Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) (23 page)

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"Yes, just as I was hers."

"I... I never once considered that." Jacinda raised an eyebrow as she thought. "But the more I think of it, the more it makes sense. Lata was two cycles younger than you. Only eighteen at your Union."

"Yes. I never would have pressured her like that."

"You never... strayed, when you were away from her?"

"No. Would you have strayed from Stephan after you had met him?"

"No. Never." There was no doubt in her voice.

"So you understand."

"I do." Jacinda gave him an understanding look. "I remember how hard it was to reach out that first time after Stephan's death. I was lonely and alone, it had been four cycles and he was an old family friend. It didn't work out."

"There was another?"

"Hmmm... several cycles later. He was everything I once thought I wanted."

"Which was?"

"Quiet. Unassuming. Undemanding. Not in the public eye. I found myself quickly bored out of my mind." Jacinda found herself smiling sadly as she remembered Paul. "He was a good man."

"Just not for you."

"No. You?"

Jotham knew she was asking him to share and wondered how much he could. "I honestly can't tell you how Rani happened. I barely remember it. I just knew she wasn't someone I wanted to remain with, but then she discovered she had conceived and..."

"You were as shocked as the rest of us," she finished for him.


"The others?"


Jacinda gave him a small smile. "You've always done an excellent job at keeping your private life... well private, Jotham. Except for Rani, there's never been any talk about your other women."

"Is that what you think?"

"I... well... yes."

"The reason there's been no talk, Jacinda, is because there's been no one since Rani. I couldn't believe I'd done that. It felt like I had betrayed Lata and after that I couldn't allow any other woman close."

"What?!!" Jacinda shot straight up off the couch. "Jotham, that's been over thirty cycles ago!"

"I know that."

"So I'm only the..."

"Second woman I've seriously kissed? Yes."

"You don't count Rani?"

"I don't remember ever kissing her."

"I see."

"Do you? Because I don't. I'm attracted to you, Jacinda. Very attracted, but I feel like I'm sixteen again and have no clue what I'm doing."

"Thank the ancestors it's not just me."

"You feel that way too?"

"Yes," Jacinda found herself laughing. "I haven't been kissed like that... well, I'm not sure I ever have, but I'm like you, Jotham, just trying to find my way. I never once thought that might include you."

A firm knock on the door interrupted him from saying more.

"Enter," Jotham ordered, not happy at the interruption.

"Majesty," Deffand stepped in bowing slightly. "Sorry for the interruption, but the High Admiral in on the comm. He says it's important."

Jotham knew it would have to be for Will to call him at this time of night. "Alright. Jacinda." He turned to her, his eyes full of regret.

"It's okay. I need to be going anyway."

"I..." He wanted to ask her to stay, but he had no idea what Will needed, or how long it would take. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's late and these things happen."

"Unfortunately they do. Deffand, you will see Jacinda to her transport." He gave his Captain a hard look.

"Of course, Majesty."

"Jacinda." He turned, pulling her close.

"It's alright, Jotham." She let her hands rest on his chest, gently moving them in a soothing motion. "I understand."

"Thank you." Ignoring Deffand, he leaned down capturing her lips in a hard kiss. "I'll contact you tomorrow."

"Okay," she whispered slightly breathless then reached up to caress his cheek. "Remember, no caffeinated drinks this late at night then you'll be able to get a good night’s sleep."

"Thank you." Jotham found himself kissing the tip of her nose before he forced himself to step away and leave the room.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"Thank you for the escort, Nicholas." Jacinda entered the code that opened the door to her transport.

"It was my pleasure, Jacinda, truly." Nicholas paused then found himself asking. "How is your daughter? Did she get to Kisurri okay?"

"Don't you know?" Jacinda found herself having to fight to hide her smile.

"How would I know?" Nicholas frowned at her.

"Well, you
the Captain of King Jotham's Guard."

"Yes, but I would never abuse that power for a personal situation."

"And is my daughter a 'personal situation'?"

"I..." Nicholas felt his skin darkening.

Jacinda took pity on the man. "She made it there just fine, Nicholas. I don't expect to hear from her again for several weeks, but I will let you know when I do."

"I... thank you, Jacinda. You will drive carefully?"

"I always do, Nicholas. You make sure you get some sleep too. You can't do your job if you're exhausted." With one last smile, she slipped into her transport.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Jacinda found herself smiling as she drove through the quiet streets of Pechora. She'd never had a night like this one before. Stephan had been experienced, something he'd been proud of and Jacinda had never had anything to complain about. She'd enjoyed everything he'd shown her, everything she'd experienced with him.

Yet with Jotham it was different. Neither of them was sure of themselves. Both had doubts, fears left by the lives they'd lived. But they still seemed to be finding their way to each other.

She couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

A sudden flash was her only warning, causing her to look to her right just as her transport was suddenly struck on the passenger's side, sliding the entire vehicle across the road until it slammed into a luminaire pole.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"Madame! Madame! Are you alright?"

Jacinda shook her head and tried to focus on the face that was in front of her. What was going on?

"Madame! Madame, can you tell me your name?"

"Jacinda... Jacinda Michelakakis," she told him and wondered why her voice sounded so strange. Forcing her mind to function she took in the situation around her. She was still sitting in her transport, but instead of it being the beautiful vehicle Stephan had insisted she had to have, it was now half its normal size and its windshield was shattered.

"What happened?" she asked lifting a hand to her suddenly aching head.

"You were involved in an accident, Madame Michelakakis."

"An accident? Was anyone hurt?"

"Just you, ma'am."

"Me? I'm not hurt." But she grimaced as she moved to show him.

"Please, ma'am, be still."

"I'm fine, young man. A little shaken up but otherwise fine. If you'd just help me out of my transport."

"Yes, ma'am." Reluctantly he helped her out.

Jacinda took in the scene around her and felt her heart drop. There was another transport, its front-end crushed in, just a few feet away from hers. A young man no more than eighteen cycles sitting on the curb his head in his hands.

"I thought you said no one else was hurt!" She turned hard eyes to the man helping her.

"He isn't hurt, ma'am, not a scratch on him. He's just upset that he wrecked his father's transport." He gave the boy a disgusted look.

"You’re sure he's not hurt?"

"Yes, ma'am. Ma'am, is there someone I can call to come get you?

"My transport’s not drivable?"

"No, ma'am, and honestly I wouldn't let you drive even if it was. You've got a pretty good bump on your head. I'd like to have you transported to a medical unit, just to have you checked out."

"No, I'm fine. If you would call my son for me, I'd appreciate it. His name is Danton. Assemblyman Danton Michelakakis and his comm contact is..."

Chapter Thirteen

"Anything I need to be aware of?" Deffand demanded from his second-in-command Lieutenant Kort Green. After seeing Jacinda to her transport last night, he had finally ended his shift for the day and done as she had recommended and gotten some sleep. Now, ten hours later, he was back at the Palace ready to protect his King.

"Nothing pressing. King Jotham has meetings in his office all day so he won't be leaving the Palace." He flipped a page. "The guards along the south perimeter reported that a group of kids attempted to gain access to the outer wall overnight."


"They were apprehended twenty feet from the wall. They carried no weapons and were petrified when confronted. It seems the boys were trying to impress the girls, who were with them, which made them brave enough to sneak up and touch the wall."

"Stupid kids," Deffand muttered. "They could have been killed."

"Yes, and that was strongly explained to them and their parents when they arrived to retrieve them. We won't be having any problems from them again."


Green turned another page. "There will be groups of children from Pechora touring the Public Wing today for Heritage Day."

"Is it that time of cycle again?" Deffand groaned.

"I'm afraid so."

"Double the guards on all doors and put a set on the
of the corridor leading from the Public Wing. It never fails, somehow one of those little brats finds a way in."

"Already done," Green grinned at him. "They are inventive, aren't they?"

"That's one word for them. Anything else?"

"No." He was just about to close the report when one more thing caught his eye. "Oh, Pechora transit reported that they responded to an accident early this morning involving the family member of an Assemblyman."


"Just bumps and bruises. She was lucky. All her transport safety devices deployed. Her transport, on the other hand, is a total loss."

"It was that serious an accident?"

"The other transport was going twice the limit and struck her directly on the passenger side as she was going through an intersection."

"She was taken to the hospital?"

"No, she refused and insisted they call her son to pick her up."

"Her son..." Deffand started to get a sick feeling in his stomach and grabbed the report from Green rapidly reading until he found what he hoped he wouldn't. "Jacinda Michelakakis."

"Yes," Green frowned at him. "She's the mother..."

"Of Danton Michelakakis. Why wasn't I immediately made aware of this?!!" Deffand demanded his eyes piercing Green's.

"I... it was late, sir. She wasn't seriously injured. There was no reason to contact you."

"Do you know who this

"She's the mother of an Assemblyman."

"She is also the widow of Assemblyman Stephan Michelakakis and..." Deffand cut off the rest of the sentence and headed for the door as he snapped out orders. "Get the men ready.
of them! Notify Scheer to prepare the King's transport."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Chesney sighed silently as he reviewed his King's schedule. It was full again. The first moon cycle at the start of a new Assembly was like this. Everyone wanting to make sure the King heard about what
thought needed accomplished.

Looking across the room, he watched Assemblyman Fiala reading through the stack of papers he'd brought with him as he sat, waiting for his appointment with the King. It was Chesney's job to try and keep the King on schedule, to make sure meetings didn't go longer than their allotted time. He could already tell he was going to have a hard time doing that today.

His eyes shifted to the door when it opened, then widened when Deffand came with a barely contained intensity that, without a word told Chesney something was wrong. Very wrong, and that the King's entire schedule was ruined.

"Who is with King Jotham?"

"Assemblyman Terwilliger."

If anyone other than Deffand had moved to interrupt one of the King's meetings, Chesney would have been on his feet blocking him, but after all the cycles they'd worked together he knew Deffand would never interrupt if it weren’t urgent.

Turning back to his desk, he began to pull out what he would need to change the King's schedule.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"You're looking well, Majesty." Terwilliger leaned back and let his gaze travel over Jotham and realized his words were true. Jotham did look well. He looked well-rested and... happy? When was the last time he'd seen his King happy.

"Thank you, Evander. I am feeling well and you?"

"Very well, Majesty. Excited about the new cycle."

"As am I."

"I'm also excited to be working with Danton Michelakakis."

"I have high hopes for him."

"I agree. I've watched him grow over the cycles and he is truly his father's son. He will be a great asset to this House."

"You will help guide him?"

"Of course, Majesty. We've already had lunch together. He has some very... unique ideas. I don't agree with all of them, but..."

"You didn't expect to."

"No," Terwilliger smiled at Jotham. "I didn't always agree with his father, but I always respected Stephan."

"Good, now..."

Jotham frowned when the door to his office was suddenly thrust open. Chesney knew he was with Terwilliger and didn't want to be interrupted. But it wasn't Chesney who entered. It was Deffand.

"Majesty, I need to speak to you. Privately." His gaze shot to Assemblyman Terwilliger, who instantly got the silent message and stood.

"I'll just step out, Majesty." With a slight bow, he did just that shutting the door behind him. Turning, he saw Chesney moving efficiently but with an urgency that made him think his meeting with Jotham was over.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"What's happened, Deffand," Jotham demanded bracing himself to hear that the Regulians had attacked again.

"I just received a report that last night, while returning home, Jacinda was involved in a transport accident." Deffand watched as all color left Jotham's face.

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