Jack (7 page)

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Authors: Amanda Anderson

BOOK: Jack
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Jack kept his eyes on Viki as she made breakfast.  He’d insisted that it wasn’t something she needed to do, but she hadn’t listened.

“Would you stop it?  You sound like a mad dog over there.”  She said as she looked over her shoulder at him.

“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to wait on me.”

“I know!  I’m fixing breakfast for Bobby anyway so it’s really no trouble.”

“Yeah, so you said.”  Jack sat back in his chair.  He didn’t like the fact that she had to go into town to take Bobby to school.  He had a bad feeling today and he wanted to keep them close.

“You’re doing it again.”  She said while pointing at him with an egg covered spatula.

“I wish you’d just stay here today.  One day won’t kill him.”

“It’s silly.  There is no reason to stay home.  His school is safe and you can go with me to drop him off and pick up if you want to.  I need to go by the apartment to get a few things too.”

“No.  Let me do that.”

“No way!  I’m not letting you go through my stuff, just no.”

Jack threw his hands in the air.  “You are an impossible woman.”

“No she’s not.  She’s a good woman.”  Bobby said from the doorway.

“Yeah Bobby I know.  She just won’t listen to reason.”

“No!  She just won’t let you tell her what to do and you hate it.”  Bobby said with anger in his voice.

“Bobby.  Watch your tone.  Jack isn’t being mean, he’s trying to be nice.”  Viki said as she continued at the stove.  “He’s just worried.”

Jack looked at the kid.  He wasn’t bigger than a minute, but he jumped to Viki’s defense.  He had to admit he respected the boy.

“I’m not forcing her to do anything, I’m trying to make her see reason, but she’s too stubborn.”

Viki frowned at him.  “Fine, how about this then?  You go with me to grab a few clothes and then you can go back with somebody to get anything else that needs getting.”

“Yeah that will work.”

With that settled Viki plated his food and set in on the table.  She set Bobby’s in his spot and leaned against the sink to watch them eat.

“And where exactly is yours?”  Jack asked with his fork halfway to his mouth.

“She never eats anything.  Maybe a piece of toast when her hands get shaky, but she never eats.”

“Sit. Down.”  Jack’s voice was harsher than he’d meant it to be, but he would be damned if she starved while living under his roof.

“I’m fine.  I’ll have something later.  I didn’t fix enough for me.”

Jack stood and strode to the cupboard.  He pulled down and other plate, grabbed a fork and filled a glass with milk.

“I said sit.”

“I’m not a dog you can order around.”  She stood with her arms crossed.

Jack didn’t tell her again, but he halved his food and transferred it to her plate.

“Eat this or we all sit right here until you do.  One thing I cannot stand is seeing someone hungry.  There’s food here and I expect you to eat all you want.”

“I’m not hungry.”  Her stomach rumbled calling her a liar and her cheeks bloomed with color.

“Better sit and eat aunt Viki or I’ll be tardy.”

She blew out a breath that caused her hair to flutter.  She sat and shoveled the eggs into her mouth while glaring daggers at Jack.  That was fine as long as she was eating.  She could glare at him all she wanted.

They dropped Bobby off at school and made the short drive to her apartment building.

“Damn Viki, this place is a dump.”  He said before he could stop himself.

“Yeah Jack thanks for pointing that out, I thought it was the damned Biltmore house.”

“What the hell are you doing living in a place like this?  You made better than this.”

“Bobby has bills Jack and I had to pay that money back to the club.  It’s the best I could do.”

Jack heard the tears in her voice and felt like shit.  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her head.

“I’m sorry Viki.  You should have come to me.  I would have helped you.  Before everything… why didn’t you trust me then?”

They had been close once. 

“I had to be sure.  I was giving it time and well… time showed I couldn’t really trust you either.”

Viki pulled away and walked down the short hall to her bedroom. 

Jack followed behind her.  He wanted to curse at what he found.  Just a mattress on the floor.  The sheets were clean and there was a quilt folded at the foot, but it was still just a ratty old mattress. 

He looked around the room, there was nothing pretty in it.  Nothing that made it seem like a woman lived there and she had lived there for over a year.

She was busily stuffing clothes into an oversized garbage bag as he looked around.  She had almost killed herself working in a job that almost robbed her of her soul and for what?

He stepped into the other little room and saw a different story.  Bobby’s room was colorful with pictures of airplanes hanging on the walls and a matching quilt on his unmade bed.  Toys littered the floor and books were neatly lined on a little red bookshelf.

“Oh,” she said as she bumped into Jack on her way to get Bobby’s things.  “I don’t want anything from this dump, but Bobby’s things need to be packed up...if we are staying with you for very long.”

“I hope you will stay, for as long as you want to.”

Viki turned to him with a question in her eyes and a flippant smile until she saw the look on his face.

He didn’t’ give her time to protest, he crushed her to his chest and hugged her.  He wanted to wrap her up and keep her.  Seeing her place was breaking him apart.


“Just be still for a sec ok?”

He felt her nod against his chest.

“Did Fish rape you Viki?”

She shook her head.  “No he made me consent.”

“He made threats until you did?”

“Yeah, but he didn’t force me.  I chose to do what he wanted so he wouldn’t hurt us or rat us out to the club.”

Jack cupped her face.  “You do not have to sleep with me to earn my protection.  Not ever.  I want you to understand that right fucking now.  You don’t get into my bed unless you want me as much as I want you.”

His eyes glittered in the dimness of the room.  “You want me?”  Viki whispered.  “After knowing everything, you still do?”

He didn’t answer, instead his lips crashed on hers and he pulled her even closer.  She dropped the bag of clothes in her hand and wrapped her arms around his neck.  It seemed like forever before he let her take a breath.  Her head swam and her knees were weak.

“Yeah Viki I want you.  I always did.”

Then he was kissing her again.  Jack let his lips find her neck and bit down.  He lifted her until her legs wrapped around his waist and he pressed her against the wall.

“I won’t do this here, but I needed to taste you, make sure you understand what I feel.”

Viki shook her head.  “I don’t understand Jack.”

“I want you to stay with me Viki, always, just stay.”






Viki still couldn’t believe what Jack had said to her.  He wanted her and Bobby to stay, like STAY, always.  She still couldn’t really believe it was real.

They hadn’t discussed it again.

Now here she was standing at the stove, making sure she made enough breakfast for herself too, while he sat at the table talking to Bobby about going fishing.

“After school.  Maybe your aunt Viki can pack a picnic and come too.”

Viki looked around to find two big smiles begging her to pack a picnic and go fishing and she couldn’t say no.

“Maybe, but Jack promised to get your stuff from the apartment today too.”

“That shouldn’t take long.”  Bobby said dryly and Jack chuckled.  “Does that mean we can stay here?”

Jack leaned back in his chair and gave her a shit eatin’ grin just before he threw her under the bus.  “That’s up to aunt Viki.”

Bobby’s eyes widened.  “Yes!  Oh yes, yes, yes!  She hates that apartment more than I do.  Welcome home Bobby!”

They all laughed at his dramatic display.

The back door opened and Lawless strolled in along with Lambhead.

“Somethin’ smells good enough to eat.”  Law said as he stepped up behind Viki.

She froze, everyone knew better than to piss this man off and she was terrified by being this close to him.

“Oh look, it’s the little mouse.”  He purred close to her neck.

She saw Lamb take a step out of the corner of eye, but she shook her head.  She wouldn’t see him killed over this.  It was nothing new really.

Something cold and wet splashed across her face and she flinched.  Law cursed for half a second before he burst out laughing.

Viki turned on shaking legs to see Jack holding Bobby as he fought him like a little wild cat.

“Get your nasty hands off her!  You have no right to touch my aunt Viki!”

Bobby spat showing no fear of the monster standing in her kitchen.

Viki’s fear level skyrocketed.  She leapt in front of Bobby and faced Law.

“We can go upstairs and do whatever you want, but please don’t hurt him, please.”

Law frowned and shook his head making a tisking sound behind his teeth.

“Weak Jack, real weak.”  He said over her shoulder.  “Look Vik, if I wanted a woman I have one at home.  That was a test and you failed, bigtime.”  He let a grin lift one side of his lips.  “The boy however passed with flying colors.  Settle down now.  I don’t want your aunt.  I just wanted to see if she had any balls.”

Bobby’s face twisted in confusion.  “Of course she don’t, she’s a girl.”

And just like that the tension seeped from the room.

“Well it’s always best to check.  There’s some weird things going on in this world nowadays.”

Viki rolled her eyes.  “Don’t tell him that!  He’ll get in trouble at school and I’ll blame that on you!  Life lessons from Lawless!  I’m sure they will sign you right up to teach that class.”

Law chuckled.  “There’s potential.  We will have to see if I can teach you a few things before you get to be around the clubhouse much.  An old lady needs to be tougher than that shit a minute ago.  A man touches you that ain’t your man, you make sure he knows it ain’t ok.”

Viki didn’t know what to say.  She wasn’t an old lady, was she?

Jack didn’t seem to be surprised by anything Law had said.  He was too busy talking about the fishing they were going to do after Bobby got out of school.

She plated the food and stared making more before Jack pulled her to the table.

“Eat.  If they want something they can fix it themselves.  You need to eat and I mean it.”

He kissed her head and started talking to Law again while Lamb got up to cook more eggs.

This was really her life.

She watched Bobby eat and laugh with these tough men.  They would keep him safe wouldn’t they?  Law rubbed his hand over Bobby’s blonde head.

“I saw a couple of rod and reels at the store the other day, I think would be perfect for you.  I’ll stop by and grab one before I come over.”  Law said and then turned to Viki.  “Need anything from the store for this picnic?  Nikki is a damned fine cook and I’m sure she will insist on fixin’ something.”

“Well, since I only just discovered I’m making a picnic…”

Jack laughed.

“I’ll get her to call you later.”  Law said.  “There’s a few things I think you could learn from my little wildcat.”

The reverence in his voice made Viki pause.  That didn’t sound like the stone cold killer, but a man talking about the woman he loved.

By the time Viki got back from taking Bobby to school the trip was all planned.  Jack laid a wad of money on the table with instructions for her to buy anything she needed.

“I mean it Viki.   I want you to buy that boy a new pair of sneakers and pay more than thirty bucks for them.  Buy some for yourself too and new jeans and shirts too.  Go to a real store too, no junk.”  He’d pulled her close then.  “I want you to buy some real pretty underwear too.  You aren’t required to show them to me, but I want to know my woman is dressed sexy under those clothes.  I’ve seen that shit you’ve been wearing and they make my dick soft.”

She let out a huff of laughter.  “That’s not nice!  Maybe I look good in my plain undies.”

“Mmmm, I think you’d look good in anything.”  He kissed her.  Slow sipping kisses that made her hunger for more.

“Say you want me Viki.  Say it and I’ll take you to bed right now.”

“I do want you Jack….”

That was all it took.  He captured her mouth with a kiss that spoke of starvation.  He pulled her close and lifted her by her ass, he always seemed to do that.  He walked with her wrapped around him like a monkey all the way up the stairs to his room.  He only stopped when he was standing beside his bed.  He untangled her limbs and let her fall on top of his rumpled sheets.  He tugged off his clothes and then hers.  Within seconds they were both gloriously naked.

Viki had never been to Jack’s house.  He’d bought the place that was across the road from the compound and the doublewide trailer Mike shared with his wife Marty.  He’d only lived here a few months.

She had no time to explore his bedroom, but it seemed to fit him more than the rest of the house.  Dark and soft at the same time.

“I’d forgotten how beautiful your body is Viki.  You are amazing.”  He said as he stared down at her.

Viki felt her face go hot and she opened her arms to him.  He needed no more invitation.  He fell on her with a hunger that ignited her passion.

“Viki…”  He lifted his head.  “If you change your mind you can say no.  It will be pretty hard to stop, but I will if you want me to.  I swear it.”

Viki felt something inside her melt a little.  No one had ever offered to stop once they’d gotten started.

She ran her fingers over his brow and looked into his beautiful green eyes.

“I don’t want you to stop Jack.  I want to be with you…”  She took a deep breath.  It was right.  It all felt too good not to be right.  “I want to stay.”

Jack’s arms went around her and he laughed rolling until she rested on his chest.

“Damn woman you just made me so damned happy.”

She looked up at his face in shock.  It was like sex had been shoved to the back burner.  Strange.

“Will you move in here too?”

“If you want me to.”

“Fuck yes I want you to.  I want it all with you Viki!  I want everything.”

He kissed her again and this time his hands started to roam.  He pulled her legs apart and made her straddle him.  She loved it this way and he knew that all too well.  He also knew she didn’t need a whole lot of foreplay when she was this turned on.  She liked to be touched after more than before.  His fingers found her wet and hot for him and he let out a growl of approval.

“Ready for me love?”

“Mhmm.”  She nodded at a loss for real words.

Then her speared her with his length and she cried out as her head fell back and she took all of him into her body.  His hands gripped her ass as he guided her in the rhythm he needed.

“You feel so damned good love.  Always so good.”

He lifted up so he could capture one of her pert nipples between his teeth.  He bit down and Viki felt her body spasm.  She wouldn’t last long.

“That’s it baby.  Take what you need.  Come for me baby.”

Viki exploded around him.  She was mortified that it had only taken her a couple of minutes, but she had been so hot for him that she couldn’t control the flood of pleasure she’d felt with him moving inside her.

Jack continued to move her hips faster and faster until he was panting.  He was close and his obvious enjoyment of their love making made her passions soar again.  Another orgasm ripped through her just as he shouted her name, hers.  Then he wrapped her in his arms and ran one hand through her hair.

It was a long time before he spoke.

“I’m sorry Viki.”

“Sorry for what Jack?”

“Sorry for last time.  I hadn’t planned it to go that way.  I’d wanted to hold you, but I was afraid.  When Jazz fucked over Ink… I didn’t want anything coming back on you and I pushed you away, but I needed you.  I needed to feel you one more time.  Just really fucked up.”

Viki felt the familiar sting at that memory, but she sort of understood. 

“I think we are past that now.”  She said in a way to offer him forgiveness.

“We are, but...”  He sighed.  “I didn’t use anything this time either Vik.”

Viki laughed.  “Guess I should see about getting on the pill huh?”

“Yeah, might not be a bad idea for a while anyway.  I plan on fucking the shit out of you as often as you’ll let me.”

Viki laughed as she lay on him.  His hand caressing her skin as she drifted off to sleep.


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