Hyde (28 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: Hyde
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Lisa seemed lost in it all.

Hanna groaned, "Well do we have rooms or what?
Are we sleeping on cots in this apartment?"

Aleks looked at Aimee and shrugged, "No

Aimee smiled, "I've been here once. I didn’t get
a tour. Lorri should be here soon."

"Lorri is here now. This is Giselle, she'll be
here with you all training. Thank you everyone for coming a couple
days early. I know it was sudden but we had to move the date up."
She spoke sharply as she strolled into the room wearing tight white
pants, a teal jogging jacket and silver strappy flip-flops.

Aleks couldn’t help but notice how nice she
always looked. Her fiery red hair and perfect skin were always

Giselle followed in behind her making Lorri look
plain. She wore a dark purple sweater and light jeans. He wanted to
peel every layer of her clothing off slowly to see more of her

She glanced at him smiling, he tried not to grab
her hand and pull her into him.

Lorri looked around the room, "Alright kids lets
get some basic rules down, do what you want in your own rooms. The
communal rooms are not for anything that makes anyone else
uncomfortable. No bringing anyone here, ever. No friends and no
family. No fighting in the house. No leaving. We've down sized a
bit recently and need to be extra careful. Everyone is kind to
others, unless we're in the ring. Then its no holds barred." She
pulled a cigarette out and looked at everyone, "Your rooms are that
way, down the hall. We have the top four floors of this building.
No exploring without someone else with you, as in me or Aimee or
Aleks or Dorian or Ari or Lucas or Ben. We will be your instructors
here. No one else is permitted inside." She walked through the huge
room to the massive balcony.

Aleks looked at Giselle who stood beside Hanna.
They both looked panicked.

Aleks smiled, "So you guys want to see your

Anne snarled, "Whatever, I just need some TV. I
am so not watching GCB on my iphone again."

He laughed leading them down the hall. He'd
never been down the hallway either. It was huge and wide like a

The walls were a sand color with paintings and
the rooms were full of beautiful furniture. The rooms were set up
like they had been back at the Roses in New York. Each room was
filled with a double bed, a desk, a table, night-light and a rug.
The rooms were large and shared a massive bathroom with the room
next to them.

Lisa took the first room on the right and Don
took the room on the left. Giselle took the next room on the right
and Anne took the one on the left. Hanna took the next room on the

Aleks watched her walk in and smiled, "Maybe
just call him and let him know you're okay. It would be bad if he
showed up."

Hanna looked distressed, "I will."

She closed her door. He looked at Sam and
smirked, "Keep your pants on. She could break your neck."

Sam laughed never taking his eyes off Hanna's
door. He took the room next to hers and closed the door.

"Aimee I'm going to the take this one." He
pointed to the one across from Hanna.

She smirked, "Still under that spell?"

He shook his head, "Nope just worried about

Aimee nodded, "I will take the one across from
Sam, I'm a little worried about him."

Aleks felt a grin cross his lips, "This might
actually be more entertaining than TV."

She rolled her eyes, "Ah yeah, more fun for you
dudes. Hot Giselle and horny Hanna, sounds like porn. Should be
absolutely nuts."

He walked into his room and thought about how
close he was to Giselle's room. He wondered if she was as scared as
she looked.

Chapter Forty-Six: Facetime for


She looked around the room feeling terrible. She
picked up her phone seeing she'd missed seven calls.

She checked them, none of them were from Marcus.
She dialed his number frightened by his response.

"Hanna." His words bit at her.

"Marcus can we talk rationally?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Marcus can we try?"


"Are you going to hang up on me?" She asked
trying not to smile imagining his stubborn face.

"No, what are you wearing?"

She laughed, "Nothing."


"Can we talk about this?"


"Admit you are you being a big baby?"

"I'm not."


He laughed into the phone, "If they harm one
hair on your head I want you to know I will destroy the entire city
and I will unleash the Henry beast on them. Tell me where you

"No. Behave yourself. I'm fine really."

"I will be there tomorrow to ensure that. I will
find you."

She inhaled sharply, "No please don’t come. It's
one of the rules. No outsiders."

He was silent. She could hear her heart


"I'm an outsider?"

"You're not a Rose."

"Fine but I will need to see you're okay. Not to
mention the fact you will become quite difficult to live with in
about a week." He chuckled.

She frowned, "Why?"

"I've been reading that book of yours. You need
to release weekly to avoid tension build up."

She smiled, "Well I'm pretty sure I can handle
myself there."

He laughed, "We could use that Facetime thing on
your phone, I think that might be interesting."

She laughed feeling her face flushing, "No you
don’t. That’s such a bad idea. You would rip the building apart to
come to me and finish."

He chuckled, "Hanna I love you."

She smiled, "I know you do."

"When will you love me and only me?"

She shrugged, "I don’t know. I don’t know how to
turn it off and on."

"Sleep tight."

"You too."

She pressed the phone off and sat on her bed
staring out the massive window at the city below. She didn’t even
know what city she was in. The lights of it gave way to her


She turned to see Sam walking into her room from
the joined bathroom.

Her stomach flipped, "Hey Sam." Her eyes darted
from the bathroom to the door to her room.

"I need to talk to you."

She smiled, "Okay. Want to go to the living

He smirked making her very uncomfortable and
aware of his scent filling her room, "No."

He took a step toward her but changed his mind
and sat on the chair in the corner.

His eyes searched her.

She gulped, "What's up?"

He looked down at the bracelet, "Where did you
get that?"

"Lydia made it for me. It stops me from making
everyone go nuts."

"Have you tried taking it off?"

"No but apparently the feelings you all had
before, where you couldn’t stop following me, come back but much

He smiled wickedly, "So I take it you want to
keep it on?"

She nodded, "I do."

He shrugged, "I still feel something for you.
Even with the bracelet on. I know which room you're in and where
you are exactly. I can sense you no matter where I am. I can smell
you in the air around me. You smell sweet. It's why I'm here. I
want to talk to you about something. I've been meaning to talk to
you for a while but…"

"I need to get you a cure. It'll go away. Sam we
can't do this. I'm seeing someone. You only feel that way about me
because of the way I am and…"

He smiled and interrupted her, "No Hanna, it
only works on me when you're really…"

She argued cutting him off again, "No, you being
Nephilim makes me feel that things about you too. It's not real.
It's what we are that's making us feel this way. I'm seeing someone
so we can't."

"The old guy?" He looked defeated for a

She laughed, Marcus looked twenty-five tops even
though he was crazy old. She nodded.

"I'm pretty sure he's too old for you. Besides
isn’t what he is making you want him?"

She nodded, he was right, "I need space from
everyone of you."

He got up off the chair slowly. He walked to her
bedside and knelt on the floor in front of her. He was a big boy,
kneeling he was still taller than her sitting on the bed.

His lips parted in a seductive grin. She wanted
to look away from his lips. She wanted to move away from him but
the smell of him was intoxicating. He was by far the worst as far
as her little problem was concerned. Even Marcus couldn’t make her
breath get lost in her throat the way he did.

He leaned in looking into her eyes. She got lost
in the darkness of them. She watched as he took a deep inhale of
the air around her. She felt the betrayal in her mind but her body
was pushing ahead.

He brushed his lips against hers. The
electrifying kiss was exactly as she remembered it being,

He pulled back laughing, "You are going to be a
problem Hanna Hyde. We can talk later."

He was gone instantly.

She felt sadness fill her as she realized what
she'd nearly done mixed with her heart aching for him to come back.
She would have had sex with him in a heartbeat if he'd tried. The
bracelet looked like it would ignite any second.

She thought about what Roland said. Her mother's
power was gone the moment she fell in love, true love. True loves
kiss and a declaration. She wondered if she loved Marcus or if his
powers made her feel things? She wondered the same about Sam. She
didn’t want her heart full of different guys. She decided to take
the time at the Roses to rid her heart of everything. As long as it
was empty she might find clarity in her feelings.

She sighed looking out the window again.


The next morning training started, full

Lorri taught them about the possible types of
things they would run into. They studied lore on creatures thought
extinct and how to defeat them just in case they weren’t.

Hanna felt the days pass quickly. Her brain was
more full than it had ever been. Giselle was the surprise student,
she was a star at it all. Her combat skills came fast and furious
and her natural interest in the knowledge part of it made it easy
for her to remember.

Hanna on the other hand was distracted at every
turn. Sam smiled at her and she stopped hearing everything Lorri
spoke about. Aleks walked past her and she thought of nothing but
the smell of him. Marcus texted her and she thought about him
pulling her hair again.

She was getting exhausted with the dreams she
had every night. The bracelet was a fiery glowing red. It glowed in
the dark at night. Her thighs ached constantly.

The only saving grace was her bracelet stopped
her from projecting her feelings and emotions onto everyone else in
the room.

The ring was the easiest for her, one hit to the
face and she became a psycho. Even Lucas and Ben tag teaming her,
couldn’t bring her down.

Ari couldn’t move fast enough to knock her out.
Hanna had shot Ari across the room, before she even had a chance at
pushing her. The only threat that was real for her was Lorri. She
had been able to get her down every time. Hanna learned to control
her strengths and anger. She was surprised the monster side of her
was easier to control than the Siren. The ring also stopped the
sexual build up. When her thighs ached and she craved release, the
beast unleashed inside of her. She released and exhausted

She wondered about true love, she remembered
snow white and the true loves kiss. Snow white had known instantly
that the prince was her true love. Hanna wondered if she would ever
meet hers if he even existed. The distance between her and Marcus
had given her a lot of clarity. Her feelings for him resided almost
solely in her thighs. She knew deep down she didn’t love him.

"Hanna in the ring."

She looked up from her daydream to Lorri
smirking at her. Hanna stood up making sure her hands were taped up
properly. She climbed up over the railings and dropped into the
huge wrestling pit they called the ring.

"Lucas and Ari you guys inside."

Hanna gulped, she hadn’t ever gone against a
couple before. She knew they would feel territorial and protective
of their lover. She glanced up at Sam, he was sitting on the edge
of his seat. He looked upset.

She looked back at her opponents and prepared

Lucas jumped down making the mat shake slightly.
He was huge. Ari was small and thin. She was never to be
underestimated. Her hands were deadly and she moved with speed and

Hanna knew it would take one hit to ignite her
fury. She kept her back to the wall as Lucas rounded toward

As he leapt at her Ari darted to the other side.
Hanna tried to maneuver to the left, but Lucas jumped back knocking
her instantly. Hanna tried to jump over him but his teeth came down
on her thigh. She screamed as the teeth bit down into her skin. Ari
was there instantly. Hanna felt the surge filled her. She shoved
Ari hard before her hands could make contact.
Ari's scream made Lucas clamp down harder.

Hanna screamed again. She grabbed the wolf's
face but as he whimpered, Ari was back diving at her with her hands
out. Hanna ducked trying to get the wolf from her leg.

She saw the end coming. They were beating her,
she had ducked out of Ari's reach but she was back. Hanna grabbed
the wolf's face hard, she dragged his teeth along her thigh and
threw him across the mats. Ari dove at her and pushed just as Hanna
looked at the bracelet. She ripped it off. It turned white as it
dropped. Before it hit the mat she saw Sam throw Ari across the
huge room.

She could see Dorian attacking the wolf. Even
Ben, in wolf form was attacking his brother.

Hanna knew what she had done was wrong, as her
eyes slipped behind her lids.

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