

Cupping her chin in his hand, Jerry dipped his head and breathed against her ear, “As long as I’m here, I’m in charge, and I’m driving. Let’s go.” He gently pressed his lips against her neck, his warm breath caressing her before he grabbed her hand and started down the hall. Fearing he’d see her clenching her thighs, she coughed and then followed his lead.

*     *     *

Casa Moreno was
buried in the corner of a strip mall on the northeast side of Crested Peak. Its burnt red-tiled floors and earth-toned walls contrasted strongly with the bright pink, yellow, and lime-green of the booths and décor. Large terracotta pots with bold and vivid geometric patterns housed various cacti arrangements. The upbeat rhythm of ranchera music filled the cantina, and the packed place lent an accompaniment of noisy chatter to it.

Munching on a chip, Kylie studied the menu. She and her friends had been there a ton of times so she knew it by memory, but by looking at it, she was able to avoid Jerry’s eyes. Every time they met hers, her heart turned over in response.

“Are you ready to order?” The waiter’s heavily accented voice made her jump.

“I am. Are you?” She looked up, meeting Jerry’s gaze. It was blazing with a hunger that made her all squishy inside.

Without taking his eyes off her face, he said, “Steak fajitas, medium rare, corn tortillas, and another Corona.”

“Very good. And for you, miss?”

“A cheese enchilada with a side of rice. I’ll have some more iced tea.” As she spoke, Jerry watched her mouth, his chest rising and falling in short succession.

The waiter took their menus and Jerry leaned back against the booth, his brown orbs traveling in little circles around her face before landing on her blue ones once more. “Do you come here often?”

She took a big sip of iced tea in a vain attempt to cool the heat between her legs. “Yeah. It’s always packed.”

“Am I making you nervous?”

Shaking her head vigorously, Kylie squeaked, “No. Why would I be nervous? I’ve known you for a long time.”

“You seem nervous.”

“I’m just still surprised that you’re here. I didn’t think I’d be having dinner with
tonight.” She stuffed a chip in her mouth and looked around the restaurant. Anything to stop the havoc his voice, his eyes, and his nearness were playing on her emotions.

“We have known each other for a long time, but a lot of it was when you were younger.” The waiter placed the bottle of Corona in front of Jerry, and he took a long pull. “You’re all grown up now.” His glance dropped from her face to her neck then to her breasts. “Yep, all grown up.”

Thankful for the quick service, Kylie pushed her fork to the side as the server put her steaming dinner on the table. “Smells good. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

“Me neither,” Jerry said hoarsely.

She darted her eyes to his, her neck flushing when she saw untamed lust in them. Clasping her hand on her neck, she tried to hide the red splotches, but he noticed and gave her a smile that sent her pulse racing. The
of her fork hitting her plate pulled her away from him, and she giggled softly while she placed a large bite of rice in her mouth.

As they ate, Kylie made it a point to steer the conversation to club matters; bringing her dad up seemed to be the weapon she needed to cool down Jerry’s ardor. She had to put a little bit of distance between what she wanted and what she feared. She wanted him to crush her into his embrace and make love to her, but she feared she’d be just another woman he bedded. After all, look how he’d acted after he kissed her. But she was a grown, mature woman and needed to experience sex. At nineteen she was still a virgin, and losing it to Jerry was very tempting. What better way to experience her first time than with someone she’d known and had been crushing on for a long time? If it was an isolated coupling, that would be fine. She was a woman on her own, and she could handle it. It’d actually be better if it were a one-time thing, because she wouldn’t have to deal with her father’s rage and disappointment.

When the bill came, Jerry paid and slid out of the booth. He offered his hand to her, helping her up. With his arm around her shoulders, they walked out of the restaurant, got into the car, and drove back to campus.

Opening her door, Kylie looked over her shoulder at him. “Do you want to come in?”

Nodding, he followed her. Instead of turning on the overhead light, she went over to her nightstand and turned on her small lamp. “Do you want another beer?”

Jerry was twisting open the bottle of Jack Daniels he’d bought earlier. “I’ll have a few shots. You like whiskey?”

“I like the flavored ones, like cinnamon, apple, and berry punch.” Laughter burst through her lips when he shuffled back a step or two, his eyes widening.

“Fuck, baby, that’s downright sacrilegious.” He reached out and swatted her butt.

“To each his own. I’ll have another beer. You want to listen to some music? I know you like Aerosmith.”

“Fuck, yeah. They rule.”

After she turned on the music, Kylie kicked off her short black boots and eased down on the bed, crossing her legs. Jerry sat on her desk chair and stretched his legs in front of him, a plastic glass full of whiskey in his hand. A comfortable silence enveloped them as they listened to the music, drank, and stared at each other. When Aerosmith’s
came on, Jerry rose and came over to her, yanking her to her feet with his powerful hands. Crushing her against him, he wrapped his arms around her and swayed to the music. Stiff at first, she relaxed in his embrace as she listened to him sing along with the song.

Laying her head on his chest, she placed her hand on top of it, letting her fingers trace the lines of his muscles. He smelled like soap, leather, and whiskey, and she breathed in deeply, loving it. Under her ear, she heard his heart thumping; its fast beat matched hers, surprising and delighting her. As his hands trailed up and down her back, slowly dipping further toward her ass, her insides jangled with excitement. His heated desire was like a magnet drawing her closer to him, making her resolve to keep it casual quickly dissolving.

“I like the way you feel in my arms,” he rasped, the sweep of his lips against her ear like a caress. He danced her over to the wall, pinning her against it with his warm body. “You have no idea how fucking crazy you make me.” He moved his mouth along her jaw, lavishing it with kisses.

His touch sent a shiver through her and she breathed lightly through parted lips, a tiny moan escaping. When he cupped her chin, their breaths mingled, and his hand skimming over her ass made her arch her back, pressing her body closer. Gentle fingers glided under her skirt, and when they dug into her soft, naked ass cheek, a feral groan ripped from his throat. Before she could react, he took her mouth with a savage intensity, forcing her lips open with his thrusting tongue. His kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl, and Kylie curled her arms around his neck tightly, giving in to him.

They held each other, their lips, teeth, and tongues crashing, biting, and tasting with reckless abandon. It was as if all this passion and desire were unleashed in that one kiss, which neither of them wanted to end. Jerry thrust his hips against Kylie’s belly, his hardness pressing at her core. She parted her legs and he rubbed her throbbing mound with his knee, swallowing her gasps of pleasure.

He captured her bottom lip between his teeth and gently tugged and sucked it. “You’re amazing,” he said, his words smothered on her lips.

Then her phone rang, interrupting their moment of impulsiveness. Kylie glanced at it on her desk as it flashed. “I should see who it is,” she whispered against his neck.

“Are you fucking serious?” He didn’t lessen his embrace.

“I promised Taylor I’d answer if she called. I don’t want her to worry.” She brushed her hair out of her face. “And it could be my dad. He doesn’t like it if I don’t pick up.”

The mere mention of her father made Jerry release her in a flash. She suppressed a laugh and went over to pick up the phone. It was Taylor. In her peripheral view, she saw Jerry pour another shot in his cup then sit on her bed. The two women spoke for a few minutes, then she put her phone down. With her back to him, she said, “Taylor was just making sure I’m okay. She worries about me like a mother hen.” She laughed, then heard him rise from the bed, the springs squeaking.

“I better take off,” he said. “I texted my friends I’d be there about ten o’clock, and it’s way past that.”

Her insides lurched. “Can you ride? I mean, you’ve had a lot to drink.”

“I’m good.” She heard his heavy footsteps on the linoleum floor.

“I’ll see you around.”

She pressed her lips together, her body still burning from their kiss. She didn’t want him to leave; she wanted him to stay, to make love to her. Even though she’d burn in Insurgents Hell for it, she wanted Jerry more than anything else at that moment.

He opened the door, the hallway light flooding in. She slowly turned around and walked to him. Grasping his jacket, she said softly, “Don’t leave.”

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