Hyde (32 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: Hyde
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Hanna gripped Sam. She just wanted one more

"I'll go." She whispered.

Sam held her, "No."

Hanna nodded, "He wont hurt me."

Lorri shook her head, "I don’t honestly give a
half a shit about some sister. Hanna stays."

Hanna reached for the door to the truck, "I'll
go." She tried to open it. Sam held her refusing to move, "No you

She looked up into his eyes seeing the anger and
heart break.

He growled, "No offense Aimee but I don’t give a
fuck about your sister either. Hanna stays with me."

Hanna watched Aimee helplessly sit on the

Hanna nodded, "I'll go." She pulled herself away
from Sam. Lorri looked at her, "You sure?"

She nodded. Lorri put a hand on Sam. His hands
dropped from Hanna.

Aimee touched her and they were outside the SUV.
Hanna bent over throwing up all over the cement.

Aimee grabbed her arms, "When I get her I will
come for you. Be ready."

Hanna nodded, "Even if you don’t it's cool. I'll
get away. I always do."

"HANNA! DON’T DO THIS." Sam screamed against the
window, she watched as Lorri held Sam, preventing him from flashing
from the SUV.

She put a hand up to the glass, "It's just the
bracelet Sam. When I get a new one you wont feel that way anymore.
You'll feel better."

He shook his head, "No Hanna I don’t need the
cure. My mom's a Siren too. The magic doesn’t work on me. Not like
that. I sense what you are, what you feel, what you need. I love

She felt Marcus grab her, before she could
comprehend the information.

All along his love had been real. Their sexual
magnetism was real. She struggled to get away from Marcus. She
shoved him as hard as she could. He fell back, she ran around the
truck to the open window.

He was her match, she loved him. It was

"SAM YOU'RE MY MATCH!' She stuck her head in the

Sam leapt over Lorri shoving his head through
the window. His lips met hers for a second.

The electricity that had been there before was
there again, only it was ten times stronger. She felt all the air
leave her body.

Marcus grabbed her by the hair dragging her back
to the car, "Enough of this Hanna." He spoke through his fangs at
Aimee, "I will tell Aleks as soon as I have her home."

Tears poured down Hanna's cheeks as Sam made eye
contact with her. She cried out, "I love you." She could see Lorri
holding Sam in the truck. He was screaming and fighting an ever
still Lorri.

She was shoved into the car again. Her hands
trembled. The sexual tension and build up was gone. Marcus climbed
into the car, slamming the door shut.

He looked at Hanna, "You will be a good girl
Hanna or my pit stop will be to eat Aimee's gorgeous sister."

She nodded heaving silently, as tears poured
down her face.

She watched out the window as Henry got into the
car. Sam vanished from the truck just as Henry started the car. He
drove from the scene quickly. Hanna watched out the back window as
Sam appeared on the road chasing the car screaming her name. He ran
and flashed, keeping up with the car for blocks until Henry turned
up a freeway exit. Her heart felt as if it were being ripped from
her chest as she watched him get smaller. Soon they turned the
corner and he was gone. Her love was gone.

Chapter Fifty-One: What in Sam Hell


Aleks watched Ari. She looked angrily at

Sam paced the living room sending off one of the
more hostile vibes Aleks had ever encountered.

"You attacked me when her bracelet was off but
the magic doesn’t affect you?" She finally spoke after a few tense

Sam ignored her.

Ari stood but Lydia stepped between them. She
looked at Lucas, "What would you do if someone hurt Ari?"

Lucas didn’t even flinch, "Rip them to

Sam continued to ignore the conversation.

Ari sat back down as Lucas pulled her into his
lap and continued, "I would murder their entire family."

Lydia shook her head, "How hard is it for you to
watch as she fights in the ring?"


Lydia sat back down, "Do you hold a grudge
against the person for weeks after they’ve hurt her?"

He nodded.

"Lydia I get the point." Ari spoke, obviously
still annoyed.

"Now imagine she is dating someone else, even
though you know she is your mate. But imagine she doesn’t know, not
yet." Lydia crossed her arms.

Lucas growled.

Aleks felt disgusted with himself for his part
in it all, "Markus knew she was a Siren from the start I think. He
cannot feel love, not the way everyone else can. Hanna loves so
deeply she makes him feel something."

Sam leapt across the room pinning Aleks against
the wall. He couldn’t believe the strength he had. Aleks shook his
head, "I'm on your side. I will help you kill him."

Everyone froze as Aleks's phone rang.

Sam released him and stepped back.

Aleks nearly destroyed the thing pulling it from
his pocket, "Yes?"

"You may come now." Marcus sounded smug.

Aleks ended the call and looked at Aimee, "I can
go now." Her grave look hadn’t left her face since Hanna had

Sam spoke softly, "What are we waiting for

Aleks looked at Sam and shook his head, "You
can't come. Henry will sense you."

Sam exploded with anger, "That’s my fucking soul
trapped in that piece of shits castle. I'm coming."

Aleks looked at Lorri who nodded subtly. Aleks
held his arms out, "Fine but I have to be holding you, you don’t
know the way."

Sam laughed, "I can get there myself. I trace
you the entire way."

Aleks raised his eyebrow as Sam stepped forward.
He'd been secretive with his abilities, even Aimee had no clue what
all he did and they had become fast friends.

Aleks left the room feeling the warm wind swirl
around him.

He was standing across the street from the
castle. He pointed at the tree next to him as Sam appeared, "This
is as close as you get."

"Fine." He was gone instantly but Aleks looked
up seeing a branch in a tree swaying under weight.

Aleks left him there, appearing at the castle

Henry was waiting for him at the front door.


He nodded at Aleks and pointed inside.

Aleks walked inside looking for Hanna instantly.
He couldn’t see her in the muted light. Only Marcus enjoyed living
with so little light.

"My old friend, how are you?"

He turned seeing Marcus walking down the

"Where is she? I want to see if she's okay."

"HANNA!" Marcus yelled down the hall behind

Aleks frowned as a scream filled the air in

Marcus held his hands out, "Satisfied?"

"Not nearly. I want to see her."

Marcus crossed his arms, "No. Now Alise is being
held in France, south of France. Daniel has a property there. I
believe you are aware of it. Blake has a lab set up there. They've
always been there. Boston was a set up. Alise is living there as
Blake's slave. He is a bit twisted, there aren’t words for how she
lives some days."

Aleks felt disgusted thinking about Aimee's
sister living like that.

"You may go now."

Aleks grinned, "Okay." He was gone reappearing
in an empty room. He vanished reappearing in the next room. He
sighed again seeing it empty.

He vanished and appeared in a dark room. He saw
firelight in a small corner of the huge room.

"Hanna?" He cried out.

She ran to him, making it only part way across
the room before a huge steel manacle and chain stopped her from
going further.

She wore only a small white nightdress. She
looked out of place in it, it was not how imagined her dressing for
bed. She seemed like much more of a jersey cotton flannel kind of

He wrapped his arms around her.

"Can we get it off?"

She shook her head, "No Henry did it. It's

He grabbed at it. Already it was starting to
wear at her skin on her ankle.

"How's Sam?"

"He's, well, he's across the street in a tree
and very angry. He wants you back."

She nodded stifling a sob, "I want him too."

He pulled her back, "I feel different round you

"Yes alarming isn’t it. Apparently young Sam is
her match. Her true love. Very rare for a Siren. More common
apparently when the male is the offspring of a Siren."

Aleks stepped back watching Marcus walk into the

"He isn’t here to free me." She spoke

Marcus's dark eyes shot at her, "As if he could
take you from me. Unfortunately for you, Henry no longer feels the
need to help you. Your seductive powers are gone."

Aleks watched Marcus with a glare, "You need to
let her go Marcus. This isn’t the fourth century, you can't just
hold women captive."

Marcus shouted pointing at Hanna like a madman,
"She isn’t a woman. She is a Siren. She is MY Siren. Get out."

Aleks looked at Hanna who nodded. Aleks left her
there like a coward.

He looked up at Sam in the tree, "She's trapped
for now. Lets go home. We need to get to Alise before they move her

"You go. I'll stay here."

"He will kill you instantly if he finds

"Well I'd rather die than be without her. You
can't understand what this feels like."

Aleks sighed, "I do know what it feels like. Sam
if you die she is going to be a regular Siren again. She will exude
sexuality and he will enjoy every second of that."

Sam dropped from the tree grabbing Aleks and
lifting him into the air, "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OF HER THAT WAY!"


Sam put him down, "I need her back. I was trying
to give her space. Like an idiot. I wanted her to see me as a
friend and fall in love with me that way. The real way. I could see
she wanted it. Love without magic. I knew he had her bewitched. I
knew once she was away from him she would see more clearly."

Aleks felt sickened for him, "How long have you
known she was your match?"

"I met her when she was three and I was four.
Our mother's were friends. She was a brat then but I saw it. Her
red hair was more orange then but her freckles were the same." A
tear ran down his cheek.

Aleks couldn’t imagine how desperate he felt,
"Why didn’t you ever try to explain it all to her?"

He sighed laughing at himself and sniffling,
"She didn’t grow up knowing what she was. She was a regular girl. I
wanted it to be natural for her. I didn’t want to just march up and
lay my claim on her heart. I am an idiot. I never should have
listened to her father. He wanted her left alone. No one from our
world was allowed near her." His eyes turned dark and frightening
the way Dorian's did, "I will get her back."

Aleks heaved a sigh, "I know. Right now we have
to go back to formulate a plan. A proper one."

Sam growled looking at the castle once more
before going home.

Chapter Fifty-Two: Mother Lover


His lips were dragging up her throat.

"Hanna I need you to want me again."

She felt the disgusted look cross her face, "It
isn’t in my control. Sam is where my heart is."

He grabbed her waist, "I don’t need your

She groaned, "Please Marcus just let me go."

"Never. I'm going to kill your little boy toy
and then you'll be free to love again."

She looked at him haunted, "Marcus I will never
love you if you harm a hair on his head."

"What will you do Hanna? Fight me everyday on
the matter? Kill yourself like your mother did?"

She gasped, "What?"

He nodded, "Yeah, she wouldn’t admit her love
for me. She swore her heart belonged to your father. I threatened
to kill him and she committed suicide. It was cruel and selfish.
She left you and I both."

She felt a disgusted feeling creeping up her
stomach, "You loved my mother after you took the potion? You made
her commit suicide?"

"Hanna I never took the potion. Who would want
to end the love of a Siren? Nothing is more amazing than being with
a woman like you."

"You said you took it and stopped loving my
mother. You let me believe she died in a car accident." She had to
keep him talking, she didn’t want his hands on her again. He had
loved her mother, she felt like retching.

"I lied. I've loved several women and with each
I find they say they want to know about my past until I've told
them. Then they wish they never knew. I spared you the agony of
knowing. I've lived long enough to know what you need to hear from
me Hanna. I made you love me once. I can do it again."

"Marcus." Her lips trembled at the sight of the
coldness in his eyes.

"Hanna you cannot imagine the effort that has
gone into this plan. It's been in the works since you were seven.
They always say you can't plan for every detail but I did, every
detail but Sam." He paced the room.

"What have you done?"

He turned angrily, "I did what I had to Hanna. I
tested your blood, nothing would change you but death."

Her stomach sank, "You made my aunt murder me
and my friend?"

He laughed, "Your friend was an accident Hanna,
you have to believe that. Cecile was an idiot. I told her about the
money but she didn’t care. She loved you. So I made her feel like
it was all her idea."

"What about the houses?"

"What do you think?"

She felt sick, "I think you compelled her into
betraying me so I would change. My death would trigger the changes.
You knew I was a Siren, you knew I would attract other men. You
needed me to be dangerous so I would only feel safe with you. Every
moment we have spent has been a lie."

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