Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One (35 page)

BOOK: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One
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2 - you're also mine! That works both ways.

3 - I don't care what anyone says double chocolate fudge cake is better than sex! Challenge me by all means, but I really love cake! 4: I am making this up as I go along. X


I hit send and laughed. I had deliberately mentioned two things to remind him that it worked both ways, also I knew he'd watch me eat cake and think of ways to challenge what I'd said.

His phone vibrated and he snorted as he read it. I watched as he typed before my phone lit up in my hand.


like lists! Lists are good! 1 and 2: Challenge accepted! 3: I literally will prove you wrong and give you many more things to submit to memory! Trust me, I got plenty of you! Like how your skin felt under my fingertips the first time we made love! Or how you arched your hips this morning! 4: I do believe I am yours! I have never been anybody's before! And 5: You are rather lovely when you grin at your phone like you are right now! X CB


I closed my eyes and took a breath in. I hadn't expected him to actually agree with me that he was mine, he hadn't been anybody's before, and I was working out if I was pleased about that or not. I linked my fingers through his and turned my head and smiled at him.

He smiled back and mouthed the words
‘I love you.’

‘And I you.’
I mouthed back. I had forgotten about Jones upfront.














chapter 21



I left him to his thoughts, I knew he'd tell me when he needed to, I got a sneaking suspicion he'd need to tell me at some point if it involved myself. The SUV turned into Paddington Tran Station and drove down a ramp, passing lines of parked up cars and ranks of taxies all picking up people with suitcases.

“Almost there now, she's on time too! For once! I can see her at the bottom.” Jones chuckled as he drove down and around the corner and over took the various taxies. I suddenly felt nervous.
Oh my god... Take a deep breath...

“Thank you! Yes, it is rather a miracle, but I think the presence of Miss Watson is why she's on time!” He took my hand and lightly squeezed it.

“You'll be fine darling! She already thinks your ace or whatever the kids say these days!” He smirked at me.

The lights from the inside pickup area of the station reflected inside the SUV, so I could see his face properly. I couldn't really read him all that well when he was back to being cold, business Cameron but his hand never let go of mine and it was his subtle way of saying, you will be fine, don't worry. I smiled as the SUV came to stand still once it was level with Georgia. She must have known the drill because she pulled open the passenger side door and got in slamming it shut.

“I swear to god there was a child crying all the way from Bristol! Seriously, its first class! Can't they shut the little brat up?! Nightmare! So when are we picking Evangeline up! Omg I am so excited!”

She was so busy shoving her bag in the foot well and complaining about her train ride that she'd not looked who was in the back with Cameron.

The smile spread across Cameron's face. “She's already here! Perhaps if you hadn't started off by moaning you'd have noticed! But I am so glad you shared your woes about train travel!” He shook his head.

She fell silent, and I felt sorry for her.

“It's okay, screaming children for a long journey would drive me nuts too!” I peeped around the seat so she could see me and gave her a huge grin.

Her whole face lit up. “Oh my god! Hi... I have been so excited about meeting you again! It's so amazing your dating Cam, we all thought he was like A sexual or gay or I dunno what but you make like a totally hot couple!” She clapped her hands together excitedly.

I blinked, I was actually overwhelmed at how fast she talked. The news about Cameron was interesting too, she hadn't thought Erin was his girlfriend then...

I was about to sit back when I heard Cameron clear his throat.

“Enough Georgia! You are making a show of yourself! Put your seat belt on, we can all talk over tea!” I heard him sit back against the leather seat.

Georgia didn't bat an eyelash at his tone, she just rolled her eyes at me and did what he said. I grinned as I sat back down, she knew him too well to take offense.

I glanced sideways and saw him smile at me and pull out his phone.

My phone flashed with a text and I grinned as I opened it up.

It's gonna be a long night! I apologize if she says anything inappropriate! X CB.


I didn’t want her to guess he was texting me so I didn’t reply I just grinned at him in the darkness of the SUV, his hand squeezed mine.

Jones pulled the SUV up at the side of the road and Cameron lent over to speak to him. “If all goes to plan then pick us up at around 11.15pm! You know the place!”

Jones nodded. “Sure thing, have a good night!” He grinned.

Cameron chuckled “I am sure we will do!” He undid his seatbelt and pushed open the door and slipped out closing it behind him.

I had gotten used to him wanting to open my door so I just undid my seatbelt and waited after a few seconds my door opened and I was greeted with a grin. “You are getting used to my ways!” He raised a brow as I hopped down. I shouldered my bag and his hand slipped over my lower back, he didn't open his sister's door instead we stood to one side as she got out.

“Jones said I won't need my backpack! So I've just got my jacket and purse!” She shut the door and studied us. “This is so weird!”

Cameron sighed. “I really don't think it is that weird to you! Come along, we've got a table booked!” He led us from the pavement to the door and held it open for me and Georgia to pass him.

I grinned. “Why thank you kind sir!” I winked at him as I passed him.

The restaurant was quite normal inside and I felt more relaxed here, it was quite busy and had a good vibe about it. Cameron joined us as we waited to be seated. A waitress not much older than myself walked over, all blonde hair and too much red lipstick.

“Hello, have you booked a table?!” She didn't even glance at me or Georgia she was only interested in Cameron, who of course seemed oblivious to her cow eyes.

“Yes, we have booked! Under the name of Ballard! Table for three!” His hand slipped over my lower back again, as if he was picking up what I was thinking.

She battered over done eyelashes at him. “Of course, the table is ready, if you'd like to follow me!” She gave him a grin and turned around and started to walk away in the direction of the table.

I shook my head as we followed her.

She led us to a nice quiet table booth and placed three menus down, I'll be your waitress for tonight, and my name is Rita. If you need anything, just shout!” She winked at Cameron.

Both Georgia and I breathed out of our noses in unison, she'd picked it up too.

Oh wow, she's really after a good tip, because she sure as hell won't be getting anything else!

Cameron turned to me and indicted for me to sit down. “Darling, if you sit next to me, then Georgia can talk to us across the table.” He grinned at me as he moved so I could slide in.

As I slid along the seat I deliberately brushed him with my backside.

“I'll leave you to look at the menus.” She walked off with a sour look on her face, leaving us to look at the menus.

Ha, yeah, he’s mine! Keep walking!

Cameron slid his jacket off as he sat down and Georgia sat down opposite. “Well, she was thirsty for a tip!” She shook her head.

I laughed. “Yeah, just a little!” I grinned.

Cameron placed his right hand over my left knee under the table. “So what are we all having?! I quite fancy the Angus steak burger!” He glanced down at the menu.

“Hmm, I dunno, I'm starving even though we ate not lot long ago! Always hungry!” I pulled a face as I studied the menu. They had so much to choose from I didn't know what to have.

“A bagel is hardly a meal! Not after that workout!” His fingers brushed up my leg, tantalizingly close to my sensitive spot.

I took a steadying breath. “Oh well, yes, very good workout! Was very good for the core!” I tried not to laugh.

“Well, if you say so darling!” He pointed to a burger on my menu. “That one is good, I've had that one before and I can recommend it!”

I glanced at the menu. “Oh, that sounds good, I'll have that then!” It was a beef burger with sweat cured bacon topping, it made my mouth water just thinking about it. “Might even get the sweet potato fries too! Oh wow they do onions rings!” I was pretty much drawling over the varied menu. “Does anyone wanna share the onion rings?! Cause they always give you like 10!” I glanced up to see Georgia stare at me open mouthed.

“You actually eat all that?! But you’re so slim!”

I glanced sideways at Cameron he wasn't giving anything away. I was clearly left to deal with this alone. “Um, well yeah! I like food! I work out a lot too! Also, I have nervous energy so I guess that helps! It's not like I eat this kinda stuff every day!” I smiled.

Cameron chuckled. “See, and you thought all celebrities females half-starved themselves! What are you having?!”

The waitress with the cow eyes came back over and loitered. “Can I get any drinks while you look at the menus?!” She asked the whole table at large.

“Three cokes please!” Cameron ordered for us all without even asking. I raised a brow as I looked at the menu. I didn't mind that he'd assumed we all wanted the same thing it was more that he hadn't asked. I’d rather of had diet but I knew he liked his sister to have normal things so I put up with the non-diet soda.

“Okay, three cokes and are you ready to order?! Or would you like extra time?!” She sounded like she wanted to know now, they never liked giving you extra time, and it meant the table was occupied for too long.

“I think we are ready, I'll have the steak burger, with sweet potato fries, my girlfriend will have the quarter pounder with cured bacon and sweet potato fries and can we have onion rings to share?! Georgia what do you want to eat?!” He glanced up.

I melted at being referred to as his girlfriend and Georgia was staring at him in shock, it really was all new to her.

“Uh oh, just a cheeseburger and normal fries, thanks.” She smiled.

The waitress made herself busy jotting down the orders and shot me a dirty look as I smiled sweetly at her. “If that's all I'll be off to get these sorted for you.” She didn't as much as look at Cameron again.

“That will be all!” Cameron turned his head away. “Evan, why don't you tell Georgie about your handmade patches and badges? I'm sure you two have a lot in common! I'm just gonna go make a phone call! I will be right back!” He leant over and kissed my cheek and then got up before I could even protest at being left alone with his sister.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before my brain kicked in. “So Cameron was saying that you have a vast collection of band merch! You got any shirts for the support band?!” I grinned.

She was silent for a while, and I panicked, maybe she didn't like to say, or maybe she thought I was boasting.

“Yeah, my mother is always moaning at me for having a personality! I love music, it kinda saved me a few times! I wish I had some of their merch but I just couldn't find any but I'm totes getting some tonight!” She grinned widely.

I smiled at the waiter who bought our drinks over, his eyes went wide as he saw me. “Hi! Sorry to pester you, but could I get a photo with you?!” He grinned widely at me.

This was normal for me, I didn't bat an eyelid, I smiled at Georgia.

“Uh, sure! Just very quickly though, I don't wanna offend my friend!” I slipped out of my seat and stood up.

“I can take the photo if you like! I'm her boyfriend’s sister!” She sprung up from her seat and held her hand out for his phone. “I'm a whiz at all types of photos!” She grinned excitedly.

“Thank you, names Tom by the way and thanks for taking the photo!” He grinned at her and she blushed.

I did my normal pose, not to pouty not too moody and hoped for the best. Georgia took a couple photos for him and then handed the phone back.

“Thanks again Evan, so much! Literally made my day!” He grinned and walked away looking at his phone as we sat back down. I stirred my coke with my straw. “Sorry about that! I hate saying no, makes me feel horrible! However, sometimes you just have to!”

She grinned. “It's so cool and he was kinda cute!” She sipped her drink and lent over the table. “So have you and Cam had sex yet?! Was he a virgin cause he's never had a girlfriend before?”

I coughed on my mouthful of drink.

Oh my god.
As if she just asked me that!
A virgin he was not! His family clearly couldn’t have known about his kinky sex partners! The drink caught at the back of my throat and I couldn't stop coughing.

A hand patted my back firmly. “Just try and breathe.” Cameron had come back, and in the nick of time too.

I took a few deep breaths and found the coughing stopped. “Oh wow.” I used one of the napkins to dry my face and hand.

“What happened?!” His voice was laced with suspicion.

I glanced at Georgia, her face had gone pale.

“It's okay, I was just taking a drink when it went down the wrong hole!” I gave him a bright smile.

“Ah, I see!” He raised a brow at me, he knew it wasn't the truth, but he wasn't going to push it.

“Our drinks arrived, while you were outside and the guy was kinda cute and he asked Evan for a photo! I took it, I volunteered myself!” She smiled proudly.

I cringed mentally, why did she have to go and tell him for?! I knew he wouldn't like it.

He turned his head towards me and raised an eyebrow. “Really! Hmm, I missed all the fun!” His hand slipped under the table and over my leg again, his fingers slipping through the frayed areas of my jeans, pressing them into the soft skin of my thigh, his hands were cold from being outside and I sucked a breath in, suppre
ssing a yelp, it felt good in an odd sort of way. This way his not so subtle way of reminding me I was his, not that I needed reminding. So I placed my hand over his, warming his hand up.

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