Hyde (13 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: Hyde
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He looked back to see her sitting on the
driftwood, huddled into herself.

His fists clenched thinking about what he would
do to Tony. He smiled thinking he would bring Lucas and Ben with
him. Nothing was more classic than vampires and werewolves

He looked out at the sea watching the waves roll
in, thinking about how he would tell Aimee about her sister.

Chapter Fourteen: You're making me Batty,
not that kind of Batty


She watched him working quietly.

"So do you eat animals or people?"

He smirked not taking his eyes off the work in
front of him, "Never eat animals. You are what you eat my

"Have you killed people?"

"What do you think?"

"I want you to say no."

"I killed your father."

"I watched that girl do it. I know you

He glanced at her, "I made the elixir he was
taking for nearly a decade. It was killing him, suppressing the

She shrugged, "Its not what I mean. I mean have
you drank until they were dead?"

He watched her face as he spoke plainly,

She shivered, "When was the last time?"

He sighed rubbing his eyes, "Few years ago, no
wait. Uhm well it was at a movie release. Scarlet O'Hara, Gone with
the Wind. So it was, uhm. I don’t know. What year is it now?"

She laughed, "2012. The last time was in the
thirties? You last drained a human in the thirties and you thought
that was a few years ago?"

He blushed, "I'm old Hanna. Like old, old. Time
passes when a hundred years have gone by. I don’t recall what was
going on. I just remember that when I tasted her blood it was good.
I couldn’t stop." He laughed, "No that’s not true. I could have
stopped, but I didn’t want to."

She cringed, "What is wrong with you?"

"I have no soul. No beating heart. You've seen
the movies I would imagine. They're not so far off."

"How did the information about you and my dad
get published into novels?"

He laughed, "Disinformation of sorts. People
have discovered us. Witch hunts, burnings, the Spanish inquisition,
all our fault. Fortunately none of our kind was ever harmed, just
regular people. Women mostly. So rumors were spread, myths and
lore. It made it seem as if it were entertainment instead of

"Garlic and holy water?"

He looked annoyed, "Totally false but the day
light thing is true for every vampire beyond myself. It's partly
why I've never had a relationship with a vampire. I can't imagine
being with someone who couldn’t go out in the sunlight."

She hadn’t ever imagined he would have a
relationship with another person. He seemed so closed off and

"Your skin isn’t cold."

He chuckled looking back down at the map he was
drawing with weird letters and numbers, "No it isn’t. It also isn’t
hard as a diamond. It cuts, its soft."

"Can you be killed?"

He shook his head, "I am what Aleksander is, I
am cursed. I heal instantly. No man made weapon or even Aimee can
kill me. I believe if Lorri ever got the chance she might be able
to, but I ensure I'm never around her."

She thought about everything that had been
explained to her about Lorri being the devil. Roland and Lydia had
rambled many things at her.

"Who are the good guys and bad guys in it

He pointed at her, "Last question. I don’t
believe there are necessarily good or bad. I believe the good have
committed the same crimes as the bad so who are they to judge. The
Roses, Lorri's goon squad thinks they're the good guys, protecting
the humans from us freaks. Daniel and his monsters, who used to be
Roses, think of humans as sheep. They believe humans are the lesser
species and must bow before the rest of us as gods. They believe
what they are doing is for the good of the rest of us."

"Where do you fit in?"

He dropped his pencil and walked to her. He
stood between her thighs looking down on her, "With you. I said
last question and I bloody mean it. You're driving me batty."

She opened her mouth but he growled, "NO I don’t
turn into a bat and don’t you dare even think about asking it."

She snapped her mouth shut and smiled. He bent
kissing her lips softly.

The questions were rolling around in her

Chapter Fifteen: Boston be Damned


The doctor shook his head as he spoke, the words
got lost but in the sentences somewhere he heard, "No
chance…hopeless…such a shame…"

Aleksander looked at Giselle taking it all in.
Her face never changed, she accepted the fate with grace and calm.
He found her behavior alarming.

He looked at her sitting on the bed in her
hospital gown, "I will be right back. I need to make a call."

She looked at him breaking his heart with her
devastating beauty, "Okay."

He walked from the room feeling desperate.

He dialed quickly.

His heart clenched as she answered her phone,

"Aimes I need you to come to the hospital. I'm
in Portland at the Science University. I'm at emergency."

"I don’t understand. Are you okay?"

He chuckled bitterly, "Yes of course, I'm here
with Giselle."

"What? Be there now."

The phone went dead.

Suddenly he could hear the telltale click of her
boots on the linoleum floor.

He looked back at the entrance to the emergency

Her face was drawn and panicked.

He pointed to the room, "Wait for the doctor to
leave. She'll be a mess when she sees you. She doesn’t understand
why you’ve left her alone in the world."

He hated saying it to her. He hated hurting her
that way.

Her face pinched, "I never thought, my dad said
she was fine. I just didn’t know how to fix it." Her head hung.

He put his arms around her trying desperately to
control himself and not smell her hair or kiss the top of her

"How did you find her?"

He pulled her back and looked into her blue grey
eyes, "It was a tip from a friend at the blood bar Master

She looked confused, "She's hanging with

He nodded, "She has been blood drugged
repeatedly for the last two or three weeks. Her liver has started
to shut down again. The transplant with her was always fragile I

"Well wouldn’t their blood heal her?"

"If they gave her a day or two in between
feedings and gave her blood that wasn’t loaded with drugs yeah. The
blood is probably the only reason she isn’t dead right now."

Aimee's tears rolled down her face, killing him

"I need to message Shane, he needs to be here
for this."

Aleks nodded, "I'll wait with her."

He turned and walked away wishing he could find
some closure. He wished for even the smallest ability to not think
about kissing her or the memories of her.

Giselle sat alone in the room, "They're like
admitting me. I'm being taken to the room in like the next five

He nodded, "Aimee is here. I called her."

She looked around, "Where are we?"


"How? We were on the beach and then like
everything went black."

"You fainted. I have the ability to move to a
place quickly, like flying sort of."

She snickered, "I've seen it all I guess. Like
this one time I was at that blood bar and this one girl had these
green eyes. They looked like cats eyes and Tony said they were
tiger's eyes. She was a tiger. I was like no way but he said those
shifters are every where."

"You need to get some rest. Try not to get too
excited when Aimee comes in okay. You could hurt yourself."

She shook her head, "I feel pretty good."

"It’s the drugs."

Her face went pale, "What drugs? I don’t do
drugs. The doctors know I can't have any drugs right?"

He shook his head, "The vampires at the bar take
mass amount of drugs and it's in their blood stream and when humans
eat their blood they get high. It makes the humans more free and
willing, well to try new things." His voice cracked.

She gasped, "What? No."

He nodded.

Her dark doe eyes filled with tears making her
face considerably more attractive. He felt his knees getting weak
watching her.

He would have calmed her down and made her more
relaxed if his charm worked on her but it didn’t. He wondered about


He looked back seeing Aimee enter the room

"AIMES! Oh my god! Aimes you look hot. No wait
I'm pissed at you."

Aimee looked full of remorse, "Giselle I had to
stay away. I was sick."

Giselle raised an eyebrow, "Your sister and
Blake said that you were an evil killer now."

"You've seen them?" She asked without

Giselle nodded, "Yeah. Alise has been by a
couple times when Blake had work here. Well in Seattle not

Aimee looked confused, "His work. I thought he
was at MIT?"

Giselle smiled, "Yeah duh, he works at the
school now."

Aimee didn’t look convinced, "He works at the
school. After a year and a half he's working there?"

Aleks felt the answer hitting him square in the
face suddenly, "Who took you to the blood bar for the first time,
the one down town Seattle?"

She shrugged, "Blake took me and Alise. They had
been there before."

Aimee looked like she would throw up,

Giselle nodded, "Yeah he wanted to see the
vampires. He liked to watch them bite me and Alise." Her cheeks

Aleks could see the shift in Aimee from the
sweet girl to the psychotic killer, "He does what?"

"Yeah, he asked if he could watch them bite me.
It felt weird letting him watch us do it. He seemed like Blake the
nerd though, like he was going to pull out a clipboard and take

Aleks looked at Aimee, "I think he might be
working for the Dark Ones in Boston."

"Doing what though?"

"Not a clue."

"My sister?"

He nodded, "She's probably being used to
experiment the effects of blood and drugs on humans."

Giselle put a hand up, "Whoa wait, Aimee are you
part of all this too? You let them bite you?"

She seethed, "NO, but I'd like to." She sighed
and sat at the bedside taking Giselle's hand in hers, "I gave up my
life, as it was, to live. I didn’t have enough time to wait for a
liver. I am what Alise and Blake said. I'm a monster like the
vampires now."

Aleks shook his head, "No you're not. Giselle
don’t listen to her, she doesn’t hurt anyone and she doesn’t kill
anyone who doesn’t deserve it. She works for a group of people
determined to keep people safe and prevent things like what's
happened to you from happening."

"Who did this to her?"

Aleks sighed, "Guy named Tony. He's always at
Master Mikes in Seattle."

She looked at Giselle and smiled, "I love you
and I wont let you die. I'm sorry I never told you the truth before
but I didn’t know how. Not without sounding nuts."

Giselle nodded, "It's okay Aimes. It's not your
fault. None of this would have happened if Mr. Mac hadn’t tried to
kill me."

Aimee bent and kissed her cheek. She was gone
before she even stood up from Giselle.

"What was that? Where did she go?"

Aleks sat at the chair waiting for the doctors
to come in and take Giselle up to a floor and sighed, "It's a long
story Giselle."

She laughed, "Dude where am I going?"

"Well it all started the summer Aimee and
Alise's mom died…."

Chapter Sixteen: Home/Castle Wrecker


The dark halls of the creepy castle had started
to close in around her. She paced, wondering when and if she was
ever going to be able to leave.

He had given her another shot but it had made
her tired for days. She could feel it killing her as the beast
inside of her fought to get free.

She looked down at the plate of watermelon and
pushed it away. The huge table was filled with food, all of it made
just for her.

She thought about the taste of Marcus's blood,
the excitement that had built in the bottom of her stomach after
getting past the thought of drinking it. She had been more aware of
him for days afterward, smelling him out like a hunted animal. He
seemed to keep his distance from her. No doubt disgusted by finding
her and a partially slaughtered animal in the woods. She knew she
was hideous but she had hoped that his fangs and hunger for blood
would help him see her past her inner beast. He had said she was
his favorite monster, maybe it had all been a ploy to get her to
give him the paper.

She wondered about the paper. She knew nothing
about what was on it. She needed someone nerdy and smart to read
the paper for her. Someone she could trust, someone besides Marcus.
He seemed to have his own agenda.

She couldn’t help but like him regardless of the
fact she knew he was selfish and self-centered. She wanted nothing
like she wanted for him to take his flirting and kisses further
than they were going at the moment. She wasn't the most sexual
person the planet, of that she was certain. She had waited until
the end of high school to lose her virginity and never gave it much
of an afterthought. Somehow he had her wanting things she wasn’t
even sure how to do. It was as if some kind of fire was being
stirred inside of her.

She walked along the lonely halls wondering
where he had gone.

She walked until she reached the lab. The huge
metal door was open halfway. She had never seen it that way before.
Fear crept across her as she peered into the crack of the open
door. Seeing no one inside of the extremely well lit room she
stepped in. Florescent lights covered the ceiling of the empty
room. She glanced around wondering where he was. She hoped he
wouldn’t come back to find her inside and alone. She walked to the
table where he had left her note. He had improved upon it at the
very least. It was covered in scribbles and a bunch of further

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