Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) (43 page)

BOOK: Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3)
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"Jacinda, you have to know that there
some areas where a man is just better suited, where his strength is needed."

"Not every situation requires extreme strength, Jotham. Sometimes skill and intelligence are more important."

"That's true."

"It's why Stephanie was so excited to get accepted into Peter's class. She saw it as a validation that she could take her career to the next level. Now, because of
relationship she's worried she'll never get that chance."

"Why would she think that? I have nothing to do with Coalition assignments."

"Not directly, no, but we both know you have influence."

Jotham said nothing because it was true.

"Stephanie is concerned that because of our association she won't be able to apply for the position she most desires."

"What position is that?" When Jacinda just looked at him, Jotham felt his heart begin to beat harder. What position could Stephanie possibly want? "Jacinda?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you," she told him, her eyes full of indecision.

"Jacinda," Jotham cupped her cheek. "You have to know you can tell me anything. I'm not going to do anything that would interfere in your daughter's dreams."

"What if I want you to?" Jacinda whispered, finally admitting what she was really afraid of, that she would ask Jotham to interfere.

"Jacinda?" This time he cupped both her cheeks, refusing to let her turn away from him. He didn't like seeing her like this. "Tell me. Trust me."

"Stephanie wants to be the first woman ever accepted into a Royal Guard... into
Royal Guard." Jacinda's eyes filled with tears.

"Shhh. Don't cry, love." Jotham wrapped his arms around her offering what comfort he could.

"I've always encouraged my children to follow their dreams. Supported them. What does it say about me, as a mother, that I hope she doesn't achieve this one?"

"That you love and worry about your daughter," he immediately told her. "Give her some time, Jacinda."

"I just... " she pulled back, letting the tears run down her cheeks.

"Just what?"

"Was just hoping that they would understand. My children. I knew this was going to affect them, but I thought it would be Danton that would be the most upset by it."

"Because he's an Assemblyman."

"Yes, our relationship directly affects him, but Stephanie..."

"It still may not affect her, Jacinda, because she's right, there's never been a woman in any Royal Guard and there may never be."

"Why? Why not?"

"Because no Queen wants another woman around her King day and night."

"If that's true, then why are there men in a Queen's."

"Because that's the way it's always been." Jotham had the grace to look uncomfortable. "I'll honestly admit I've never considered a woman for my Guard, but in my defense, none have ever applied."

"Are you sure about that? I thought Deffand went through all the applicants."

"He does, but he then sends the most qualified to me for final approval."

"So you wouldn't know if a woman applied."

"I... well, I guess I wouldn't." Jotham used his thumbs to wipe away the tracks of her tears. "It will be okay, Jacinda. We'll find a way to make it all work."

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jacinda sat back in her seat on the shuttle and opened the large folder Brett had shyly handed her after first meal that morning.

Inside had been a large, colored portrait of her and Jotham from the waist up in the Memory Garden, gazing at each other. Brett had captured the moment perfectly. The way Jotham's fingers seemed to be caressing her back. The way Jacinda stared up at Jotham, a barely there smile on her lips, as she leaned closer to him.

Jacinda had dropped down to her knees hugging the boy. "It beautiful, Brett."

"You really like it?" he asked with questioning eyes.

"I do, there's just one problem with it."

"What's that?" he whispered.

"You didn't sign it." Jacinda smiled at him. "Would you? Then I can have it matted and framed because I know just where I want to hang it."

"Really? You're going to hang it up?"

"I am. So will you sign it for me?"

"I didn't know I was supposed to..." He frowned at the drawing. "Where?"

"Well most artists sign it in one of the lower corners, where it can be seen but not distract from the drawing, but it's up to you where you want it."

"Mom?" Brett looked up to Cyndy, silently begging her for help.

"Sign it here, Brett." Cyndy pointed at a spot about an inch up from the lower right hand corner. "That way people can still see it when it's framed."

"Both my names?" he asked.

"Yes, baby," Cyndy told him.

After clearing a spot on the table, Brett carefully took the portrait from Jacinda and set it down. Reaching down, he pulled out his precious colored pencils and after several moments of contemplation chose a color.

They all watched as, biting his lower lip, Brett very carefully printed his name.

Brett Chamberlain.

"Is that okay?" His concerned little eyes turned to Jacinda.

"It's perfect, Brett. Thank you." Leaning down she kissed his cheek and Brett blushed.

"Can I go play with the boys now?" Brett looked to his father.

"Go ahead," Peter told him smiling.

With that, Brett carefully put away his art supplies, grabbed his bag, and took off running.

"Thank you, Jacinda. You made his day." Cyndy squeezed her arm.

"He made mine. I can't wait to get this up. You really have to see about getting him an art teacher."

"Already done," Cyndy told her. "Cassandra contacted Director Birgin and he recommended someone that will be here today."

It had taken several more moments of hugs and goodbyes before Jotham had been able to escort her to the shuttle, and they had departed for Pechora.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"He is truly talented," Jotham told her leaning over to gaze at the portrait. "Do you really have a place to hang it?"

"Oh yes, it's going right above that small table along the wall between the living room and kitchen." She already knew the mat and frame she wanted.

"On the wall between the living room and kitchen?" Jotham frowned thinking about where she was suggesting and what was already there. "But that's in the main traffic area of the house. You already have an arrangement of visuals there. All of you and Stephan."

"Mm-hmm," she said absently, still looking at the drawing. "I'll find somewhere else for them. I always wanted just one visual there but never found one large enough that seemed right. This will be perfect."

"You would take the other ones down?" Jotham didn't try to hide his shock. "The visuals of Stephan and put one up that included me?"

"Yes." Jacinda frowned at him. "Why are you so shocked?"

"I don't know, I guess I just didn't expect you to be willing to replace Stephan with me."

"I'm not," Jacinda instantly denied, turning to face him. "You can never replace Stephan, Jotham, and I don't say that to be hurtful, but Stephan was my husband for nearly thirty cycles. We had children together. He will always be an important part of my life, of my past, one that I will always proudly display and talk about, but that doesn't mean I can't make room for
are part of my future and I'm just as proud of that."

Jotham felt his throat tightening as she spoke, never in his life had he felt so humbled yet overcome all at the same time. Jacinda was making room for him, not just in her life, but in her home, in her family, and in her memories. She was willing to openly display to everyone just how important he was to her without reducing Stephan's importance. It was something he had never thought possible, but again, she was proving him wrong.

"I don't know what to say," he told her leaning forward to kiss her. "Except that I love you and I will forever thank the ancestors for bringing you into my life."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Jacinda let out a heavy sigh when she was finally able to close her front door and shut everyone out.

Jotham hadn't wanted her to go home. He had wanted her to go stay at the Palace with him, even though he would be busy until after ten with meetings catching up on all that had occurred while he was gone.

They had argued, but he'd finally agreed she needed to return home as long as she took Deffand with her and let him sweep the house before she entered.

Jacinda had only agreed because he allowed her to notify Myesha before they arrived, so she wouldn't be alarmed.

"I take it, it went well?" Myesha asked in a way of a greeting.

"Yes and no," Jacinda informed her, collapsing on the couch.

"Oh, you are going to have to explain that, Jacinda Michelakakis." Myesha handed her one of the glasses of wine she'd poured when she knew Jacinda was on her way. She knew her longtime friend/employer, and whenever she returned from a trip, the first thing she always wanted was to relax with a glass of wine.

"Oh bless you, Myesha." Jacinda took a small sip before she started. "Well, let's see. After a rather bumpy start, Cassandra and I were finally able to find some common ground."

"The Queen took a disliking to you?" Myesha demanded.

Jacinda smiled at her friend bristling on her behalf. "I won't say it was 'dislike' exactly, it was more her being reserved and cautious. I am a stranger after all, one brought in to the inner sanctum of her family. It didn't help that I took her sister-in-law Cyndy out of the Palace to meet Palma... without Royal Guards."

Myesha choked on the wine she'd just sipped. "
Royal Guards? Jacinda! What were you thinking?!!"

"I wasn't," Jacinda admitted. "I just wanted to get her to Palma."


"Because back on Earth, before she had Victoria, Cyndy had been a professional singer."

"Really?" Myesha gave her an intrigued look. "Was she any good?"

"If her voice now, which she claims is rusty, is anything to go by, then she must have been exceptional."

"Palma thought so too?"

"Oh yes."

"I still can't believe you didn't take
Royal Guards. Praise the ancestors, Jacinda, she is a Princess!"

"I know, and, believe me, Cassandra tore into me about it, but in the end it worked out. Cyndy is going to meet with Birgin and he's even going to meet with their son, Brett." Jacinda smiled wishing she could be there to see Birgin's reaction to Brett's drawings. She would have to remember to call him and find out.

"Why would Birgin want to meet with Brett?"

Instead of answering, Jacinda opened the folder she'd set on the coffee table and slid it toward Myesha.

"Oh... my... ancestors...." she whispered in awe, making sure she set her glass far away before leaning in for a closer look. "I thought he was just a boy, a child."

"He just turned nine," Jacinda told her.

"What!" Myesha's eyes flew to Jacinda and saw her nod that it was true. "This is amazing."

"I know. I'm going to contact Kasmira to have it matted and framed."

"But Kasmira

"I know but, Myesha
this is truly a masterpiece. A first of many I believe that we will be seeing from Brett Chamberlain and I want it treated properly from the very beginning."

"It will also help that she's family and won't tell anyone of the subject matter."

"Well, there is that but I don't care who she tells. It's going to get out sooner rather than later... it already is."

"What are you talking about?" Myesha demanded. "I haven't said

"Oh, Myesha! No! I'm not saying it's because of
! I never doubted you wouldn't say anything. No, I'm talking about Stephanie."


"Yes. It seems she and Palma ran into each other and Palma told her I was in Kisurri and that she needed to talk to me. She found me in the Public Wing of the Palace and... let's just say she didn't take my being there with Jotham well."

"She'll come around, Jacinda." Myesha reached over to squeeze her hand. "It just surprised her. You know how she idolized her father. She's not going to like anyone else at your side. King or not. Give her some time."

"That's just the problem, there isn't going to be much time." Jacinda took a deep breath then looked at her friend. "I'm going to be attending the Royal Ball... at Jotham's side."

"Jacinda...." Myesha's hand covered her mouth in shock. "The arrival of the Royals at that Ball is broadcast not only across the planet but also throughout the fleet! You arriving on Jotham's arm..."

"I know. I need to talk to Danton and Ethan about it, so they're prepared." With a sigh, she finished her wine and stood. "I guess I should get on that. Myesha..."

"I'll unpack for you. Don't worry."

"Thank you, my friend." Jacinda turned to leave then paused and turned back. "Are you going to be okay with this, Myesha? With all these changes? Jotham has insisted I have security which means they are going to be around the house. Watching and checking on who’s coming and going and that includes you."

"I'll be fine with it, Jacinda." Myesha tipped her head to the side, thinking. "You know, the real problem is going to be Madame Nitzschke."

"Oh, praise the ancestors!" Jacinda closed her eyes, her laugh holding no humor. "I'd forgotten about her."

"Yeah, well we'd better warn your security.
may be the ones in need of protection if she gets hold of one of them."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"Young man! Young man!"

Lieutenant Green turned from speaking to another guard and frowned at the woman making her way up the sidewalk. He didn't believe her to be a threat, except to his sense of style because the clash of colors and patterns she was wearing hurt his eyes.

"Young man, I want you gone! This a respectable neighborhood and I won't have you loitering around here." When she turned to make her way up the drive, Kort moved to intercept her.

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