Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One (58 page)

BOOK: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One
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“Your eyes dance when you smile, I could watch you all day and never get bored of seeing how your face reacts!” He chuckled.














chapter 31



The lift came to a halt, the doors rolling open and I stepped out dragging him with me. “Well, that would be weird, but whatever floats your boat.” I winked at him playfully and laughed.

“Oh trust me darling, you do float my boat!” He smirked as we walked towards the car.

I laughed, I should have known he'd throw the comment back at me.

“Well, I'm glad to hear it cause I gotta tell you, I like how you float your boat. There is no such thing as calm waters when you float your boat with me!” I smirked broadly, proud of my comeback.

He laughed as he unlocked the car. “I love you!” He grinned.

I tiptoed to reach him and softly kissed his lips. “I love you to Cameron.”

His arms locked around my waist as he pulled me flush to him. “My heart fills with words I can't verbalize properly whenever I hear you say that, I had always refused to say the words before because they never had real meaning, but now it makes my heart sing to know we say it because we mean it!”

“I understand what you mean, I know you find it hard to show affection in the way I do, but I know you love me, its okay.” I was trying to tell him that he didn't have to keep saying it if it made him feel weird.

He chuckled. “I say it because I want to, but I appreciate your sentiment.”

I glanced at him sideways, his side profile was just as powerful, his jaw line cut like fine marble that even the best art galleries would have found hard to give justice to.

He smiled as he backed the car out of the space before driving off towards the exit. We left the darkness of the underground car lot and passed back out onto the road. The sun was high up in the sky now, letting light into the car via the panoramic sunroof. I squinted and adjusted the sun visor. I really should have packed my sunglasses. I'd got a bit of collection back at my apartment, but little good to me now as we drove away.

“There is a pair of sunglasses in the glove department, actually I'll have mine too! It's quite bright now.”

I leant forward and unclipped the door to the glove department and found two pairs of wraparound style dark Michael Kors sunglasses. I was confused by their being two pairs when he had said he'd not taken any one out in the car before me. I picked them both up, one pair was bigger than the other, more masculine while the others had silver accents and were more feminine. I handed him the bigger pair and watched him slide them on his face. He didn't offer up an explanation so I shut the door and sat back as I unfolded the arms of the pair in my hand. They were stiff, so they hadn't been worn very much. I slid them on, my eyes thanked me automatically as they relaxed. I chewed my lip. Why should I even care that someone else had worn them before me. It didn't matter did it?! But a small part of my mind niggled at me, where they hers?! Had she worn them?! Or where they from one of his other partners?! I hated that I even cared.

“You've gone silent, what’s the matter?!” He sounded worried.

I chewed my lip wondering if I should say, but I didn't want to sound like a jealous teenager. “I'm fine. Just thinking is all.” I glanced out of the window and watched as London whizzed past us.

“You have something on your mind, you're worrying your bottom lip again! Tell me.”

His fingers brushed my cheek momentarily making me smile.

“It's pathetic, so I'd rather not say.” I glanced at him as he drove. He looked hotter than ever with his sunglasses on and I got distracted by his cheek bones. You could cut paper with those, I mused.

“I don't care if it's pathetic or not it's quite clearly playing on your mind so tell me please.” His tone was clipped and I knew he was lost because he'd probably never had this before. Never had anyone asking questions.

“The smaller pair of sunglasses, do they belong to anyone?!” I wasn't sure how to put over what I wanted to ask.

He laughed. “Yes, to me, but I don't think that's what you meant to ask is it my darling?!”

I rolled my eyes as he laughed, I didn't find it funny. “No, it wasn't! Why do you have his and hers sunglasses in your car?!” I sighed. “Not that it's any of my business!”

I heard him breathe out heavily. “Because I put them there! Its summer, I assumed if we went out in the car you may like a pair so you don't have to squint! They are new, nobody and by nobody I mean my partners have ever worn them! Of all the things that could pray on your mind about me, you choose an innocent pair of sunglasses!” He paused. “You are a strange little thing.”

I cringed for ever thinking they had been used before, but it was so hard to know what he had done with any of them, he never talked about if he took them places or drove them anywhere and in part I was glad I didn’t know but it drove me mad not knowing.

“Oh. I just well, I guess I was jealous! I told you it was pathetic!” I shook my head. “I am a strange little thing I quite agree! I'm sorry.”

He trailed his fingers down my cheek again. “Don't say sorry, I know what I had before was very different to us, to what we have but I don't feel you'd gain any benefit from knowing my arrangements with them! They didn't mean anything to me and that's all that should concern you! You on the other hand mean the world to me!”

I would never understand how they had meant nothing to him. They had to have had something for him to have sex with them surely. Some of them he'd kept for a long time! Did that mean he liked them or where they just good at their jobs?! Was it even classed as a job?! Not the kind of thing you could add to your CV was it! I was punishing myself mentally and I had to get out what I was thinking or I'd explode.

“If they meant nothing how can you have had sex with them for so long?! I mean to be turned on enough to actually do that?!” I sighed. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask, but I really don't get how guys can do that!” I shrugged my shoulders confused by my feelings.

He ran his hand over his face in frustration. “Evan, it wasn't their personalities that attracted me, they were simply there to please me whenever I needed them! What they got out of it other than money was pleasure! That was it! Aside from Erin, the rest were all contracted via an agency, I'll admit she was a mistake! A huge bloody pain in my arse mistake that I had to cut loose! They and she meant nothing to me! I understand I am asking a lot of you to not ask questions or to even understand how it works, but I don't want it to taint what we have! I can't give you the answers you want because I don't know how to answer you properly, without going into detail which you won't like!”

I puffed out my cheeks. He had a point, I would just have to live with not knowing. I knew Erin was still an issue, regardless of what he had said, she had bunny boiler written all over her, if what I had witnessed outside The Shard was anything to go by. I let a breath go. I had to let this insecurity go or drive us both mad.

“I know I probably drive you fucking mental with all my worries and questions, I apologize for that, thanks for putting up with me!” I placed my hand on his thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

His face split into a smile. “I will have to punish you for constantly saying sorry to me! Yes, you do drive me mental but darling I understand why you ask me things I just wish my answers were helpful!”

I squeezed his thigh again, but this time higher up. “Well, I don't see what you’re gonna do to me in a car, but just so you know, I like having love bites where only you can see them! It's a kinda turn on knowing I could be standing talking to someone and they'd never know you'd been there, hovering between my legs pressing all my buttons.” I bit my lip.

He let a shuddery breath go. “Oh, what I will do you when I get you home!” His voice dropped to a husky, rich tone. “Oh, Evangeline, my sweet, sweet, Evangeline I will make you beg.”

Oh holy hell.

My whole body erupted in goose bumps at the desire in his tone.

I would beg, I would do anything to hear that voice urging me on. I licked at my dry lips. “Well, really?! Make me beg, you say?! Hmm.” I hummed. “Mr. Ballard are you planning on having your wicked way with me?!” I laughed as he turned onto the road that led past Hyde Park.

“My dearest Miss Watson, I most definitely am! I am going to touch places that bring you to the edge of pleasure and pain!” His hand stroked down my cheek.

I forgot how to breathe properly for a second as I registered what he had said. “Oh, okay.”

Oh my god, I am so turned on right now. Fuck, how can one man turn me on so much just by telling me what he was planning on doing to me?!
The simple answer was because I knew he'd do everything he said, and I'd adore it.

“Your squeezing your thighs together, are you turned on?!” I could feel the atmosphere between us in the car change, it was hot and full of promise.

“Yea, just a little! It's that husky tone of voice, it does things internally!” I clenched.

“We're almost back home! Once we get in the lift, I'm going to kiss you!”

I took a breath in. “I'm gonna kiss you too!” I knew as soon as the lift doors shut, fireworks would go off and the anticipation was killing us both.


Cameron parked the car up in his bay and cut the engine. “I'll get your backpack, then we will make our way to the lift.”

His eyes burned into mine and I lost the ability to speak so I just nodded at him as I fumbled for the handle to open my door.

I met Cameron around the side of the car as he shouldered my backpack and we walked side by side towards the lifts our hands brushing against each other.

I pressed the button for the lift and waited. I could feel him watching me, his eyes never leaving my body. As the lift doors rolled open I stepped in and felt my back collide with the lift wall as Cameron span me around to face him, throwing my backpack to one side as he swiped to take us up to his apartment.

I caught my breath. “Mind my laptop!” My heart beat funny in my chest as I heard my backpack collide with the corner of the lift.

I stared up at him as he placed both of his hands on my waist. His body pressed into mine, stopping me from moving, he towered above me, his body radiating his intention. My heart slammed up a gear as my breathing hitched.

“I'll buy you another one!” His lips met mine with an intense heat that exploded between us.

His hands gripped my sides as he lifted me up like I weighed nothing pushing my back up the lift wall as he continued to kiss down my neck, pulling my skin into mouth, his teeth grazing my skin.

I moaned loudly, it was almost painful and my feet no longer connected with the floor as I wrapped my legs around his middle I arched my head back. I had never ever made out like this in a lift before, but I could feel myself throb right down in my core.

I pulled at his hair with my fingers as he ran his hands up under my top, un-popping my bra.

I gripped him with my thighs as he silenced my moans with his lips. I pushed my hips against his, I could feel him harden against me.

The sound of the lift coming to halt with a slight jolt made me gasp.

“Fuck it.” Cameron exclaimed as he let me down, but remained standing in front of me as the lift doors rolled open.

I heard the awkward cough of a man as someone else joined us in the lift. It couldn't have gone more than one floor up.

I giggled softly into Cameron's jumper somewhat embarrassed at having been caught. He remained standing where he was, shielding me. The journey upwards was awkward, no one said anything. Cameron's hands smoothed my hair the whole time. As the lift stopped at level 6 the male got out and left us alone. I started to laugh as the doors closed.

Cameron stepped back. “All the years I have lived here I have never ever met anyone in this damn lift.” He licked his lips as he moved back towards me. “So I believe I was about to attempt to take your top off! Oh, and the way your legs gripped me made me hard!” His hands found my waist again gripping me.

I arched my head back. “I did notice!”

He grinned impishly at me as he pushed me against the wall, silencing me with his mouth once more.

I could barely concentrate by the time the lift reached Cameron's floor I was out of breath and horny as hell.

“I am taking you to bed right now!” He groaned as he grabbed hold of my backpack as the doors rolled open, I watched as he sent it sliding out of the lift and into the entrance hall. I stepped out of the lift and took two paces before Cameron's body gravitated towards me. His eyes searing me. I grabbed him just as he reached me and pulled him down to me, hungry to kiss his perfect lips. He moaned and pushed be back towards the little table, making it buffer against the wall, the vase that so beautifully displayed flowers toppled off and smashed as it connected with the floor.

“Oops.” I looked up at him as he picked me up and sat me on the table standing between my legs, his hands tugging at the hem of my hoodie.

“I never did like that vase anyway!” He grinned as he yanked my hoodie off pulling my shirt with it.

I laughed as I pulled at his top, pushing my hands up his back as I tugged it off his head, I didn't care where it landed all I wanted was for
my skin to make contact with his. He kissed down my neck, the glass table cold under my back as he sucked and nipped all the way down my past my navel.

“Fuck.” I arched my hips up as his fingers un-popped my jeans.

“You taste so good.” He moaned huskily as he pulled me up from the table. We stepped around the broken glass as we made our way into his apartment all the time gravitating towards each other, I kicked my shoes off and he stopped to take his own off. I took advantage of him being distracted and shoved him roughly against the wall in the hall and held him in place as I licked all the way from his happy trail up and over one of his nipples coming to a stop at his collarbone, nipping softly.

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