Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3) (59 page)

BOOK: Jacinda's Challenge (Imperial 3)
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"We gave her such a hard time."

"You did, but she wouldn't have had it any other way. She loved every minute of it, just as she loves you."

The ringing of Barek's comm had a jarring effect on everyone in the room. Looking down, Barek frowned as he read the message.

"I assume that involves the Pajaris and what happened," Jacinda said to Barek.

"You might as well tell her," Danton told Barek when he saw him hesitate. "If you don't, she'll just wear you down until you do. Trust me she can be..." he gave his mother a slight smile. "Tenacious when she believes she has the right to know something."

Barek looked to his father who nodded.

"Elliott Pajari has disappeared. It seems he left the Ball shortly after your arrival, leaving his wife behind. He may not even know that it was Adelaide that attacked you as the broadcast was immediately cut off at the first sign of trouble.”

"I want him found, Barek," Jotham told his son.

"Cassandra is already on it. She's furious that this happened within her House and has ordered all borders closed until he's found."

"This wasn't Cassandra's fault," Jacinda spoke as she rose and started pacing again. "I've known Adelaide for more cycles than I care to remember. She's always been slightly unstable what with her 'purist' ideas. She even spent some time in Atrato cycles ago. But even with all that, I never thought she was crazy enough to take it this far. To attack Jotham at the Royal Ball, in front of thousands of witnesses.”

"She was trying to attack
, Mom," Danton reminded her gently.

"I know, but Jotham stepping in front of me should have stopped her. She'd never attempt to kill the King. She wants Shosha to wed Barek too badly."

"What?!!" Barek sputtered.

"It's something we discovered when investigating the transmissions between Pajari and Stannic. They had nothing to do with Stannic's attempt on Cassandra. Instead, they dealt with them wanting their daughter to be the next Queen," Jotham stated.

"I don't even
their daughter," replied Barek.

"I'm sure that didn't matter to Adelaide," Jacinda told him.

Just then the doors on the other side of the room opened and Bliant stepped in, still wearing his operating suit, stained with blood, his expression bleak. Jacinda reached out blindly and grabbed Jotham's arm.

"Madame Michelakakis," Bliant began. "I'm sorry I didn't have time to properly introduce myself to you earlier."

Jacinda waved her hand dismissively. "I don't care about manners, Dr. Bliant. Just my daughter."

"Yes, of course, I understand perfectly. Your daughter is a very strong and stubborn woman, Madame Michelakakis. The damage done to her back and lung would have killed most people. Your daughter refused to let it."

"So she's going to be alright?" Jacinda demanded, her fingers digging into Jotham's arm.

"I see no reason why she shouldn't, barring any unforeseen complications, but there is something you need to be aware of."

"What?" Jacinda demanded.

"I couldn't save the damaged lung."

"What?" Jacinda paled and Jotham wrapped an arm around her waist steadying her.

"Her attacker appears to have twisted the spears as she stabbed your daughter. They shredded the lung. It was pure luck that she only struck one. If she'd struck both, nothing would have saved your daughter."

"Oh, my ancestors." Jacinda raised a trembling hand to her mouth at the thought of how close she'd come to losing Stephie.

"Because of this," Bliant continued, "she will be unable to maintain the rigorous training level that she does now."

"You're saying she will no longer be able to be a guard?"

"No, she won't," Bliant told her bluntly.

"But otherwise," Jotham finally spoke up, "she'll be able to live a full life?"

"Yes, I see no reason why she couldn't."

"Thank you, Dr. Bliant." Jotham nodded to Bliant.

"I'll let you know when you can see her." His eyes traveled back to Jacinda taking in the circlet she still wore for the first time. "She is still quite heavily sedated, Majesty. It might be better for her if she doesn't see the blood on your gown. I believe it will worry her and I would like to keep her as calm as possible. Her body has been gravely injured and it is going to take it, and her, some time to adjust to having only one lung."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"I need to let Ethan know." Jacinda ran a shaky hand through her hair, surprised to find she still wore the circlet. "And Palma and..."

"Mom," Danton took her hand stilling it, not liking how she had begun to tremble. "I'll do it. You go change and rest a little before Stephie wakes. She's going to want to see you. Both of you." He looked to Jotham. "To make sure you are okay."


"He's right, Jacinda." Jotham squeezed her waist.

"Alright." She gave Danton a weak smile. "Make sure you tell them that she i
going to make a full recovery."

"I will." Danton looked at Jotham over her head silently thanking him for his support.

"Come on, Jacinda. Let’s get you changed." Jotham led her from the room.

As they left the room, both Guard immediately surrounded them. It was then that Jacinda notice the blood on Deffand's uniform and remembered how he'd immediately been at Stephanie's side.

"Thank you, Nicholas." Reaching out she squeezed his arm.

"Is she..." Deffand found he had to clear his throat.

"She's going to be fine," Jacinda reassured him.

"Thank the ancestors," Deffand whispered.

"And fast acting, well trained guards." She let her gaze encompass everyone there. "Thank you. All of you."

"Captain, we are going to the Royal Wing to change then will be returning. I want guards posted outside Stephanie's room."

"That has already been seen to, Majesty. Captain Chamberlain has personally chosen the men so that we could remain at your side."

Jotham looked to Jacinda and with her nod of approval looked back to Deffand. "That will be fine. I also want security around Danton and Barek increased. Until we know where Elliott Pajari is I'm taking no chances."

"Yes, Majesty." He immediately looked to several men who nodded and remained behind.

With every step they took, Jotham could feel the tremor in Jacinda growing. As soon as they closed the doors to the Royal Wing and were alone, Jacinda collapsed into his arms, letting go of all her fear and grief.

"I've got you, Jacinda," he whispered into her hair as he swept her up into his arms and carried her directly into the bathroom. "I've got you. I love you. Everything's going to be all right. Everyone is going to be fine."

"I know," she whispered clutching at his neck as he allowed her feet to touch the floor. "I know. I just can't seem to stop shaking."

"It's understandable." He carefully set aside her circlet before his hands went to her side, finding the device that held her gown together. "You've been so strong through it all, my love, for everyone. Now you need to take some time for yourself."

"I could have lost her, Jotham. I could have lost my daughter." She laid her head on his shoulder as he undressed her. "I could have lost
." The tears streamed down her face as she looked at him.

"But you didn't." He wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I'm fine and Stephanie is going to be. We'll make sure of it. Now come on, my love, let’s get you cleaned up." Jotham led her into the shower stall.

"Join me?" Her eyes implored as she stepped in. "I need you."

Jotham immediately began to strip, uncaring where anything landed. "I'm here, Jacinda." Slipping into the shower, he wrapped his arms around her now slick flesh pulling her close. Gently he ran a finger along the birthmark between her breasts. "It's filled with color," he whispered.

"It has?" With her hands loosely gripping his waist, she leaned back. Looking down she saw the golden symbols that before were seen only on the King's hand were now filled with color. "It wasn't like that before the Ball, Jotham?" She looked up at him with troubled eyes.

"It will be fine, my love."


"It's the way of the ancestors, Jacinda. When it is a ruler's time, their birthmark fills in with color."

"I know that, but this... no female has ever carried the House of Healing symbol."

"Your ancestors have."

"True, but it's never filled with color."

"Are you sure about that?" Jotham carefully kissed each mark before straightening to sink his fingers in her hair. "You are where the ancestors want you, Jacinda, in my arms. The rest we will work out... together."

"I love you, Jotham."

"And I love you." He slipped a hand behind her neck extending the kiss. "We'll get through this, Jacinda, and whatever else life has to throw at us because we're together." Reaching up he caressed her cheek. "And once Stephanie is well enough, I'm going to make you my wife and my Queen."

"Your wife..." Jacinda gave him a truly brilliant, loving smile. "That's all I want. Well that, and for you to turn around so I can wash your back."

"Is that all you will wash?" Jotham asked feeling his shaft start to lengthen as her hands grazed his hips.

"Well, I guess that will depend on you... my King."



About the Author


Michelle has always loved to read and writing is just a natural extension of this for her. Growing up, she always loved to extend the stories of books she'd read just to see where the characters went. Happily married for over twenty-five years, she is the proud mother of two grown children and with the house empty has found time to write again. You can reach her at
[email protected]
or her website at
she'd love to hear your comments.



Additional Books


Cassandra's Challenge: The Imperial Series, Book 1


Victoria's Challenge: The Imperial Series, Book 2


Grim: Tornians Book 1


A Grim Holiday: Tornians Book 1.5


Wray: Tornians Book 2


Ynyr: Tornians Book 3


Oryon: Tornians Book 3.5


















Table of Contents

Jacinda’s Challenge: The Imperial SeriesByM.K. Eidem


PrologueChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter Four


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten“Majesty! Majesty!”

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve"Jacinda?"

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight"Mother!"

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

About the Author

Additional BooksCassandra's Challenge: The Imperial Series, Book 1Victoria's Challenge: The Imperial ...

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