Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset

Read Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset Online

Authors: Lena Skye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories

BOOK: Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset
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Meet Crystal, Tamika and Kalena.


Three beautiful women from Brooklyn, New York who are hard working, career focused and, most importantly, INDEPENDENT!


On the outside these women seem to have it all. They have great jobs, earn good money and can have any man they desire. However, life is never perfect for anyone, especially when you live in New York City.


So when Kalena finds herself dating a white guy she decides to keep his race a secret from the group as she is not sure how everyone will react. Little does she know, her guy also has secrets of his own.


Meanwhile, Tamika's perfect marriage to her husband Reggie might not be so perfect after all. Tamika makes a confession which promises to shock everyone....


Copyright Notice


Lena Skye
The Independent Women © 2014, Lena Skye


This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.







Don't forget...


If you have enjoyed reading my book and you are interested in hearing news of forthcoming multicultural romance stories then please go to my website and submit your email so I can keep you all posted.




Peace, Love and High Heels


Lena xxx




Also By Lena Skye...


The White Billionaire


Money, lies, betrayal, misunderstandings and much more. Dating a billionaire is never easy.
Camille is a young, ambitious African American woman who lands herself a new job as personal assistant to young Billionaire, Kyle Kane. Kyle is the sexiest white guy that Camille has ever seen and concentrating at work is not going to be easy with such a dreamboat around.
However, things get very interesting when Kyle suggests that her job as personal assistant is set to be much more “PERSONAL” then she first imagined....


Available Now On Kindle, Start Reading Now!




Pretty Fly For A White Guy


Drama, Conflict, Revenge, Jealousy, Insecurities and Misunderstandings. Life is never going to be simple when you are dating a man who is pretty fly for a white guy!
Kenneth is the love of Nicole's life.
However, it has been over a year since they were together officially and all signs are suggesting it is over for good between them. The fact he is now dating her ex-best friend is just the tip of the iceberg.
Can she ever get over him and find happiness with someone else? Or should she fight for the man she believes she is meant to be with?
What follows next are twists and turns that simply have to be seen to be believed...


Available Now On Kindle, Start Reading Now!





“Am I unlovable?”



On a Saturday evening in a high-end restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, sat three women. They were all great friends who led wonderful lives that others were envious of. Some of that was rooted in truth, but some things just weren’t worth being jealous over. They were all beautiful, but everything that glitters is not always gold.


They were all full from the vast amount of food that they consumed and it was time for the girly talk to resume.


“I’m glad that we could meet up, ladies! It’s been too long, I was beginning to think that you both didn’t love me anymore,” Tamika said, with a playful pout of her full lips.


“Girl, you know we’ve been busy, and don’t act like you haven’t been busy with your hubby,” Kalena laughed.


“Well, we have been a little tied up lately,” Tamika replied before she took a sip of her drink.


“Ew,” Crystal said dramatically.


“Whatever chick, don’t be jealous,” Tamika said.


Crystal playfully rolled her eyes. In all honesty, she was happy for her friend. Her friend had the dream relationship. Not everybody had the pleasure of marrying their college sweetheart. They were such a cliché because Tamika’s husband Reggie was a star football player in college and she was one of the cheerleaders. They were like the Beyonce and Jay-Z of the campus. It was so cute that it was sickening.


Crystal, on the other hand, was 32 years old with no prospects for a husband. She’d been screwed so many times in relationships that she’d pretty much given up hope. She knew that there were good men out there, but apparently, they were all hiding from her. She pretended she was content with the life she was living, but the truth was that she was lonely.


She had been dating a guy for about three months, but she knew better than to get her hopes up. She really liked him and she hoped that he was the one, but she was waiting to see if the other shoe was going to drop.


“You two are hilarious to me,” Kalena said, and she genuinely meant it. Kalena was 28 years old and the “glue” of her group. Some people are natural born leaders and she fell into that category. She was the kind of person that people want to just spill all of their secrets to and they don’t know why. She never made them feel bad about their decisions, but she gently corrected them if they asked for it.


“We’re not here to put on a show for you,” Tamika teased.


“I sure can’t tell.”


“Speaking of shows, Nina is supposed to be coming. Why isn’t her ass here?” Crystal asked.


“You know that she’s always late,” Kalena said with a negative tone.


“Don’t start,” Tamika scolded. “We know what kind of person she is. She’s always late, but we need to forgive her for the past and allow her into the group again. She probably is thinking twice about coming.”


Kalena scoffed, “I don’t know about that. We may need to reconsider. Do you all really trust her?”


“I believe in second chances,” Tamika said as she stared at Kalena.


“I believe in them too, but you have to be careful about who you keep extending your forgiveness to,” Kalena retorted.


“Stop it,” Crystal said, “Don’t be like that. What would Reverend Hughes think?”


“See, you don’t even have to bring my daddy into this,” Kalena laughed and threw a napkin at her friend.


Sometimes she hated being a preacher’s daughter because everyone expected her to live to a higher standard. She was just like everyone else. She got pissed off like other people, she had a sex drive, and she didn’t always feel like turning the other cheek. In her heart, she knew that Crystal was right.


Kalena could hear her daddy in her head, saying “Baby, you have to stop being so stubborn. God teaches us forgiveness. You have to give other people the same grace that he’s given you.”  She usually just smiled and nodded at him. Sometimes she would completely agree with him and sometimes she would ignore him. According to her, her daddy didn’t know everything. He couldn’t even be faithful within his own household, so how was he going to give her advice?


“Hey girlies!” Nina said as she approached the table.


Kalena gave the best smile that she could, and it came off looking like a sneer. All of the ladies exchanged pleasantries and Nina took a seat.


“You missed dinner,” Crystal said, “You’re over an hour and a half late. Now we’re just having drinks.”


“Oh, that’s alright,” Nina said quickly. “I’m not hungry anyway, and all I was going to have was a drink.”  She flipped her 28-inch long hair over her shoulder, and motioned for the waiter to come to the table. Even Kalena had to admit that Nina looked good. Her outfit was obviously custom, her hair was luxurious and expensive, her face was beat, and everything worked together flawlessly. Although the long ass weave almost made Kalena want to laugh because Nina was only 5’3 and it made her look shorter than she already was. People would have mistaken her for a child who had her mother’s fly ass wig on, if her body wasn’t so stacked.


“You look good,” Kalena said.


Nina gave her a small smile, “Thank you.”


Everyone shifted uncomfortably in their seats and pretended to look at the drink menus on the tables. Tamika cleared her throat and asked Nina,” So what have you been up to, Missy?”

Nina gave a mischievous grin, “Well...I’ve got a new boo!”


“That’s awesome!” Tamika exclaimed a little too happily, causing Kalena to give her the side eye. “So who is he? Spill the beans.”


“He’s a DJ, he’s really popular in his circles and he treats me like a queen. I don’t know if I’ve ever dated someone this great before.”


“I’m a little jealous,” Crystal said, “Can we see a pic?”


Nina pulled out her phone and scrolled through the photos. She grinned and then held it close to her cheek. “Okay, but I have to tell you all something first.”


“What is it?” Kalena asked, “Does he have four kids?”


“No,” she laughed, “he’s white.”


All of their eyes widened.


“Well, I wasn’t expecting that!” Tamika said.


“Me neither, but hey, it’s  the 21
century. It’s not like any of this is new, as long as he’s treating you well, who cares?” Crystal said.


“Whatever floats your boat,” Kalena chimed in. She was really unimpressed with the news.


“Alright, here is his picture.” Nina turned her phone towards the group and they were open-mouthed. It wasn’t a picture of his face, it was a photo of his abs.


“Well, that settles it! I need to find me a white boy,” Crystal said, “Good god, he is ripped.”


“If I wasn’t married…” Tamika said as she looked at the picture, half mesmerized.


“Can I have him after you’re finished?” Kalena asked.


Everyone looked at Kalena as if she’d grown another head. The awkwardness that they’d just defeated had come back with a vengeance. Tamika gave her the kind of look that a mother gives a child.


“Umm sorry, I guess that joke was in poor taste,” Kalena admitted.


“It’s alright. There are going to be some moments like that. We can’t tiptoe around each other,” Nina said.


Kalena stayed relatively quiet for the rest of evening. She didn’t have anything good to say, so she wasn’t going to say anything at all.


After about a half hour later, Nina rose to leave, “It’s time for me to head out, ladies. I’m meeting my boo at The Raven tonight.”


“Wow, that’s about as white as it gets. You’re going to stick out like a sore thumb.”


“Honey, I already stand out. So I’m used to it. What’s funny is that I’ve never had a problem going to the predominately white clubs. Shit, if anything, everyone wants to buy me drinks and be my friend.”


“Like you’re the token,” Kalena said quickly and then regretted it again. ‘Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut,' she thought to herself.


Nina shrugged, “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that when I go out, I always have a good time. Bye ladies, I’m so happy that we’re hanging out again.” Nina went around the table and hugged everyone before she sashayed out of the door.


After she left, the table got quiet again and Kalena could feel her friend’s eyes boring into her, “What?” 


“You shouldn’t do that, it’s not cute,” Tamika said.


“Do what?” Kalena asked, with a fake innocence in her eyes.


“Act like a straight up bitch to Nina. We invited her here because we wanted her to be here. Treating her like shit is just wrong.”


Kalena slumped her shoulders, “You’re right, I was being bitchy. I should just move on and let it go. You two are going to have to forgive me because I can’t do it as quickly as the both of you.”


“We’re going to give you a little more time,” Crystal said. “That’s only fair.”


“Thank you.”


Tamika looked down at her phone and checked to see if she had any messages or calls from her husband, Reggie, but she didn’t. She was extremely disappointed and she was ready to go home. “Well ladies, it’s time for me to get home. My hubby is home and apparently he can’t wait to see me,” she giggled.


“Tell him to stop being so thirsty and to let us hang out with our friend!” Crystal exclaimed.


“Girl, you better go home to your man. I wish I was married and that I had a husband texting me and missing me,” said Kalena.


“Shit, me too,” Crystal admitted. “The fact that he’s still so in love with you after all of these years is amazing.”


“What is that supposed to mean? Am I unlovable?” Tamika asked, faking offense.


“Oh please. You know that’s not what I mean, dork. It’s just that he’s still in love with someone that he met when he was a teenager. We all know how fickle men can be. Rarely do they make decisions and stick to them. Most men would have wanted a new piece of ass by now.”


“Crystal!” Kalena said quickly.


Crystal threw up her hands and said, “I’m not trying to be graphic, it’s just the truth.”


Tamika’s smile twitched a bit, but she did her best to keep it in place, “You don’t have to get on Crystal about it. I know what she means and it’s true. Not a lot of women have had the same experience that I’ve had. I’m very lucky to have Reggie in my life. I’m sorry, Kalena, but I’ve gotta get ready to go too. My guy will be here soon to pick me up.”


“Oh hell, yes!” Kalena exclaimed, “I can’t wait to meet him. Any man that can keep your attention for three months is doing something right in my book.”


The three of them laughed and talked all the way to the door. They poked fun at Crystal because she seemed to be finally settling down with someone.


“Oh, there he is, I see his car,” Crystal said as she walked to the curb towards his shiny midnight blue Escalade with chrome rims. The man quickly got out of the car to open the door for her and hopped back in without acknowledging either of her friends. Crystal didn’t seem to mind. They drove off quickly.


As they watched the car speed off in to the distance, Kalena and Tamika turned to each other to see if they were tripping.


“Is that?” Kalena said.


“Yes I’m pretty sure it is,” Tamika confirmed.


“Dude was just all over us at the club two weeks ago. He sure didn’t act like he had a girlfriend.”


“That’s probably why he didn’t want to speak to us. He recognized us as soon as he got out of the car.”


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