Hunted (11 page)

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Authors: Ellie Ferguson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #paranormal, #romance, #Suspense, #Urban Fantasy, #shapeshifters, #stalking

BOOK: Hunted
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“Hands down,” I ordered. I ducked my head and nipped at his lower lip. “Don’t make me have to discipline you.”

He grinned and dropped his hands. I guided them to the headboard, closing his fingers around the wooden posts. “Don’t let go,” I murmured against his mouth. My hands moved to his belt and he groaned softly.

“Finn, I want to touch you.”


I kissed him and then reached up to yank off my tank top. Still straddling him, I fisted my hands in his shirt and pulled, sending buttons flying. I didn’t care. I wanted skin against skin. I wanted to make him as insane with want as he had made me last night.

I wriggled out of my jeans and stretched out on top of him. His lips parted and his eyes shined. His grasp on the posts tightened and I knew he was fighting the impulse to let go.

“See something you like?” I teased as I shifted slightly so my right breast hung just out of reach of his mouth.


I shifted again, relishing the feel of his mouth as he sucked and licked and nibbled at my nipple. My hands slipped between us, working to undo his zipper. He groaned as his penis was suddenly free of his jeans. I gripped it, fingers teasing and taunting. When he opened his mouth, gasping, I shifted. My mouth closed on his and I kissed him deeply, losing myself in the moment.

Then my warped sense of humor took over. I trailed kisses down his throat to his chest, moving ever lower. He groaned again, muscles tensing as continued making my way down his body. His penis twitched and his eyes closed, desire hanging heavy in the air.

“This is my friend George.” I pitched my voice lower, trying for the intonation of the cartoon from my childhood. “I will love him and lick him and kiss his little head.” I deliberately misquoted the cartoon and then put action to the words.

“What?” Matt’s eyes snapped open and his head popped up off the pillow. “Little? I’ll show you little!”

He hands closed about my waist and he rolled. We both laughed like loons as I countered. Instead of me winding up beneath him, we rolled again. And then again. His sharp intake of breath came a split second before we rolled off the bed. Fortunately, at least for me, he landed on bottom.

Not that he stayed there for long. His fingers found my ribs and tickled. Laughing, batting at the offending appendages, I let my guard down. I had a split-second’s warning as I felt his muscles gathering beneath me. Then he quit tickling me and we rolled, but only once this time.

“I’ll show you little,” he repeated, spreading my legs.

“Yes,” I whispered, pulling his head down. I ground my mouth against his as he plunged into me. “I want you, Matt. I want your scent on me. I want everyone to know we’re together.” Desire roughened my voice. My hands pulled him close, fingers digging into his shoulders. God, never had it been like this before.

“Then let’s make sure no one can ever doubt it.” He nibbled at my lower lip and I felt his smile as I moved against him, demanding more, always more.

Mine, all mine!

After a shower that, unfortunately, didn’t include sex, I dressed in the leathers Matt had given me. I brushed my hair and then braided it. As I studied my reflection, I smiled slightly. I did look pretty damned kick ass between the leathers and tattoo. There was a determination reflected in my expression I hadn’t seen in much too long. The butterflies in my stomach were only a mild distraction. Still, I wished Matt and Adam and thought to grab at least some lip gloss for me while they were out.

A soft rap at the door interrupted my thoughts. When I called out, I knew it would be Sharon who opened the door. What I didn’t expect was the makeup bag she held in one hand or her surprised expression as she stepped inside. Before I knew what was happening, she’d dropped to hands and knees on the tile floor, her forehead almost touching the tips of my boots.

“Sharon!” I laughed and reached down to lift her to her feet. “Save the dramatics for tonight.”

“Dear God, Finn, what’s going on?” She looked at me, eyes wide with disbelief.

“What do you mean? And please tell me there’s makeup in that bag.”

She blinked, shook her head and then smiled. It was easy to see that she used the time it took to lay out the selection of foundation, powders, blushes, lip gloss and other makeup to gather her thoughts. Since I understood that sensation of being hit by a cosmic two-by-four, I let her work. She’d explain the rest of it when she was ready.

I just hoped she was ready soon.

“Shar?” I prompted finally. I was sitting on the commode, doing my best not to remind her--again--that I could put on my own makeup.

“As much as I do not want to think about my big brother having sex--that ranks right up there with thinking about our parents having sex--it’s clear you guys put the afternoon to good use.”

Well, that answered one question. The pride would certainly know we were together in every sense of the word.

“And I expected it,” she continued. “What I didn’t expect was to be hit with your power when I opened the door. Dear God, the control you must have been exercising all this time is more than I can imagine. All I can say is any shape-changer who comes within half a mile of you tonight will know you’re an alpha and very well matched for Matt.”

As she spoke, she put aside the makeup brush she’d been using. For a moment, she studied me--well, she studied her work on me. Then, with a satisfied nod, she pulled me to my feet and turned me to face the mirror hanging over the sink.

“Now,” my grandmother said from the doorway. “You really do look like your mother.”

All I could do was nod. Sharon had worked some kind of arcane magic on my face. Without the makeup being noticeable, she’d highlighted my cheekbones and a smoky shadow brought the focus to my eyes. There was no mistaking my Indian heritage now, especially not with my braid, the leathers and the tattoo. Nor was there any denying the very strong resemblance I bore to my mother and grandmother.


“I take it you approve.” Sharon gave me a cheeky grin.

“I do. Thank you.”

I pulled her into a quick hug and then turned my attention to my grandmother. Embarrassment returned as I remembered what Sharon had said about being able to tell Matt and I had been together and I prayed my blush wasn’t a deep as it felt. It was one thing having your mate’s sister know you’ve just been loved very well. It was something very different to have your grandmother know it.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Sharon slipped out of the bathroom, pausing only long enough to give a respectful nod to my grandmother.

“Finn, you’re sure this is what you want?” Grandma asked as we walked into the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and I sank onto the floor at her feet. I knew she was asking not only as my grandmother but as the closest thing to a pride leader I’d had in much too long.

“It is. Matt and I talked after you and Uncle Adam left. We both understand the possible consequences but feel the benefits not only to us but to pride and clan outweigh the danger.”

“Good.” She smiled in approval and reached out to lightly touch my cheek. “The wristlet your uncle gave you is one I gave your mother when she and your father joined as mates. That was three years before they were married. She told us then that she hoped her daughter would one day wear it when she formally joined with her mate.

“Your grandfather gave me this when we formally became mates. You would honor both of us if you accepted it and wore it tonight. It had been your great-grandmother’s before it became mine. She had been shaman for her people, one of the few female shamans of the time.”

She held a necklace in her hands. It was delicate and intricate and there was the strength of generations in it. Stones of malachite, coral, quartz and even petrified wood had been carved into animal shapes. Studying them, I swallowed hard. Those shapes represented the different animals those of our blood lines shifted into. There were jaguars and cougars, coyotes and wolves and even a bear. I bowed my head as my fingers closed over the necklace, too stunned to speak. Grandma was giving me our history and, in doing so, making sure no one could ever question my place in the bloodline.

“Thank you. I’m honored to wear this.” I took her hands in mine and kissed them, recognizing her as an elder. Then I moved to sit on the mattress at her side and held her close, granddaughter to grandmother. “You honor me and my mate by hearing here tonight and I am sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you these years I’ve been on the run.”

“You didn’t cause the pain, child. That falls squarely on Michael Jennings.”

Before I could reply, there was a knock at the door and Matt asked if we were ready to leave.

Grinning, I stood and helped my grandmother to her feet. It was time to take back control of my life.

Take that, Michael!


Chapter Eight



By the time Matt handed me out of the Mustang an hour later, I knew what I had to do. From now until we returned home, I had to live the role I’d accepted. I was his mate, the pride’s female alpha. I answered no one save him and then only because I chose to. No one else in the pride outranked me.

Part of that included showing the proper respect to my grandmother, not only as an elder but as an allied clan leader. But we were both alphas and she was in my territory. I was the host and she the guest. Somehow, I had a feeling she’d play her role better than I would mine.

Standing there, looking at the sprawling ranch-style house before us, I tried to remember how my mother had acted at such gatherings. She’d always stood with my father as his equal. They’d consulted on all decisions concerning those they led and Dad’s respect for Mom as an alpha had always been clear. For her part, Mom had never tried to take the spotlight for herself. I knew it wasn’t always like that among the other packs and prides, but I was damned if I’d accept anything less for myself.

Matt gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. When I looked up at him, he winked. Then his lips brushed against mine. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to let me know he realized how nervous I was and he wanted to reassure me.

“Stefan lives here with my Aunt Hannah. They converted the barn for us to use as a meeting place when I took over the pride,” he said softly as we started down the gravel drive.

“Is your aunt one of us?”

“She is. They have three children. Two are shape-changers.” He held the door for me and motioned me inside.

I couldn’t hold back my gasp of surprise. It might look like barn outside but no one could ever mistake it for one once inside. The walls were lined with beautifully polished oak paneling. Brass fixtures that reminded me of old coach lights hung from the ceiling. What looked to be a full kitchen with eating area lined the far wall. We stood in what could only be described as a great room--one that could grace the pages of any of the top design magazines. I barely kept myself from dropping to my knees to run a hand over the beautiful hardwood floors.

Before I could comment, Stefan was there to greet me. He took my hands and smiled. That didn’t fool me though. I saw how he looked me up and down, not missing a single detail. Then he nodded in approval.

“Finn, this is my wife, Hannah.” He placed my right hand in his wife’s left. As he did, I smiled. Blonde haired blue-eyed, there was no mistaking Hannah’s Germanic ancestry. Nor was there any mistaking her strength. She was so close to being an alpha, I was surprised she hadn’t taken that final step.

“Welcome to our home and family,” she said, her soft voice betraying her German ties. The accent was faint, but there.

“Thank you” I smiled and held a hand out to Stefan. “Your husband might not have saved my life, but he treated my injuries and he eased my fears. I will always be in his debt for that.”

“Just as we are in yours.” When I looked at her in question, Hannah nodded to where Matt stood a few feet away talking to Sharon, my grandmother and Uncle Adam. “I can see the change in him already. He’s always been a good leader, but he lived only for it and for his job. There’s a completeness to him now that comes from finding his mate.”

“That’s how he makes me feel,” I said simply.

Before anything else could be said, the sounds of cars coming up the drive reached us. As Hannah and Stefan went greet the newcomers, I caught Matt’s eye. He nodded and I stepped back. Now was the time to watch and wait.

“Relax,” Sharon said softly from my side fifteen minutes later.

I leaned against the wall, taking advantage of the shadows cast by one of the stone pillars, and studied those gathered. More than two dozen men and women ranging from high schoolers to their grandparents were present. I had seen at least a dozen children and preteens as well as adults I realized weren’t shape-changers who had retired to the house.

Matt moved among those gathered, smiling, talking. I felt Sharon’s pride when her brother moved to the front of the room. Seeing how his pride members respected him, I couldn’t blame her. It was clear Matt cared for each person present and they for him.

A touch of uncertainty knotted my stomach. How would they react when he announced he’d found a mate? He was about to completely change the dynamics of the pride. He was not only bringing in a mate from outside the pride and clan, but he was bringing in one who had never formally been a member of any pride. There was bound to be concern and doubt. But would it be such that it could actually undermine Matt’s position is alpha?

“Easy, Finn.” Sharon’s voice was soft, reassuring. “Trust in Matt and in yourself.”

I swallowed once and nodded. Trusting in Matt was easy. Trusting in myself was something else altogether.  “Is there anyone I need to be aware of?” In other words, were there any here who might have hoped to become Matt’s mate and who would cause trouble because he’d chosen me over them?

“I don’t think so. Almost everyone has been with the pride for years. There are a few who joined us over the last few years because their jobs brought them here, but no one’s ever caused any real trouble.”

I nodded and tried to relax, not an easy thing when my jaguar was so restless. No, that’s not the right word. It was edgy and more than a bit pissy. It wanted to revel in being named Matt’s mate, in taking its place as alpha, but it sensed trouble. I wanted to put it all down to reaction. Between the run-in with the trackers, suddenly realizing not only that I was an alpha but that I’d found my life mate, and realizing I was no longer going to run, my emotional equilibrium was anything but steady. But I couldn’t completely ignore that sense of potential trouble ahead.

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