Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) (42 page)

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Jacinda took a deep breath wondering if she was ready for this.

"You are." Kia moved to sit beside her. "Jacinda, I have had the honor of knowing you for many cycles and consider you a friend. You supported Pazel and me when no one else would. You've always had impeccable taste. However, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, you have never truly shone. You have always made sure you were there in the background supporting."

"It was my role," Jacinda informed her.

"Maybe for an Assemblyman's wife, but that is not who you are standing beside now. Now you are standing beside a King. The most respected one on the planet. You need to show that you
stand on your own while still supporting Jotham, just as the High Admiral does with Cassandra. If you trust me, I believe I can design you the perfect dress."

"Kia, I am in your hands."

Kia pulled out her sketchpad and quickly began to draw. The gown would be House of Protection violet with an undergarment of black, enhancing its depth of color. It was a form-fitting sheath with no sleeves, that would cling to her figure before pooling out around her, a short train following behind her as she moved. It was only when they got to the applique, that would accent the bodice, waist and train that they disagreed.

"You said this dress needed to represent who
am, that
needed to shine."

"Yes," Kia agreed.

"Then the applique needs to be House of Healing gold." She saw the shock in Kia's eyes. "It's where I come from. It's who I am.

"Only Cassandra has ever blended the colors."

"Well now, I am. If you can't do it, Kia, I will find someone who can. Because I refuse to be something I'm not. I am House of Healing. I will represent that in this dress."

Kia gave her a considering look and suddenly realized that their world was about to change again. "Yes, Majesty."

"Kia, I'm not royalty, you don't need to address me like that."

"You may not be yet, but I have a feeling you will be before long."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞



The sound of her daughter's voice had Jacinda turning, a smile breaking out on her face as Stephanie rapidly approached her. After her fitting with Kia, Jacinda had wanted to clear her head. She checked in with Deffand and informed him she was going to take a tour of the Public Wing. It had been cycles since she had been in the House of Knowledge, back when Yakira had been the Trustee, and she wanted to see what changes Cassandra had made.

"Stephanie!" Jacinda greeted happily.

"Mother." Stephanie grabbed her and pulled her to the side of the room. "What are you doing here?"

Jacinda frowned at her daughter. "Well, at the moment I'm touring the Public Wing to see what changes Cassandra has made."

"Cassandra?" Stephanie looked at her mother, shocked at how casually she used the Queen's name, almost as if they were friends. "You mean Queen Cassandra!"

"Is there someone else here named Cassandra?"

"Mother!" Stephanie hissed. "Please tell me you’re not here checking up on me!"

Jacinda looked at her daughter, stunned at the accusation. Stephanie was a thirty-four cycle woman, and while Jacinda would always worry about her, she stopped 'checking up' on her when she turned eighteen. "You honestly think I have nothing better to do than come and check up on you? I have a life you know."

"I'd like to think you do, but I ran into Aunt Palma this morning and she told me you were here and that I needed to speak to you."

Jacinda wanted to slap her own forehead, then she wanted to slap her sister's. She hadn't gotten a chance to explain to Palma why she was here. Who she was here with. Now Stephanie thought
was why her mother was here.

"My being here has absolutely nothing to do with you, Stephanie. It's totally unrelated."

"Then why are you here? Where are you staying?" Stephanie demanded. "It's not with Aunt Palma."

"No, it's not." Jacinda knew she would have to eventually tell her children about her relationship with Jotham, but she thought she would have a little more time to decide how to break it to them. Apparently, she was wrong. Taking a deep breath, she told her daughter the truth. "I'm staying here at the Palace. In the Royal Wing."

"In the Royal Wing?" Stephanie frowned, her mind racing. "But King Jotham is currently staying in the Royal Wing."

"Yes, he is," Jacinda confirmed.

"But how can both of you be staying there? How can you be? You're not a Royal."

"No, I'm not." Jacinda silently waited, her daughter wasn't stupid. It wouldn't take her long to figure it out.

"But..." Stephanie's eyes widened and Jacinda watched her take a stumbling step back. "No," she whispered. "It's not possible."

"Why isn't it?"

"You can't be
" Stephanie barely breathed the word, "with King Jotham."

"Why can't I be?" Jacinda queried raising an eyebrow at her.

"Because he's the
!" This time the words exploded from Stephanie causing heads to turn in their direction.

"Keep your voice down!" Jacinda ordered sharply. "I know he is the King, Stephanie, but Jotham is also a man. A man I happen to care a great deal about."

"But... but... Father."

"Would want me to continue living, to find happiness again if I could. The same way I would want him to if the situation was reversed."

"But this will change everything!" Stephanie ran an angry hand through her hair. "If this ever gets out it will ruin any chance I have to get on a Royal detail."

what you're worried about?" Jacinda couldn't hide her shock or disappointment. "How this affects you and

"Mom, what did you expect? I've worked my whole life to get to where I am. I've sacrificed so much...

"Oh, and I haven't?!!" Jacinda demanded. "I've sacrificed more than you will
know. For you, for your brothers and for your father, but I won't sacrifice Jotham, not for your

"Madame Michelakakis, is there a problem?" Deffand walked up, his expression blank as he looked from her to Stephanie.

"No, Captain. Thank you. My daughter and I were just having a disagreement, but we're finished. Would you mind escorting me back to the Royal Wing?"

"It would be my pleasure, Madame."

Deffand gave Stephanie a hard look before he extended his arm to Jacinda and led her away.

Jacinda waited until they had exited the Public Wing before she spoke again. "Were you following me, Nicholas?"

"Of course I was," he told her simply.

"I was still within the Palace."


"I informed you where I was going."


"Yet you still felt you needed to follow me?"

Deffand paused for a moment, then led Jacinda to a quiet alcove. "In all the cycles I have served Jotham, I have never seen him this happy and it's because of you. I want to make sure he stays that way, and that means keeping you safe at all times. You're just going to have to get used to it."

"Oh I am, am I?" Jacinda arched an eyebrow at him.

"Yes," Nicholas wasn't intimidated at all, "you are. Jotham has made it quite clear that your safety is his top priority. When we return to Pechora, you are to have your own personal guards. They are being selected as we speak. Jotham is not taking the chance of losing another woman he loves."

Jacinda opened her mouth to argue but snapped it shut as Deffand continued.

"It's what you would expect if it were any other woman."

Jacinda narrowed her eyes at Deffand, not liking that he was right. "I don't like it, but you are right, Nicholas."

"I know." Taking her arm, they began walking again.

"You don't have to be so smug about it," Jacinda huffed at him.

"Smug? Me? Madame Michelakakis, I have no idea what you are referring to."

"Yes, you do. So will you be in charge of my guards?"

"Yes, Madame."

"Alright, but there are going to be some rules they have to follow."

"As long as they don't interfere with your safety that won't be a problem."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Jacinda proudly stood beside Jotham in the Memory Garden that evening, silently listening as the Guide recited the ancient words over Sabah, held by Jotham, that would forever bind their lives together. Sabah's sapphire blue eyes were wide, but she remained quiet as if she understood the significance of the moment.

"May the ancestors watch over you and guide you on this journey that is your life. May you leave this world better than when you entered it and may you be loved."

With those final words, the ceremony was completed and Sabah began to coo, clapping her little hands together in approval, causing everyone to laugh.

"Thank you, Jotham." William walked over to his friend and for the first time since her birth, his daughter didn't immediately reach out for him.

"It was my honor, Will." Jotham lifted Sabah, kissing her chubby cheek, taking in that amazing scent that only a baby has. He then handed her to her first father, knowing Will needed her in his arms. Turning, he found Jacinda right there, supporting him, an understanding smile on her face as she stepped into his arms. Closing his eyes, he rested his chin on the top of her head, taking in the scent of roses she always seemed to carry and thanked the ancestors for the gifts they had bestowed on him.

"That was amazing, Jotham." Jacinda quietly spoke into his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "I could see the bonds building between you and Sabah." Pulling back slightly, she looked up at him in awe. "The House of Protection and the House of Knowledge are now forever linked."

"They are," Jotham agreed sealing his words with a kiss. "So are you going to tell me what you and Stephanie were arguing about in the Public Wing?"

"Who says we were arguing?" Jacinda arched her eyebrow.

"Deffand." Jotham selected two flutes of wine from the tray of a passing servant then handed one to her.

"Oh really?" She took the glass but didn't sip.

"He was just doing his job, Jacinda." Jotham knew that look and knew he was going to have to do some fast explaining.

"Really? So his job is to inform you of a private conversation between myself and my daughter? I thought it was security."

"It is, you know that, but it’s more than that, especially with you."

"Why especially with me?"

"Because Nicholas cares about you. He considers you a friend. He also knows I love you. He's going to tell me when he thinks something or someone has upset you."

Jacinda took a sip of her wine thinking about what Jotham had said. She understood it. She did. She just didn't like it, taking a deep breath she spoke. "If I'm going to accept the security you have Deffand arranging, there are going to be some guidelines, Jotham. My private conversations are
... for me to tell you about... if I feel you need to know."

"You would keep things from me?" Jotham demanded.

"It's not that I'm going to
things from you, but I have the right to decide
to tell you something. Like a confrontation with my daughter that has upset me."

It was Jotham's turn to take a deep breath and as he looked over Jacinda's shoulder, he saw William lean down to listen to something Cassandra was telling him while Cyndy was listening to Peter.

Couples. Couples talking and listening to each other.

It had been a very long time since he had been part of one and it seemed his skills were rusty.

"You're right." He looked back to Jacinda. "I'm sorry. I'm a little out of practice at being part of a couple. I'm used to demanding information and being given it."

"You mean you're spoiled." The affronted look on Jotham's face had Jacinda laughing.

"I wouldn't say spoiled, but..."

"Spoiled," she told him. Reaching up, she patted his cheek. "As I said before, it's a good thing you’re so cute. Otherwise, I might have to rethink this whole thing."

"Oh really?" Wrapping an arm around her waist, Jotham pulled her body flush against his and captured her lips in a hard kiss until he felt her melt against him.

"Hey you two, cut that out. There are children present here."

William's teasing voice had Jotham reluctantly breaking off the kiss. Seeing Jacinda's dazed look almost made it worth it.

," he whispered then kissing the tip of her nose, stepped back and watched her blush.

Jacinda felt her cheeks heat as she looked around to find every eye in the garden was on them, including all the boys. Clearing her throat self-consciously, she took a sip of her wine.

"Come on, let's take a walk." Jotham put his arm around her waist. "We'll see you all tomorrow before we leave." He told everyone in the way of a farewell and led her from the Memory Garden.

"Definitely spoiled," Jacinda teased slipping an arm around his waist, happily walking beside him.

"Perhaps," he said noncommittally.

They walked for several minutes in a comfortable silence, enjoying the last rays of Carina's third sun."

"Will you share with me what Stephanie said that upset you so?"

Jacinda sighed but knew they had to address this. "Apparently, Stephanie ran into Palma yesterday and Palma told her I was in Kisurri."

"I don't understand. Palma doesn't approve of our relationship?"

"I never got the chance to tell her. We were both so amazed by the way Cyndy could sing that we never got around to it."

"So what
she tell Stephanie?"

"Only that she needed to talk to me. Stephanie, for some reason, took that to mean that I was here checking up on her."

"Why would she think that?"

"I honestly don't know. I do know she has worked extremely hard to get to where she is. I know that while the attitudes toward women serving have changed since I served, there are still areas where even if a woman excels, she is excluded because of her gender."

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