In Bed With A Stranger (20 page)

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Now that was a task he was looking forward to.


His wife’s chamber was too cold. Brodick frowned, his wet hair feeling the chill when he entered it. There wasn’t a speck of light from anywhere inside the chamber. His suspicions rose as he cast a look at the fireplace. There was nothing there; even the scent of smoke was missing from the room telling him that a fire had not been burning for many days, possibly weeks. The curtains on the windows were open as well. They should have been drawn at night to keep the fire heat from seeping past the glass. But having them open allowed moonlight and light from the walls to penetrate into the dark room. He’d expect such if a room was unoccupied.

Icy fingers closed around his heart. It was the sort of feeling he’d only experienced a few times in his life. Dread choked him as he moved toward the bed, trying to see through the blackness. The bed curtains were drawn all the way around the bed, only a mere few inches open at the foot of the bed. Inside, there was naught but darkness.

Had she fled back to her father?

Jerking one curtain aside, he reached into the bed and found a small lump. His breath expelled from his lungs in a rush of relief. His knees actually wobbled and he sat down heavily on the foot of the bed. His wife moved, stirring as her bed was rocked.

“What does the mistress require?”

His wife looked at the bed curtains, confusion marring her face. Her words didn’t make sense.

“Don’t ye mean the queen? When I attended yer English court, I dinnae recall her ladies calling her mistress.”

“My lord?”

Anne stared at the large shape and trembled. Joy rushed through her. She reached out to touch him, needing the reassurance of feeling his warm skin. It felt as if it had been forever since he left.

“I believe I instructed ye to call me Brodick when in our bed.”

He moved before her fingers made contact with him. The bed rocked, sending the curtains swaying like they were on a ship at sea. His large form looked huge in the darkness but his voice had been tender and welcoming. She sighed when his arms wrapped around her, hauling her up against him in a solid embrace that made her shiver.

She had dreamed of his arms around her.

“Brodick.” She lightly stroked his shoulders, shaking with happiness. He groaned softly.

“Say that again.”

Tracing a path up his neck she toyed with the locks of his hair. It was wet and curling.

“Welcome home, Brodick”

His mouth sought hers, taking a firm kiss. She slid her hands back to his shoulders. His lips pressed hers open, lingering over her mouth like a fine whiskey. He didn’t rush but tasted her gently.

“What are you sleeping in?”

Her fingers tried to hold him close but he pulled away to look at her.

“Are ye wearing that surcoat in bed?” His hands ran over her shoulders, trying to discover exactly what she was covered in.

“It keeps me warm when you are away.”

His hands stopped investigating her clothing. He framed her face gently, leaning back close until she felt his breath on her moist lips.

“Ah lass, ye’ll turn my head with flattery like that.” He opened the surcoat, working the buttons quickly, even in the dark. He pushed the garment over her shoulders, lifting her up to get at the tail of her chemise.

“Ye’ve no need o’ it now. I promise to keep ye very warm.”

His kiss blocked out whatever she might have thought to reply. His large body pressed her back into the bed. Anne reached for him, frantic to be touched. The solitude of the last month felt like an eternity. Brodick was warm and solid. Everything she craved.

She kissed him back. Her tongue boldly seeking his, his tongue tangling deep inside her mouth, stroking and gliding against hers. Her hands twisted in his hair, combing through the wet strands. Even that touch flooded her with sweet sensation. Each breath she drew brought his scent deep into her lungs, further confirming that she was no longer alone.

She wasn’t cold either.

Her blood began heating, melting away the chill that had encased her. The skin that had felt nothing but cold for so long suddenly flickered with heat so intense it was like fever. Her feet slid along his calves, their legs entwining. The flow of heat entered her belly, swirling into her passage. One warm hand cupped a breast, firmly grasping it.

“I’ve missed ye.” Husky and needy, his voice was pure delight. His thumb brushed over the puckered point of her nipple. A soft grunt left his lips.

“I think ye’ve missed me, too.”

“I have.”

He leaned down, boldly sucking her nipple into his mouth. The tip of his tongue lashing against it over and over again. A soft moan escaped her lips, her body falling back onto the bed to offer her breast to his lips. He plumped it in his hand, pushing the nipple up further. With a soft pop he pulled his lips free, his breath blowing across the wet skin. Goose bumps spread over the delicate skin as she shivered.

“Say my name, lass. I’ve longed to hear it in my dreams.”

She’d say anything as long as he’d resume sucking her nipple.


His breath roughened. “Again.”

The fingers on her breast released the globe to trail down the center of her body.

“Welcome home, Brodick.”

“Aye, ye’re that, a welcoming thing to find waiting in my bed.”

His fingers found the curls at the top of her sex. Her back arched, sensation drawing her muscles tight with anticipation.

“I wonder though. Just how welcoming ye’re feeling.”

One large finger parted her slit, sliding across her clitoris. A soft gasp crossed her lips as sensation jolted through her. It was wild and strong, spiking up into her passage, her sheath becoming needy and demanding.

“Warm, aye, but still not as hot as I know ye can be.”

He was teasing her but she did not care. His finger stroked her clitoris, rubbing the little point of pleasure with slow circular motions. Heat raged inside her, growing hotter with each second. Her thighs parted further, the folds of her slit opening. He ran his finger down the plump lips to the opening of her body, gently teasing it all the way around before dipping into her sheath just a tiny amount. A harsh cry left her lips as the muscles of her passage tried to clasp that fingertip. She felt so empty it hurt.

“Now that’s much hotter. I must have found the right coals to stoke.” His finger penetrated deeply, gently sliding over the needy walls of her sheath. Her hips bucked, lifting towards him. Her body was slick, taking his finger easily.

“A man could nae ask for a warmer welcome than that.”

His teasing was driving her insane. He felt too far away. She wanted to feel his body pressing down on top of hers, every bit of her skin in contact with his.

“Come to me, lover.”

Her voice sounded foreign, sultry. Holding her arms open, she waited for him to answer her.


Demand edged his voice. His finger left her body before he rolled over her. She clasped her thighs around his hips, spreading wide for him. His elbow took most of his weight, pressing against the mattress near her head.

“Aye, indeed.”

He pressed his cock into her, stretching her body with his girth. She arched towards him, moaning with enjoyment. Her sheath gripped his hard flesh, enjoying the nips of near pain that ran through her because of his absence. Her clitoris began throbbing in earnest, begging for friction.

“Verra warm and welcoming.”

His words didn’t shock her tonight. They fanned the flames higher, sending more heat racing towards her passage. He moved, withdrawing to the tip of his cock. She echoed his motion, lifting her bottom when he began thrusting back into her.

A harsh cry left her lips as his length rubbed along her swollen clitoris. Her body shuddered, sweat popping out on her skin. She was too needy. Felt too hot. Her body was greedy and starving for his. She gripped his thick biceps, her fingers curling into the firm muscles.

“Aye, lass, hold on to me. I’ll nae leave you wanting.”

His body made good on that promise, riding her with a steady, pounding rhythm that shook the bed. Her cries filled the bed curtains, pleasure flooding her. The hard flesh riding her sent delight through her entire body. Her lover hissed through his teeth, growling as he moved faster, sinking his cock deeper into her with each hard thrust. Her pleasure began to tighten around his length as she felt him swell larger. He bucked and she gasped, her lungs freezing.

“That’s it,
milk me

He snarled as his body thrashed, bearing down on hers, burying his cock with a savage grunt. Pleasure burst through her and it continued while his seed spurted against the mouth of her womb. Time froze, unmoving as she heard only one heartbeat and then waited for the next one.

When it came, she fell back onto the bed, her muscles spent. Satisfaction rippled along her limbs while Brodick rolled off her. He captured her body, pulling her against his chest.

“I’ve a good mind to ride out every day for the rest of our lives just so I can be welcomed back.”

His hand smoothed her hair, gripping the braid she’d secured it into before lying down.

“I dinnae like your hair plaited.”

“Yes, my lord.” Anne drew his title out, fatigue taking away her worries. While the dark hid the rest of the world, she could enjoy being his lover. For now he wanted her.

She didn’t have the will to deny him.


There was no fire in the chamber.

Brodick knelt in front of the fireplace, a hand held over the cold ashes. A deep frown marred his features. Pink colored the horizon, dawn visible through the open curtains.

There hadn’t been one laid in the chamber for at least a week.

He knew it. His gaze cut toward the bed, suspicion darkening his eyes. Anne was still sleeping, curled up in the bedding. Her feet tangled in the fabric to hold it close to her.

He looked at one candelabra and then walked to the next. It held a single inch of remaining candle. Fury filled him as he looked around the chamber to find other tasks that had been left undone while he was away. His temper flared into a full blaze and he did nothing to check it. The slim form of his wife lying in the bed only added more fuel to his anger.

His wife would never go without…not while he drew breath.

She stirred, reaching out for him. A lump formed in his throat as she frowned when her fingers found nothing but cool sheets. Her eyelids fluttered and she looked for him, searching the bed while a worried look took control of her face.

It was the most haunting expression he’d ever seen. That look of longing…for him. The lack of comforts in the chamber became personal as he watched her shake the remains of slumber away to look for him. It was the thing he’d coveted when seeking a wife but the reality was far more precious than he’d imagined.

She was reaching for him.


Anne tried to keep a whimper behind her lips but failed. She sat up and looked across the chamber to find Brodick watching her. Relief pulsed through her and there was no hiding the smile that turned her lips up.

Brodick frowned at her.

“Why are there no candles?”

Anne looked away from his keen stare. She didn’t want to sully the name of his household. She’d hoped that he’d leave at dawn giving the servants a chance to right the chamber.

It would seem that no one at Sterling was lucky this morning.

“It is nothing to worry about.”

Stepping from the bed, she hurried into her clothing, fighting off a queasy stomach. Worry was filling her belly with nausea so thick, she had trouble keeping it down. She reached for some of the bread left on the vanity without thinking about it. Moving the cloth she’d wrapped it in aside, she pulled off a piece, desperate to calm her belly.

“Have ye been supping here as well? On naught but stale bread? Little wonder yer face is thin.” He sounded deadly now. “Where’s Helen? I’ve a few questions for her.”

Anne lifted a hand to feel her face. Her cheekbones were more pronounced.

“Aye, madam, you’ve lost a stone if I’m nae mistaken.” He moved toward the door and pulled it open.


His voice bounced around the lower tower.

“She is not here. Her daughter gave birth the night you left. You mustn’t be cross. Family is very important. I do not begrudge her the time.”

Brodick turned a hard glare on her. “Then where is Ginny? There’s maids a plenty in Sterling. Helen would nae have left without assigning the duty to another. She’s served at Sterling for too many years for such a lapse.”

“I do not need pampering.”

“Pampering?” Anger flickered in his eyes. “Nae even the stable lads endure without warmth and light in this castle. Did ye tell Ginny to leave ye without?”

Brodick didn’t wait for her answer. She was still closing her doublet when he shook his head in disapproval.

“I dinnae care, she should never have listened to ye if ye did command her to do such a foolhardy thing. ’Tis nae warm enough at this time o’ year to be without a fire on the second floor. Ginny knows Sterling better than ye. There be nae reason for such an oversight. Ye were shivering last night.”

He was out the door before she knew his intention. Pushing her body after him, she frantically tried to think of a way to dissuade his anger. Yelling at his people would not endear her to them. She refused to be like Philipa receiving false respect while the gossips griped about her in the kitchen.

“My lord, it takes time for acceptance to grow. You must not be cross.”

He stopped on the main floor of the tower, turning to look at her, aghast by her words.

“What? There is no question of acceptance. Yer my wife.” He paused for a moment, trying to regain his composure. His temper looked frayed. “Tis nae that I do not value yer opinion, but this be a matter of yer health, madam. I’ll nae be told to ignore it. I’d be cross if I discovered the young lads in the smithy enduring such. Discovering my wife huddled in a surcoat in her own bed is cause for far more.”

“Yet I have told you that I am not frail and I am English. The surcoat kept me warm, I was not without comforts. Do understand there are a great many years of distrust between our people.”

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