Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance (21 page)

BOOK: Inspired by Night: - a sexy new age romance
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He stopped and I sensed him watching me as I trailed my fingers across my body, moaning as I skimmed the thin fabric of my thong and up the front of my body to my lips.

‘You’re using fingers, Liv. Isn’t there something more similar to the handle of the skipping rope you could be using?’

I frowned. I felt a rush of shame flood over me; acknowledging my actions and feeling embarrassed at doing it wrong. I didn’t know what he meant, I spied my skipping rope hanging from the door hook but the handles were wooden and the thought of splinters down there made me shudder. Then it hit me, the vibrator. I held up the vibrator and heard him sigh happily. I closed my eyes and ran the cool plastic up my inner thigh, skimming across the lace of the thong and following my body up towards my face. I licked the tip of the vibrator, and sucked it into my mouth, feeling it move in and out slowly. I imagined it was him and moaned gently, waiting for him to continue. I recognised the lust in his voice when he continued and sighed, content that he was enjoying my performance.

‘I gently pulled the handle from her mouth and teased it over her body, using it to unhook the vest straps from her shoulders to expose her breasts. I ran the handle across her breasts, teasing her nipples. I leant across her and took a nipple into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue.’

I tugged at the cups on the basque, freeing my breasts and forcing them above the material. I moved the vibrator across my nipple and switched it on, the soft vibrations sending ripples of pleasure from my breast down my spine. I licked my thumb and circled it around my other nipple, squeezing it between my thumb and forefinger.

‘I drew the handle down past her belly button and pressed it against her clitoris, rubbing it gently up and down its length, her thighs tightened and her hips bucked as she moaned in frustration, forcing herself against the plastic. I lightened the touch, merely skimming her, cooling her sensation while I moved the crotch of her shorts aside exposing her soft flesh. I held the end of the handle against her opening and gently pushed it in.’

I felt my cheeks flush as I followed his direction, enjoying the familiar sensation of the vibrator rubbing against my clitoris, rolling my hips gently against the vibrating plastic, tensing my thigh muscles. As I moved the tip towards my opening, I felt my muscles tense in frustration as the sensation was taken away when I felt so close to climaxing. I slowed the rolling of my hips and gently pushed the vibrator inside myself, gasping as it filled me. My body was perfectly still taking in this new sensation.

‘I rubbed my thumb gently against her clitoris and I moved the handle in and out of her, filling her and then removing it almost to the tip, then plunging it back in. Her hips met my thrusts, gradually speeding up until she climaxed noisily, gasping for breath.’

My own orgasm broke at his words, a combination of the soft vibrations and movement inside and the assault on my clitoris, every nerve in my body was concentrated on the pleasure at one point of my body and it was sensational. My orgasm lasted for so long I wanted to cry with the overwhelming intensity of it.

‘I brought her down slowly, removing the handle of the rope and untying her ankles and wrists, before kneeling at the end of the bench and pulling her onto my knees holding her and rubbing her aching arms and legs.’

I smiled, sitting up and leant towards the laptop.

‘So you really did reward her for her hard work? I assumed you just fucked them and sent them on their way. So selfless, Mr Knight.’ He laughed in surprise.

‘You give me too much credit, Liv, I haven’t finished yet.’

I felt a faint stirring in my lower body at his words, knowing there was more to come. Could I go again?

‘I carried her to the changing rooms and into the shower, her clothes moulding to her body, I peeled of her vest and shorts and she removed my pants and shirt. The jets stopped and I pulled her naked out of the cubicle and into the Jacuzzi, switching on the bubbles and sinking under the water. I sat on the edge of the pool and pulled her between my knees, holding her over the jets as she squirmed against the sensation of warm water being pumped against her clitoris. She took my cock in her hand and tugged it gently as it lengthened and stiffened under her touch, then took it in her mouth, sucking gently, darting her tongue along its length.’

He stopped and I’d heard the smile in his voice as he’d been talking. I knew what he wanted me to do, the thought made me feel quite sick, but I sensed that he expected me to wuss out and I wanted to surprise him, prove him wrong. I still had the vibrator in my hand and I sat in front of the laptop, my face and breasts filling the camera view and brought the plastic up to my lips. I could see my juices glistening in the light and closed my eyes as I pulled it into my mouth, tasting the saltiness of my climax. I smiled at his gasp and opened my eyes, staring into the camera as I waited for him to continue his story.

‘I lifted her out of the Jacuzzi and led her into the locker room and stood her in front of the mirror. I pressed my body against her, moving her against the cold mirror and stepped away from her pulling her hips towards me as she walked her hands down the mirror. I watched her reflection as she brought one hand to cup her own breast, twisting her nipple. Her eyes never leaving mine.’

As he was talking, I had stood up, pushed the sofa back slightly and bent over the seat to hold onto the back of the chair. I kept my legs straight and my back flat. I heard his voice croak slightly as his next words came out.

‘I parted her legs and thrust myself inside her quickly, pulling her hips towards me as I thrust deeper into her.’

I brought vibrator up from beneath me and pushed it deep inside me as I imagined him fucking me from behind. I tensed my muscles around the shaft and rolled my hips as I moved it in and out, picking up speed. I couldn’t move it quickly enough and pressed the button twice, crying out as the strong vibrations caused my body to convulse in orgasm. I pulled the vibrator out of me and rubbed it against my clitoris enjoying every wave of my climax. Exhausted, I collapsed on the sofa, catching my breath. I heard Chris gasp as he achieved his own orgasm.

‘Fuck, Liv, that was amazing. I didn’t expect you to do any of that.’

I smiled, feeling the warmth of his words flood through me. If only he could be here, if only it was me he was fucking.

Chapter Twenty-five

Steven was much happier when he burst into the office on Wednesday afternoon. He appeared in my doorway, knocking on the wood of the doorframe, grinning. His hair was styled in its trademark forward quiff and he was clean shaven, his chequered shirt was ironed, and his blazer was smart. He looked relaxed, confident, and devastatingly handsome.

‘Hello, how was Birmingham?’ I asked smiling in amusement at his return to good humour.

‘It was brilliant.’ My eyebrows shot up in surprise, ‘Seriously, it was so interesting, I learned the future of programming!’ He grinned again. Then he seemed to remember something, ‘Oh and I think I got us a couple of new customers.’

‘Now that is interesting, go get yourself a brew and come and tell me all about it.’

I watched him bounce out of the room and heard him chatting to James as he filled the kettle. I smiled to myself, it was the happiest I’d seen Steven in a long time. I wondered if he had made a decision about Melissa, whatever it was it had certainly relaxed him.

I heard the door open and Steph’s voice rang out through the office, ‘Lunch is here.’ I leant against the doorframe waiting for my sandwich. Steph eyed Steven suspiciously. ‘I thought you weren’t in today, I don’t have anything for you.’

‘That’s OK, I only just had breakfast, this one works me so hard I had to sleep in this morning.’ He nodded his head at me grinning. Steph frowned slightly but smiled.

‘I always suspected she’d be a tyrant!’ She smiled at me, ‘Where do you hide the whip?’

I shivered imperceptibly. What was wrong with me? I couldn’t hear the word whip without feeling slightly aroused. I felt a flush creep over my cheeks as I heard the word in his voice and shook my head to clear the thought, focussing again on Steph’s voice.

‘How’s your crazy stalker? Haven’t seen her prowling around the pub for a few weeks.’ Steven’s smile flickered slightly and he glanced across at me. I narrowed my eyes, sensing I was going to dislike what I was about to hear. He cleared his throat.

‘Well now that’s no way to talk about the mother of my unborn child now is it?’ He smiled.

Steph’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

‘Shit, sorry, I mean, congratulations.’ She rushed over to hug him and he caught my eye across the top of her head, his eyes full of apology. I nodded and returned to my office, leaving the door open so I could listen in.

‘It’s OK, it was hardly planned,’ I heard him explain. Steph snorted.

‘Wasn’t planned, my ass!’ Steph exclaimed. I smiled to myself, Steph had a way of saying what everyone else was thinking.

‘But that’s not the kid’s fault is it? So I just want to be a good dad to my kid, whatever.’ I closed my eyes and accepted it was over, before it had even had a chance to begin. I watched my Mr Right framed in my doorway laughing with Steph and my heart felt heavy with sadness and regret. I’d been stupid resisting him, I should’ve taken the chance, allowed myself to just enjoy the ride instead of being suspicious and cautious. Now the only man I’d ever felt myself with, felt I could really be with, was lost to me forever.

I vowed to myself in that moment to say yes to any opportunity that came my way. To fill my void with adventure and new experiences in the hope of one day finding something or someone that could be half as right for me as Steven.

I wasn’t in the mood for Chris that evening, normally it would be just what I needed to distract me but I had decided on my walk home that pizza was also what I needed to distract me and I knew Chris wouldn’t approve. Nevertheless I accepted his call when it came through but I didn’t care about my sweat pants, slippers, and oversized
Doctor Who

‘You seem troubled tonight, Liv,’ he remarked immediately. I shrugged.

‘Why do you call me Liv?’ It had never really occurred to me before that he used his own name for me; he’d never asked me what I preferred to be called. I’d grown accustomed to being Olly from an early age but I liked Liv, it made me feel grown up.

‘It’s just short for Olivia.’ The confusion was evident in his voice.

I laughed.

‘Well yes, I get that, but everyone else calls me Olly.’

‘Olly? That’s a horrible name!’ He exclaimed, horrified. I smiled. ‘Olivia is a beautiful name, but it has way too many syllables, Liv seemed an obvious short term. But Olly? Sounds like a boy’s name. I couldn’t call you Olly. You wouldn’t prefer me to call you Olly, would you?’

‘No, I like Liv, it’s just that no one has ever called me that before. It makes me feel more feminine and grown up. I like it.’

‘I quite like that I’m the only one that uses it.’ I heard the smile in his voice, ‘it’s like my pet name for you.’ I giggled. Just like that he’d cheered me up. My Knight in shining armour.

‘I wish I could meet you.’ I blurted out, frowning. I paused, I hadn’t intended to say it out loud. I heard his sharp intake of breath.

‘I know, Liv, I do too. Sometimes it’s all I can do to stop myself jumping in the car and driving to London.’ I felt the familiar sensation of heat creeping across the back of my head, my heart pounding at his words.

‘Why don’t you then?’ I heard him chuckle.

‘Because it would take so long that by the time I got there you’d be leaving for work.’

‘Why can’t you just come and visit me? Or I could visit you?’ I frowned, biting my bottom lip.

‘OK. When? I have classes so I can’t really leave Edinburgh, but I’d be happy to book a flight for you.’

My eyes widened in surprise, I wasn’t expecting that. I thought he’d give me some excuse.

‘Next weekend? Is that too soon?’ I asked hopefully, but not wanting to sound desperate. My pulse quickened as I imagined all the things he would do to me in person.

‘Next weekend is difficult for me, I have exams on the Monday and I know you’ll distract me all weekend. Let me check my exam schedule and get back to you, OK?’

I nodded grinning. I was so excited suddenly.

‘I can’t believe I’ll finally get to meet you. I feel like I’ve known you forever already.’

He chuckled.

‘Well you’ll get to know a whole lot more of me.’

‘Will I get to see your gym?’ I asked innocently.

‘Do you want to see my gym, Liv?’

I nodded.

‘I especially want to see the Jacuzzi in the mixed changing room.’ I grinned.

‘I think you should remove those hideous clothes, Olivia, and make yourself comfortable.’

I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly, shaking my head. ‘I’m sorry, Chris, I’m just not in the mood. I just want to curl up and watch TV.’

‘What’s on your mind? You can talk to me, you know, Liv.’

I wasn’t sure what to tell him, could I explain that I was sad about Steven? Would it seem strange after my recent behaviour with Chris to be so upset about someone else? I’d just arranged to go visit him! I really was the queen of mixed messages.

‘I’m just tired I think, a little bit achy, nothing a good sleep won’t fix.’

‘OK babe, I wish I was there to rub your back or something.’

‘I imagine my back is the last thing you want to rub, you big perv,’ I grinned, rolling my eyes. I heard him chuckle as I closed the laptop.

The following morning Steven was back in his distracted mood. He barely acknowledged me when he arrived and he settled into his work immediately. I called him in for our weekly catch-up meeting to check progress against deadlines and I could tell I only had half of his attention. I put down my pen and looked at him. He looked tired, his hair was flopped to one side, and his chin was sporting stubble.

‘What’s going on?’

He looked at me in surprise and shrugged.

‘Nothing, it’s all good.’

I frowned.

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