Hunter Betrayed (9 page)

Read Hunter Betrayed Online

Authors: Nancy Corrigan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hunter Betrayed
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She pressed her palm to his cheek. “You know I can’t allow
you to do that. The commitment you’re making to Cynthia overrides the one you
feel for me. I’m no longer your problem.”

“You were never a problem.”

She gave him a watery smile, both glad and saddened he
hadn’t argued with her. “I’m getting out of here, Ian. I’ve had my fill of
half-naked women for the night.”

He watched her intently for a long moment. “You’re going to
release him?” She nodded. “You’re taking off then too?”

“Hopefully with Calan, but if not, I’m going to hunt for my
siblings myself.”

“Not alone, Sis. If your ghost man doesn’t go with you, you
shouldn’t do this. It’s too dangerous.”

“I have to. No one else will save them.”

“Then I’ll ask Trevor if he’ll go with you.”

Like hell. She wouldn’t risk another innocent’s life. “Sure,
okay.” She forced a smile, hoping he’d believe her.

He narrowed his eyes as if he didn’t buy her lame acting
skills but gave her hand another small squeeze anyway. “You’ll call, right?”

She patted her back pocket and the cell phone there. “You
know I will. Every day, just like I promised.”

“Good.” He nodded. “That’s good.”

Before she broke down in tears, she turned away and left her
only family member behind, or at least the only one she knew wouldn’t turn into
a raving monster someday.

She evaded another one of Ian’s friends who stepped in her
path and slipped outside. She scanned the parking lot. The habits she’d
developed, second nature. At nearly midnight, the lot was deserted.

One more sweep and she strode toward where she’d left her
car, one of the spare SUVs from Ian’s company. The black monstrosity was the
biggest vehicle she’d ever driven. Inside the metal shell, she had a sensation
of power, though she doubted it’d win any races.

A few feet from the decked-out beast, an awareness she’d
felt too many times over the years skipped over her skin. Normally, the taint
she carried would flare in response. Tonight, it remained dormant and calm
under Calan’s silky barrier. She breathed a sigh. Her happiness over the
knowledge that Calan really had healed her faded with the first sight of the
man she wanted to gut for what he’d done to her family.

Raul walked around the edge of the building in the same
nonchalant amble he’d sported the last time she’d seen him.

How did he find me so quickly?

She pulled her dagger from the sheath she’d shoved inside
her boot. His gaze flicked to it, but he continued to approach, not even eyeing
it with a tiny bit of apprehension. Her pulse raced.

Shit, shit, shit.
She knew his change in patterns indicated
more than his unraveling mind. It looked as if she’d find out the reason. She
tightened her grip and waited.

He stopped several feet away and matched her widened stance.
His empty hands hanging loosely at his sides didn’t fool her. His nails could
grow into curved talons as sharp as a razor blade. Unlike the sluaghs who were
more animal than human without the glamour their redcap leader bestowed upon
them, men like Raul retained their human appearance. For the most part, at
least. The whites of their eyes turned red and pointy teeth filled their mouths
when they allowed their nonhuman side out.

Raul swept desire-ridden, dilated eyes over her. He let his
gaze linger on her breasts the same way most men did. She had a healthy dose of
mammary glands. He tore his attention from them and focused on her face.

“Happy belated birthday, Harley.”

The raspy tinge to his words reminded her of a smoker. The
last time he’d spoken to her, she’d been equally disgusted and intrigued by his
voice. It had appealed to the darker half of her persona. With Calan’s touch
holding it at bay, she felt only revulsion.

“How did you—”

“Know you just turned twenty-seven?” He gave her a lopsided
smile. “Because you’ve matured. I feel the change in you.”

She didn’t know what he was talking about but the fact that
he made a point of telling her about it worried her.

“And now you no longer want to kill me,” she guessed.

Quicker breaths expanded his chest. “No, I don’t want to
kill you.”

She focused on the cock straining his pants. Fear rose. She
stamped it down. “What do you want then?”

A smile spread over his handsome face that didn’t need an
ounce of glamour to create. It seemed almost wrong that his physical body
didn’t match the monster he was.

“You’re going to join your essence to mine and together
we’re going to bring my plan to life.”

Her heart raced. She locked her knees so she didn’t turn
tail and run. Calan might need this information in his hunt for Dahm. She’d
give her ghost man anything she could to help him.

“I don’t understand.”

Raul took a step closer. She tightened her grip on the

“Once you give me a piece of yourself, it’ll fix this,” he
touched his head, “and join us for all time.”

She trembled, hating the sign of weakness but couldn’t stop
it. What he described sounded too similar to what Calan had done for her.

“Like hell. The only thing I’ll ever give you is death.”

“It’s getting harder to resist, isn’t it?”

Obviously he wasn’t going to fall into a verbal
confrontation. It didn’t surprise her. For as evil as she knew he was, the man
couldn’t be riled. She’d tried, hoping to trick him into letting his guard
down. It made her wonder what he’d done in his previous life and what had lured
him into the one he now held.

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
With Calan’s help, anyway.

“Dahm doesn’t think you’ll last the week.”

“He knows about me?”

Raul grinned. “Oh yeah, he knows about you. He’ll be coming
for you soon. You are his only child.” His smile turned into a sneer. “That
lived, anyway. And he’s giving you to me.”

A shudder ran through her at the thought of being naked
under the killer in front of her.
No, don’t think about that. Get facts.
Calan will need facts.
“How did you find me?”

“I’ve taken your blood. My tie to you has strengthened as
you’ve grown and now that you’ve reached fairy adulthood I feel you here.” He
thumped his chest. “There will never be a place you can hide from me. It’s why
Dahm has given you to me and why I’ve kept the others from killing you.”

Only a couple of weeks after Calan had saved her, Raul had
caught her. He’d gnawed on her ankle. She’d only escaped because of the dagger made
of her blood and iron.

“You stopped the other redcaps?”

He cringed as if he didn’t like the term. She filed the
information away to dissect later. “And their slaves. I’m the strongest.” He
flashed her a smile that showed off his pointy teeth. “You’ve made me the most
powerful. I rarely even have to kill now.”

Oh god.

He moved so fast she didn’t have time to react. He grasped
the wrist of her hand holding the blade and wrapped his other around her

“I wasn’t always evil, Harley. You made me remember that and
my goal. For you, I only killed the ones already dying and I made sure they
didn’t feel a thing.” He leaned close enough to kiss her. Hot, minty breath
bathed her face. Her stomach churned. “But that can change easily.”

She pushed against his chest with her free, gloveless hand.
She’d forgotten to cover Calan’s mark. Curses danced through her head. Thoughts
of what she and Calan would share once she released him had messed with her
head. Regret left a bitter taste in her mouth.

She did the only thing she could. She dropped her hand to
her side and curled it into a fist.

“You can’t force me.” Because if he could’ve, they wouldn’t
be talking. He’d be raping her. Unless she was lucky and caught him with her
blade, she had no hope of fighting him off. Raul had a good hundred pounds of
muscle on her.

“Come to me before the sun rises, Harley.” He slanted his
mouth over hers and kissed her. She refused to open. He pulled back with a
chuckle. “If you don’t, you’ll learn just how cruel my sluaghs can be.”

He slid a keycard down the front of her shirt. Gaze on hers,
he backed up until he disappeared around the edge of the building.

She dug the offending hotel key from in between her breasts
and ran for the SUV. A click and she locked all the doors. She dug her phone
out and dialed.

“Raul’s in town.” She pressed the button to start the
vehicle. It roared to life in a deep grumble. “Get to Cynthia now. Trevor was

“Fuck, are you sure?” Ian’s panicked voice made her anxiety
and anger worse.

“I just had a nice little chat with him. I’m sure. Now go.
I’m going to free Calan.”

More curses filled the line. “Be safe, Sis.”

“You too, Ian.” After what she’d just learned, she didn’t
know if she ever would be, but her brother didn’t need that knowledge too. He’d
suffered long enough because of her. It was about time he found some happiness,
even if she never would. Because unless Raul died, she was a danger to
everyone, including Calan.


Chapter Eight


A shiver of awareness danced down Calan’s spine with the
approach of his visitor. Lust tightened his body. His cock lengthened and a
guttural groan rumbled his chest.


By the gods, he wanted her. He had for years and her
confirmation that she felt the same only made his needs grow. She was the right
choice for him, tainted or not. He couldn’t imagine spending eternity with any
other woman.

Calan stroked his cock. The rough material of his pants
stimulated the sensitive flesh. The temptation to tug his trews down and pump his
shaft until he exploded nearly broke his control. He’d resisted as he had since
Harley had returned to him. He refused to find his pleasure without the woman
who’d brought him to this state.

Her scent reached him first. He squeezed the rod under his
hand and took deep, slow breaths.
Soon, gods, soon.
He would worship his
woman tonight because tomorrow evening he’d ride and leave her behind,
temporarily at least.

He dragged in more citrus-scented air, but her rapid
heartbeat sped his. As he’d done before, he opened himself to her. Her fear
rushed over him. He choked on the terror swamping her. Anger and anxiety added
to it.

A tug on her riotous feelings and they slammed into him. He
shook under the force of the push. The fear gripping her lessened under his
influence. The angst which caused it didn’t. She ran down the stairs before he
could ask her why.

She settled her desperate gaze on him. “Calan.”

The urge to protect her flared with his name spoken in her
panicked voice. He wanted to gather her close and ease all her sorrows while
snapping and snarling at whoever hurt her.

“What’s wrong?”

She slipped the torch into the hook on the wall and hurried
across the room. The thick animal pelts that had served as carpets and beds for
his hounds silenced the thump of her boots.

“There’s a redcap in town. He…” She shuddered. “He wants me
to give a piece of myself to him. He’s threatening my family if I don’t.”

Her words sparked the anger he’d taken from Harley and
awakened the wrath he kept contained except for when the Hunt seized him. His
head fell back. A roar ripped from his throat. Claws burst from his fingers.

No, dammit, no.
He snapped his teeth together and
fought the rest of the changes the Hunt induced. He couldn’t risk frightening
Harley with his Huntsman form.

She shoved his shirt away and skimmed soft, trembling hands
over his heaving chest. “Oh god, Calan. Calm down. You’re hurting yourself.”

Harley pushed his shirt higher and pressed her lips to his
skin. She kissed him, caressed him and her gentle touch calmed the remaining
fury turning him into a beast from hell. The edges of his teeth flattened, the
sharp talons receded and his body returned to his normal size.

His breath escaped in a rush. “Harley.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” More kisses, more featherlight
strokes. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Her words infused him with soothing warmth as easily as her
rage had smothered him.

“More, Harley.” The rough bite to his tone spoke of the line
he walked between monster and man. He couldn’t calm her if he hovered on the
edge. “Kiss me.”

He used his free hand to lift her. She linked her ankles
around his waist and dug the hard edges of her boots into his ass. A hiccupped
groan fell from her lips. She grabbed the short strands of his hair and used
her hold to guide his head to hers for the rough, desperate kiss he craved.

Her sweet taste invaded his senses along with her fresh
scent. He could get drunk on this woman. He moaned his pleasure into her mouth.
The sound seemed to ignite her passion. She clung to him, kissed him harder
with teeth and tongue as if she wanted to crawl inside him.

“Need you.”

The groaned words against his lips were ones he’d heard from
women many times. None had left him in a state of desperation. He had to sink
his dick into Harley, had to fill her with his seed, had to finish his half of
the bond.

Might die if he didn’t.

He slanted his lips over hers and took her mouth with the
same fervor she’d shown him. Gods, she tasted of heaven. He nipped her lip and
the pure chaos twined with her blood flooded his senses. The evidence of the
battle going on in her body and soul didn’t bother him as it had the last time.
It reminded him of her endurance and the strength of will she possessed. She’d
lived and remained honorable for him.

The tang became a badge of honor and gave a wild flare to
their kiss. Loving Harley promised uncontained passion as wicked as the chaos that
had left its mark on her. She couldn’t escape her father’s taint, but he would
harness the natural element and tame it, along with the woman. He’d own both.
He wouldn’t stand for anything less.

He massaged her ass cheeks, enjoying the lushness of them,
and teased the crack with his thumb. The thick, rough material of her jeans
stopped him from exploring and learning every inch of her beautiful body. He
gripped the waistband and resisted the urge to rip them off her. For all his
many powers, he couldn’t create clothes nor could he give her the illusion of
them. The wardrobe that supplied him with appropriate attire for the era had
been a gift from the last Seelie and only worked for him.

The effort it took to tear his mouth from Harley’s surprised
him. He could’ve kissed her all night and not tired of her tempting lips.
“Release me.”

“Yes, yes.” A hard kiss punctuated each word.

She unhooked her legs and slid down his chest in a full-body
caress. Plump breasts, her firm stomach and the heat of her arousal skimmed a
path to his aching cock. She ran her fingertips over the length and turned
away. Unwilling to lose her touch so soon even though it was necessary, he
grasped her wrist. He couldn’t form the emotions barraging him into words. The
heated stare, all he could manage.

A small smile spread over her swollen lips. She tugged her
hand free and hurried to the bed where the key lay on his pillow. The sway of
her ass tore a groan from his throat. Hand on the skeleton key, she glanced
over her shoulder and peered at him from behind the strands of her hair. Her
gaze dropped to his groin. She licked her lips.

“Hurry, woman, I want you.”

“And I need you.” A grin on her face, she picked up the key
and sashayed back to his side. She dropped to her knees. “But I need to deal
with Raul first.”

“The redcap?” A red haze slipped over his vision. “You know
his name?”

She paused with her hand on the manacles binding his ankles
and flicked her gaze to his. “He’s the one who’s hunted me for years.”

She danced her fingertips up his leg. At the crease where
thigh met groin, she stroked from top to bottom, reaching between his legs to
complete the explorative path. She leaned closer and her breasts pillowed
against him. Head tipped back, the full force of her siren eyes pierced him.

“He almost got me a couple of times. If it wasn’t for the
knowledge you pushed into my mind, I would’ve died at his hands.” She lowered
her gaze to focus on his rigid cock hidden behind his pants. A slow swipe of
her tongue accompanied the hungry, low groan she made. “I’m going to thank you
properly for saving my life and giving me a reason to fight.”

She closed her mouth around the length of his dick and
nibbled. A string of curses he’d learned from her spilled out of his mouth. She
clamped a little harder, just to the point where he contemplated tugging her
off him but she eased the pressure and rested her cheek over him.

“I’ll make sure you never regret it, Calan.” Again she
lifted her gaze. “I promise you, but I can’t worship you now.”

He panted but managed a nod, the surge of irrational
jealousy snuffed out with her words and touch. The weight of her vow wrapped
around him. He held it close.

Eyes locked to his, she turned the key. A shock wave
resounded in the room. The walls shook and energy rushed into him. Without
thought, he grabbed Harley’s shoulder and shared the unrestrained power and its
accompanying ecstasy with her. Her cry mirrored his. The rush eased, so did the
sound of her pleasure. For the first time in a millennium, he shifted his legs
from the widened stance he’d assumed because of the chains.

She wrapped trembling arms around his legs. “What was that?”

The huskiness to her words brought a smile to his lips. He
sifted his fingers through the silken strands of her hair. “What has been denied
to me. Power. My power.” He tipped up her chin. “Finish it.”

She licked her lips and the first hint of wariness bled into
her eyes. “Promise me you’ll protect my brother, Ian. No matter what. He’s
human, innocent in all this.”

He caressed the edge of her mouth with his thumb. “That
requires no promise. I will.”

She closed her eyes on a long sigh. “Good.”

“Harley?” He waited until she met his gaze. “Why ask such a
thing of me?”

She stood, stretching on the tips of her toes, and fitted
the key into the remaining lock. She turned her head to face him. The full,
bouncy curls framing her face swayed, tickling his chin. For a long moment, she
didn’t say anything. Finally, she pressed her lips to the spot just below his
ear. Her heated breath sent shivers racing down his spine. “In case I’m wrong
and releasing you will damn me.”

The click resonated. The manacle opened and another rush of
pure energy bled from the walls, the air and the ground beneath his feet. The
earth returned what had been stolen from him.

Calan banded his arms around Harley and held her tightly
against him. Freedom had never felt so good. He wanted to thank her for being
his salvation, but first he had to deal with the threat to her family.

Eyes closed, he opened himself to the power of the Hunt, the
only way he could connect to those who carried the taint of darkness. The
conscious effort took precious time and energy.

He stretched his ever-expanding circle over the countryside.
His mental swoop encompassed Harley’s house with its iron spikes surrounding it,
out to the sprawling town at the base of the mountain and farther still until
he touched the neighboring cities. He pulled back with a frown and faced

“There are no redcaps or sluaghs within the reach of my
power, not in the town closest or the two farther out.”

An incredulous expression spread over her face. “He’s there,
in town. I just left him and came straight here after he threatened my family
with his sluaghs.”

“Then most likely he has gone to call them forth from a
fairy ring tied to him.” Most redcaps had dozens of such portals to the fairy
realm. Their sluaghs could only roam during the nighttime hours. The sunlight
turned them into useless husks.

The tension in her limbs eased. She slumped then immediately
straightened her spine. “We need to be ready when he returns.”

He caught her shoulder, stopping her from walking away. She
flashed him a narrowed glare. No surge of anger accompanied the displeased
look. He breathed a sigh and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “I will send my
hounds out. They will hunt for him and any of his creatures. The moment they
find one, I will know no matter where I am or what I am doing. I will go
immediately to them, but you and I have unfinished business.”

Her cheeks took on a faint blush, but lust darkened her
eyes. Still, she shook her head. “We can’t take any chances. The trip down the

“Will take mere moments on my horse’s back.”

Her gaze on his mouth, she drew her bottom lip between her
teeth. Her slow nibble on the tender flesh dragged a groan from his throat. She
let the teased flesh slip free and met his eyes. “And I will be left behind?”

Voiced as a question, but he saw her knowledge of the truth
in her tense expression. Testing him or confirming her suspicions? He didn’t care
which drove her inquiry. She’d get the truth as much as he could give it to

“Yes, with plenty of my hounds to protect you.” He pressed a
finger to her open mouth. “I will shield you from the ugliness of my life as
much as possible. You do not need to be anywhere near the redcaps or their
puppets, especially without my complete tie to you. I will not have a repeat of
today. The hours without knowing your fate were pure hell.”

At her pinched brow, he drew her close. She stepped into the
circle of his arms and rested her hands on his chest. He rewarded her with a
chaste kiss to her temple.

“I’ve shared my life force with you but until I complete the
circle, I’m not one with you. I won’t be able to help you in the way of a
mate.” He turned her palm over and traced where his circle would soon be
imprinted upon her. “You need this.” He skimmed his parted lips to her ear. “I
need this. Okay?”

She nodded. The sign of her trust brought a smile to his
lips. Unable to resist her sweetness, he brushed his mouth against hers. He
eased back and swept his hand to the entryway. Eagerness rushed up. He hadn’t
been able to connect with his animals while chained. “But first, greet my loyal

His three favored hounds trotted into the room on silent
paws. As tall as his waist, the white animals with red ears and eyes looked
exactly as they had the last time he’d seen them. When the Hunt rode, they
turned as black as night, but this was their true form. Calan dropped to his
knees and welcomed the ferocious creatures to him. Licks to his face and
nuzzles from the female mutt to his chin showed him their affection. He
returned it, rubbing their sides and petting their heads.

As one, they backed up, sat on their haunches and turned
their intelligent and insightful eyes to Harley. Their noses twitched, ears
lowered and a low growl crawled in unison from their throats, but they didn’t
move in for the kill as they’d been trained to do whenever they scented a fairy.

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