Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance (33 page)

BOOK: Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance
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He supported me as I raised myself off him and pulled up my jeans. The exciting moment replaced by an awkward tangle of limbs, my jeans got caught on the gear stick as I scooted across to my seat and I became aware of the dampness spreading uncomfortably into my underwear.

Steven started the engine, leaning over he kissed me once more and started driving.

‘I had no idea you were so insatiable, Ols.’ He grinned.

‘Neither did I.’ I replied. I noticed Steven’s grin get wider. I adjusted the back of my seat and leant back, closing my eyes. I suddenly felt exhausted and drifted to sleep.

Chapter Thirty-six

The phone was ringing when I entered the flat and I smiled to myself, knowing full well it would be Ruth. I had sent her a text message to tell her about Steven and I knew she would be over as soon as I arrived home to hear all the details.


‘Oh good, you’re home. I’m coming over.’ She said quickly before hanging up.

I shook my head laughing as I replaced the receiver and made my way to the kitchen to stick the kettle on.

After I had taken my bag to the bedroom and unpacked my make-up and toiletries, I filled the washing machine, made two cups of tea, and settled down on the sofa.

I heard a car door slam outside and glanced out of the window as Ruth hurried up the driveway to my front door. She let herself in and burst into my living room, breathless and excited.

‘I want to hear everything.’ She announced. She sat down on the edge of the armchair and looked at me, ‘you look so happy.’ She beamed. I returned her smile.

‘I am. It was like a fairy tale.’

‘Yeah he suits being Prince Charming. So how did it happen? Did you have sex?’ She noticed the blush spread across my face, ‘You did! Oh my God this is huge, what was it like?’

‘OK, OK.’ I laughed. ‘Too many questions, what do you want to know first?’ I asked.

Ruth thought about it for a while, struggling between wanting the full chronological story and wanting to hear about the sex.

‘OK start from the beginning. How did you end up spending Christmas with him?’

‘Ah, an easy question. We had our Christmas night out on Friday and basically I had forgotten to plan anything but luckily Steven reminded me on the Monday and managed to get something sorted at short notice to spare my embarrassment. But then after a few drinks I admitted I’d forgotten and explained why I don’t much bother with Christmas. Steven was horrified at the thought of me spending Christmas Day alone and insisted I spend it with his family.’

‘And you agreed to it, just like that?’ Ruth wasn’t convinced.

‘Well no, I said I’d think about it. But then Chris rang me, we had a bit of a row actually, turns out he doesn’t think we should meet, said it wouldn’t be fair. I got on my high horse and accused him of just using me like I was some kind of free porn.’ I felt myself flushing with embarrassment, I was vaguely aware that thinking about Chris made me feel guilty now, ‘so all weekend I was feeling depressed and lonely and when Steven reissued his invitation I decided to accept, I figured being around people would stop me wallowing in self-pity.’

‘Does Chris know?’

I shook my head, ‘No, unless Steven has told him.’

‘How do you feel about the cyber vampire now anyway?’ She asked, noticing the change in my attitude.

‘I think I feel guilty. Not about his feelings, but about Steven, every time I remember the cybersex I feel cheap and disgusting.’

‘But why? You weren’t doing anything wrong, last week you seemed really excited by the whole thing, planning to go and meet him.’ She searched my face for an answer, ‘I mean I am relieved that things with the real life human, the very attractive might I add, Steven have worked out as they should have done all along, but why the change of attitude towards Chris?’

‘Because he’s Steven’s friend. He’s seen me in ways that only Steven should see me.’ I shrugged miserably.

‘But you’re a grown woman with past relationships, Steven won’t expect to be the first man to see you naked. You don’t feel guilty about Brian having seen you naked.’

‘No I just feel a mild sense of disgust that Brian saw me naked.’ I laughed, making a show of shuddering my whole body, ‘I just think this is different. How would you feel if you found out that Andrew and I had been indulging in cybersex before you two got together?’

‘As long as it wasn’t happening after we got together what does it matter?’ She asked, her voice slightly tight. I glared at her, ‘OK, I’d want to scratch the image of my naked husband off your eyes.’ She agreed.

‘So you see? I think Steven will hate it and it makes me feel really guilty. I guess I really thought that there was no chance for us, otherwise I wouldn’t have been so thoughtless.’

‘It sounded like Chris was pretty persuasive, don’t beat yourself up about it. Steven’s hardly been an angel.’ She reminded me. I didn’t want to think about Melissa but it was obvious to what Ruth was referring.

‘I think I should tell him.’ I whispered.

‘Are you sure that’s such a good idea?’ She asked, there was no mocking to her voice or surprise, just concern.

I nodded, ‘I don’t want there to be any secrets.’

‘So when will you tell him?’

I shrugged, ‘I don’t know because on the other hand the sex is really good, I don’t want to risk losing that just yet.’ I explained laughing.

‘Better than the cybersex?’ She teased.

‘I was scared nothing would be like he described, but it was, and all the better for being Steven, someone I know and trust,’ I blushed, ‘and love.’ I added.

‘Olly loves Steven, Olly loves Steven.’ Ruth sang at me. I threw a cushion at her, laughing.

‘Of course it’s also entirely possible he will find the whole thing quite a turn on.’ I suggested blushing.

‘Now that sounds like Chris talking.’ Ruth admonished me, ‘so what’s happening tonight?’

‘We are going on our first date.’ I grinned.

‘What are you going to wear?’

I glanced at Ruth’s shoes – she was wearing reassuringly uncomfortable high heels and I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn’t about to be dragged off to buy a first date outfit.

‘I hadn’t thought about it – care to check out my wardrobe?’ I invited. She was already halfway to the door before I finished speaking.

I was ready and watching out for his arrival by 7 p.m. It had taken a while but Ruth had eventually found something she was happy with letting me leave the flat in. I was wearing a knee length, black pencil skirt, one of my few smart items that I occasionally wore to work meetings, which she had matched up with a black chiffon blouse over a red satin vest. The red shimmered through the chiffon. She had glared at me, hands on hips, when I tried to pull on my knee-high flat boots.

‘I know you have dressy shoes, Olly, you haven’t thrown any clothes away since 2001 so I know you still have the ones from your May Ball.’

I’d sighed theatrically and scrambled under the bed to find them. My feet were killing me already and I’d had to practice walking for an hour before I felt confident I wouldn’t fall over. But they looked good, they made my boring work skirt look sexy.

‘You know, we will have to do some serious shopping if you guys are going to keep going on dates, I thought you two were all about staying in playing video games.’

‘I certainly hope we will be, I don’t think my feet could take too many nights out.’ I complained, wincing as the shoes pinched my toes.

I hadn’t yet told Ruth about Thornton Manor, I was going to wait until Steven sent me their social diary so I could present Ruth with the gift of shopping. She would know exactly what to wear for these engagements. For a moment I envied her the natural ability to dress well.

Out of the window I saw Steven’s car pull up in front of the building, I checked my make-up one last time in the hall mirror and waited for the chime of the doorbell.

He smiled at me when I opened the door, his eyes twinkling with pleasure as he took in my appearance. He leant forward to kiss me, a brief touch of his lips against mine as he walked past me into the flat and made his way upstairs.

‘What time is the table booked for?’ I asked, I suddenly felt shy and nervous at the idea of us going on a date. Ridiculous considering everything else we had already done together in the last twenty-four hours.

‘Whenever we want. Callum has reserved us a table for the evening, said to just turn up.’

His eyes met mine, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He looked effortlessly handsome in his fitted jeans, white shirt, and waistcoat. My stomach did a somersault as I realised how much I wanted him.

‘Do you want to head straight off or do you want a drink or something before we go?’

He closed the gap between us, his hands reaching out for my face.

‘Maybe something before we go,’ he whispered, his mouth covering mine.

My entire body flushed with desire, my legs wobbled, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding onto him. His hands were in my hair, his thumbs tracing the sides of my face as his tongue danced with mine, his teeth grazing at my lip and his eyes staring into mine.

I felt him smile against my mouth as we pulled apart.

‘Shall we make a move then?’ He asked pulling open the door. I was breathless with wanting and frustration. He grinned at my surprise, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll pick this up again later.’

‘Is this some clever plan to make me think about nothing else all evening so you can bring me home and have your wicked way with me?’ I asked irritably.

‘Not at all, I’m just hungry.’ He grinned at me again, ‘Why? Are you thinking about it now, Ols?’ He teased.

I gazed steadily into his eyes, a small smile playing across my lips. ‘I’ve been thinking about it all day.’

Chapter Thirty-seven

Callum’s was crowded. Every table as far as I could see was filled with couples enjoying a post-Christmas meal. Perhaps they had been separated for the big day and wanted to share a special evening together. I felt a fizz of excitement in my belly as I thought about Christmas Day. I had relived the moment when he told me his feelings hadn’t changed over and over again. His glances throughout the day, his hands idly resting on my knee. But besides the joy of finally being together, Christmas had been a magical day. I had become accustomed to spending it alone, no longer caring about the day itself. Steven had given me the gift of Christmas again. A family Christmas. The realisation that I would be expected to spend Christmas at Thornton Manor every year was a welcome obligation. Already I was picturing our children running around playing hide and seek.

Callum was approaching us, his arms open wide, a big grin on his face.

‘Wow, Steven, why didn’t you tell me who your date was?’ He exclaimed, kissing me on the cheek, ‘Olivia, how are you?’

‘I’m good thank you, Callum. How was your Christmas?’ I asked, smiling back at him.

‘It was so nice to have a day off, but ironically, there’s no rest in the restaurant business. Come, I saved you the best table in the house.’ He wound his way through the tables towards the back corner of the restaurant and indicated a booth. It was circular, large enough to fit ten people, with a cushioned bench running around the entire thing.

We slid onto the seat across from each other and grinned up at Callum, who was opening a bottle of champagne. A waiter placed three wine flutes on our table and Callum poured the bubbling liquid.

‘A toast,’ he announced holding up his glass, ‘Olivia, when Steven told me he needed a table because he had a date I thought, good, he’s finally getting over Olivia, but when you walked in I was even happier. I’m so glad you finally put him out of his misery, he’s been propping up my bar for far too long.’

I expected Steven to be irritated or embarrassed but he just smiled at his friend, I flushed at the realisation that it didn’t matter to him, he was content enough for me to know that he had been hurting as much as I had, more even. I raised my glass.

‘Well I hope his happiness doesn’t affect your profit margin.’ I grinned.

‘I hope it will improve my profit margin, romantic meals are more expensive than shots of tequila.’

‘Well I’m not much of a cook so eating here will get my vote.’ I whispered conspiratorially.

Callum handed us both a menu and left us alone to decide.

I was aware of him watching me as I looked through the menu and for a moment I felt self-conscious until I remembered it was Steven, he wasn’t judging me. It felt strange to be so assured of his feelings for me. My thoughts drifted to Chris. What would Steven think about that? I was dreading that conversation. Would he be shocked? Disgusted? Betrayed? He might be turned on. I wondered briefly whether Steven and I would ever have cybersex. I couldn’t imagine doing that, performing for Steven, but then I never imagined I’d do that at all a few months ago. Was it the anonymity of Chris that made it OK? The fact that I couldn’t see him made it seem as though he wasn’t really there. Could I behave like that if I could see someone watching me?

I continued to read the menu, aware of his eyes on me, idly raising my left hand to my face, my fingers caressing my right cheek and my thumb across my left. As I scrutinised the menu I slowly moved my thumb across my lips, drawing the lower lip down and slowly licking my thumb with the tip of my tongue. I heard Steven slowly exhale and fidget in his seat I sensed him moving towards me across the table.
He likes to watch

I wrapped my lips halfway around my thumb and slowly pulled it out, tracing a damp line across my chin and allowing my hand to brush across my breast on its way to the table. I drummed my finger loudly on the menu.

‘I know what I want.’ I said innocently, glancing up at him. His was face inches away from mine, his dark eyes filled with lust.

‘So do I,’ he whispered. Leaning over the table, his mouth covered mine, sucking gently on my bottom lip, his tongue darting into my mouth, dancing with mine. His hands were in my hair, his thumbs caressing my face.

‘Do you guys want to eat anything from the menu tonight or just each other?’ Callum teased, causing us to jump apart suddenly. An embarrassed flush crept across my cheeks but Steven just grinned at him.

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