Jack’s Dee-Light (3 page)

Read Jack’s Dee-Light Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Girls Night Out

BOOK: Jack’s Dee-Light
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“Little overdressed, don’t you think?”

He grinned and held his hand out to her to help her up. “Best if my clothes stay on until we get to those condoms.”

“But I want to taste you.”

He shook his head. “Not a good idea right now, Dee. I’m close to losing control as it is and I want to be buried deep inside that hot little pussy of yours when I come the first time with you.”

“The first time?”

“We have all night,” he said, but there was a bit of a question to it as well, as if he were asking if he could spend the night with her.

She used his hand to help pull herself up to her feet and nodded. She definitely wanted him to stay the night.

“Apparently we can both still move,” she said.

“I have my work cut out for me then,” he agreed huskily. “Bedroom and condoms.”

“Bedroom and condoms,” she agreed.

Holding his hand, she led him down the hall to her bedroom. She’d left the soft glow of a lamp on earlier in the evening just as she always did. She hated walking into a dark room. Thank heavens it wasn’t all that cluttered tonight with just a few discarded clothes tossed on her chair and a rejected pair of heels on the floor.

She released his hand and moved over to open the drawer in her bedside table, pulling out the box of condoms. Opening it, she pulled one out and turned back to him. Her breath caught at the sight of his naked chest. He’d tossed his shirt while she’d been turned and even now his hands worked on releasing his belt and opening his jeans.

His chest was just as broad as she remembered though he’d gained more muscle over the years. The dark mat of hair still covered his chest and her nipples tightened again at the thought of rubbing against him. She stopped in front of him and let her hands move out to touch that chest, her fingers moving through his thick mat of hair.

“You are so gorgeous,” she told him, her eyes devouring the sight of him.

“I’m glad you think so.”

His hands moved to trace up her sides, leaving his jeans hanging open. He was so tall, taller now that she wasn’t in her heels anymore. But even with them on he’d towered over her, in her bare feet he was a full foot taller than she.

He bent his head and she lifted hers up to meet him. Their mouths brushed, retreated and came back for a deeper greeting. Lips meshed, tongues clashed and tangled. Her hands moved up to grip his shoulders and hold tight while his moved down to grip her ass and lift her up to him.

She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and held tightly while he carried her across the room to the bed. He bent to lower her, setting on the side of the bed, and she let her hands trace over his chest and down over his hard abs as he stood back up. He reached down and took the condom from her, freeing that hand to explore unhindered with her other.

She gripped the sides of his opened jeans and tugged them lower, licking her lips as the head of his cock was finally revealed, peeking over the band of what looked like a snug pair of boxer briefs. She heard the tear of the condom wrapper and leaned forward while his hands were busy.

She shoved his pants farther down on his thighs and then did the same with his boxers. His cock was long and thick and she couldn’t wait to feel it inside her but she wanted to taste him first. She wanted that drop of cream that covered the slit in the head of his cock. She wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and squeezed while she ran her tongue up the length to lick over the head and taste his pre-cum. He was heaven.

“Fuck, Dee,” he said, one hand clenched in her hair, tugging her away from him. “I’m on the edge here.”

She wanted him on the edge. Wanted him to take her hard and fast this first time. First time. Oh yeah, that sounded nice.

“Why don’t you pull the covers back while I strip and sheathe my cock?”

She pressed one more kiss and watched his abdominal muscles clench and ripple as she pulled away. She licked her lips again, tasting him on them before nodding.

He released her hair and she sat and watched for a minute as he toed off his shoes and shucked the jeans and boxers in a heap on top of them. Reaching down, he pulled first one sock and then the other off before standing back up. Their eyes clashed before hers dropped, watching as he palmed his cock and gave it a stroke and a squeeze before using his other hand to roll the condom on.

Belatedly she turned over to pull the comforter back and heard him catch his breath. She glanced back and saw his eyes fixated on her ass, which was right in front of him now that she was on her hands and knees.

“Don’t move,” he whispered. “I want you just like that.” She watched him jerk his gaze up to meet her eyes. “You okay with that?”

One hand came out to rub over her ass and dip down to finger her pussy from behind. She shuddered a breath. “Yes.”

“Back up just a bit,” he urged and his hands guided her back so that her knees were close to the edge. He moved between her legs, pressing her knees just a bit wider as he stepped into position behind her.

One hand pressed on her lower back, urging her to bend forward just a bit more and she rested her elbows on the bed, leaning down so that her face was buried in her forearms. Her hips shifted higher, better opening her to his gaze and cock.

She felt his hands on her, fingers stroking through her drenched folds as if making sure she was ready. Then she felt the head of his cock. He let his shaft glide along her wet pussy lips, adding her cream to the pre-lubed condom. He stroked her that way, letting the head bump against her clit with every stroke.

“I won’t last long this first time, Dee.” His voice was rougher, deeper. “But I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“Just fuck me,” she begged, surprising them both.

With a groan he let the head lodge in her opening and pressed inside her. One torturously slow thrust that continued until he filled her completely. When he was buried as deep as he could get he stopped and held still. His hands clenched at her hips and she knew she would bear his marks on her skin come morning.

“Jack,” she whispered, and her pussy clenched around him.

“Fuck,” he swore, his breath coming harder and faster. “Give me a minute, baby. Just a minute.”

She tried to hold still, even turned her right palm so that she could bury her teeth into the fleshy pad there to hold back her cries for him to move. He was close. He’d told her that. But that was okay because she was too. Her pussy clenched and released around his cock again and his hands did the same where they gripped her hips.

“Fuck,” he said.

“Yes,” she agreed.

And finally, praise Jesus, he did just that. Slow and easy at first he pumped in and out of her, never quite pulling all the way free before thrusting deep again. He was deep, so incredibly deep, and it was all she could do to muffle her screams of pleasure.

His tempo picked up, growing faster with every stroke, his cock pushing harder and impossibly deeper. She swore she could feel him all the way into her womb.

“I’m coming,” he moaned.

“Yes,” she moaned. Permission if he wanted it. Agreement if he needed it. She wanted him to come, could feel another orgasm beginning for her.

He cried out and the hard timbre washing over her sent her spiraling off the edge again into mindless pleasure. He slammed deep and stayed there, flexing his hips to the point that he lifted her knees clear off the bed and had her sliding farther down on his shaft.

She screamed, couldn’t contain it as intense pleasure and pain mixed at how deep he was inside her. She felt his release through the thin barrier of the condom and shuddered out a breath as she fought for air. She wiggled a bit and he shuddered behind her and collapsed over her back. Her knees hit the bed and his shaft began to soften with his release.

“Did I hurt you?” he panted.

“No,” she said. There had been that one brief moment when he’d lifted her knees and impaled her farther but the brief flash of pain had bled quickly into pleasure. Plus, she’d never had an orgasm like the ones he’d given her.

He stood up, pulling free of her and she slumped to the bed, sucking air. Her heart was still racing, her whole body boneless, and she marveled at the fact that he was still standing.


“The door over there,” she managed to point a finger toward her master bath and closed her eyes as he moved in that direction. She had to catch her breath so that she could have a round two. She’d just rest for a minute, just a minute while he cleaned up.

Chapter Four


She’d fallen asleep. She couldn’t believe that she’d finally gotten Jack—Jack, for god’s sake—in her bed and she’d fallen asleep after having sex. Only once. She’d had him only once. And now with the morning light she was in bed alone, meaning he’d left at some point during the night. And that made him another one-night stand. With Mike, that made two. Jacey would be proud. Dee was a “ho” in the making. So why did it hurt?

She’d been the one who’d said they were all wrong, that she could have a one-night stand without her emotions playing a role. And, damn it, she could. She would. She had to shake this off. First, she had to quit wallowing in her bed and hit the shower. Then she had clothes to pick up off her living room floor and a pair of ripped panties to find.

She still smelled like sex and Jack and, if she was going to think straight, she had to wash that off. Besides, she had a plane to catch in a few hours. She had a meeting with her boss to go over his schedule for the next few months.

She loved the convenience of working from her home, setting her own hours and having all the free time she wanted, as long as she stayed on top of her boss’ schedule. She was a virtual assistant. She did all the things that a personal assistant would do in an office, only without the office. She took care of his schedule, travel arrangements, speaking engagements, projects, as well as some of his more personal things. Like sending his mom a birthday card and gift, as well as occasionally sending flowers to a woman he was moving on from. She’d worked for him since she’d graduated from school and they had a great repartee between them.

Once in a while she would need to travel and meet him at a venue but not that often. He’d been on a tour in Europe for the last six weeks and she’d overseen the entire thing from her computer at home. They used Skype when they needed to but most of the time it was through email, text, or phone conversations. She was good at her job and that meant she didn’t have to travel very much.

She pushed the covers back and gingerly stepped from the bed. She was sore, and glancing down at her hips, she smiled at the fingermark bruises where Jack had gripped her and held on. Her breasts were sore and one of them had a red hickey-type mark. She walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her appearance showed a woman who’d been well used the night before. She loved it. She hated it. She just shook her head and groaned. Sleeping with Jack was a complication she didn’t need, especially since he wouldn’t be shipping out again.

She turned and started the water running in the shower. Hot water and coffee. That was what she needed right now. And work. Work would keep her focused on other things and maybe by the time she returned on Friday she’d be able to handle her current mess better. One thing was certain, her boss would keep her busy and laughing with all the stories he’d surely have to share about Europe.

He was a dynamic guy, which was why he had so many speaking engagements across the globe. She’d sent her resume to him a week shy of graduation, her degree in marketing a given. In fact, it had been a dare from Jacey that had prompted it. Jacey was always daring her to do stuff. But that time it had worked out.

She’d thought it was a joke when she’d answered her phone and the voice on the other end had stated he was Grunwald Netherly calling for her. He wouldn’t make the call himself, right? But he had and within ten minutes she was calling him Grun as if they were old friends and agreeing to meet him in his hometown of Chicago for a personal interview.

She’d booked a hotel but he’d snuffed that idea the first night, insisting she stayed with him. He owned a huge house just outside the city, a fully staffed house. And there was no better chaperone than his mother who lived with him. Dee loved her immediately.

Grunwald, she found out, was a name that suited him. He was eccentric, flighty, temperamental and obnoxious as hell most of the time. He was also brilliant and believed in giving back. He did a lot of work behind the scenes for charities and donated money as if it was water. Which for him, it seemed to be. He came from money and made more of it.

He’d published more books than she could count, taught online classes for several local schools when it interested him and spoke all over the world on how to be a published author, the importance of self-promotion, finding an agent and any number of other things that people wanted him to talk about. The man was just brilliant and everyone loved him. Including Dee.

Jack was right. She was very lucky. She had a job she loved that earned her great money all from the convenience of her home. She traveled when she wanted to, or on rare occasions when she needed to. She’d learned more about marketing from Grun than she had her entire time in college. She grinned, thinking about how lucky she really was. She had no room to complain.

She just had to put last night behind her. Hell, the last few months behind her when it came to her love life. Or, more accurately, her sex life. She would just focus ahead and leave the past in the past. Especially the more recent past.

She sighed as she stepped into the shower. Who was she kidding? Mike, she could handle. One night with Jack and she knew that Mike was a mistake. She shouldn’t have slept with him. The sex had been good, but there hadn’t been a connection between them. He’d just realized it a lot sooner than she had. Jack on the other hand… Her nipples tightened, thinking about the feel of his mouth, his hands stroking over her flesh.

She couldn’t think about Jack right now. Not now. She would focus on work and on enjoying this trip. It couldn’t have come at a better time. If she was lucky, Grun would have some new trip for her to set up. One that would require her to travel with him for a while. That was just what she needed.

* * * * *


Jack walked into Jonas’ kitchen to find his sister Jacey sitting at the table. Jonas was nowhere to be found. Curious. But he had other things on his mind. Other people, or more specifically one blonde bombshell he couldn’t track down at the moment.

“Have you heard from Dee?” Jack asked his sister. “Or have any idea where she might be this afternoon?” He was tired and cranky and not being able to locate Dee wasn’t helping.

It had taken everything he had to leave Dee alone when he’d walked out of the bathroom and found her sound asleep on her bed. He’d wanted to wake her, take her again. And honestly, that had scared the hell out of him. So he’d used the excuse of letting her rest to run. He regretted that choice more and more with each moment he couldn’t find her.

“Ummm, about thirty thousand feet in the air or however high airplanes go,” Jacey said. “Have a good night, lover boy?”

“Shut up, Jacey,” he muttered. “Why’s she on a plane? Where’s she going? I thought she was a virtual secretary for some big writer?”

“So not much time for talking last night, huh?” she asked with a laugh. “Hope that’s a good thing.”

“Just answer my question, please.”

“She’s on her way to Chicago for a meeting with her boss. She’s his personal assistant and all-around girl Friday, not a secretary. He’s just back from Europe and some tour she scheduled for him over there. She’s been looking forward to seeing him and finding out how things went. The details he doesn’t share over the phone or email.”

“When does she get back?”

“Not until Friday,” Jacey said, but her expression wasn’t so carefree and relaxed now. “Why? What’s going on, Jack?”

“I just didn’t get a chance to talk to her this morning and I was trying to find her.”

“Didn’t get a chance to talk to her?” She shook her head and glared. “Please tell me that you didn’t just screw my friend and leave. Tell me my brother isn’t that big of an ass.”

“She wanted to show us that she could have a one-night stand,” he said, the only thing he could think of in his defense.

“That’s bullshit and you know it, Jack.”

“I’m not getting into this with you. Do you have her number?”

“Of course I have her number, but I’m not giving it to you until I talk to her.” She stood up and pocketed her phone to keep it out of his reach. “If you hurt her, Jack, I’ll never forgive you.”

“If I hurt her it wasn’t intentional.”

“What happened last night?”

“That’s really none of your business, Jacey. Just suffice it to say that she was sleeping when I left and I was hoping to catch her today and talk. I didn’t know she was going to be flying to Chicago.”

“You fucked her and left? No note or anything. My god, you are an asshole.”

“Don’t be crude with me, Jacey. What’s between Dee and me is between us.”

“Well, she’ll be gone until Friday so I hope you didn’t screw up too badly. That’s a long time for a girl to stew and analyze an event. Enough time to move past it if she wants to.”

“Are you going to give me her number or not?”

“Not. I’ll call her and see what she says. If she wants you to have her number then I’ll give it to you. If not…” She shrugged her shoulders at him. “Well, if not, you’ll just have to wait until she gets back. But, Jack, when you leave a woman in bed, if she’s important to you, if she matters at all, then you should always leave a note.”

With those parting words his sister walked out, leaving him to stew over everything. Fuck! He’d messed up without meaning to. Of course, this whole thing had caught him off guard. His only long-term plan was to come home and find a job, get settled into civilian life. He’d never counted on Dee, all grown-up and still wanting him.

He should have ignored it when his sister called and invited him out to have a drink at the bar. He’d thought it was a nice gesture even though Jonas had shaken his head and told him to beware. Then he’d walked in to hear those words come out of Dee’s mouth. He’d thought it cute until he’d gotten a good look at her. He hadn’t seen her much in the last five years, just pictures but she was never clearly visible.

Dee had grown up. Nicely. Incredibly. She was no longer the skinny little girl who looked at him with stars in her eyes. No, she’d looked at him with a woman’s appreciation last night. He’d been teasing and joking around with her. Then she’d said something about hooking up with a guy and going home for sex and he’d seen red. He’d told himself he was taking her home to protect her from herself. Yeah, right.

He’d been a goner the moment she’d put her feet in his lap and he’d taken them in his hands. So small and fragile and so soft his hands had ached to touch more of her. She’d turned and for a second he’d gotten a peek at her creamy thighs and a glimpse of black panties. At that point his dick had started fighting to do his thinking for him.

He hadn’t meant to have sex with her. Dee, for all her talk, was not a one-night-stand type of girl. Jacey was right. He’d known that. But he’d wanted her. She’d wanted him. And damn it, it had been a long dry spell for him. No excuse. He was stupid for touching her, tasting her. He’d been doomed the moment he’d slipped his dick in her hot little cunt.

He hadn’t lied when he’d told her how amazing her tits were. The woman was built. He could have spent hours worshipping her. Hell, he’d almost come with her the first time she’d exploded from just his mouth on her breasts. And again when he’d made her come with his mouth and fingers. She’d tasted so sweet. He could’ve licked her for hours. If his dick hadn’t been hurting with the need to come at that point.

Then she’d put her mouth on him and it had taken everything he had to hold back, to rein in the desire to just fuck that mouth of hers. He reached down and adjusted his hard-on in his jeans. Hell, just thinking about what they’d done last night was making him horny as hell.

He’d wanted more. Wanted to fuck her in every position possible and try some that might not be. He wanted to come in her mouth and then taste her orgasm on his tongue again. He’d wanted to see if she was into letting him take her anally. Christ, the woman’s ass was as spectacular as her tits. Dee was all lush curves that made a man’s thoughts head straight to the carnal. Hell, he could even understand why the gay guy had wanted her.

But when he’d walked out of her bathroom and found her sound asleep, it had snapped him out of his sex haze. On the bed, her body soft with slumber, her lips curved up with what he hoped were thoughts of him and what they’d shared, she was perfection. He’d felt a stutter in his heart. And that stutter had scared the hell out of him.

He wasn’t looking for forever. Not yet. He wasn’t ready for a wife and kids and dogs and all that stuff his mother was hoping for. Since he’d graduated from high school at seventeen he’d been a Marine. And he’d loved every moment of it. Wouldn’t change a thing. But he spent a lot of time overseas in some not so great places. There’d been women here and there but nothing that mattered.

Seeing Dee lying there had scared him because it was Dee. And, damn it, she mattered. Just the thought of her now made him hard. He wasn’t a one-night stand for her. He wasn’t sure what he was, what they were, but he knew he didn’t want to only have one night. He wasn’t ready for forever. But he was ready for right now. And right now the only woman he wanted was Dee. Now all he had to do was find a way to get hold of her. Then he’d have to figure out how to find out exactly what Dee wanted. Or more accurately what she was willing to accept from him.

He sighed. “Fuck, I’d rather be in a warzone.”

“That bad a night, huh,” Jonas said and Jack looked up.

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