Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset (41 page)

Read Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset Online

Authors: Lena Skye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories

BOOK: Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset
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“I promise.”

“Good, I also think that you should consider moving. He’ll always feel like he has a right to this place because you two got it together.”

“You’re right, I guess I just don’t want to give it up.”

“Out of stubbornness or nostalgia?”

“Both maybe. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I’m the one that picked it out, I love it here.”

“You can love it somewhere else. The place next door to mine is vacant.”

She laughed through her tears, “Don’t push it.”

“You can’t blame a man for trying.”

“Just friends for now.”

“Just friends,” he echoed.

“Now please call the police before I lose my nerve. I hate to have to do it but it’s the only way that I can protect myself and you.”

“You’re doing the right thing.”

“That doesn’t make it any easier.”

He sighed, “It never does.”



Reggie sat in the cold room. He guessed that it was an interrogation room, but it looked nothing like what was on TV. It was small, carpeted, white walls, and four small chairs. It looked more like a small classroom than a room meant for intimidation.

He wasn’t going to deny anything. When the cops pulled him over, he knew what it was for, so he didn’t put up a fight when they asked him to come with them. He didn’t ask what it was about, when they asked him his name, he gave it. They wanted to bring him in for questioning and he went with them with no questions asked.

What he did to his wife was unacceptable; he had to pay for that. Sure, he was probably going to do a few months on the inside but at this point he didn’t care anymore. His career was over anyway. There was no coming back from that kind of charge, at least that’s what it felt like. An illegal gun toting lawyer wasn’t going to go over well at any firm. His personal conduct was already under a microscope because of what happened at his other firm. Once they got wind of what he’d done, they were going to let him go with no questions asked.

He was resigned to his fate, the quicker they came in and asked him questions, the better. For now, he just wanted to go to his brother’s house and go to bed. Maybe he would just get parole; it wasn’t like he actually shot either of them.

Soon the police officer came in, Reggie adjusted nervously in his uncomfortable seat.

“All right,” one of the officers said to him in an authoritative voice, “First, I just want to thank you for coming in for questioning without a fight. That means a lot and it should help you out better in the long term. I’m Officer Barbosa, and this is Officer Dallas”

Reggie looked at the other officer but it was clear that he wasn’t going to speak. He took a seat, his face could have been made of stone. He was the bad cop.

“It’s no problem really; I’m willing to answer any questions that you may have. What happened tonight isn’t ideal but I’ve learned my lesson. I will admit to it all if it helps me to avoid doing time.”

The officer looked at him with mild surprise, “Do you know why you’re here?”

“I believe so,” Reggie said but then he had second thoughts. Maybe it wasn’t what he expected at all. It was possible that the earlier incident caught up with him a lot sooner than he thought that it would.

“We would like to know your whereabouts for the evening.”

“I went to work, I spent some time at a bar in the area, and then I was at my wife’s place.”

It was true, he had been to all of those places but he was leaving one place in particular out. He wondered if he should have just came out and volunteered the information about Tamika so that they could get the process over with. Both of the officers looked at one another knowingly.

“Where is your cell phone?” Barbosa asked.

Reggie knew that he didn’t have it, he hoped it was still in his car somewhere. His heart damned near beat out of his chest. “It’s at home.” He lied.

“We noticed some blood on your shirt, did you hurt yourself at the office?”

Reggie shrugged, “I had a nosebleed earlier. I’m stressed and my nose tends to gush like a faucet.”

Dallas shook his head, “Look, we know you’re lying, so how about you just give it up and stop wasting our fucking time.” He looked at the mirror in the room and gave a signal. A lanky man who looked like he was about 25 came in with a plastic bag, put it on the table, and quickly left.

“Does this look familiar?” Dallas asked him as he held up the cell phone. “I’m sure it does, we found your phone next to a dead body. Do you have any clue as to how it got there?”

Suddenly Reggie felt like he was going to be sick. His memories flooded back and he remembered where he left the phone.

“You don’t have to answer that,” Dallas said, “I’m willing to bet that the ugly stain on your crisp white shirt matches the blood on the body we found. When we run the tests, we will know for sure.”

Reggie knew better than to say anything else.

“It would really help if you speak up and just tell the truth. Did you murder Naomi Jones, otherwise known on the street as Mimi?” Dallas raised his tone.

After taking a few deep breaths he looked up and said, “I’m going to need to call my lawyer.”







Everyone is shocked to discover that Reggie has been charged with murder. Tamika does not believe her ex-husband is capable of something like that and she has to decide if she is going to be there for him even if it could mean the end of her blossoming relationship with Jin.


Kalena and Tommy are finally right where they want to be. However, Kalena finds out some things that make her wonder just how well you can really know someone. Is Tommy not as perfect as she thinks he is?


Crystal and Kai decide to give things a go but it is only a matter of time before Kai discovers more about Crystal then he ever wanted to know....



Watch Out For Season 2 in 2015!!!






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Don't forget...


If you have enjoyed reading my book and you are interested in hearing news of forthcoming multicultural romance stories then please go to my website and submit your email so I can keep you all posted.




Peace, Love and High Heels


Lena xxx



Also By Lena Skye...


The White Billionaire


Money, lies, betrayal, misunderstandings and much more. Dating a billionaire is never easy.
Camille is a young, ambitious African American woman who lands herself a new job as personal assistant to young Billionaire, Kyle Kane. Kyle is the sexiest white guy that Camille has ever seen and concentrating at work is not going to be easy with such a dreamboat around.
However, things get very interesting when Kyle suggests that her job as personal assistant is set to be much more “PERSONAL” then she first imagined....


Available Now On Kindle, Start Reading Now!




Pretty Fly For A White Guy


Drama, Conflict, Revenge, Jealousy, Insecurities and Misunderstandings. Life is never going to be simple when you are dating a man who is pretty fly for a white guy!
Kenneth is the love of Nicole's life.
However, it has been over a year since they were together officially and all signs are suggesting it is over for good between them. The fact he is now dating her ex-best friend is just the tip of the iceberg.
Can she ever get over him and find happiness with someone else? Or should she fight for the man she believes she is meant to be with?
What follows next are twists and turns that simply have to be seen to be believed...


Available Now On Kindle, Start Reading Now!










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