In Bed With A Stranger (22 page)

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“Brodick…” She pushed against the ground again.

He chuckled, a warm hand rubbing her exposed bottom. “What bothers ye, lass? The fact that I’m intent on smacking yer ass or the fact that I havnae started yet?”

“That’s an absurd question. Let me rise.”

He smacked one cheek, drawing a gasp from her. The sensation was surprising. It bolted up her spine but also centered on her clitoris. Need tightened around her as a second slap landed on her opposite cheek.

“Some women enjoy it. They claim it makes their clitoris hotter. I’ve a mind to see if ye are one of them.”

His hand rose and fell again. A whimper crossed her lips because she couldn’t contain everything anymore. Being spanked should have horrified her, but all she could do was think about how close his hands were to her wet passage. Each smack jiggled her clitoris, pushing her closer to climax.

“Now, there’s an interesting sound.” He smacked her bottom once more before rubbing a warm hand over the smarting flesh. “I wonder. Do you like being pressed into submission?”

He stroked his finger down between her thighs and she jerked. There was too much sensation now, and her body refused to remain still.

“I believe I need to investigate just how much ye enjoy my discipline.”

He touched the opening to her body. Circled it with one fingertip. A moan rose from her lips as his finger slid in easily, aided by the welcoming fluid easing from her passage.

“Aye, ye are enjoying it.” He thrust a finger into her, stroking the sensitive skin inside her. “So am I.”

He worked two fingers in and out of her, little wet sounds reaching her ears.

“But I’m more in the mood to get back to ravishing my prize. We’ve played enough.”

He flipped her over. Her body lay across his thighs for one moment, allowing her to look at his expression. Pure devilment danced in his eyes.

“Now let’s get to that fucking I promised ye I would demand from ye.”

He picked her up, moving her to the ground. There was new, sweet grass there to lie on.

“Now to ravish ye properly, I need to lift yer skirts and nae take the time to undress ye.” He caught a handful of her skirts and tossed them up onto her chest. He moved between her thighs and pulled them up on either side of his hips. “We’ll have to wait until tonight to make love naked.”

A tender look crossed his face, but only for a moment. Hard need replaced it as he looked down at her spread flesh.

“Now there’s a sight, yer body spread for my use. Yer slit all glistening in welcome. Nae raiding man could ask for better. I might take to spanking you every day.”

“You shall not.”

His body weight pressed down on her. He kept her legs tightly held over each of his broad shoulders. His hard cock touched her opening, nudging into the wet entrance. His eyes glittered with determination.

“I shall have ye, as often and in as many ways as I please.” He thrust forward, his cock pushing deep. He felt too large, too hard, but her body eagerly took him.


She hissed at him, defiance burning inside her. It combined with the excitement, heightening her passion. Her body wanted him, wanted him to take her. Balling her fingers into a fist, she hit his shoulder.

“You’re a fiery one.” He captured her wrist. Stretching her arm above her head, he pinned her hand to the ground. His hips didn’t move. Her passage was full of his hard flesh, aching for motion, but he remained still. Grabbing her free hand, he pressed it above her head as well.

“Better. That’s what a captive should look like while she’s being ravished.”

“Except that you aren’t doing anything but sitting on me.” Anne sniffed in disdain. “Quite boring, I must say.”

One dark eyebrow rose. His lips curved slightly up, mocking her. “Maybe I like the feeling of your sweet body clasping me.”

Well, it wasn’t enough for her. She struggled against his grip, needing to move. He laughed at her efforts, holding her in place, his cock rock-hard inside her.

“Yer body was made for me. I think I could spend hours just enjoying the way yer passage grips my cock.”

“Ohhhh…” She bucked, finally achieving some movement. Pleasure spiked up her sheath but it only made her crave more. She needed deep thrusts to relieve the hunger gnawing at her. The hard length lodged inside her was unbearable, teasing her with what she needed while remaining motionless.

“Get off me!”

“Or get on with fucking ye?”

His expression dared her to demand what she wanted.

“Yes!” She bucked, the twist of need making her frantic to get him to comply.

“Do ye want me hard and rough?” His voice was steel edged, his nostrils flaring.


He growled and released her wrists. Propping his elbows on either side of her head he twisted his fingers in her hair holding her prisoner once again.

“Then ye shall have it.”

His first thrust sent the air out of her lungs. Her entire body moved as he drove his cock into her. It was hard, but pleasure filled her.

“Wrap yer thighs around me.” His breathing was harsh. He gripped her hair tighter, his hips working to drive his swollen length back and forth rapidly. She clasped him with her thighs, locking her ankles to hold on tight. Little whimpers crossed her lips because she just couldn’t contain all the sensation. Pleasure rippled upwards from each strong thrust. One wave collided with the one in front of it because he was moving so quickly.


Only that single word made any sense to her. There was nothing but the friction of their flesh, only the pleasure shaking her in its grasp. Her back arched, her sheath tightening. Her lungs refused to work as pleasure exploded. She felt as if she was falling away from the edge of a cliff and it was the most euphoric thing she had ever experienced. The delight rippling out to her fingertips and toes. Every inch of her body pulsating with satisfaction.

Brodick shuddered, his cock pumping its hot seed into her body. He snarled against her neck, grazing the skin with his teeth. Anne dragged a breath into her starving lungs. Her fingers hurt from the tight grip she had on his shirt. Every bit of her strength suddenly drained away. There was only the deep satisfaction washing along her limbs. It settled into a pool around his cock. Uncurling her fists, she smoothed her hands over his shoulders. His torso quivered, his breathing ragged.

A soft kiss landed on her neck, soothing the bite. He trailed more sweet kisses along the sensitive column and along her jaw until he reached her lips. He kissed her softly but deeply, taking his time to lick her lips before pressing her mouth open for a deeper kiss. The hands in her hair released their hold, his fingertips gently massaging her scalp.

“Did I hurt ye?”

His voice was muffled against her cheek. In spite of the ache from her hips being spread so wide, she shook her head. He sighed, raising his body off hers.

“I got a wee bit carried away.”

He stood up, looking very much like the raider he’d played at being. ’Twas a truth that he was every inch a warrior. Strength was etched into his body, forged just like his sword. The long weapon was still strapped to his back and had been there the entire time.

“I am glad of it, my lord.” Rolling over, she stood up. Her skirts fell down to cover her thighs. Her passage was sore, but she would not lament it. She had enjoyed herself full well. “Even if my words will make you arrogant.”

He was already arrogant but it was something she seemed drawn to. No softly worded flattery had ever turned her head. Brodick’s bold demands turned her into a wanton.

He watched her, an unreadable expression on his face. Anne lifted her chin, giving him strength back to match his own. The wind whipped up, bringing a chill. Casting her eyes towards the horizon, she noticed the dark thunder clouds rolling in from the coast.

Brodick shook his head. “Ye’re a distraction, madam. I dinnae think I’ve ever been so intent on a woman before.”

“You say that as though it is to be lamented.”

He turned to sweep the area behind them, doing it in a polished, confident manner that further enhanced his appeal. She’d never encountered a man who impressed her the way Brodick did.

“Maybe I’ve nae decided about that yet.” There was a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Some men think falling in love with their wives is a fate worse than death.”

The word love stunned her. Her father loved her. She loved her mother and siblings. Yet love between a man and a woman was something that was denied her by her bastard heritage. To allow her heart to soften would be to invite heartache.

She knew it and still her heart swelled. She suddenly felt so happy, she wasn’t sure her feet were still on the ground. Brodick was watching her face, his expression carefully guarded. His lips twitched up as she failed to mask her emotions.

“Aye, lass, look what ye’ve gone and done. Stolen me heart. I’m going to have to take ye back to my castle and keep ye forever, else wither away for want of ye.”

He winked at her. “’Tis the Scot raiding way. We keep what we steal.”

He left to retrieve their horses. A stricken look took command of her features as she hugged her arms around her.

Love. It was amazing and more precious than she ever might have imagined. No girlhood dream could have prepared her for the feeling.

The years of Philipa’s scorn had never once felt like such a burden as they did right then. Her knees practically buckled, her shoulders wanting to throw the weight off. Her stomach was knotted with nausea so thick, she had to suppress the urge to retch.

Love…both gift and curse. The faces of her family tugged at her while her heart longed for the man riding toward her. If she remained with Brodick, loving him, she had to abandon the family who loved her to a cruel fate.

She had no idea what to do. None at all.


Brodick pulled his horse up when Sterling came into view. His body became still for a moment as he stared at one of the towers.

“We’ve company.”


He nodded. Raising one hand he pointed toward the far north tower. “See the banner? ’Tis nae mine or Druce’s.”

Peering in the direction he pointed, she glimpsed a blue and green banner dancing in the wind.

“’Tis from court.”

His voice went serious and it was something she understood full well. Even a titled earl was subject to the will of his king. Brodick kneed his mount forward, and her mare picked up her hooves to follow.

Brodick swung from the saddle the moment they reached the yard. He reached up and plucked her from her horse before the mare even came to a stop.

“Take a nap. I’ll have to finish ravishing ye later.”

A nap indeed.

Anne laughed at his jest but he was already striding away, intent on joining his secretary who was standing on the steps waiting for his master. Anne had seen the man a few times, the large leather bag slung across his chest a telling thing. She knew what was in it—letters, books and, most importantly, the seal of the house. He appeared at each meal with the bag and she had not seen him even once without it.

He lowered his head as Brodick got close, moving forward so that their words would not drift.

A cart creaked as it entered the yard, two oxen pulling it.

“There ye are, lass.” Helen’s voice was full of cheer. She had to wait for the team to be held steady before another man unhooked the gate placed across the back of the cart. Helen climbed out, shaking her skirts and tartan when she was standing on the ground.

“Me daughter had a strong son, she did. ’Tis me first grandchild. They baptized the boy Ian.”

Brodick’s sister was also in the cart, although Fiona looked frustrated as she climbed to the ground. A dark-coated mare followed the cart and the animal nuzzled Fiona the moment she stood up. Brodick’s sister stroked the animal’s muzzle with confident hands, speaking softly to it.

“You enjoy riding?”

Fiona looked guilty for a moment but her hands remained on the mare. “As much as I’m allowed.”

“Fiona, behave.” Helen shot the younger girl a stern look. Fiona didn’t appear contrite, only stubborn.

“There are many who believe riding will toughen my womb, twould make me sterile. I’m nae allowed very much time on my mare.”

Anne watched the way the girl pouted, clearly feeling as though life was unfair.

It was that, Anne agreed. “There are many in England who say the same thing.”

Fiona humphed. “Ye did not need to say that. Helen is already firm in her belief. I dinnae like riding in the cart.”

Helen frowned at her. “Don’t act so young, Fiona. If a lass gains a bad reputation, who will have ye? Think, miss, ye’ll want to have yer choice when the time comes for marriage.”

“I’m nae interested in marriage.” Her hands stroked the mare lovingly. “At least nae now and ’tis only riding. It’s nae as if I were asking to go riding out under the moon.”

Helen frowned. “Nae gentle lass should talk about such things. You just leave the moon riding to the fallen women who dinnae have someone to keep them from that hard path. It might sound exciting, but be very sure, lass, that it’s a rocky road to set yer life on.”

“Your brother took me riding today. I must say, I understand your fondness for it.”

Fiona smiled, all sweet forgiveness now that Anne appeared on her side. “Beware, Sister, Helen will blister yer ears for it. She is all aflutter about babies.”

“I will nae. Once yer wed ye can ride all ye like because the womb doesnae toughen once yer sharing yer husband’s bed.” Helen shook her head. “Listen to ye, young miss. How could ye know everything at sixteen?”

Fiona smiled, as vexing as Cullen often was. “I know that I love to ride.”

Anne laughed, unable to help herself. Helen rolled her eyes, but still grinned good naturedly.

“Tell me about your trip. How is your daughter?”

Helen happily clasped her hands together to begin speaking of her family. Anne let the sound of Helen’s joy surround her. There was much at Sterling worth loving.

Especially its master.


Brodick looked formidable that night. Anne entered the eating hall and a prickle of worry went down her nape at the hush in the air. Even Cullen, who normally was so carefree, appeared years older. Druce was busy crumbling a round of bread, his jaw working quickly while his thoughts appeared to race.

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