In Search of the Alter Dom (17 page)

BOOK: In Search of the Alter Dom
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Having two suns opposite each other, the planet of Goya Perilus never saw the cooling shadows of night. If evil was a shade of colour – it was burnt sienna, and this shade was well used in this terrible landscape.

The armed frigate gently and silently landed. Blodwyn was the last out. The oven-like atmosphere blasted her face and lungs – breathing became difficult!

The high gravitation pull of Goya Perilus also made walking very exhausting. However, the Cold-blooded Karak did not seem affected by the stifling heat; in fact it seemed to give him vitality and extra speed of movement. Blodwyn hoped the two Lings were following – somehow somewhere!

The group moved off silently. The Cold-blood hands a scout a telescope. ‘Use my nexus telescope but – remember there are two suns above – be careful of reflections – that will give our presence away!’ Two Na Idriss scouts stealthily climbed the ridge ahead and looked down cat-like, tilting their heads backwards so just their eyes appeared over the ridge.

‘Now.’ Karak address the Na Idriss. ‘The ears of the Salas Panar are finely tuned.’ ‘That’s because they are finely tuned thieves,’ Lt Mussa mutters. ‘Silence,’ orders Karak drawing his sword. ‘I will kill the next warrior that speaks.’ Blodwyn was pleased the Na Idriss feared the Cold-blood. The two scouts returned and reported. ‘A party of eight Salas Panar approaching – they have unloaded much equipment.’

‘We will split into three groups,’ orders Karak, ‘one group blocks each end of the ravine – my group will approach as close as possible from this flank, and I will make the first move – when the Oga Koya appear.’

A Na Idriss picks up a handful of sand and lets it trickle through his clawed fingers. ‘Perfect Sir – not a breath of wind – the Oga Koya are keener of smell than we.’ Karak’s group begins the long climb, while the other two groups move off to their positions; blocking both ends of the ravine. Reaching the ridge Blodwyn was exhausted. Using a big rock as cover, Karak’s group, led by Na Idriss warriors on all fours, moved down and took up positions. Karak waits for the other two groups to reach their positions.

The Salas Panar stopped below: as if afraid to go further. Blodwyn studies the six-fingered thieving Salas Panar – the rogues of the Antares Cluster, with her small field glasses. Apart from being six-fingered; having long pointed ears, like an African lynx (caracal) and sloe eyes, they were perfect, pixy looking humanoids; each wore their long dark blue hair in a topknot, all were dressed in neat tight fitting green uniforms, and armed only with swords. The roguish, thieving, six-fingered Salas Panar never carried conventional weapons; relying on the Betelgeux (pronounced: Beetle-juice) Mira agreement, for protection. “(No unarmed spacecraft was to be attacked).” However, the Salas Panar are brave and skilled swordsmen.

A keen-eyed Na Idriss scout alerts the group to the arrival of the Oga Koya. Blodwyn had a morbid fascination to see what they looked like, but all she could see were two white laden donkeys. The animals were decked out in the finest livery she had ever seen; gold trimmings and hanging tassels. But where were the Oga-Koya? Who was leading the donkeys?

Blodwyn moves her glasses to the donkeys’ reins – they led down to the sand. Looking closely she could see the sand near the donkey’s hooves moving; as if some creature was swimming or crawling, below – out of sight. So the Oga Koya were sand-swimmers! The donkeys stopped a few paces from the Salas Panar. Then the sight nightmares are made of appeared! Out from under the sand rose two of the most gruesome, revolting life forms Blodwyn had seen up to now – still clutching the donkey’s reins.

The Oga-Koya made a great fuss of tending the two white donkeys: stroking them, with sinewy spindle arms.

A Salas Panar greets the Oga Koya. ‘Greetings Nargon Koya.’

‘Greetings Blaxon Marr,’ answers the Oga Koya with a raspy voice, ‘we have little time for this transaction – the Galla Qualls patrol here – so let us be brief.’ The Oga Koya extends his sinewy arm, towards Blaxon.

The Salas Panar Blaxon Marr took a quick step backwards, as if he did not trust physical contact with the Oga Koya! ‘Forgive me Nargon if I don’t take your hand; the Oga Koya always make me nervous – besides we are in the danger zone – as you say.’

‘Did you bring the specified weapons?’ Nargon the Oga Koya asks.

‘The best weapons available,’ answers Blaxon Marr, the Salis Panar, ‘all made by the Semmi Tal.’

‘Are these weapons as good as the Galla Qualls’ weapons?’ Nargon asks.

‘You know the Galla Qualls do not sell weapons,’ answers Blaxon Marr, ‘but next time you are attacked by the Malis Afar battle fleet – you can give the Cold-bloods a nasty surprise!’

‘Did you steal the weapons?’ asks Nargon suspiciously.

‘No,’ answers the Salas Panar, Blaxon Marr, ‘we are the vendors and take commission.’

‘So – the Semmi Tal trusts the Salas Panar to collect their money?’ says the Oga Koya suspiciously.

‘Of course – all two million gold Antares ducats as agreed,’ replies Blaxon Marr the Salas Panar.

‘Unload the gold,’ instructs Nargon, ‘treat our animals with care – we are very fond of them.’

The Salas Panar begins to unload the moneybags off the donkeys.

Suddenly the loud voice of Karak stops business. ‘Stand still – the first one to scratch himself will be killed.’ The Salas Panar and the Oga Koya are taken by surprise and look for an escape route – but find they are trapped!

The Na Idriss warriors led by Karak surround them; Blodwyn sticks close to the Cold-blood Malis Afar. She cannot take her eyes off the Oga Koya: they look disgusting!

They reminded Blodwyn of something between a massive maggot and a giant lamprey! Two large shiny orb eyes; without pupils, sat high up on their foreheads; with two, much smaller eyes just below them, similar to spiders’ eyes, the nose comprised of two holes that opened and closed at intervals! But instead of a sucking disk armed with sharp teeth like a lamprey, the Oga Koya had a long upper lip, covered with course sensory whiskers that hung down, completely hiding the mouth. Their legless tapering bodies were covered in a thick, dry leathery skin, ending in stubby blunt tails.

‘Sir,’ says Lt Jibba, ‘we have captured two Oga Koya elders here; Nargon and Magus – I recognize them!’

‘Now that’s a surprise,’ replies Karak, ‘I thought we had killed all the elders.’ ‘And Sir,’ adds the Na Idriss scout, ‘I first saw eight in the Salas Panar group – two were not Salas Panar – now all are Salas Panar!’

‘Well,’ says Karak, ‘we have a mystery!’ The Malis Afar looked suspiciously at two of the Salas Panar who was standing apart.

Moving towards them Karak uses his sword to trace their outline. He then prods each with the point of his blade. Immediately they turn into Semmi Tal! ‘Gentlemen we have two Shape-Shifters in our presence,’ announces Karak, ‘you were right Nargon – the Semmi Tal do not trust the Salas Panar to collect their money!’

To Blodwyn, the Semmi Tal looked terribly thin; they wore saffron monk-like habits with hoods. All that could be seen of their faces were two very large, nervous looking, luminous eyes, that constantly blinked. ‘I am Talis-Sem,’ announces one of the Semmi Tal, ‘our race is at peace with the Malis Afar Cold-bloods.’

‘True,’ replies Karak, ‘that is why I require your help – and I will forget the fact you are selling arms to the Oga Koya.’

The two Semmi Tal bow deeply to the Cold-blood. ‘Escort the Semmi Tal to our frigate, treat them well,’ orders Karak, ‘and take the gold with you.’

Na Idriss warriors take the Semmi Tal and the gold away.

Blodwyn picked up a very subtle sound coming from the Oga Koya. She noticed that with gentle movements of their tails; they were slowly sinking back into the sand preparing for escape. Karak was also quick to spot this movement and placed the point of his sword to Nargon’s throat.

‘Try to escape again and I’ll kill you – but before, you can watch the Na Idriss eat your treasured pet donkeys alive!’ The Salas Panar and the Oga Koya look up at the sky questioningly.

‘Correct gentlemen,’ says Karak, ‘our battleship is overhead – under cloak covering your every move – escape is impossible.’

‘We will pay ransom for our lives,’ says Nargon the Oga Koya elder, ‘even though the Betelgeux Mira agreement forbids the killing of Advanced Primitives, by any of the Advanced Races.’

‘The Alter Dom is dead – so is the agreement!’ responds the Cold-blood.

‘The Malis Afar forced the Oga-Koya to defend ourselves from extinction,’ answers Nargon, ‘there are only nine Oga Koya left, and you killed Maag-Koya – our breeding Queen!’

‘My two cold hearts bleed,’ answers Karak sarcastically. ‘There is no room for primitive egg-laying species in the Antares Cluster! Remember the Oga Koya once nearly wiped out the Malis Afar with a virus carried in your bite!’

‘We are humble fungus eaters now,’ answers Nargon, ‘and can no longer stomach blood! I will give you twenty million gold Antares ducats,’ says Nargon, ‘to spare what remains of our tribe.’ Karak’s eyes narrow with greed. ‘The gold is near the surface,’ Nargon continues. ‘Magus and our last two pet donkeys will remain as hostages.’

Karak agrees. ‘Lt Mussa,’ whispers the Cold-blood, ‘take ten men and five Salas Panar to help. After the gold is loaded into our frigate, bring everyone back – I want no witnesses to this transaction. Remember, keep two arms’ length distance from Nargon – only look at his small set of eyes – if Nargon attempts escape – kill him!’

The group moves off. Blodwyn watches as Nargon uses a side winding motion of a snake to move across the loose sand.

‘I know the Malis Afar never keep their word,’ says Blaxon the Salas Panar, ‘I would rather die honorably by the blade – than be executed!’

‘Give Blaxon his sword,’ Karak orders in a bored tone. The Salas Panar is handed his sword. Blaxon knows the Cold-blood has an unfair advantage in the heat of Goya Perilus!’ The Malis Afar and the Salas Panar face each other like two gunfighters – swords still un-drawn. Blaxon Marr goes for his sword but before his six-fingered hand touches the hilt – Karak runs him through with incredible speed! Blaxon Marr doubles up and crumples to the ground. ‘An honorable death I think,’ adds Karak, wiping his blade on Blaxon’s tunic. Blodwyn felt sorry for the Salas Panar; he never had a chance against the super quick Karak!

Karak communicates with the battleship. ‘Stand by, as soon as the gold is loaded onto our frigate I will order all the prisoners into the Salas Panar vessel – blow it to pieces with a Proton torpedo!’

‘Sir!’ Lt Jibba exclaims, ‘Our ship has picked up three life forms approaching at high speed from the east!’ The Na Idriss with lasers look up and align their weapons east. ‘Identify,’ orders Karak.

‘Three unknowns Sir,’ came back the answer. ‘Could be the Jinnd sir – they adopt strange shapes in flight!’

‘We do not wish conflict with the Jinnd,’ says Karak, ‘but inform the ship to lock onto the unknowns, with their Proton cannons – but only fire when I give the order.’

Everyone looks to the east – three dots appear, one large and two small, flying in formation and with incredible speed. Without warning the largest of the three life forms dives; followed closely by the other two. The Na Idriss open fire – but the life forms are too fast to hit!

The largest of the three life forms swoops and clutches a Na Idriss warrior in its clawed hind legs and carries him aloft. The smaller two life forms fly straight through the bodies of two Na Idriss warriors who fall to the ground, dead. Narrisa, the giant hornet-like Namesian, climbs high into the burning red sky of Goya Perilus – clutching the screaming Na Idriss warrior. ‘Don’t fire yet!’ Karak orders the battleship. All eyes looked upwards. Narrisa stops high above the onlookers – she stings the Na Idriss warrior – then she lets him drop.

The falling Na Idriss screams till half way down: then falls silent: Narrisa’s venom was quick acting. ‘Fire!’ orders Karak. The Na Idriss battleship opened up a devastating cannon fire but still the attack continued. Like fighter planes, the two Lings and the giant hornet-like Narrisa regrouped and dive again. But the fire from the battleship is too devastating for the two Lings. Shrapnel hit the Mayling. Assisted by the Sisling, the Mayling just managed to fly over a ridge. But Narrisa pushed home her attack – another Na Idriss was snatched and carried high into the sky. ‘Fire!’ orders Karak. Narrisa had just enough time to sting the warrior and drop him before the battleship’s Proton cannon hits her. Narrisa is badly wounded!

She limps away like a damaged aircraft dripping fuel; only in this case the fuel was Narrisa’s blood! Narrisa disappeared into the distance in the same direction the Lings had taken.

Blodwyn had watched the unequal battle with admiration; which turned to sadness as she saw the Lings and the giant hornet hit; just managing to get over the ridge before falling – like pheasants on a shoot.

Karak is pleased. ‘Good shooting Captain Timasek, locate where our birds have dropped?’ ‘The strong gravitational pull is affecting our scanners,’ Timasek answers. ‘Organize a search party – I want their bodies recovered dead or alive – for our scientists to study.’

The group of Na Idriss warriors and the Salas Panar, return out of breath. ‘Has the gold been loaded – and where is Nargon?’ Karak asks.

‘Escaped Sir – he killed Lt Mussa – the gold was not near the surface – the Oga Koya lied – we had to go underground.’

‘Fools, I should kill you all.’ threatens the Malis Afar. ‘I should have known better sending the Na Idriss to guard a prisoner they were terrified of. I warned Lt Mussa to keep two arms’ length away from an Oga Koya.’

‘It happened so quick sir,’ replies the Na Idriss, ‘the Oga Koya turned and something with teeth came out from under its flap of skin and ripped out Lt Mussa’s throat!’ Blodwyn’s blood ran cold when she heard this. Karak turns to Magus the other Oga Koya. ‘Bind this one, tie the tail to its body to immobilize it – I will kill him myself once I have extracted information.’ Magus is trussed up with rope. Karak whispers to Lt Jibba… ‘Fetch the Sillian!’ Afraid of being too close to the Oga Koya, Blodwyn stands near the group of Salas Panar: the Salas Panar smile and look her over. “Probably wondering how much I’m worth on the open market,” thought Blodwyn.

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