In Bed With A Stranger (28 page)

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“I’ll tell you who has rights, madam. I have the right to see my wife. Now stand aside or I’ll knock ye to the floor. But I will find where ye have hidden her.”

Brodick sounded dangerous, but he also sounded sweeter than any sound she’d ever heard. Anne clutched her son close, tears easing from her eyes.

“Brodick! I’m here!”

The curtain was ripped half off the rod as her husband erupted through the doorway. His face was a mask of fury, his sword in hand. He swept the room before charging towards her.

“I swear I wish I had the strength to beat ye for placing yourself in such danger.” He cupped her chin and his fingers shook. “Look at what ye reduce me to, lass. I’m but a shell of a man in yer grip.”

The baby hiccupped and Brodick dropped his sword. Anne wasn’t sure what surprised her husband more; the sight of their newborn son or the clatter of his sword. He ignored the dropped weapon, reaching instead for the edge of the cloth wrapped around the baby’s head. With a single finger he gently pulled it aside to peer at the tiny face.

“I’ve given you a son.” Her voice was laced with tears, tears born from happiness. “Just as I know you wanted.”

“No!” Mary screamed, stomping her feet. Brodick turned, his kilt flaring out. The sword was back in hand before the fabric settled.

Mary’s face was red, her eyes bulging from her head. “That’s supposed to be my baby. Mine. I’m a countess.”

“Ye’re no wife of mine.” Distaste colored his words.

Philipa stood frozen in the corner. “Oh, but she is, my lord, and you’d do well to listen to me. You have your son. My daughter is the only daughter with a dowry. You must keep Mary as your legal wife or lose what you married for. As for that bastard, you may have her for a leman. Look how strong she is. She’ll give you all the children you want and Mary will bring you the land you desire.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Cullen stood behind Philipa, his face a mask of disapproval.

“I wish I didnae believe it, but the proof is plain.” Brodick lowered his sword but stood in front of Anne, shielding her from Philipa.

“You can keep yer dowry. The woman I love is worth far more than any land.”

“But you need the land, Brodick.” Anne reached for his hand, unwilling to see him lose what he wanted. “It is still yours and your son’s.”

“I’ll not have that creature on my land.” He pointed at Mary. She tossed her head, looking down her nose at him.

“I certainly do not want to go to Scotland. Why do you think my mother sent that bastard in my place?”

Druce reached out to close his hand around Mary’s nape. She squealed but he granted her no mercy. “And the world calls us Scots the uncivilized ones.”

He flung Mary into the outer room without any remorse. Anne heard her half–sister’s shoes scuffing against the floor. Druce pointed at Mary through the arched doorway. “Keep a hand on her and a gag if she starts talking again. We’ve heard enough from that one to last a lifetime.”

There was a grunt from the retainers in the other room before Druce turned to face Brodick. “She was making me head ache.”

“Mary is your legal wife.” Philipa shook her fist in the air. “My daughter. Not that bastard girl.”

Philipa looked at the baby, hunger brightening her eyes. She made a lunge towards the bed but froze when Brodick raised his sword, the deadly point even with her heart.

“Ye’ll nae touch my family, woman. Make no mistake about it, I’m nae a forgiving man when it comes to what I consider my own.”

His words were as strong as the steel in his hand. “I swear I’ll run ye through, noblewoman or not.”

“Sounds like a fair plan to my way of thinking.” Cullen wasn’t joking this time. His voice was as hard as his brother’s. “Ye deceived every McJames and we nae take kindly to that.”

“Leave her for her husband. ’Tis his duty to sort out this mess.” Brodick didn’t lower his sword until Druce took hold of Philipa. She snarled but the Scot shook her like a rag doll.

“Have done, madam,” he growled at her, towering over her.

“The marriage won’t stand. You’ll get nothing if you bring my husband into this.”

Brodick sneered at her. “I’ve already dispatched a message to yer husband, woman. He needs to get home and take his estate back under his command.” He moved toward her, his sword still unsheathed. “But there’s one thing that ye had best be clear on. I’ll nae have any other but the mother of my son.”

Philipa screeched. Druce pulled her from the room as she ranted and raved.

Brodick turned then, his midnight eyes pegging Anne with a hard look. He reached up and slid his sword back into its sheath without shifting his attention away from her.

“Cullen. I want a full guard on this room.”


“And keep a watch on that pair until the Earl of Warwickshire returns to take them in hand.”

Brodick froze for a moment, the tapestry catching his eye. His face softened for a moment as he stared at it. He stiffened, shooting a hard glance at her.

“Everyone else, leave.” Brodick stared at her. “I need a moment with my wife.”

Everyone left the solar, but all Anne noticed was the word
. Brodick looked as formidable and unrelenting as he had the first time she’d laid eyes upon him. Fierce determination flickered in his eyes as he considered her.

“Good God, woman. I’m going to take to spanking you once a week.”

The bed shook as he closed the distance between them with such determination. His body was large and welcomed. She didn’t feel overwhelmed by his frame anymore. His strength gave her comfort. She caught the hint of his scent and it made her sigh. The few months away from him now felt like an eternity. She reached for him, just her fingertips making contact with his chest. A soft sigh passed her lips and he flinched.

“I swear I’ll nae be soft with ye. Murry is going to trail ye like a hungry colt and I’ll nae tell the man to give ye any peace. It’s the truth that I’m going to tell him to bring along a few other men to make sure the job of guarding ye is done.”

He suddenly scowled. “What is yer name?”


He snorted, but cupped her chin. “Why did ye leave Sterling? Why did ye place yerself in harm’s way?”

He was such a proud man. Her cheeks colored as she cringed on hearing what her flight had reduced him to. By leaving Sterling, she had left him.

“Because I love you.” His large body shook. “I couldn’t steal the dowry from you. It was the only way.” She hugged the baby tightly. “The only way to keep our son from being born illegitimate.” She took a ragged breath. “Like his mother.”

She tried to look down but Brodick’s grip was solid. His eyes flickered with frustration.

“Och, I dinnae know what to do with ye, woman.”

The small bed shook as he leaned further across it, his hand sliding over her cheek and into her hair. “Tis ye I love, no matter the details of yer birth.”

“But the dowry—”

“Will still be mine.” He cupped the back of her head. “Ye are the daughter of the Earl of Warwickshire and ’twas his wife that presented ye to me and my men. Ye were pure and ye have given me a son. That’s the best definition of wife that I’ve ever seen.”

The earl was speaking, the hard authority in his voice edging his words. But his face softened and the hand resting on the back of her head softly soothed her.

“Leave the legalities to me, lass. I’m nae blind to the reason why ye fled. What I want to know is, why didn’t ye run to me?”

Need glistened in his eyes, so sharp and needy, that tears fell down her cheeks.

“I love you, Brodick. I couldn’t see you disappointed even if it meant I had to sacrifice my own heart. I love you too much for that.”

A smile appeared on his lips. The hand in her hair tightened. Pleasure shone from his eyes and she knew without a doubt that life would have been miserable without him.

She wasn’t even sure she would have survived very long.

“’Tis glad I am to hear it…Anne.”

A tiny smile graced her lips as he spoke her name.

Her name

Their son nuzzled her breast in his sleep and a shudder shook her body. She was suddenly so tired, her eyelids felt heavy. Her arms shook around the baby.

“Take…take the baby…” Her voice shook. She couldn’t seem to stay awake, her body sinking back into the bedding. Her entire body ached now and she wanted to escape it in slumber.

Brodick lifted his son from her arms and she smiled as she surrendered to her fatigue.


Brodick had never held so tiny a babe in his life. He wasn’t even certain he’d seen one so young before.

“Cradle him, my lord, or he’ll fuss and wake my daughter. She needs rest now.”

Druce had a hand on the woman, keeping her in the doorway. But she spoke softly, mindful of Anne’s need for rest. Her face looked similar to Anne’s. She lifted her arms, showing him how to hold his son.

“Are ye Anne’s mother?”

There was a harsh note in his voice that she didn’t miss.

“Yes, and I knew nothing of this until Philipa locked me in this solar with Anne.” She shrugged, but Druce didn’t release her until Brodick nodded approval. Leaving the bed, Brodick moved toward her to allow his wife to rest.

“I’d have turned myself out before seeing my own child suffering for my choices.” She shook her head sadly. “But Anne has a pure heart. It’s better than I deserve for allowing her to be born out of wedlock.”

“I dinnae care.”

Anne shifted, muttering in her sleep. Brodick stepped through the doorway, Anne’s mother following.

“You’re a good man then. ’Tis grateful I am to you.”

Brodick grinned as the baby opened his puffy eyelids, showing off blue eyes. Brodick could feel the heartbeat against his forearm, could see the tiny chest filling with the breath of life. It was by far the most touching experience he’d ever had.

“Then there is something you may help me with, madam.” Brodick looked at Druce and Cullen.

“Assemble the staff and retainers. Bring Mary. I’m going to make sure there’s no doubt about the fact that she didnae birth this child.”

It was harsh, but no more than the noble daughter deserved.

“As you say, my lord.” Ivy lowered her head before leaving the chamber.

Druce grinned. “Well now, let me look at the laddie.”

Cullen joined him as they chuckled and teased him about being old enough to have a family.

If having a family meant he was old, he was content with his lot.


Anne awoke in Brodick’s arms. He cradled her body as surely as he had their son.

“Easy, lass, I’m sorry to disturb ye, but ye’ll nae be sleeping in that room that served as yer prison.”

Anne didn’t have any energy to reply. Her hand pressed against his chest and she smiled when she felt his steady heartbeat. A few moments later he swept her into another room. One of the large chambers that had been empty for as long as she could recall. Her sleepy brain awoke as she noted all the fine touches added. Carpets and scented candles. She could smell rosemary in the air now. It was always used after a birth to help the mother gain strength. No one knew why, only that it had always been that way.

“This is a much better bed. One that disnae look at walls that ye had to see as a prison.”

Brodick settled her in a lavish, double-sized bed with a canopy and curtains. The fireplace was lit with a cheery blaze that warmed her nose. A cradle was placed at the foot of the bed but she heard her son fussing as her mother brought him into the room.

“Here now, Anne, your son is hungry.”

Brodick pushed a few plump pillows behind her back as Ivy placed the baby in her arms. Ivy looked at Brodick for a moment.

“I’m nae leaving, woman. This is something I’ve been waiting to see for three years. Me family.”

Anne gazed into his eyes when Ivy settled the baby near her breast. There was nothing but happiness, nothing else at all.

If that meant she was insane, so be it.

She was in love.

Chapter Fourteen

he bells rang near noon the next day. The riders approaching rode with the banners of the Earl of Warwickshire. Brodick boldly met the man on his own front steps. The older man didn’t lack any strength. He dismounted and yanked his riding gauntlets off with a snarl.

“Where’s that bitch I’m married to?”

His voice bounced off the walls. Everyone froze, never having heard the master of the house publicly curse his wife.

The earl looked up. “McJames, I owe you a great deal for ferreting out this scheme. I swear I’ll do right by the dowry.” He climbed the steps, stopping to offer his hand to Brodick.

Brodick stood for a moment, feeling the eyes of the estate on him. He clasped the man’s wrist and there was a mutter of approval from those watching.

“I suppose ye’ll nae be cross with me for locking yer wife and daughter up. I wanted to make sure they didnae manage any more mischief before ye arrived to deal with them.”

“I’d not have cared if you drowned them like the demon felines they are.”

“I’ll leave that task to you.” Brodick walked into the castle with the earl. They climbed the stairs to the mistresses’ chambers where two of Brodick’s men stood guard.

“But there is someone I’d like ye to meet first.” Brodick opened the door slowly, taking care that the hinges didn’t squeak. The Earl of Warwickshire followed him inside frowning when he faced Ivy.

His leman smiled as bright as summer. She lifted a hand and motioned him forward. “Come my dear and see our first grandchild.”

The color drained from his face but Brodick didn’t think the man weak. He understood.

“Anne has a babe?”

“My wife has given me a son.”

The earl suddenly smiled. He slapped a hand on Brodick’s shoulder that sent him forward a step.

“Well now, that’s grand news!”

Ivy shook a finger at him. “Hush. Anne needs her rest.”

“I’m not sleeping, Mother.” Anne shouldered her way through the curtain drawn across the doorway. She cradled her child, a soft smile curving her lips.

“Here Father, come and meet your grandson.”

Tears shimmered in her father’s eyes. Anne gently placed the baby in his arms. Brodick slid an arm around her waist, taking up some of her weight. She patted his hand reassuringly. “I am well.”

He didn’t listen. Her husband scooped her off her feet in one smooth motion. “I did warn ye that I intend to drive ye insane with my protective attitude.”

He carried her back to the bedchamber. Anne frowned at him when he settled her back into bed.

“I have never been idle.”

“And ye have never had a babe before either.”

Anne wanted to be cross but she looked past Brodick at her parents. The earl cradled her son while his forehead touched her mother’s. Joy radiated from them, warming the entire room. Her throat tightened and so did the arm Brodick had around her.

“Love is a beautiful thing, lass.” Brodick’s words were thick with emotion.

Her father turned to look at her, his gaze touching on the man that held her.

“Well now, Anne, my girl, you have made me proud.”

Her father walked into the room. He settled the baby back into her embrace.

“Young Brodick, I see you make a good husband for my daughter.”

“I intend to spend many a day trying, sir.”

Her father nodded. “Glad I am to hear it.”

No one would let her out of bed, so they spent the afternoon talking and getting to know the new baby. It wasn’t until the sun began to set that her father’s expression turned dark. He placed a kiss on Anne’s cheek.

“I must see to my wife.” His words were grave but sad as well. His body was tense as he left the room. Brodick followed.

The Earl of Warwickshire shoved open the door to the chamber where his wife and daughter were imprisoned.


The chamber was silent. Brodick scanned it, looking for the women. They were already in bed. Moving closer, he and the earl peered at the pair of unmoving forms. There was only a whisper of breath in them, the skin of their faces pasty white.

The earl touched Mary’s face, moving her eyelid up to look at her eye.

“Poison, if I’m not mistaken.” His voice had the unmistakable ring of familiarity with that evil vice of assassins and taunted lovers.

“Nae by my hand.” Brodick shook his head. “I’d have run them through and taken credit for my own deed.”

The earl looked pensive. “I believe you.” He searched the room, lifting the used goblets and sniffing them.

There was a cough from the bed. Mary opened her eyes. The earl walked toward her.

“Tell me, daughter, what ails you?”

Mary drew a deeper breath in order to speak.

“Mother got the hemlock…from the village…for Anne.” She sighed. “It was left on the table and…the…boy took it…by mistake…for our afternoon…wine.”

Her eyelids fluttered but she lifted them and stared at her father. Mary reached for his hand.

“It was not his…fault. Mother…plotted murder…and…I agreed…We have…reaped…what we…sowed.” Her fingers clutched at her father’s hand. “Forgive me. I repent…my…sins…please, Father…bury me in hallowed…ground…I…beg for your pardon…I repent…God have mercy…on me…”

Her voice trailed off as her eyes closed. The earl laid her hand on her chest, slowly shaking his head. He reached out to stroke a hand over her head.

“I’m sorry I failed you, child. I knew your mother was bitter but I didn’t think she’d turn you so spoilt. I thought her love for you would keep her sane. I was wrong. Forgive me, Daughter.”

Mary’s hand clutched at the bedding. She held it tight for a moment before her fingers went lax and her breathing grew soft once more. She never opened her eyes again. Her mother died before she did, but Mary followed before sunrise. The Earl of Warwickshire sat by their bed, slumped in his chair.

Ivy appeared at dawn. She stood in the doorway, the rising sun illuminating her. Henry Howard, fifth Earl of Warwickshire, stood up and went to her. A woman of common birth, she was the keeper of his heart. He took her hand and pressed a kiss onto it.

“Will you marry me, Ivy?” He squeezed her fingers. “Make an honest man of me and bring legitimacy to our children?”

“I will.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes but one fell down his cheek first. Tucking her hand onto his arm, he strode from the chamber leaving his blue-blood marriage behind.


“Get back in that bed, Anne.”

His wife scowled at him. Brodick sent her a stern look in return.

“I am going to my mother’s wedding, Brodick.”

And nothing was going to stop her. “For every time that I have heard the word bastard flung at me, I will crawl to church if I have to, Brodick.” Her entire body ached but she kept moving. She suddenly frowned.

“But I need some money to bribe the clergymen since I haven’t been churched yet. They won’t let me into the sanctuary.”

Brodick scowled. “This country has traditions that are insane.”

Anne grinned. “I suppose it is a good thing we plan to live in Scotland.”

He didn’t look amused by her words. “’Tis a good thing that all yer countrymen will be getting a Scots king. No allowing ye into church just because ye had a babe? What is the point of marriage, might I ask ye?”

Anne flinched when she bent over to pick up her shoes. Her husband swept her off her feet a moment later, placing her back on the foot of the bed. Brodick lowered his large body to one knee and slid her shoe into place himself.

“Och well, I can see why ye need to be there.”

He didn’t sound very contrite. But he placed the second shoe on her foot and helped her into her loose grown and surcoat.

“But no dancing.”

He turned to pick up their son. Brodick refused to allow the infant or herself out of his sight unless Druce or Cullen was with her. The man was keeping his promise to have her guarded but it wasn’t something she could become angry over. He did not trust Warwickshire and its staff. She could not blame him.

She took solace in his presence, enjoying every second of it. The burdens of life would steal him away soon enough. For now she would cling to his arm and watch her mother’s wedding. Ivy made the most beautiful bride Anne had ever seen. The reason was simple.

She was in love.

Be it curse or blessing, Anne did not know. But she suffered the same affliction, cheerfully following in her mother’s example. Brodick held her heart and if fate was kind, she would never cease loving him.


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