Read Jaxson Online

Authors: Kris Keldaran

Tags: #Contemporary, #Erotic, #New Age, #Romance, #Military

Jaxson (14 page)

BOOK: Jaxson
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"Your wish is my command
my queen."

His hands encircle
waist just above the hips and he pull
down without a second's further hesitation
. Her
world explode
d in stars. Kehau was
tight from the last six months of no sex, but slickly wet with desire from
tongue lashing he
’d already given her.
For a brief moment,
she was un
all of
him, as big as he
. Jax
through, penetrating all the way to
molten core.

od, yes!"
she hissed fiercely
at him.

"Like that, my queen?"

He knows those words are turning me on. Has to know.

"Oh yes
, raising
hips, then sliding back down his length.

His lips
across the
nubs of
nipples, tongue flicking them at random
. Kehau
one of his hands grasping the hair at the nape of
neck before he pull
it back, forcing
back and chest to arch into him.

my bad boy, show me how much you want it."

nipples fully erect now, large and tight
He grasp
the left between two fingers, even as he suck
on the right, drawing it into his mouth without hesitation


to sl
owly sl
ide up and down
cock, bringing out a moan of pleasure from him
His hands los
their grip and
hair loose as
head down, right beside his ear

“Make me moan, my king.”

e words pushed Jax as he took
by surprise,
pushing the globes together as he
both nipples into his mouth at once
. Her
pace quicken

I need to come now. Not want, need.

bucking with abandon onto him
as her
to fade and
in a body-wrenching orgasm, all over him
. She
feel him throbbing within
and know he
s doing the exact same thing.

Kehau collapsed on top of Jax’s chest, utterly spent for the moment, with his cock still inside of her.

“That was incredible,” she uttered after she finally caught her breath.

“It’s only a taste of what’s to come,” he declared with a mischievous smile.

His hands began to massage her taut back muscles, running all the way from shoulders to flanks, small circles of slow steady pressure. Kehau moaned and groaned at the soft sensations as he worked the knots out of her achy muscles.

“Jax, don’t stop. That feels so good.”

“I’m glad you like it, my queen.”

“Well now it’s my turn to give you a massage.” She climbed off him as he rolled onto his stomach.

Starting at his neck, she took her time, working through the massive bulky muscles that covered his back. Bit by bit, down his spine, until everything was as loose and relaxed as she could make it.

Leaning back over his shoulder, she kissed his ear as she whispered into it, “Now it’s my turn.” Slowly, she dragged her breasts across his back, letting the still-taught nubs of her nipples play across his skin. Now it was his turn to groan. Kehau knew he wanted another excuse to play with them, but she wasn’t done. Yet.

“Roll over,” she commanded imperiously. He did so hesitantly, his eyes questioning her intent. “I never was motivated for this…"

“And now?”

“Oh, I’m very motivated.”

She lowered her head, causing a groan to escape from his lips. Kehau let her hands play across his chest, pinching and caressing freely. Taking him in hand, working him as she lowered and took him in her mouth, softly at first. Then the tempo changed, moving faster while her head bobbed and her hand moved to join the same rhythm, knowing she hit her mark as he moaned, his cock twitching. She knew he was close, his body tensed, and he came quickly, his eyes never leaving hers.

I wonder how long it’s been since a woman took the time to pleasure him.
Who cares
He’s mine now
If the body’s a temple I’m about to become a religious zealot at the Church of Johnny Rocket

Jax looked oblivious to anything else as she slid alongside his body and into the crook of his arm.

“Like that, my king?”

“Yes.” He kissed her eyes, her cheeks, the bridge of her nose. “Would you care to try out the shower with me?” he asks.

“Of course,” Kehau told him.

Hand in hand they walked into the massive tiled bathroom. The shower stall looked big enough to hold ten people, just like the whirlpool tub beside it. Jax turned on the water, allowing hot sprays from three taps at once, each mounted on a different wall. Pulling out a bottle of body wash, he lathered his hands and began to scrub Kehau’s body clean.

When she turned around and presented her back to him, he wetted her scalp and worked his fingers through her hair.

Yup, I’ve missed that too.

Her body turned to jelly once more as he massaged her head and played with her hair.
It’s as if he’s going for the max effect, every time.

With her right leg kicked up on the low stone bench, Jax got down on his knees to wash her intimate places. The feeling of his fingers running across her swollen lips was enough to turn her on once more. His thumb stroked her clit as his index finger slipped between her folds and inside. She flexed her knees a little and he pushed deep inside, the tip of his index finger stroking a place Kehau had never had any man touch before and she whimpered as her whole body began to quake.

How does he do it? Why does he do it?
What does he see in me that drives him to pleasure me so?

Kehau had never had sex in the shower. Sione always thought it was too messy, too complicated. When she told him as much, Jax looked at her in shock. “You look like a goddess right now.”


Gently pulling his fingers out, Jax stood and leaned in close. “Let me show you what I mean.”

He guided himself inside her. By now she was so wet he slid in easily. Kehau could feel his huge phallus go all the way to the hilt. It stretched her and filled her all at once. Putting her left leg up on the other bench, she was in a squatting position as he pinned her wrists above her head, thrusting back and forth, a slow steady rhythm.

“I’m feeling just a bit naughty,” she said salaciously. “Incredibly slutty really. Now why don’t you show me what kind of power you’ve got in that rocket of yours?” she taunted him.

His hands released her wrists, grabbed ahold of her waist, and she moaned from the loss of him as his pulled her up, pushing her against the wall as her legs wrapped around his waist. With his cock positioned, he slammed into her even harder as he pulled her down, the head of his cock kissing the mouth of her cervix. Hard. Fast. Furious. Kehau clawed his back with her nails, leaving behind welts and claw marks all over. Jax cheerfully growled at this, taking the opportunity to grasp ahold of her freely bouncing nipple with his lips and suck hard on it.

“Yes. Yes. Yes! Oh Johnny…” Kehau’s voice trailed off as she orgasmed once, twice, three times. Another began to build, her vision fading. And then—nothingness.

When she came to, Jax had laid her out in the bed beneath the soft sheets. She was still naked, but so was he. One of her brushes was in his hand as he gently brushed her hair out.

“Please don’t stop. That feels good.”

“Then I won’t.”

“What happened?”

Jax chuckled. “You orgasmed so hard you blacked out.”

“It’s your fault,” Kehau told him. “I haven’t ever had a man try that hard to turn me on, ever.”

“It was a pleasure,” he chuckled.

At length he finished brushing out her hair and slipped under the covers next to her. “You really are a goddess among women.”

“Well this goddess is exhausted.”

He pulled her close. “I think we can accommodate that.” He kissed her gently, as they fell asleep together in their bed.



One Month Later


“I’d like to thank you all
for coming today. Christmas Day
seemed like the perfect excuse to throw a party, and why not here?” Jax said as he gestured toward the sprawling property his house was built on.

All the team leaders were there, Jax’s entire family, even Kehau’s parents
and all of her friends
but Pua
, plus assorted odds and ends
There had to be at least a hundred people, he’d bet, and hopefully there was enough
to go around
asy day
You planned ahead for all of this

“Kehau’s gonna bless this mess, and then I expect to see plates flying and chow being consumed.”

Kehau gave grace, and Jax stepped back as the women and children made their way to the line
“Marius, fill her up.”

Taking Jax’s massive
, he filled it from the keg then passed it back over.

“Little bit of liquid courage there
Johnny Rocket?”

More than a little.”

“I think I’ve got enough in me to go talk with that blonde over there.”
Marius gestured with
own mug in Carli’s direction

“Take her a Heineken, and tell her you like the ocean,
” Jax advised.


“Would you believe she’s a professor of oceanography at UH?”

“You’re kidding!”

“Nope. Got a doctorate and everything. Seen it myself.”

“Huh.” Marius took a sip of his beer. “Might have to go investigate that.”

Speaking of which…”

“Sitting in your blue
s coat like you asked
” Marius assured him quietly.

“Good man.”
Marius excused himself to wander over toward Carli, and Jax kept sipping from his mug
It’s nice to have such helpful friends

“You okay,
son?” Jax’s father asked
as he wandered over.

“I’m fine
, Dad.
Or at least I will be soon.”

His father raised an eyebrow but Jax didn’t answer, and he pressed on.

“That being the case, whatever it is, go relax with your lady and have fun.”

“I think I will.”


, Dad

“Good luck.”

All throughout the meal, Jax stayed with Kehau, laughing and joking
as they reminisced with friends and family about the past, watched the children playing with their new toys. As the sun sank lower, Kehau began the gift exchange game. All those in attendance had brought a gift of some kind, completely wrapped to hide its contents. A name was drawn at random from a hat, and the one drawing would give their gift to that person. This started the chain going, until everybody had received a gift, at which point they opened the wrapping paper and decided whether or not to trade the item with somebody else. Donny was the winner of the most insane gift thus far, with a hundred spray cans of silly string, which Nikole had been the recipient of.

“Sweetheart, I'm gonna go use the restroom, I'll be right back,” Jax told Kehau.

“Okay.” He kissed her gently then disappeared inside.

A shriek caught her attention and she watched as Nikole began chasing Donny around the yard, a can in one hand, desperately trying to pull the lime green strings he'd shot through her hair. Camera phones came out as people took video and pictures of their antics until they disappeared around the backside of the house. Off to one side, she could see Marius and Carli deep in conversation. What about she couldn't guess, but Carli looked like she was cheerful. Pua was with her own family today,
which means Marissa is somewhere around here.
“I hate that man!”
Found her.

“Who?” Kehau asked curiously as Marissa plunked herself into a chair.

“Xavier. He keeps trying to kiss me under the mistletoe with that nasty wad of chewing tobacco in his mouth.”

Note to self: tell Johnny that Xavier needs to back off the booze.

“Hey, Kehau, you forgot one of your gifts under the tree,” Jax announced from behind her.

“What? I thought I got everything,” she told him as she turned to look at him.

All at once her heart stopped. Jax was in uniform. The same one she'd seen hanging on a stand in his bedroom. Gleaming black dress shoes poked out from under blue dress pants with a red stripe running up the leg. The dark blue coat fit him like a glove, brass buttons and belt buckle gleaming in the light.
Oh that's sexy. Very very sexy. But I thought he couldn't wear it except for special occasions?

She opened her mouth to ask what was going on when he dropped to one knee.

“Kehau Makoa, will you accept me, be mine forever, and marry me?”

Her heart leapt into her throat. This was a dream right? But the ring held in his white gloved hand was real. Memories flashed before her eyes as she asked herself that question: did she want to spend the rest of her life with Jaxson Kuznia.

You know the answer already. It wasn't the money, it wasn't the gifts. You knew it the day he came back for you, when he didn't have to. And saved you from your nightmares.

“Yes!” Warm tears stung her eyes so a she said it again, “Yes I will!”

He slipped the ring on, letting her admire the brilliance of its craftsmanship. The band had to be platinum it was so clear and bright; the diamond on top was mounted in the center of a finely wrought rose gold plumeria flower. It was quite possibly the largest gemstone she'd ever laid eyes on.

“This is huge!” she exclaimed.

“I want everybody to know you're mine just as much as I'm yours.”

Until the day I die.

Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him fiercely. This was her man by God, and she didn’t want to share him with anybody else. Ever.

BOOK: Jaxson
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