In Blood and Worth Loving 3 Kiss Cover (2 page)

Read In Blood and Worth Loving 3 Kiss Cover Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #bbw, #vampire, #Native American hero, #interracial

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Fuck you too, Conner!

* * *


Standing on a moonlit balcony within the circle of a pair of masculine arms while insistent lips caressed her neck and ear, a warm wave of contentment and pleasure washed over Desiree.

She had fallen hard for the man holding her the moment she saw him emerging from a friend

s pool with droplets of water lovingly clinging to his beautiful ebony flesh.

While the sight of her full-figured body might not have engendered thoughts of love at first sight in him, he had definitely been interested enough to ask her out. The sparks between them had been so intense she

d been hard-pressed not to sleep with him at the end of their first date.

Now, s
ix years later, they were about to spend the night in bed celebrating their
wedding anniversary.


s time to reaffirm our vows,

he whispered and nibbled her ear.

The jolt she felt was as powerful as the
one she

felt the
first time he

d undressed her and took her to bed. The thrill of knowing they were about to make love was as potent as it had ever been.

He took her hand and led her into the hotel room just as an unexpected streak of lightning lit the sky.

Minutes later, as he eased her onto her back and pressed his cock against her entrance, a series of booming cracks of thunder startled them both. He rolled off her and they both bolted up in bed, staring out the hotel window.

She blinked. Instead of the view from their hotel room, she saw the familiar one from the apartment building she

d moved into after selling the house she could no longer bear to live in after Larry

s death. After Larry

s death. His death.

Clutching the cover against her body, she looked wildly around her own bedroom. She was in bed alone and Larry had been dead for three years
He was dead and would never hold her again
except in her bittersweet dreams. Her dreams of being a wife and mother had apparently died with him.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she sank onto her pillow.

She turned to look at the picture of the smiling man on her nightstand.

Oh, Larry,

she whispered.

I miss you so much and long for the life
we sh
ould have had together.

She picked up the picture; her thoughts on her loneliness since his death and the foolish way she

d fallen for Conner Redwolfe that would ensure she

d suffer through countless more months of misery. She sucked in a breath and dissolved into sobs, clutching his picture against her breasts.

* * *

Conner stood in the shadows of the bedroom watching the human woman who had so unexpectedly and inexplicably inserted herself into his life and his emotions. She sobbed as if her
was broken beyond repair. This sound cut through his heart like a knife.

He managed to resist the urge to rush across the room to comfort her by reminding himself that despite all her protestations of wanting a relationship with him, she was clearly still in love with her deceased husband. Even if he were foolish enough to attempt a romantic relationship with her, he

d have to compete with the memories of the man for whom she cried.

Surrendering to his
compulsion to see her had been a bad idea. He should leave, allowing her to grieve in private. Steeling himself against the sound of her soft sobs, he quietly crossed the darkened room.

Conner. Oh, Conner.

Surprised to hear his name, he turned at the door to look back at the bed. Her eyes were closed and
he detected
no indication that she was aware of his presence. She was sad and lonely

much like him. And just as he had sought her out, she called out to him. She might still love her husband, but it was his name she now called
in her sleep

He quickly crossed the room to the bed and looked down at her. When he first saw her, he had considered her rather plain and her dark, full figured body not worth a second glance. Then she

d turned the warmest, sweetest smile he

d ever encountered on him. Basking in the glow of that radiant smile, he found she

d managed to capture his complete attention
with nothing more potent tha
her smile

Despite all his efforts to break free and the knowledge that if he allowed himself to become romantically involved with her he would end up hurting her, he still found it impossible to stay away from her. Even though he had given up dating human women more than forty years earlier, he was still drawn to her in a way he could neither understand nor deny.


she whispered his name again.

She no longer sobbed and she appeared to
have peacefully fallen
asleep. The picture now lay against the same breasts he often found himself obsessing over
; especially
when he was with other women. He picked up the picture and placed it back on her nightstand.

Stripping down to his briefs, he slipped into bed beside her. Almost as if she knew he w
there, she turned in her sleep to face him. He gently drew her into his embrace.


s all right now, sweet,

he whispered.

I have you. There

s no need to be sad. He

s gone but I

m here and you won

t ever be alone while I am.


He drew her closer pressing his lips against her forehead.


m here, sweet.

She sighed and he felt the tension leave her body as she pressed closer to him.

Unable to resist the impulse, he eased away from her long enough to undress her. Then he settled on his back, lifting her body on top of his. With the feel of her soft warm curves pressed against his body stirring his passions, he knew it would be a long torturous night. But it wasn

t the first. And because he couldn

t seem to stay away from her, it wouldn

t be the last.

Chapter Two

woke the next morning, naked in bed with a nearly nude male body curled against her back.
Oh, damn. Not again.

One big hand cupped her pussy, the other, her breasts. Cool lips pressed against her ear.


m sorry about the other morning,

She moistened her lips to steel herself from becoming aroused before she turned in Conner

s arms to face him.

No, you

re not. I

m sure you took your dick and your business straight to the arms of some deserving fem who didn

t disappoint you as I so often do.

He sighed and brushed his lips against her forehead while he caressed her bare ass.

She meant nothing to me, sweet.

Apparently, neither do I!

he rolled out of his arms and sat on the side of the bed, annoyed at his continu
refusal to be as celibate as he expected her to be.

He sat up and cupped his hands over her breasts while nibbling at her neck.

You know that

s not true, but I have needs.

So do I, Conner!

I know you do, sweet, and I

m here to take care of them.

He rolled her nipples between his fingers.

His touch had the power of an electric charge. She shivered and despite herself, leaned back against him.

He kissed her neck, sliding a palm down her belly to her pussy.

Open your lovely legs for me,

he said in a voice deepened by what would have been passion in a human male.

Before you stormed off the
last time
, you attempted to frighten me and implied I was unattractive.

I never implied any such thing!

You wondered why you kept coming back

she reminded him.

What difference does what I said
since I clearly do keep coming back?

What you say and how you say it matters to me, Conner. And
made me feel as if I weren

t worth your time or attention.

He gently raked his incisors against her neck.

I was angry and frustrated, but you know I adore you. I have since the night we met.

Her heart hammered and she tingled with anticipation-even though she knew he wouldn

t fuck her. Still, she parted her legs and caught her breath as he stroked his long, skillful fingers between the folds of her slit and into her pussy.

She moaned and arched against him.

He eased her onto her back. Removing his fingers, he slid his big body up hers until he lay between her trembling thighs. As usual he ha
stripped down to his briefs and she could feel the intoxicating weight and girth of the big, hard cock she

d never had the satisfaction of feeling powering into her pussy pressing against her body.

She moaned, draped her legs over the back of his, and slipped her fingers into his briefs to palm and caress his tight ass. Noting the unmitigated desire in the blue eyes burning down into hers, she wondered if she could finally tempt him into fucking her.

Why do you fuck other women when you know how much I want to be yours?

He inhaled slowly before he lowered his head to press his lips against her ear.

I do that to protect you and keep you safe
from me.


m not afraid of you, Conner.

He nipped her ear.

You should be. I

m far darker and more dangerous than Adrian and Jayvyn. When I tell you I

ll kill a man over you, I mean it. I

m not going to let any other man come between us.

She pushed at his shoulders.

He lifted his head to look down at her.


s not fair, Conner.


s not fair,

he retorted and pressed his cool, insistent lips against hers to silence
any further

When she sighed in surrender and relaxed under him, he rolled away from her long enough to remove his briefs before repositioning himself between her legs.

He stared down at her in silence.

She stared back, aware that no matter how many fems he fucked, he always returned to seek something they couldn

t give him within her arms and bed. Then, tired of trying to analyze the attraction between them and unable to resist her hunger for some form of intimacy with him, she parted her lips.

He burned a series of wet, greedy kisses against her mouth before trailing his across her che
k and down to her neck.

She shivered in anticipation, her body on fire for him.

He adjusted the position of their bodies so that his cock pressed against her belly with the big head nestled at the base of her pussy.
Give me what I need, sweet.

My blood is and always has been yours for the taking, Conner. Take it. Feed on me until you

re completely satisfied,

she whispered.

He shuddered and then he sank his incisors deep into the flesh of her

Oh…lord. Sweet. So sweet. She closed her eyes and cupped his head in her hands.

When he ingested her blood, he touched her deepest emotions and made a sort of emotional love to her that stroked her most primal and intimate passions and created a deep-seated need in her to satisfy his every desire. She felt joined to him in a way that battered any remaining pieces of her emotions into submission to him.

Within seconds of feeling her blood flow into his mouth, she was lost in a sexy cocoon of erotic sensations that overwhelmed her and bound her to him in a way that not even intercourse could.

She bit her lip to stifle the urge to moan as the sexual and emotional tension and rush towards release quickly built inside her.

He slipped his palms under her body to caress her ass as he rubbed his cock head against the bottom on her


she whispered, shaking as the muscles of her belly tightened and her pussy tingled.

Come for me, sweet.
He deliberately rubbed his shaft roughly against her engorged clit.

A jolt of absolute pleasure thundered down from her clit
. S
he clung to him, moaning and grinding her pussy along the length of his cock as she lost herself in one of the most incredible orgasms she

d ever enjoyed.

While she shuddered through her rele
, she felt several powerful jets of cum explode from his shaft to blast against the bottom of her pussy before flowing down to pool between her legs. Within seconds, she felt as if her ass was drenched with cum. What a lovely sensation.

She collapsed against the mattress and weakly stroked her hands down his back to his tight ass until he finally stopped coming and eased his teeth from her flesh.

Kissing her neck, he rolled them on to their sides
slipped behind her

Lord she loved spooning with him.
She sighed with pleasure and deliberately rubbed her ass against his groin.


t start any shit you can

t finish,” he warned.

She smiled. “I

m not the one who needs that warning. You are, handsome.”

“Shut up and go to sleep.”

Content for the moment, she complied.

When she woke just over an hour later
, she found h

d left
ithout a damned word
when she could expect to see his big, selfish ass again.

Damn him!

She rose and changed the bedding before stumbling into the bathroom to shower.
She spent the next hours considering her option
s until she decided to call him, envisioning a romantic dinner out before they spent t
rest of the
night cuddling

female answered.

Let me guess. You


s human girl toy
. Well,
home girl

s in the shower
trying unsuccessfully to wash the love and taste of a fem off.
But I came over that prize cock of his
so much
that even if he showers from now until the cows come home you

ll still feel my pussy juice on him the next time he feels like slumming and comes to see you. So be warned. When he fucks you again, it will feel just like I

m fucking you too. Hmm. I like the sound of that. What about you, fat girl?
You interested in a threesome?

ll give you the fuck of your life.

While Desi listened in stunned silence, the woman laughed. Moments later, she heard Conner

s angry voice in the background before the connection was broken.

Desi sat with her heart thumping and her throat tight with tears. Although he

d never made any secret of the fact that he fucked fems, he

d always kept that side of his life separate from
one he shared with her

When she heard Conner

s ringtone in the form of Tom Jones singing
ten minutes later, she didn

t answer. If he thought he could clean up what had just happened, he was sadly mistaken. She

d had enough of him.

He kept calling ever
ten minutes until she finally answered on the fourth call.

I have
one thing
to say to
leave me the hell alone!

Look, I know you

re upset and I

m sorry

“So am I–that I ever thought you were worth having!
You can tell that hussy you

re with I have no interest in her or you. Tell her she can have you.

I can explain.

Do you know what she said to me?”

“Yes and–“

“Then you should know
I have no interest in hearing your explanation.


m in Maryland, but I

m on my way to see you.


t bother because I won

t be here when you arrive. Like you, I

m going out tonight to have some fun!

I know you

re hurt and angry, but don

t do anything you

re going to regret, Desiree.

You mean like go out fucking and then have him answer my phone when you call to tell you what a great fuck he gave me?


m sorry
sweet. I promise that won

t happen again.


re damned right it won

t because I don

t plan to call you again and I

d appreciate it if you

d stop calling me!

he ended the call
before he could respond

Uncertain how close he was
she took a quick shower, dressed, and left her apartment.

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