Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) (49 page)

BOOK: Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3)
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"I've waited as long as I can! You have some explaining to do, Jacinda Crocetti Michelakakis!"

Jacinda found herself laughing at the putout expression on her sister's face. She had forgotten to call her and explain and for Palma to wait a week was a new record.

"Hello, Sis. It's nice to see you too."

"Don't you use that polite tone on me, Jacinda. It never worked with Mom, and it won't work with you."


"Okay, so it did work with Mom," Palma smiled at her. "Now stop trying to change the subject! I want to know what is going on!"

"Are you sitting down, oh favorite sister of mine?"

"I'm your
sister,” Palma told her, “and yes, I'm sitting."

"This has to stay just between us," Jacinda told her. "At least for a while."

"Jacinda..." Palma's 'I'm irritated with my older sister' tone changed to one full of real concern. "What's going on?"

"I'm involved with King Jotham," she told her plainly.

A stunned silence greeted her statement for several moments. "Define 'involved.’" Palma quietly demanded.

"'Involved' as in being his companion."

"Companion.... Jacinda..." she whispered horrified.

"I love him, Palma."

"I.... " Palma really looked at her sister's face and could see it was the truth. Her sister was in love. "I believe you. And Jotham?"

"Loves me too," she immediately replied.

"Is this why you were getting those visuals for Barek?"

"No! I told you why I was doing that. Jotham and I weren't anywhere close to being involved then. I was furious with him for never showing Barek visuals of Lata and I told him so."

"You told off the King?" Palma just looked at her then started to laugh. "Oh, my ancestors, Jacinda... only you..."

"Only me what?" Jacinda demanded.

would have the guts to tell off a King."

Jacinda had the decency to blush. "Yes, well, you know me..."

"I do." Palma stopped laughing and turned serious. "You've always stood up for what you felt was right, for what you believed in and for who you love. I've always admired that about you, Jacinda. I want you to know that, and to know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, or just get away, or just... anything. We're family. We stick together."

"Thank you, Palma, and I might have to take you up on that sooner than later."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm going to be attending the Royal Ball with Jotham."

"You... Jotham... Royal Ball..." Palma's eyes widened with each unfinished sentence.

"Yes. So in a few weeks everyone will know."

"Ancestors, Jacinda. No companion has
attended a Ball. For Jotham to take you... that's big... really big."

"I know," Jacinda smiled at her sister. "Now tell me what Birgin thought of Brett."

Palma knew what her sister was doing. She was changing the subject to something she was more comfortable with and Palma let her. "Oh my ancestors, Jacinda! The talent that runs in that family! Birgin is beside himself with anticipation."

Sitting back, Jacinda smiled as she listened to her sister.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Barek walked down the corridor of Assembly Hall seeing exactly who he was looking for in the group of Assemblymen that had just exited an office.

"Prince Barek!" Elliott Pajari exclaimed seeing him walking toward them. "I didn't know you were in the Hall today." Of course, he knew he was back on planet, everyone knew but no one knew why he was, so soon after the Guardian had departed.

"Yes, well it was unplanned and I was hoping to speak with..."

"Yes, yes, of course. We'll just go to my office." Pajari cut him off, looking over his shoulder to give the other Assemblymen a self-important look. "I'll have my aide clear my schedule."

"Assemblyman Michelakakis," Barek finished the sentence and saw Pajari's eyes widen before he spun around to glare at Danton.

"You wish to speak with me?" Danton asked coolly causing more than one Assemblyman to give him a startled look.

"If you have the time, of course," Barek replied just as coolly. "I know it's presumptuous of me to just show up."

Danton suddenly realized they were drawing a great deal of attention as he and Barek silently stared each other down. "Of course I have the time, Prince Barek." He swung his arm out. "My office is this way."

Barek knew where Danton's office was. "Gentlemen,” he nodded to those left behind, then proceeded in the direction Danton indicated.

Danton let Barek enter his office first, gestured to a chair, then walked behind his desk and sat. "So what can I do for you, Prince Barek?"

Barek silently stared at Danton, taking in the closed look on his face and the tension in his body. The man was obviously on the defensive, and Barek realized it had to do with his mother. Never one to shy away from a challenge, he met it head on.

"So is your problem with me, personally, Assemblyman Michelakakis?" Barek had to give Danton credit, he never so much as blinked at his accusation.

"I have no problem with you, Prince Barek."

"So your attitude is because of the relationship between our parents."

"Why are you here, Prince Barek?" Danton demanded.

"I thought you might be interested in helping me finish what your father started, but now I see you're nowhere near the man your father was or the man your mother believes you are. Good day, Assemblyman Michelakakis, and good luck. Someone as narrow-minded you is going to need it." Barek stood and began to walk out of the room.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Danton watched Barek rise, his thoughts in turmoil. He had, in fact, been in turmoil since his argument with his mother nearly a week ago. He was still trying to come to terms with what he had discovered. About his mother. Moreover, about himself. All of his life he had tried to live up to the ideals of his parents. In his eyes, they had been the ultimate couple. His father was the handsome, powerful Assemblyman, and his mother was the beautiful, perfect wife. Yet what had made them truly shine was the undeniable love they had for each other. It had been there in every touch, in every gesture, and in every word, they said to one another. It was something he never doubted. Now he did, and in doing so, he doubted himself.

He had disappointed his mother, badly. In addition, in doing so, he had disappointed himself and his father.

'Your mother is an amazing woman, Danton,'
his father told him once.
'Meant to do amazing things. She changed my world with her love and made me a better man. I've often wondered what would have happened if instead of loving me, she had loved a King, as her mother had hoped. Imagine what everyone's world would be like if that had happened.'

Maybe it was time they all found out.

"Wait!" Danton surged to his feet.

Barek slowly turned.

"I am not narrow-minded, but I will admit I am having a problem with my mother and your father being involved."


"Why? Because she's my
! Which in my family means she loves my
! And
my father."

"She still does, but she also loves
father and he is a better man for it."

Barek's words had Danton stilling, they so closely echoed his father's that it was as if Stephan were speaking to him. Maybe it was time for Danton to listen.

"She tends to have that effect on a man," Danton agreed heavily. "Could we start this conversation over? Please? My mother is already upset with me, if she finds out I was rude to you, I may never get back in her good graces."

"Knowing your mother, I doubt it will take much. She is a very forgiving woman." Barek returned to his seat.

"She is," Danton agreed, sitting. "But she also believes you don't have to be rude to make your point."

"You don't have to be, but sometimes rudeness just feels good."

"Agreed." Danton smiled at Barek. "But I'll deny it if you tell my mother I said that."

Barek couldn't help but laugh that this thirty-nine cycle man was still worried about disappointing his mother then realized he was the same way with his father.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"So do you want in?" Barek asked after he explained why he was there and gave Danton some time to read the files he'd brought.

"Fuck yes. I do! I can't believe I didn't know about this, or that Ethan never said a word! I'm going to beat the crap out of my little brother the next time I see him!"

"He felt he needed to handle it himself," Barek told him quietly.

"Fuck that! We're family and family helps one another. Family sticks together, even when times are tough."

"Does that include your mother? Because times
going to get tough, especially with her attending the Ball at my father's side."

"What? What are you talking about?" Danton demanded.

"The Royal Ball." Barek frowned. "Jacinda didn't tell you?"

"We didn't get past her relationship with your father," Danton finally admitted.

"I see. Well, she will be attending the Royal Ball at the House of Knowledge, at my father's side."

"He's willing to go public with their relationship?"

"My understanding is that they haven't been trying to keep it a secret, just private."

"Little is 'private' in the life of a Royal," Danton told him.

"You might be surprised," Barek told him thinking about Dadrian. "But they are both trying to make this about
and what
want. I'm now permanently on planet and am going to assume some of my father's duties so he and Jacinda can have more time together."

"You are..." Danton realized what that was going to mean, not just for his mother, but for the Assembly.

"Yes, there is a great deal I still don't know when it comes to the Assembly, but I'm going to learn. And things like this," he gestured to the files sitting on Danton's desk, "are not going to be allowed to happen."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"What is going on, Elliott?" Adelaide stormed into her husband's office, not caring that his aide was trying to stop her. She had her own sources within the Hall and had been informed how Prince Barek had chosen to speak with Danton Michelakakis instead of her husband.

"Adelaide, what are you doing here?" Elliott quickly disconnected his call before turning to face his wife.

"What am
doing here? What is Prince Barek doing here talking to
Danton Michelakakis
instead of you?!!"

"I don't know. Danton seemed as surprised as I was."

"Something is going on," she told him sitting down in a huff.

"Adelaide, you always think something is going on," Elliott told her dismissively.

"Because something always is!" she fired back. "You can't tell me you don't find it strange that Barek is on planet when he should be on the Guardian with our daughter! Or that now he's requesting to talk to a new Assemblyman, and not just
Assemblyman but Danton Michelakakis! I can't believe we have to deal with another one of
! It was bad enough that he was elected, but then to take his
to the Assemblyman's Ball! Unheard of! Then for Barek and Jotham to feel
to dance with her!"

"Is that how you saw it?"

"Of course! Why else would they! Did I tell you I saw Jacinda in the Public Wing last week?"

"No, no you didn't." Elliott leaned back in his chair.

"Well I did, and I had a member of the King's Royal Guard escort her out of the Wing." Adelaide had a self-satisfied smile on her lips as she remembered the man leading Jacinda off under her orders. For too many cycles, everyone had treated Jacinda as if she belonged in the House of Protection. As if she were important just because she had a Union with a standing member of the Assembly.

"And he did it?" Elliott gave her a shocked look.

"Of course, he knew who
was. Now back to Prince Barek. What have you heard?"

"All I've heard is that King Jotham requested Barek return and that the High Admiral sent the Arrow to retrieve him."

"I wonder what was so important." Adelaide's mind was racing.

"I've got some feelers out. Hopefully, we'll know soon."

"Hmph, that's not good enough. Not with the Royal Ball coming up. I need to know if Barek is going to be attending, so you can get Shosha back on planet and there."

"First, there is no way you can get Shosha back, not after the strings I had to pull to get her on the Guardian. Secondly, she never would be allowed to attend. You know it's only for Assemblymen and their wives."

"She would be allowed if she went with Barek."

"With Barek...." Elliott shoved his chair back. "Adelaide, have you finally lost your mind?"

"Don't talk to me like that, Elliott!" Adelaide's face began to turn red. "Never talk to
! You would be
if it weren't for me. Do you hear me?
the one that made sure you were elected!
the one that made sure you got on the most influential committees! And
the one who made sure the Pajari name is one to be feared and envied!"

"And I did nothing?" Elliott's hands rested on his desk as he rose and leaned forward. "
the one that chairs those committees, Adelaide, not you!
the one with the power and the prestige.
are nothing more than my

"Nothing more?!!" she shrieked. "Nothing more?!! Why you little foabhor! You would be nowhere without me! You would have nothing! Be nothing!"

"I would be
!" he fired back. "Now get out of my office, Adelaide. Go buy something. Go make someone else miserable. I have work to do!"

Adelaide gave her husband a furious look then spun on her heel and stormed out of the room. Elliott's aide pushed away from his desk, as she stormed through the outer office, trying to get as far from the enraged woman as he could. Adelaide Pajari was known to lash out at anyone available when she was like this. The woman was totally unstable.

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