Jack (6 page)

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Authors: Amanda Anderson

BOOK: Jack
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Jack groaned as he rolled over.  He had spent the night in Spec’s apartment at the clubhouse.  He hadn’t killed Fish, but he’d wanted to.   He’d had way too much to drink after than to dull the pain in his body. 

He tried to sit up, but a cool hand on his chest stopped him.

“You look like shit.”  Mrs. said as she sat on the side of the bed.

He just closed his eyes and leaned back against his pillows.

“Need you to get your ass out of this bed and come over to the house around two o’clock.”

He glanced at the clock which told him it was just a little before noon.

“Why would I want to do that?”

“I’m having a little cookout.  Nothing fancy, but I need some help getting everything ready and you are the best grill man I have.”

Jack raised a brow.  The last thing he felt like doing was standing over a hot grill.

“Come on Jack.  The boys need to unwind and have some fun after what went on yesterday and I think a day out at the house will be good for all of us.”

Jack nodded and regretted it immediately.

“The pool looks great too.  It will be good to just let loose for a few hours.”

He looked Mrs. over.  She was a beautiful woman.  He had no idea how old she was and would never ask, but she looked better than the younger women that hung around the club most nights.

“Stop looking at my tits Jack or I might get hot and bothered.”  She winked to let him know she was kidding.

“Can’t help appreciating a nice pair of tits Mrs.”

“And I can’t help appreciatin’ a nice boner.”  She pursed her lips and looked pointedly at his lap where the sheet was making a nice tent.

Jack let his eyes slide shut as his grin spread across his face.  She was something else.

“I happen to know of a certain woman who could help you out with that, since apparently you claimed her yesterday in the clubhouse kitchen.”

Jack winced.  “Yeah, I did that.”

“You might want to know she plans on runnin’ just as soon as she gets the chance.  I think she’s in more trouble than we know and I would like her to stay safe.”

Jack felt like a noose was tightening around his neck.  “I won’t force her to do anything, but I might kidnap her to keep her safe.”

“Hmm.  Does that little house of yours have wheelchair ramps outside?”  She asked causing Jack’s eyes to pop open.

“Why?  You plannin’ to break my legs?”

“No.  Just curious.  I haven’t been out to see it since you fixed it up.”

“Yeah.  Old man White was in a chair for several years.  I haven’t gotten around to taking the ramp out yet.  Been working on the yard and stuff.  Inside is in pretty good shape.”

Mrs. just nodded. 

Jack’s head was too fuzzy to think too much of it, but she was up to something for sure.

“I’ll get up then, but I’m not dressed so you might want to step out unless you want an up-close look.”

Mrs. stood and seemed to consider it, but Jack knew Mrs. would never step out on Preach.  She wasn’t made that way.

“Come on over a little before two so we can get started.  Lambhead is bringing the stuff over and Viki is coming up to help too.  Might be a good time to do your kidnapping.”  She winked and let herself out of the room.

Jack felt like he had just been maneuvered, but his head hurt too bad to give it much thought.  He reached for the bottle he’d left on the nightstand and found a bottle of water instead with two ibuprofen.

Mrs. did take care of her boys and she considered all of them her boys.

He sat naked on the bed and tossed back the pills and drank half of the water.  His dick was still standing as stiff as a pike so he let his hand fall to grip it.  It had been too long since he’d had a woman, but he’d not been interested in the sort of fucking he usually was.  Now all he saw in his head were soft curves and light brown hair.  He groaned as he gripped his dick tighter.

He thought of how good Viki had felt the last time he’d been inside her, no not that time, the time before.  She had been so warm and wet, always wet for him.  She had wrapped her silky arms around his neck and thrown her head back as he’d filled his hands with the pale globes of her ass. 

They had been in his office at
and she had fucked him like she wanted to.  It had been amazing.  He had wanted to keep her.  That had been the first time the thought had crossed his mind and it had scared the shit out of him, but now he found it comforting.

He stoked harder as he thought of Viki in his bed.  Thought of her riding him as he lay in his own room, their room.  Her perky tits bouncing as she found her pleasure on his dick.  Words of love falling from her lips as her body shuttered around him and she fell limp on his chest.

Jack couldn’t help the loud grunt he made when his dick spammed and shot a thick stream of cum over his stomach.  How the fuck could just thinking of her riding him make him feel so good?

He just lay there spent for a few beats.

He was so fucked, but for some reason, he liked the way it felt.

He made his way to the bathroom and showered.  He was about to take a huge chance and he loved the rush.







Viki drove her ancient car to the little discount store on the edge of town.  Mrs. had decided the men needed to unwind and somehow Viki had been talked into helping out at the cookout.  Everyone was going to gather in Preach’s backyard for a wholesome family cookout with the kids.  Since there would be swimming involved Viki had to get Bobby a swimsuit.

He decided on one with big green sharks on it and insisted that she buy one with big pink flowers.  Viki figured she would just keep her shorts on and help out.  Mrs. said most of the girls would be dressed in bikini tops and shorts too.

She was a little nervous about being around all the men since she was technically off limits, but she couldn’t get out of it now, besides Bobby was really excited about getting to swim.

Viki worried about how he would do, but he had done some therapy in a pool after the accident so she knew he knew his limitations.  She hated reminding him.

He picked out a float that he could wear around his waist that had sharks on it to match his trunks and nothing could touch the big smile on his face.

Mrs. had assured her that everyone would help watch after the kids, but Bobby was all she had.  Viki doubted she would be able to take her eyes off of him all afternoon.

They pulled up at the house a little early and found that there were already a few bikes parked in the yard.  She climbed out of her car and grabbed her bag containing their swimwear before popping the trunk.

“Hey.”  She heard from the porch and looked up to see Lambhead striding toward her.

“I can get that.”  He stopped when he reached her.  “Where’s your swims?”

She grinned.  “In the bag.  We had to stop on the way.”

“Ahhh.”  He grabbed Bobby’s chair and walked to his door.  “Hey there wheels, you ready for a party?”

Bobby laughed.  “Wheels?  That’s a good one.”

“You like that?  I think it suits you.  We will get you some of those racing gloves and a badass haircut.”  Lamb was nodding while wearing a big grin.

“Oh great.  Now you’ve started something.  Thanks Lamb.”  Viki couldn’t help the grin on her own face.  Somehow this man had completely changed in a matter of two days. 

He took Bobby around to the back of the house where the smells of a barbeque were drifting into the air.  Viki was left to follow along in the wake of their laughter.  She felt light for the first time since the accident.  Maybe…  Her good thoughts cut off when she saw who stood behind the grill, Jack.

He looked up when she rounded corner.  His eyes drifted over her and then to Bobby.  A frown of confusion furrowed his brows as his eyes slowly met hers again.  Then his head tilted and she had to concentrate to keep her knees from giving out.  That man was beautiful and when he focused those emerald eyes on her she always had trouble breathing.  Add to that the smile that slowly curved his lips and she was a goner.

“I hope you brought your appetites, ‘cause I am the master of the grill.”  Jack said in Bobby’s direction.

“Don’t believe him Bobby, he’s full of shit.  His burgers taste like grit.”  Lamb confided and caught Jack’s dishtowel with his head.

“I could eat dirt right now.  I’m starving.”  Bobby said and Viki wanted to melt into the neatly mowed grass.

“I have a granola bar in my bag Bobby.  You can have that to tide you over until time to eat.”  She said digging for the bar.

“Like hell.”  Jack and Lamb said together. 

“I happen to have a juicy burger ready right here and no kid wants a dried up old bar of oats over a burger.”  Jack shook his head at her like she was nuts.

“Well I just don’t want to…”  Viki was cut off with a look from Jack. 

“Come over here and fix that boy a burger Viki.  Do you think Noah would think twice about eating if he was hungry?”  He shook his head.  “No, and…”  He raised his brows.


“Bobby should make himself at home here too.  Nobody goes hungry around Mrs.” Jack gave her a look that said they would talk more about it later.

Viki stepped up beside him and took the plate holding Bobby’s food, but before she could walk away Jack gripped her arm and pulled her around to face him.  He used a gentle finger to push the hair out of her face and behind her ear.  He just looked at her as if he were trying to decide something, then he kissed her.  It wasn’t a long kiss or even open mouthed, but it was a kiss of ownership and it shocked her.

“I hope you brought a change of clothes because you’re coming home with me tonight.”

She shook her head and he kissed her again.

“I’m not asking.  Fish is still sulking and I won’t allow you to be hurt.”  His eyes darted to Bobby.  “Especially now that I understand what you’ve been fighting so hard for.”

“I can’t just move in with you.”

“I’m not asking.  You are coming home with me if I have to tie you up.  Let me do this for you.”

Viki didn’t know what to say.  She really did want to let him, but what would it cost her?

“What’s the catch?”

“There isn’t one.  You stay with me and you let me feed you and make sure the two of you are safe and you rest and get strong again.  No catch.  I get the bonus of hearing a kid in my house and maybe get a home cooked meal on occasion if you want to.  You don’t have to do anything for me in return.  Nothing.”

Viki knew she must look like a fish out of water, but she couldn’t find a word to say.

“Let me do this for you.”  He said as he lowered his head to sip from her lips.  “Say yes.”  His arm slipped around her and he pulled her close.  “Say yes.”

Viki lost all thought as she felt his warmth surround her.  “Yes.”

“Mmmm, good girl.”  He gave her a light peck on the lips and released her.  “Now go feed that boy.”  He turned her around and smacked her ass as he nudged her toward the table that held the condiments and fixins. 

What had she just agreed to anyway?

Bobby was watching her when she looked up.  His little mouth pulled down in a frown on one side as he looked at Jack.

“What’s the matter Sweetie?”  Viki asked carefully.

“Who is that man and why did he kiss you like that?”

“His name is Jack and he’s a really nice man.  He is going to let us stay with him for a little while to make sure we are safe.”  She wasn’t sure how much Bobby knew about what had gone on with Fish, but he was smart enough to know something.

“Safe from that other man?  The one that hurt you and made you cry?  The one that left all those bruises on you?”

Viki hadn’t know he’d seen those.  She felt shame hit her like a Mack truck.  “Yes baby.  Jack is going to make sure that man never hurts us again.”

“Why do men hurt women?  Women aren’t strong enough to fight.  Women are moms and aunts and they love.  Why would anyone want to hurt them?”

Viki crouched down so she could look him in the eye.  “Only cowardly men hurt women or children Bobby.  I know you don’t understand it because you aren’t like them.  Even as young as you are you have more courage than they do.  You are already more of a man than they will ever be and I am so proud of you.” 

“My daddy was a coward for what he did to me and my mom.  He didn’t have to kill her aunt Viki.  Why did he have to kill her?  I don’t even care about my legs, but I really miss my mom.  She would really love this.”

Viki hugged him close for a long moment and tried her best to hide the tears that sprang to her eyes.  “Your daddy is sick in the head baby.  Your mom was so beautiful and so special that he just couldn’t stand to be without her.  I miss her too and you’re right, she would love today.”

She leaned back so she could see his face.  “She would want you to enjoy yourself since she can’t be here with you.”

He nodded seriously.  “I know.  She wasn’t selfish.  She wouldn’t want us to be sad would she?”

Viki shook her head.  “Nope.  That’s one thing your mom did not like.  She wanted the people she loved to be happy so we need to do that for her don’t we?”

He nodded.

“Now eat so I can get you changed and in that pool!”

His grin split his face and the dark clouds that had overshadowed his eyes washed away.  He dug into his food, but Viki felt eyes on her.  When she looked up Preacherman stood only a few feet away from her.  His eyes were glued to Bobby and his jaw was as hard as stone.  When he looked up Viki saw the fury in his eyes and he nodded to her.

“Sounds like you are raising that boy right to me Viki.”  He cleared his throat.  “I want you to know that he’s safe here.  You have my word on that.  He ever needs anything you let me know.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded and walked over to crouch beside Bobby.

Viki watched one of the most ruthless men in the world snag a chip from Bobby’s plate and talk to him just like he was part of the club.  Just like he belonged.  Bobby laughed up at him and batted his hand away. 

It had been a long time since Bobby had belonged anywhere other than in their little apartment.

Viki felt a familiar arm slip around her and for the first time in over a year she didn’t flinch.

“Why didn’t you tell us about him?”  Lamb said quietly.

“I didn’t trust you.  He’s all I have and he’s been hurt enough.  Why would I give you more to use against me?”

He was quiet so Viki looked up at him.

“I’m really sorry for all of it.  There’s no excuse.  I just didn’t see it for what it was.  I told myself you just liked the game of it.  Why else would you have been there, but I get it now and it makes me sick.  You ever need anything...just anything…”

She bumped him with her shoulder.  “Thanks Lamb.  I really don’t hold it against you, not after the way you were with Bobby yesterday.  You are like a totally different person.”

“Yeah.  It’s easy to be real around kids.  Not putting on a macho show for the guys.”  He looked down at her.  “I’m not a monster Viki.  I’m just a regular guy looking for a place here.”

“I think I know that now.”

“Might want to get your hands off my girl before I break them.”  Jack said in a voice that couldn’t be taken as friendly.

Lamb stepped back and lifted his hands as a peace offering.  “Not stepping on your toes Jack, just making sure we are square.  You need help making things right, you let me know.”

Viki caught the look Jack gave Lamb and the slight headshake.  She wondered what they were planning and ashamedly she hoped they were going after Jerry to even the score for Bobby, but she wouldn’t say so, but she wouldn’t discourage them either.

Jack wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as they both watched Preach show Bobby his forearm.

“He tells the new kids something about that tattoo.  Not sure what, but he makes sure they know they have a place if they need it and they always have a man in their corner.  That’s not something many kids have.  I know I didn’t for a long time.  It takes away the fear.  Kids can’t carry that shit or they can’t be kids.”

Viki watched Bobby run his fingers over an intricate cross that was inked darkly on Preach’s arm.  He looked like a man sitting in that wheelchair listening to Preach.  He nodded his little head and held out his hand for Preach to shake.  Viki overheard him say, “I’ll hold you to that sir.” And she had never been more proud.  Bobby had faced so much and he had more courage than she did.

Jack let out a chuckle.  “I wonder what that was about.”

Viki shook her head. 

As soon as Bobby finished she took him inside and changed him into his swim trunks.  Lamb had already blown up his swim ring and was wearing a pair of shorts of his own.  Viki donned her own swimwear and pulled on her shorts.

She would be a part of this group today and she would figure out what to do tomorrow when the sun came up.  Right now she needed a break and she was going to take it.


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