Hunter Betrayed (12 page)

Read Hunter Betrayed Online

Authors: Nancy Corrigan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hunter Betrayed
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His life force bonded to hers in the same wondrous union the
gods had enjoyed since the beginning of time. Her struggles, pain and pleasure
would be his. He’d share it all, bearing the worst and giving her every joy he
could. Someday his emotions would be hers too. She only needed to accept him
and finish their mating.

He’d given them a body.

Her love would give them a soul.

They’d be one, forever. The ultimate union.

As the last of their joint release eased, he lowered them to
the bed, finally separating their bodies, but not the tie he’d formed. He felt
her in his heart. By the gods, he wanted her to feel him in hers.

Her devotion had to be given to finish the bond. He knew it,
had sworn not to influence her. But after experiencing passion in her arms? He
wasn’t sure it was a promise he could keep.

At the moment he’d do anything to hold her close.

The knowledge worried him. Hell, it scared him. A Huntsman
could not betray his vow…for anyone. Damnation awaited if he did.

Chapter Eleven


Harley breathed a sigh and inched her bottom closer to the
hard cock pressed into the seam of her backside. She wiggled against the
silken-steel rod and enjoyed the moment for what it was—a first. Not once in
all her many sexual encounters had she ever fallen asleep in a man’s arms.

Oh no!

Her eyelids popped open. Raul’s threat came back to her.
Curses whipped through her head. She’d allowed sex with Calan to cloud her
mind. Her phone sat charging in her SUV. She’d left it there knowing she
wouldn’t get any signal in this living tomb.

Ian. She had to call Ian. Make sure he was okay.

She moved to get up, but Calan shifted his hips and slid his
cock into her sheath. A gasp escaped her and a guttural groan of pure pleasure
rumbled his chest. She was wet enough for him. Her anxiety, however, tensed her

“Ahh, flower, it’s just me.” He pressed a firm hand to her
lower belly and rolled his hips, loosening her and sliding all the way in. He
nibbled on her shoulder. “No other male will ever wake you this way. Only me.”

A firmer nip accompanied the growled words. She squeaked. A
wash of arousal flooded his cock. The possessive edge to his voice appealed to
a part of her she’d never realized she had. She’d thoroughly enjoyed being on
the receiving end of Calan’s focused loving.

A low groan resonated along her back. It skipped through
her, tightening her nipples and adding to the slow grind of the thick flesh
invading her.

“I won’t allow it. Do you understand, my Harley?”

He cupped her breasts. The light strokes of his fingers
filled her with a sense of his reverence. He made her feel desirable. The commanding
way he touched her as if only he had the right to love her added to the

“I do, but—”

He linked his arms around her middle and rolled to his back,
pulling her with him. She ended up sitting on top of him, his cock still inside
her body. Her rebuff faded on a moan.

He toyed with her breasts. His erection thickened as he
shallowly thrust. She dropped her head against his chest. With his fingers
rolling and tugging her nipples and his length rubbing her sensitive inner
muscles, she could’ve been bound to the bed, stretched and open for his

She grasped his wrists. “Calan, we have to—”

have to make love to you.” He pressed his lips to
her hair. His warm breath heated her scalp and a rush of tingles added to the
sensation his slow, sensual strokes created. “
have to prove to you no
other male can evoke these feelings within you.”

A hard lift of his hips drove his length deeper. Her inner
muscles quivered. Her own release hovered within grasp. Unable to stop herself,
she dug her heels into the mattress and raised her hips. They rocked together.
His push countered her drive. The sounds of sex and the delicious tightening of
her muscles over his rod sent her up faster than she’d ever experienced.

He kissed her neck. “I want to greet the sunrise just like
this for eternity. With you, flower. Only with you.”

The reverence and longing in his voice swelled her heart.
She held the knowledge close and moved quicker over him until the actual words

“Sunrise?” She pulled herself off his cock, ignoring the
slight tug to her nipples and stared down at him, hands splayed over his chest.
Here she’d thought they’d only dozed off. “Sunrise? We slept all night?”

His eyes widened and she felt the brush of his mind in hers.
He tried to latch onto her anxiety. She shoved from the bed before he could
ease her. She didn’t deserve his comfort.

He propped himself on a bent elbow. “Yes. I haven’t slept
since before my imprisonment. You’ve given me a wonderful gift.” He narrowed
his eyes. “Why are you upset?”

She shook her head and turned away to collect her clothes.
She couldn’t blame the poor man. He hadn’t had sex or touched another person in
a thousand years. He’d needed everything she’d given him, especially the
security of her arms. She’d held him close while he’d slept spooned behind her,
a leg draped over hers as if he were afraid she’d disappear. As soon as his
breathing had slowed with sleep, his mind had opened to her.

What she saw in an array of memories and emotions had
convinced her that the man who’d saved her was the most noble, if not slightly
frightening, one she’d ever encountered. She’d seen images of battle upon
battle, horrifying displays of rage, but the flashes that chilled her the most
were the ones of his siblings dying over and over.

They all hung in similar prisons. Different bedrooms
surrounded them while different tortures tore screams from their throats. One
similarity remained—Calan suffered with them. Every time he touched their
minds, he experienced the same pain they did. Still, Calan reached out to them,
trying to comfort them the way he had for her.

Love. The emotion had wrapped around her. She’d let it work
its way into her and had tugged Calan’s strong body more firmly around her.
After a decade of staying up all night, she’d thought she’d have no problem
keeping her eyes open. The warmth of his body and his comforting scent ripped
her convictions apart.

She yanked her top over her head and bent to pick up her
jeans. Warm palms on her ass jerked her upright. He linked his arms around her
waist and pulled her firmly against him. His cock pushed hard and needy into
her spine.

“Tired of me already?”

The pain in his voice cut at her. She shook her head. “No,
of course not.” She turned in the loose circle of his arms and slid her hands
over his chest. “I told you about Raul. He threatened my family if I didn’t go
to him by sunrise.”

Red seeped into the white of the eyes focused on her. She
sucked in a rough breath, not at the sight of the blood filling them. The
images he unintentionally showed her last night had clued her in to exactly
what her lover could become. The form she would’ve assumed belonged to a
monster if she didn’t know the soul inside didn’t frighten her. It was the
sight of two distinct rings of blue in his eyes that stopped her heart.

The hazy dark-blue circling his pupil that had developed
yesterday now formed a solid band, eclipsing his familiar color.

“Your ey—”

“So you plan to go to him?” He cut her off. The inner ring
in his orbs took on a faint glow. “Share with him the piece of you I hope to

The guttural growl to his voice drew her gaze to his mouth.
Pointy molars replaced his flat teeth. The sight of them made her shudder. She
shoved the fear away and stood on her tiptoes. The deadly fangs lengthened. His
jaw cracked. The sharp ends on his fingernails dented the skin of her hips. She
dug her fingers into his hair and pulled his head to hers. Maybe she was making
a mistake. She didn’t care. She’d caused him to slip into a jealous rage. She
had to help him out of it.

Had she been completely human, his irrational reaction
might’ve upset her or sent her running for the door. She wasn’t and the
knowledge that he wanted to keep her locked to his side pleased her.

She slipped her tongue inside his mouth and stroked it over
the razor-sharp points. Blood instantly welled. She gasped at the pain. Calan,
though, groaned, exactly as she’d hoped he would at the taste of her blood. It
had excited him last night.

The deadly teeth flattened and he sucked on her injured
flesh. The tug connected with her womb and reawakened her lust. She clung to
him and let him kiss her deeply.

He glided his hand down her spine in a featherlight caress
that equally burned and comforted her. At the string of her thong, he slipped
his finger under the material and followed it around to her lower belly. He
slid his hand inside and pushed two fingers into her core. The purposeful
pumping had its desired effect. Cream flowed, her muscles clenched as her body
sought to hold onto his prodding finger and her pulse quickened.

She closed her eyes, let the moment wrap around her and push
away in the next heartbeat. She held up a trembling hand. “Never, Calan. I’m
not giving him a piece of myself, not willingly at least. And that’s how it has
to happen, isn’t it?”

Brows pinched, he watched her wearily. “Yes, you must give
yourself willingly.”

She breathed a sigh at the confirmation. “Good, then you
have nothing to worry about.”

A smile spread over his face. Her toes curled under the
heated and hungry look.

“Come back to bed then. Let me finish loving you.”

She took a step back, mouth hanging open. She snapped it
closed and glared at him until his brows scrunched. “I just told you Raul put
an ultimatum on my compliance. The sun is up. He’s going to unleash his sluaghs
on my family!”

“Calm down, Harley. Sluaghs cannot attack during the
daylight hours. You know this.”

The order given in a placating tone made her see red. Of
course, she knew that. It didn’t stop her irrational fear though. She snapped
her teeth together, anger and guilt turning her gut into a rolling mess. With
quick, jerking motions, she finished getting dressed and strode for the

Calan caught her hips before she could pass through the
opening. He grasped her wrists in one hand, stretched them over her head and
pressed her to the smooth black wall. She squirmed in his hold, bucking against
the incredible male body holding her still. He widened his stance, his legs
locking her hips against him.

“I said,” He nipped her jaw, “calm down.”

He stripped her of the anxiety before she could shove his
metaphysical presence out. “I will not calm down. My brother—”

“Is safe.” He dragged his lips across her cheek to her ear.
“Riesa, my female hound, has watched over him all night. He’s currently
sleeping in his SUV, which is parked in front of a home with a pink car in its

Cynthia’s house. Ian had mentioned her pink Volkswagen.
Harley’s body sagged with instantaneous relief. “But Raul—”

“Is nowhere close. The male dogs have been prowling the area
surrounding here looking for any sign of the redcap or his creatures.” Calan
pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her skin. He traced a small circle with the tip
of his tongue. “They haven’t found him. They are bound to me, my flower.
Whether I’m sleeping or making love to you, I know what they know.”

He adjusted his grasp on her wrists to hold both in one
hand. The other he dropped to the button on her jeans. She sensed his intent,
wanted to resist, knew it was the proper thing to do. Raul was still out there.
He’d swoop in with his sluaghs as soon as night fell. She needed to get Ian and
Cynthia to safety before that happened. The thoughts danced through her head,
but when Calan’s roughened fingertips brushed her skin all she could manage was
a small whimper.

The tight material of her jeans released with a pull on her
zipper. He slid his fingers over her satin panties and inched the tips lower to
cup her mound. The gentle massage flooded her core and sensitized her achy
clit. Moisture spilled out to coat her lower lips, drenching her thong.

His chest expanded with quicker breaths and his hard muscles
pressed firmly to her back, making her intimately aware of their state of
dress—her mostly clothed, him naked and aroused.

“You are mine, Harley. That means your brother is under my
protection too. I feel what the loss of him would do to you.”

He pushed roughly at her jeans until gravity took over and
they pooled around her ankles. She opened her mouth to say…what she didn’t
know. Her words got lost with the sensations of his finger flicking over her
clit. Calan shoved the material of her thong away and dipped two fingers into
her opening. He kept up the circular rubbing of his thumb to the sensitive
bundle of nerves. Combined, the stimulation left her quivering in his arms.

“I promise you.” He stilled his prodding fingers. “You won’t
lose him.

His cock replaced his fingers before she could question his
vow. The head breached her lower lips. With her legs trapped by his powerful
thighs, she couldn’t widen her stance to accept him and the invasion felt
impossibly large.

“I need to love you, Harley.” He nudged at her chin until she
tipped her head up for his kiss. The slow swipe of his tongue along her lips
stoked her needs. He eased back before she could give into them. “Right here,
right now.” Another lick and her inner muscles quivered around the little piece
of heaven they grasped. “Do you deny me?”

“No, I love…”

He swallowed her words on a kiss and slammed into her. The
orgasm caught her by surprise. Rippling waves swept up her sheath to her womb.
She writhed over the thick length impaled within her. He held still and let her
squirm. Finally, the incredible feeling eased. A breathy sigh escaped. He took
the sound and fed her a low growl.

A shift of his hips and he drove into her. Her body shook
under the rough thrust. More growls, more grunts accompanied the powerful
strokes. He kept their lips locked so each of his pleasured sounds spilled into
her. She kissed him with teeth and tongue. She could barely move, couldn’t
return his passion, couldn’t even finish her declaration. He forced her to
feel—his strength, his stamina, his devotion.

Another orgasm washed through her, this one not as powerful.
Her inner muscles clenched and released over his driving cock. She couldn’t
hold him in, couldn’t ease his seed free, couldn’t wallow in the ecstasy he

He pounded into her, kissing her madly the whole time. Tears
slipped free and trailed down her cheek. The brush of his mind to hers touched
her with hesitant butterfly wings.

Harley, my Harley, why the tears?

She groaned with the caressing of his cock along her
sensitive core.
Happy. I’m happy.
A growl met her words and the grinding
press of his driving cock allowed her orgasm to build. He shifted his hips
before it could whip through her.
Oh, Calan, I love…

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