Hyde (15 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: Hyde
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Marcus screamed running at him. He dove in the
air moving as quickly as a bullet. Aleks whisked himself to the
right suddenly letting Marcus hit the wall with a thud. Bits of
rock and castle fell to the floor spitting dust into the air.

Aleks laughed sending Marcus into a fit of

Something black moved in the background and
before Aleks could leave the castle he was slammed against a

He watched as Marcus too was ripped from the
ground and flung against the opposite wall.

Henry walked into the room pulsating energy at
them both.

Aleks groaned desperate to breath, "Henry.
Please. Stop."

Marcus laughed, "Henry, we will stop this
nonsense if you could put us down, if you please."

As abruptly as they were dangling in the air,
they were both on the ground in a heap.

Aleks wheezed for a moment trying to get his
collapsed chest to puff back up. He watched as Marcus did the

"You bring her back to me. We have a deal."

Aleks nodded vanishing from the castle before
Henry killed them both.

Chapter Twenty: We can do it the nice way
or Aimee's way


Voices filled the space, it sounded like the
house was full. She walked from the room she'd been given down the

"You the Hulk?"

She turned sharply seeing a guy about her age,

He smiled making her smile. His face was
handsome with dark hair and eyes. She felt herself getting lost in
the dark pools beneath the long thick lashes.

"The Hulk, you know turns green, rips his
clothes off as he grows huge and acts like a giant psycho."

She laughed, "I don’t turn green."

He laughed with her, "That does make all the
difference in the world."

"Do I know you? Who are you?"


She put a hand out, "Hanna."

He looked at her hand. He took it in his own and
pulled it up to his lips, kissing it softly. She felt heat spread
from her hand to the rest of her body. Her face flushed.

"Never let anyone in their house touch you
Hanna. You never know what their hands do."

He kissed her hand once more. Pleasure filled
her making her knees buckle. She ripped her hand away swallowing
hard, "You look familiar. What are you?"

He grinned, "A little of this and a little of
that mixed with Nephilim."

She shook her head, "I don’t know what that is.
I know it means half angel and half human but I don’t know what it

"That’s probably for the best. Nice seeing you

He turned and walked back into his messy room.
Hanna stood still for a moment, catching her breath.

She walked down the stairs unable to get Sam out
of her mind. His lips pressing against her hand made her forget to
breath. Remembering the kiss made her forget to breath.

She walked down the second set of stairs to the
kitchen. She was starving.

Voices filled the kitchen as Hanna walked around
the corner, feeling like an intruder.

"Hanna my dear you're awake, how lovely. Come
and have some breakfast."

She looked at the kitchen, it looked much larger
than the last time she had been in it. She looked at the grin on
Lydia's face and frowned.

"The house always makes room for everyone Hanna.
Come and have a seat."

She looked at the huge long table. Kids sat at
it, young kids. She smiled at a girl with pigtail and missing
teeth. Suddenly she wasn’t there anymore.

"Sorry they're still getting used to the idea of
you." Lydia passed her a plate of food filled with waffles and
bacon and sausage.

She looked at the open chairs deciding on one
next to a guy near her age.

She looked at Lydia again who laughed, "Hanna
once people like you and these guys, hit the age where their bodies
are finished developing they age ridiculously slowly. Nephilim age
slightly faster than Fae. Vampires don’t age at all and neither do
Death dealers like Aimee. The fallen don't age obviously."

Hanna shook her head, "I don’t know what you're
talking about."

A young chubby boy with glasses got up from his
chair and walked to Hanna. He looked up at her and smiled. He put
his hand on her arm.

Suddenly the brightest light she could imagine
filled her eyes as knowledge filled her mind.

She saw everything from his point of view,
making the Roses a positive. She saw things as if a movie played
inside of her mind.

The light was gone as quickly as it had come. He
was still smiling but he had removed his hand.

Hanna staggered back a bit, "What are you?"

He put his hand up again but Lydia grabbed it,
"Use your words Danny."

"Nephilim." He sat back down to finish his

"God everyone is Nephilim."

Lydia laughed, "Yes well. These kids aren’t even
close to their full power. Most non-humans don’t gain power until
they're past the age of puberty. Nature's safe guard I believe.
These guys are very early to have any power. Their parents are very
strong though."

Hanna looked at Lydia, "What does that make


"Like which you or you're a witch?"

Lydia laughed, "Eat your breakfast, I'm a

"So are none of you my age? You're all old but
look young I bet. Am I the youngest at the table?"

"Some are younger than you. Sam is your age and
Ben is a little older. You and Ari are close in age."

Hanna looked at them all, "So you turn into a
wolf and you're little half angel kids? Ari is like you half angels
and wolfie is Fae?"

They nodded.

She shrugged and sat next to the good-looking
wolf guy Danny's mind flash half explained.

He smiled at her, "I'm Ben."

She smiled back, "I'm Hanna."

"So is this a training camp?"

Ben shook his head taking a bite of waffle.
Watching him chew was a very nice experience, his jaw muscles
flexed. His emerald green eyes sparkled, as he spoke, "No it’s a
haven. These little rug rats are here for safekeeping. Everyone

A commotion filled the hallway interrupting

Hanna looked up as the girl who killed her
father and the dark haired girl walked in smiling. Aimee was
covered in blood and the other girl, Ari, was wiping her bloody
hands off on her pants.

"Girls!" Lydia sprang into action.

Aimee laughed, "It's not our blood Lydia."

Ari looked evil as she spoke, "The blood club
wont have much in the way of business for a while."

Hanna looked at Ben who was smiling, "Aimee you
go all agro on them?"

She smiled wickedly.

Ari shook her head, "I may never be the same
again. I have never been that grossed out in my life."

Aimee laughed, "It was just rewards."

"Ari you should have called me. I would have
come for sure." Ben looked miffed he'd missed a good battle.

Hanna misunderstood still. The little Danny's
visions had cleared up what The Roses was and sort of what they
were but it didn’t clear up exactly what they would be fighting
against. Or why they were fighting.

She knew Marcus had told her about the
intentions of the Roses and the Dark Ones, but she didn’t
understand how wars could still be happening.

It seemed very cut and dry to her. Don't tell
humans, don't hurt humans.

Aimee smiled over at Hanna making rage build
inside of her. She felt the slither under her skin, but then Lydia
was in front of her, "Remember the deer sweetie."

Hanna took a breath nodding. She wanted to
change, she wanted to rip Aimee apart in revenge for her father.
She didn’t want to hurt anyone else.

Hanna tried not to lose control of the beast
inside of her.

"Babe, you shouldn’t have gone without me."

Hanna looked up to see Lucas, who she realized
was almost identical to Ben next to her. He wrapped his arms around
Ari and kissed her.

Hanna watched, as Aimee looked away, everyone in
the kitchen looked away.

Ari pushed him back, "You would have been
distracted. There was a lot of blood."

Aimee smirked at him, "It was like a Quentin
Tarantino movie."

Everyone laughed.

Hanna got scared, children were laughing about
killing a bunch of other people, like it was a video game. But it
wasn’t a game, they were real live people. No one in the room cared
at all for loss of life. None of them respected anything. They
craved bloodshed.

"Hanna it isn’t like that at all." Lydia spoke

Hanna got up from the table suddenly and walked
from the room. She worried her father had been nothing but another
notch on Aimee's belt. Aimee and Ari, she wondered what kind of
girls they had been before they became what they were?

She walked up the stairs to the second floor.
She passed the room where the smell of sickness filled the air. She
looked in to see the sick girl smiling at her.


Hanna smiled, "Hey."

"You can come in if you want to."

Hanna nodded and walked into the room.

The girl looked sick and fragile. Her long silky
dark hair sat around her thin face. Her eyes looked weak.

"Are you the new girl?"

Hanna shrugged, "Maybe. I'm Hanna."

"I'm Giselle."

"Are you one of them?"

She shook her head, "I'm friends with

Hanna frowned, "Oh wow, you're like a human. I
didn’t think she had human friends. She's pretty cold."

The girl shook her head, "No she's the best.
Aimes is like the sister I never had. I've known her for like a
million years, she's awesome."

Hanna nodded, "I'll take your word for it I
guess. Why are you in here?"

"I'm dying. I let Vampires feed off of me and I
fed off of them."

Hanna frowned recalling her and Marcus in the
woods, "You can die from that?"

The girl laughed, "No duh. I had a liver
transplant, Aimee and me were drugged by a rapist science teacher
at like a party. It made Aimee what she is now and almost killed us
both. I got my new liver but it was still crazy weak. The vamps
were doing mad drugs and feeding me their blood."

"It's called Blood Drugging. It makes the human
high with the Vampire."

Aimee walked into the room.

Hanna felt a low growl in her throat, seeing the
girl standing there with streaks of blood on her.

"I am sorry Hanna. I was only ever doing what he
asked me to. I didn’t want him to die, but he was going to change
any second. It would have been the last change of his life, his
body was dying. The beast was too strong for his weak body to hold
back any longer."

Hanna watched her face. She looked sorry and yet
she was covered in someone else's blood. "You're apologizing for
killing my dad, my only family. Yet you're covered in the blood of
someone else."

Aimee lowered her grey blue eyes, "I had no
control. When I saw what they had done, I lost it. There were other
girls…" She looked up but her eyes were haunted, "I killed every
one of them. No one will ever suffer from them again."

Giselle smiled, "Dude you didn’t have to do
that. I wanted to go to the club."

Aimee shook her head, "You were becoming an
addict. The blood is addictive on its own, adding cocaine and
ecstasy to it only makes it worse. They knew that."

Giselle shrugged, "Whatevs nut ball, you got goo
all over you. It's nasty."

Aimee blushed, "I'm going home for a shower. I
have to speak to Lorri and find out what we can do to fix you."

Giselle laughed, "Girl you can't like fix this.
I'm like a cat with nine lives and this is the ninth."

Aimee reached for her hand but Giselle pulled
back horrified making Aimee laugh, "It's going to be okay. We will
find a way."

"Go shower, you smell."

Aimee nodded, looking at Hanna, "I really am
sorry Hanna. Your father was an amazing man. I never knew he meant
for you to be there. I promised him in the end I would do it the
way he wanted."

Hanna nodded, feeling the piss and vinegar wash
out of her, "Thanks."

Aimee turned and left, "Be back in a bit." She
was gone from the room with a whoosh.

Giselle frowned, "Don't let it fool you. She
isn’t always like this. She's super worried about her sister. She
used to be, like, funny. She was a huge nerd, like I mean science
camp smart."

Hanna looked up, "Seriously?"

Giselle nodded, "Dude she was like quiet and
smart and nerdy. She saved my life. Now she's kind of hard and
cold. You only ever see her laugh and shit with Shane. We went to
school with him."

Hanna nodded, "Crazy." She couldn’t help
thinking about her fathers note. She wondered if Aimee would be
able to decipher the numbers and letters in the equations. If she
could solve it without Marcus things would get a lot simpler for

Chapter Twenty-One: Look into my eyes, you
are feeling sexy, very sexy


He felt ashamed of himself as he walked into
Giselle's room seeing Hanna there.
He smirked at her, "Hey."

Hanna blushed, he could see her eyes remembering
their first meeting.

Giselle seemed oblivious, which wasn’t new for

He cleared his throat, "Can I talk to you?"

Hanna nodded and got up from the chair, "It was
nice hanging with you." She spoke softly.

Giselle smiled, "Yeah come back and visit. The
circus freaks here are not as entertaining as I thought they would

Hanna laughed and followed Aleks out into the

He felt anxious about saying what he was about
to say, "I need you to go back to Marcus."

She frowned, "What?"

He felt the shame crossing his face, "I need him
to save that girl and the only way he will do it is if you go

She crossed her arms, "No."

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