Hyde (26 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: Hyde
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He froze and slowly placed her on the ground.
Hanna stepped back from him panting.

Annabelle put her hands on her hips, "Now this
aint that kinda of house. You needs to be doing that nonsense in
your rooms."

Hanna stepped back again but she felt her body
pull, she wanted to be back in his arms.

She could see the sparkle in his eyes as he took
a step toward her. She turned and ran from the house as quickly as
she could. He was instantly behind her as she ran out the front
door. She gasped and jumped in the car. She started it as fast as
she could and drove away. She remembered Aleks once saying that
they couldn’t flash into moving objects.

In the car, tears formed in her eyes. She drove
away without looking back, she knew he watched her leave from the
front door.

She drove to Marcus's house. She needed to free
of at least one of them. She couldn’t make Sam not want her without
the cure and if she was truly honest with herself she didn’t want
to. She wanted him the most out of them all. Even though she knew
nothing about him.

Andy was a different story though. She needed to
make the list of men who loved her smaller. She was a monster and
Andy was never going to be safe around her. He would never
understand why other men were attracted to her so fanatically.

Henry greeted her with his usual smile. She
looked down at the charm bracelet she held in her hand wanting to
throw it across the yard. Maybe the bloody thing was broken.

She stormed into the house, "Marcus." She called

"Came back for more did you?"

She growled at him, "You need to help me. I need
to free Andy from my evil clutches."

He walked from the shadows in the huge hallway,
"You want your list of suitors smaller? How can I help? I might
even be able to help with Aleks. Henry owes him a death. I bet if
you asked he would do it."

"Not even funny, Aleks had the potion. Use your
mind tricks on Andy. I gave him the potion and he's still attracted
to me. You can convince him he barely knows me and wasn’t very fond
of me. I will end up hurting him. Tell him something. Maybe that I
was a spoiled rotten bitch. I don’t know. I disgust him.
Something." She was on the verge of tears again but the struggle
was the only thing stopping her from ripping her clothes off.

As he got closer she felt the shiver strike her
body, "Oh my Hanna. You seem to be blossoming."

She gave him her best you disgust me look while
trying not to stare at his crotch, "Just do it."

He nodded, "Your wish is my command."

He was gone instantly. She knew he couldn’t fly
but she wondered how he moved so quickly.

She ran from his house.


Back at her house she locked the doors and
windows and poured herself a glass of wine and a hot bath. She
ignored Roland completely, or rather he ignored her. She'd messed
up Christmas completely by getting mixed up in the Roses

The hot water only made the ache in her stomach
worse. Images of sex and Marcus filled her mind. She shook it off
downing the glass of wine and pouring another.

She opened the book becoming fascinated from the
first words.

'Sirens are never to be trusted.' She nodded
along with the opening line, "No kidding."

She became absorbed in the details. Her powers
started to make sense to her. Marcus turning her on without
releasing her was like pulling the pin on a grenade. She had reeked
of sex all day. Strangers trying to kiss her and Sam. She thought
about him again. The book started to slip in her fingers as she
imagined Sam.

Her thighs tightened, as her breathing grew
intense. She couldn’t think about anything except wonder what he
looked like without clothes, what his hands felt like on her, what
he tasted like?

She sat up feeling a fever crash over her skin.
She ached everywhere. She got out of the bath and put on her lest
sexy pajamas.

She paced still reading the book in front of her
fire. The fire made her images of Sam's naked body with flickering
firelight dancing across the floor. She sighed.

"Why do I have a terrible the feeling you're not
thinking about me?"

She spun seeing Marcus standing in her

"How did you get in here?"

He laughed, "Hanna. Locked doors and windows
will never keep me from what is mine."

She whimpered, "Marcus I can't do this right
now. I don’t want to play games. Some thing is horribly wrong with

He chuckled walking toward her.

She backed away, her body tried to push her
forward but she fought it.

His arms encompassed her, his eyes burned down
on her, "You are mine Hanna."

She nodded staring into his dark blue eyes.

His lips met hers. They stroked her lips too
softly, she wanted the fire to burn her aching skin. She wanted his
fangs to bite down. She wanted things she couldn’t say aloud for
fear of humiliation and rejection.

"What do you want my love?"

"You." She moaned into his ears.

He kissed her neck, "Someone has been kissing
you Hanna." He stepped back.

The distance between them felt like miles.

"You got me very, uhm, into it the other night.
It makes me a walking sex bomb."

He laughed, "What?"

She pointed to the book on the table beside her
fireplace, "That book explains everything."

He looked at it, "Well maybe we should read it

She lunged at him, "Later." Her voice scared
her. A wave of heat filled her. Her mind was shut down as her body
took over.

She continued to push him until his legs hit her
mattress collapsing him on her bed.

He chuckled as she ripped the pants from his
body in one swipe.

She didn’t know how she'd done it, but the fear
in his eyes was worth destroying jeans that had hugged his ass

She bent dragging her lips across his body, down
his torso.

Suddenly he was gone, she fell forward on the

She felt his warmth behind her. Her pajamas were
gone, she couldn’t recall the moment they were removed. His hands
pushed her into the mattress, as his legs spread hers with a soft

"You want me to show you what you do to me?"

She whimpered, unable to form words. He pressed
himself against her. He entered her but withdrew instantly, "How
badly do you want this Hanna?"

She pressed her bottom at him unable to

His hands rubbed her back. She tried to stand
up, but he pushed against her and shoved her face back on the bed.
His hand went up into her hair, he pulled on it as he pushed
himself all the way in.

Her skin lit on fire as a single shiver rocked
her entire body. His right hand pulled her hair while his left hand
held her down on the bed and he thrust wildly.

She screamed in ecstasy as her body convulsed.
Suddenly as if he sensed she needed it, he slowed his rhythm and
released her hair. His face brushed along her back where he left
little kisses, as he rubbed and massaged her. His thrusts were long
and slow. She moaned into the bed, her mind was numb.

He grabbed her hips pulling her back as he began
thrusting harder again.

His hands made their way to her chest. He began
massaging her breasts. He pulled her hard and fast as he squeezed

She felt him flexing and throbbing inside of
her, as he filled the room with loud moans and grunts. His body
collapsed completely as he finished.

He lay atop her breathing heavily, "Hanna if I
ever die I have no doubt it will be in your embrace."

She wanted to laugh but her body felt drained.
The heat and the energy were gone.

Chapter Forty-Three: Vikings don’t have
faults, they have clubs


"I need your help."

He looked up to see Aimee in the hallway.

He frowned, "What's wrong?" He would help her,
he knew he would. He would still walk across a mile of broken glass
for her.

"My sister. I need to save her."

"Do you know where she is?"

Aimee shook her head, "I don’t know. She's so
stupid. She could be anywhere. Giselle doesn’t know either. I've
looked all over Boston but I can't find her."

"What can we do to find her? Where was she last

"I don’t have any of those answers Aleks. I
would be there already obviously."

He tried not to be offended by her tone, he knew
she was worried.

She sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a
mega bitch. I'm just so mad. How did I not see this happening?"

Aleks laughed, "How could you? Blake is the last
person I would ever imagine siding with them. Ever."

"I know it. Chess club, mathaletes, science
major, me as a best fried. How could he have gone so wrong?"

He stood up from his chair and walked to her,
"Maybe you were more important in his life than you realized. Maybe
he hasn’t dealt with the loss of you."

She glared, "This is not my fault." Her face
dropped, "Oh who am I kidding, it is my fault. I went to his house
and freaked him out."

Aleks laughed rubbing her arm, touching her was
hard for him, "Aimee I never meant it was your fault. I meant that
HE hasn’t coped with the loss of you as a friend. You're way to
smart to blame yourself for this."

She nodded, "No you're right."

"What have you got so far?"

She shrugged, "Nothing. I moved my dad again,
which FYI he isn’t liking. I told him no calls to or from Alise.
He's not impressed with me right now. I took his cell and gave him
one of ours. Shane is staying with him. Shane had to take vacation
time until we have this figured out."

She started to pace the room, "I don’t even know
if it's Blake. I need to see that Marcus guy and confirm it."

"I can help there." He sighed not liking the
idea of Marcus and Aimee in a room together.

Aimee nodded, "Can we go now?"

"Sure. Just let me message Hanna and see where
they are?"


"Marcus is with Hanna."

"Like with, with?" She seemed upset.

He nodded, "Yeah why?"

"Sam said something happened between them. I
just thought. Never mind." She was upset for Sam, he could see

"Aimee she can't help what she is any more than
you can. This has been going on for her for a couple months. She
doesn’t understand how to keep it under wraps. She's trying."

Aimee laughed, "Seems like a pretty intense way
to be. Sirens seem pretty awful."

Aleks nodded, "Yup they are but they don’t
normally take a human as a permanent lover. They love them once and
move on. Her mother did something no one ever imagined. Sirens fall
in love everyday, they can't even help themselves. Her mother loved
the same man until her death."

"She falls in love that often? Why is Marcus
with her?"

Aleks shrugged, "He believes he loves her. It's
her charms. She makes men fall under her spell the same way me and
Ari and Dorian do."

Aimee blushed, "Sam does it too. Why is it

"In the born ones, it’s a survival and
reproductive instinct. In me it was the shaman's way of
guaranteeing I would suffer. Girls fall for me, I make them follow
me around and my father kills them. Pretty sick actually."

Aimee cringed, "How's the hunt for daddy dearest

He sighed, "It never seems to end. He's always a
step ahead. Now that I don’t feel the longing to help the families
we don’t even know how many victims there are."

"I'm sorry."

He nodded, "Me too."

She took his hand in hers, "No Aleks I'm sorry
for everything that happened. Shane and everything."

Aleks felt his heart being crushed by her touch,
"Aimee I fell in love with you, you the way you were before. Then
all the chaos and drama changed you. The you that is in this room
right now is not the girl I fell in love with."

Her eyes glistened but he could see she couldn’t
argue the point with him.

He cleared his throat, "I see that girl when
you're with Shane. As much as it kills me inside I know you made
the right choice. I still get to see the girl I love and that’s all
I need. With him you're the Aimee from before, the you before me

Tears rolled down her face, "Thank you. I needed
to hear that."

He nodded. He hurt more than he was capable of
showing but he knew his words were the truth. With Shane she was
funny and sarcastic and shy and sweet. With him she was a demon
slaying heartless Rose.

She sniffed, "I want you to think about
something, I don’t think you're seeing. I was always under your
spell. I fell for your magic hook line and sinker."

He nodded, "I know." He smirked remembering the
nights he'd spent with her.

She blushed, "Giselle never has. She thinks
you're hot but annoying. She doesn’t see you as this perfect Adonis
every other girl sees. She just sees you. She likes you for you.
She sees your faults too."

He frowned, "I don’t have faults."

She nodded laughing, "Yes you do and she sees
you, past them and with them."

He laughed, "Well I guess that is something.
It's all someone like me wants in life, to be seen not smelled or

Aimee leaned in closing her eyes, "I still like
the way you smell."

He felt his reaction to her and stepped back,
"Okay lets go before I do something I won't regret." His eyes

Aimee blushed, "Sorry. Sometimes I forget how it
affects me."

"Take us to Hanna's." He spoke quietly.

Instantly they were staring at the front door
with its forest scene, which always made him smile.

Aimee looked at it skeptically, "Who buys a door
like that one?"

Aleks laughed, "Someone old."

He knocked and waited for Roland to answer.

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