Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance (30 page)

BOOK: Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance
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‘Not at all, I thought you were my mum coming to tell me off for spending too much time playing video games.’

My features shaped into a look of confusion. ‘Is that even possible?’ I asked grinning, taking the controller off him and dropping down next to him on the sofa.

Steven stretched his arm across the back of the sofa and sighed.

I looked up at him. I took in his beautiful face smiling down at me, his messy, thick hair shadowing his face. I felt his arm drop off the back of the sofa across my shoulder and before I could stop myself I’d leant forward and kissed him. Our lips pressed together and we both froze, unsure what to do next. I felt Steven’s right hand touch my face, sending shivers of desire coursing through me. His lips parted, catching my bottom lip and tracing his tongue across it lightly, asking permission to enter, I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue met mine inside. Our eyes held each other’s gaze as we kissed, exploring each other’s mouth. His hand moved to my hair sending shots of electricity through my nerves, tingling in my scalp and down my spine. I could feel myself becoming aroused and I knew I had to stop, but I was scared to stop, scared what would happen next, and scared because I didn’t want to stop. I wanted this, it felt right, no matter what reservations I had, this, right now felt right. I squirmed and felt him smile against my mouth. I pulled away and searched his face.

‘I wasn’t expecting that,’ he whispered. I blushed, remembering that I had started it. I looked down at my hands.

‘I’m sorry,’ I blustered, pushing myself up from the sofa. Steven grabbed my arm.

‘Don’t run off, Ols,’ he said quietly, standing up and putting his arms around me. I felt his face bury itself in my hair, kissing my head. I inhaled sharply as I thought about kissing him again.

I felt his hand around my neck, his thumb brushing across my cheek, gently tilting my face up towards him.

‘Look, Ols, I don’t know what you’re feeling right now, but I need you to know that my feelings for you have never changed, so you know what I want.’ His eyes bored into mine looking for agreement. ‘I think, or at least I hope, you feel the same?’ he whispered, staring once more into my eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. I opened one eye shyly and he laughed. ‘What? You don’t want to admit you want me?’ he asked, searching my face, amusement evident in his eyes. I remembered how I had felt when everything was lost and remembered my promise. If by some miracle he still wanted me then I was his. I nodded and a huge smile broke across my face. Steven laughed and pulled me to him, hugging me tightly. I reached up to his face drawing it to me and kissed him.

‘I should go get ready for dinner.’ I smiled, pulling away from him. He grinned down at me.

‘So you are going to have dinner with me then?’

‘Ah, Steven, Olivia, there you are.’ Mrs Teller pushed champagne flutes into our hands. ‘Your grandmother was asking for you,’ she added in a lower voice. Steven led me over to the sofa next to his gran.

‘Merry Christmas, Gran.’ He kissed her cheek and sat down next to me. ‘This is Olivia.’ He rested his hand on my knee. His gran scrutinised me openly before nodding.

‘Nice to meet you, my dear.’ She turned her attention to Steven. ‘It’s about time you brought a girl home.’ She spoke sternly, making Steven laugh.

‘I wasn’t going to bring just any girl home, Gran, I was waiting till I found the right one.’ He shrugged innocently, his eyes wide, apologetic. The old woman chuckled.

‘Do I need to buy a new hat?’ She laughed, her eyes moving between both of us.

‘Maybe,’ he whispered conspiratorially and she grinned. ‘I’ll make sure you get plenty of warning.’ He tapped his nose, making her chuckle again. He turned to me and clinked his champagne flute against mine.

The whole conversation felt surreal, one minute I was just his boss and the next minute we’re practically walking down the aisle. I realised suddenly that being here felt much more natural since our relationship had developed, I felt like I belonged, like I was a part of the family. Not just his lonely boss, for whom he had felt sorry. I smiled to myself. I couldn’t believe how happy I felt. The more I looked at him the more I wanted him. I was seeing him with fresh eyes, seeing him properly without the constant reminder not to feel anything for him. I could openly acknowledge how I felt. It was as though I’d been given the best Christmas present in the world.

‘So, Olivia, what do you do for a living?’ Steven’s grandmother asked me after the turkey had been carved and distributed.

‘I do the same as Steven, pretty much.’ I helped myself to some roast potatoes.

‘You work at the same company, you mean?’ She turned to Steven. ‘Steven, don’t you do something with computers?’

‘Yes, Gran, I make games and programmes for computers.’

‘So clever.’ She smiled proudly, returning her attention to me. ‘So you work for Steven, then?’ She looked back at him, ‘Bit of a cliché isn’t it, Steven, shagging your secretary?’

Steven choked on his turkey, and I smacked him hard on the back. Cheeky bastard, I thought, is that what he’s told people?

Actually no, Steven works for me, I’m

‘You’re his boss?’ She looked horrified. ‘I thought you were his girlfriend.’

I glanced up at Steven and raised an eyebrow, inviting him to respond.

‘Yes, Gran, Ols is my girlfriend, but she is also my boss. Actually, she only agreed to be my girlfriend today. You know, I’ve been pursuing her for so long I’m surprised she hasn’t sacked me for sexual harassment.’

There was a murmur of surprise around the table and I realised his parents had both assumed we were together already. I noticed concerned glances being exchanged across the table and felt myself blush.

‘When Steven first asked me out, I wanted to say yes, but I was scared that if it didn’t work out it could get awkward at work. We agreed to take some time to get to know each other properly but then so much time passed I thought he’d lost interest and I stopped worrying about it. I had no idea he still felt the same way until this morning.’ I explained.

‘And of course who could say no to all this?’ His Gran agreed, her tone was displeased and I felt irritation shoot through me. They could keep their big old draughty house with no phone reception – it was the kissing I couldn’t say no to.

‘I’m not a gold-digger, if that’s what you’re thinking.’ I mumbled under my breath. I didn’t want to cause a scene or be confrontational but Steven heard me and spoke up for me.

‘Olivia is not just my boss, she owns the company. She has enough of her own gold to be completely disinterested in mine.’

‘Nonsense, look at her clothes, if she’s rich surely she would dress better?’

‘I disagree,’ I said bravely. ‘Sure, having money gives us more freedom to buy the things we like, but I’m not going to spend money on things I don’t want or need just because I can. I’m not into those expensive designer fashions, of course if I had known about this place before we left London I would have bought something appropriate in order to fit in, but I wouldn’t have been comfortable at all, this is me with or without money.’ I saw his gran purse her lips and went in for the kill, ‘there are far more important things to be attracted to than wealth.’

I noticed Mr Teller smirk to himself and nod approvingly at his wife. He seemed pleased I was arguing with his mother-in law, perhaps she was something of a battleaxe. It seemed my newfound confidence was paying off in more ways than one.

It was almost 9 p.m. by the time we all went our separate ways.. So much food had been consumed and we were all ready to lie down. Steven took me to the games room and we settled on the sofa.

I watched him, smiling at the twinkle in his eye. He took my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine. ‘I love doing this.’ He sighed, kissing me again, ‘I wanted to do this every day since I started working for you.’ He kissed me again. I giggled.

‘Even on day one when I was rude to you?’ I reminded him. He nodded.

‘I wanted to kiss you in my interview, Olivia. I knew, the instant I saw you.’

‘I guess I knew that Friday night, after I helped you escape from Melissa.’

I giggled at the memory, it all seemed so long ago now.

‘I recorded the
Doctor Who
Christmas special if you want to watch it?’ He suggested.

‘I thought you would never ask!’ I grinned. ‘The beginning of the end, but I think I can cope with David Tennant leaving now that I’ve got my own Mr Right,’ I said, kissing him.

By the time the programme ended, I was overcome with tiredness and yawned, covering my face with my hands. I blinked up at his smiling face.

‘Come on,’ he said, ‘it’s been a long day, we’ll say goodnight to everyone.’

My heart leapt into my mouth. Was he expecting us to sleep together? I wasn’t prepared for that yet. I mentally checked through my suitcase and confirmed I had nothing vaguely sexy to wear to bed – I couldn’t have Steven see me in comfortable underwear, not the first time. Butterflies descended to my stomach and I felt sick. I felt his hand on my lower back guiding me towards the stairs and through my butterflies, I felt the first stirring of desire. Would it really matter if I didn’t have sexy underwear?
I doubted if Steven would notice, much less care. But I cared; I wanted to feel sexy, attractive, ready for him. I was ready for him now.

Steven threw his arm casually across my shoulder and I snaked my arm around his waist as we slipped through the passageway towards the bedrooms and then paused at the top of the stairs.

‘Can I get you anything? I fancy a hot chocolate before I go to sleep, would you like a warm drink?’ I couldn’t imagine Steven wanting hot chocolate before bed. I found it unbelievably cute, and smiled up at him. I realised that while he was making drinks I could be disposing of my unattractive underwear, removing any unnecessary embarrassment should anything happen between us tonight. I nodded.

‘That would be nice, thank you.’ He kissed me quickly on the lips and skipped down the stairs.

I slipped into my room and leant against the door. My heart was pounding, excitement was building up mixed with fear and nerves and desire.

I took off my boots and socks and pulled out my pyjamas from under the pillow. They were plain black, nothing fancy but nothing too hideous either. I removed my huge pants and my less-than-glamorous bra and pulled the pyjamas on over my naked body.

I sat in front of the mirror and scrutinised my appearance. My skin had a warm glow from a mixture of the warmth of the open fire and the wine I had consumed with dinner. My mind drifted to my Friday-night fantasy and I felt a warmth spread through me as I pictured Steven standing behind me, kissing my neck, lifting me onto him. I jumped as the door opened shaking me from my thoughts. I watched Steven in the mirror as he walked into the room carrying two mugs and then spun myself around to face him, holding out my hand for my mug of hot chocolate. I took a sip, never breaking eye contact with him. He copied me.

‘Oh wow, that’s amazing, did you make this?’ I gasped, placing my mug on the table next to his.

He grinned down at me. ‘It’s the first thing Mrs Reynolds taught me to make. I’m quietly proud of my hot chocolate,’ he said modestly. He dropped down on to the day bed opposite me and pushed off his shoes. He undid his tie and slid it from his collar and unbuttoned his waistcoat.

‘It’s always nice to take the costume off at the end of the day.’ He sighed happily.


‘This smart stuff, it looks good but it’s not soft and cosy.’ He was right about it looking good, I’d always loved his dress sense; his fitted suits, his tight jeans, his shirt and tie.

‘Why do you wear it then, if it’s not comfortable?’

‘I like how it looks, and I like to have a distinction between my formal work clothes and my personal life.’ He shrugged.

‘Well, just so you know I don’t expect you to dress smart for work.’ I smiled. ‘In fact, I’d find it much less distracting if you looked less attractive in the office.’ I grinned.

‘Oh you think I look hot in my smart work costume?’ He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me, his eyes bright with humour.

‘I imagine you’d look hot in –’ I scanned the room for inspiration and spotted the plastic bag of presents ‘– a bin bag.’ I giggled.

‘A bin bag?’ He followed my gaze and moved to the bag, tipping the presents out onto the floor, ‘now how exactly do you imagine I’d wear this? Toga-style perhaps?’ I shook my head and wrinkled my nose – a toga just conjured up images of rugby players in the student union.

‘I was thinking more like a sarong.’ I laughed at the look on his face, a mixture of disgust and amusement.

‘Show me,’ he whispered, and I felt my stomach turn itself upside down in excitement. There was only one way this was heading. I stood up and walked towards him, his eyes caught my gaze, the amusement evident as he smiled at me, waiting.

I reached out to unbutton his shirt, slowly, deliberately, not wanting to fumble in my desire to undress him. I slid my hands beneath the material and over his shoulders, tracing the contours of his arms and removing the sleeves from over his hands. I was so close to him, his skin was smooth, lightly tanned and taut, his stomach muscles rippled as his breathing became shallower. A small smattering of hair covered his chest. I breathed in his scent and pressed my lips to him, trailing kisses across to his nipple and surrounding it with my lips, my tongue teasing the little mound. He caught his breath and I heard the bin bag drop to the floor as his hands reached round me, pulling me against him, stroking my back as his hands lifted my top exposing my skin, I raised my arms as he pulled the top over my head and dropped it to the floor, returning my hands to his body and running them across the smooth skin of his chest, tracing the contours of his back and moving down towards his bottom. I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of his trousers.

I felt his hands in my hair, his thumbs caressing my cheeks as he gently pulled my head up to face him. Immediately his mouth covered my lips, his tongue darting into my mouth to find mine as they twirled around each other. He sucked on my lower lip, his teeth grazing, creating sensation after sensation that spread through my body. His hands moved down my spine, leaving a trail of heat as they descended my lower back.

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