Jack’s Dee-Light (6 page)

Read Jack’s Dee-Light Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Girls Night Out

BOOK: Jack’s Dee-Light
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“What’s that grin for?”

“I’m just happy,” she told him, thankful that she’d at least managed not to blurt that thought out loud.

“Me too,” he agreed. “I’m absolutely dee-lighted,” he added with a grin.

Hmmm, so maybe she did say it out loud. It didn’t matter. He picked up speed and she reached up to play with his nipples. Her moans and his groans were all the conversation they shared as they moved together. When she reached orgasm this time it was a softer journey, a slower, gentler wave that carried her in its wake. She squeezed around him, gripping him with the walls of her pussy and milking release from him.

He stayed over her for a long moment, elbows locked, hips pressed tight to hers as he pulsed and throbbed inside her. Then slowly he lowered to rest on her, shifting just enough that his head rested on her left.

“I’ll move in just a minute. I swear.”

She hugged him close, loving the feel of him over her, on her, still inside her. “Take your time. I like feeling you like this.”



She let her legs slide down, releasing her grip and sprawling them out on the bed. A girl could definitely get used to this.

“Let’s not wait a week before doing this again.”

He laughed and they both groaned as he rolled over, slipping free of her and lying on his back beside her.

“How about after dinner?” he teased her.

“I might be able to wait that long,” she teased back.

He groaned and closed his eyes, making her laugh. Until she looked at the clock.

“We have exactly an hour to meet your sister and Mischa for dinner. I’m going to go get in the shower.”

“Mind if I join you?” he murmured.

“Sure,” she agreed. “You’re too worn out to do more than wash anyways,” she added with a wicked grin.

“Is that a challenge?” he asked, his eyes flying open.

“No,” she shook her head vigorously. “We literally only have an hour, Jack.”

She bounced out of the bed and turned to head toward her master bath. “I’ll get the water started. Join me when you’re ready.”

She could feel his eyes glued to her ass as she walked away and she smiled.

Chapter Seven


They barely made it to the restaurant in time. As it was she’d made him drop her off at the door while he went to park her car. He’d tried to talk her into taking Jonas’ motorcycle but she’d promised him they could do that later. He’d have to take the bike back to Jonas anyway and pick up his truck. She would go with him. She’d fantasized once or twice about doing things to Jack—with Jack—in his big truck. Maybe she could play one out tonight.

He’d tried to get frisky in the shower but she’d managed to be almost washed by the time he joined her and she jumped out quickly to start drying her hair while he finished. Of course when she’d turned the blow-dryer off and walked into her bedroom she’d caught him wearing nothing but a towel around his hips and it took her back to the first time she’d seen him like that. He played a starring role in every fantasy she’d had since then. From the tame ones of a young girl awaiting her first real kiss to those of a young woman who’d already had her first taste of sex and wanted more.

“Keep looking at me like that and we’ll be lucky to leave this room tonight,” he’d said and dropped the towel to show that his cock was starting to chub up at her interest.

She’d quickly turned to her closet to pull out clothes, stopped at her dresser to get a new bra and panty set and then gone back into the bathroom to get dressed. No use in tempting them both more by dropping her towel in front of him. It promised to be an amazing night.

She snapped out of her thoughts as Jacey hollered her name across the room. She waved at the hostess and pointed toward her seated friends to indicate she was joining them. She hadn’t told them yet that Jack was joining them but thankfully they were already at a table with four chairs.

“Hey,” Mischa said as soon as she joined them. “This trip must have been fantastic. You’re practically glowing.”

“You could say this was the best trip I’ve ever taken,” Dee agreed with a smile. “You feeling okay, Jacey?”

Jacey looked positively green, as if she was going to be sick.

“Ummm, Dee…” Jacey began and then she seemed to lose all her color as her eyes caught on something behind Dee.

Dee turned to see Jack walking in. He was gorgeous. Her eyes were glued to him as he walked to their table to join them. She was certain that hers weren’t the only eyes watching him. He just commanded attention. He dropped to the seat beside her and draped an arm over the back of her chair.

“You’re in so much trouble,” he said by way of greeting.

Putting a hand over her mouth, Jacey bolted, heading in the direction of the restroom.

“What the hell is that about?” Jack said, looking at her and Mischa.

“Mischa?” Dee questioned, shrugging her shoulders at him.

“She’s worked herself up into a hot mess over you two this week,” Mischa said. She pointed her finger at Dee. “You never called her back so she had nothing but her imagination to fill her in.” She pointed at Jack. “And you wouldn’t leave her alone with your constant demands for Dee’s number. She was going to ask Dee but then she didn’t hear from her. You kept pushing so she lied and said she’d given it to Dee, hoping to talk to Dee before she got back. But then you called in the middle of stuff.” She gestured with her eyes as if Dee should know what she was referring to.

“I was finishing packing to come home,” Dee said. “It was the first chance I had to call her.”

“According to Jacey that wasn’t all you were in the middle of,” Mischa muttered, glancing between Dee and Jack.

“What are you talking about? I swear I was packing, that was it.”

“Do you really want me to say something in front of him?”

“Hell yeah,” Jack answered for her. “No way am I missing this.”

Dee nodded in agreement.

“Jacey said that she heard Grun call out for you to bring him a towel and that you said he was in the shower and you’d be right back.” Dee could feel Jack tense up beside her and she slipped her hand down to squeeze his thigh. “She even said that she heard him say that if you weren’t already dressed he’d pull you in with him and give you a good soaking. That you laughed and promised ‘next time’.”

Dee burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that she had tears flowing down her cheeks and had to hold her sides. Jack was looking at her with a lifted brow but at her laughter his tension had left. Mischa was looking at her as if she was a crazy woman, which was the look she was getting from several other patrons as well. She pulled herself together and finally managed to speak.

“The shower was leaking in my bathroom. Grun decided he could fix it.”

Mischa snorted a laugh and Dee knew it was from all the stories she’d shared with her friends about his attempts to play handyman.

“He managed to make it worse and soak himself in the process. I’d already called a repairman and was trying to flee before he arrived.”

“Oh god.” Mischa snorted another laugh.

“Why didn’t he shut the water off first?” Jack asked.

“Because he’s Grun,” Mischa said at the same time that Dee did. They both started laughing again.

Dee tried to explain. “My boss is brilliant when it comes to most things. But he can’t fix anything around the house. He has a way of making them worse than they were to begin with. Mr. Fix-It he is not.”

“So Jacey thought you were having sex with your boss?” he questioned and she could easily read below the surface of that question. He wanted to know if there had ever been a time when she had or had wanted to that would make Jacey’s thoughts leap that direction.

“Never,” she assured him. “You’ll have to meet Grun. Then you’ll understand.”

“Is he gay?” Jack asked.

“No,” Dee stated.

“Yeah, you don’t seem to be a good judge of that,” Jack said and there was no doubt what or who he meant by that.

Mischa was the one laughing hard now.

“I better go check on Jacey,” Dee said, shaking her head at them.

“We’ll order drinks and an appetizer while you’re gone,” Mischa said. “Hurry back.”

“We already had an appetizer,” Jack quipped. Dee flushed a deep red and Mischa looked at them and grinned.

“Yeah, Clint and I do that a lot,” she said referring to her husband. She looked at Dee and winked, letting her know that she knew exactly what Jack was referring to. “It sure works up an appetite.”

Jack’s chuckle followed her as she moved away, taking the same path as Jacey. She pushed through the doors and saw her friend sitting on the couch, her eyes red, tear tracks drying on her face. As Dee walked in fresh tears began.

“Jacey.” She rushed to her friend’s side and pulled her in for a hug. “What is the matter with you?” It wasn’t like Jacey to get this worked up. It had to be about more than Jack and her.

“I’m so sorry, Dee,” Jacey cried. “I’m so sorry. I should have called and called and called until you answered. But I didn’t, and I lied, and I’ve ruined everything. You guys are going to hate me!”

“Jack and I are fine,” Dee said, pulling back from her friend. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back sooner. You shouldn’t have lied to him about giving me his number but neither of us would ever hate you, Jacey.”

“But what about Chicago? Grun?”

“He was trying to fix the leaking shower in the room I was staying in. I’m sure you can imagine how well that went,” she added with a laugh.

Jacey snorted a laugh and then hiccupped. “I bet.” She looked as if she was going to cry again for a minute. “I didn’t screw things up for you and my brother, did I? I think he really likes you, Dee. I’ve never seen him go that crazy before. He was a bear while you were gone.”

Dee laughed. “He was waiting on my doorstep when I got home.”

“He was?”

“Yeah, and after he scared the hell out of me, we went inside and talked.”


“You really want me to tell you sex details that involve your brother?”

Jacey looked a little green again. “God, no. I just want you to be happy, Dee. Jack too.”

“We talked. We’re going to see where things go. No promises. Just one day at a time.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

“Yeah, I am. With Jack, I am.”

“If he hurts you, we’ll strip him naked, cover him in honey and stake him over a black ant hill. Pinky swear.” Jacey held her right pinky out to Dee.

“Pinky swear,” Dee agreed with a laugh and wrapped her finger around Jacey’s.

“Best friends?” Jacey asked.

“The bestest,” Dee vowed. “What else is going on, Jacey? Those tears can’t all be for me and Jack.”

“Jonas,” Jacey said and Dee wondered if her friend had finally figured out that he was in love with her.

“What about Jonas?” Dee prompted when Jacey didn’t continue.

“He’s weird lately. We’ve been friends for almost ten years now. I’ve always been able to talk to him about anything, he’s like a male version of you. But lately it’s like he doesn’t want anything to do with me. In fact, he told me that since Jack was staying with him maybe I should stop showing up whenever I wanted and to knock first.”

“Wow, you don’t say,” Dee tried hard to keep a straight face. Sounded as if Jonas was finally fed up with his “friend” status.

“Do you think I’m wrong for being upset by that?” Jacey demanded, all traces of her tears gone as anger took over instead.

“Nope,” Dee said, playing devil’s advocate. “I know for a fact that Jack won’t be there tonight. I think you should go over and confront him. Find out what’s going on.”

“Really?” Jacey seemed happy with that idea—too happy—which made Dee have second thoughts.

“Only if you’re ready to listen to him. Can you handle it if he says that he doesn’t think you two should be friends anymore?”

Jacey’s eyes went wide. “Do you think that’s what’s going on?”

Yeah, Dee did. But she was also convinced that Jonas had wanted to be more than friends with Jacey for a long time. “I don’t know, Jacey. I’m just saying if you confront him then you have to make sure you’re ready for whatever he says. It may not be what you want to hear.”

“You’re right.” Jacey nodded.

“I’m here if you need to talk,” Dee promised. “And Mischa’s going to kick our asses for having this conversation without her.”

Jacey laughed. “Yeah, she will.”

Just then the door pushed open and Mischa entered, shaking her finger. “I’m going to kick your asses if you’re in here having a serious conversation without me.”

Dee and Jacey went off into gales of laughter while Mischa just stood and looked at them. “You both better hurry up. Jack’s been chomping at the bit since you left the table, Dee. I told him I’d go check on you two before he marched back here to do it himself. That man seems to be bitten by the Dee bug.”

“Yeah,” Dee agreed with a smug grin.

“Good for you,” Mischa said and pulled her to her feet and into a tight hug. “About time.”

“Now let’s go. Drinks and appetizers will be on the table when we get back.” Mischa winked at Dee and they both grinned.

Laughing and grinning, they made their way back to the table. Dee met Jack’s eyes and she swore everything else faded away. The man stole her breath.

She bumped into someone and automatically apologized. Tearing her gaze from Jack, she saw it was Mike and the girl he’d been with the week before. He looked embarrassed to see her and it made her sad.
He’d really been a great friend.

“Hi, Mike,” she greeted him with a genuine smile. “Good to see you again.” She turned to his date. “Dee,” she offered and held out her hand.

“Tabby,” the other woman said and glanced quickly at Mike.

“Nice to meet you,” Dee said. “You two have a great evening.” And she really meant it.

“Thanks,” Mike said and ushered his date away.

Mischa and Jacey had moved on to the table and Dee joined them just in time to here Mischa say, “Hey, there’s Jonas. I didn’t know he was dating anyone.”

Dee turned to see Jonas entering with a very beautiful redhead at his side who was talking a mile a minute.
Oh shit
went through her head as she quickly turned back to Jacey.

She was pissed. That was easy to tell. Dee could practically see the steam billowing from Jacey’s ears. She glanced back toward the door and Jonas just in time to see him realize they were all there. She almost choked when Jack waved at Jonas and motioned that he could come over and sit with them.

Jonas just lifted a hand in greeting and seemed to almost attack the hostess when she arrived to seat him.

“Wonder what that’s all about?” Jack said and Dee almost laughed.

“Fucking asshole,” Jacey said.

“Jacey,” Dee said.

“I’m glad things worked out for you two despite my idiocy,” she said, coming to her feet beside the table. “I’ve lost my appetite. I’ll catch you guys later.” She threw a five down on the table and stomped off.

“Did I miss something?” Jack asked, looking around no doubt in search of what had prompted Jacey’s comment and exit.

“About time she woke up,” Mischa said. “Good for him.”

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