Hunted (6 page)

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Authors: Ellie Ferguson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #paranormal, #romance, #Suspense, #Urban Fantasy, #shapeshifters, #stalking

BOOK: Hunted
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Concern flared. “Has something happened?”

“No. He’s just covering all the bases. You’ll learn that my big brother takes his duties as alpha very seriously.” She studied me as she took a sip of coffee. Then she reached out, her right hand pushing the left sleeve of my robe up past my elbow. “Finn?”

I didn’t need her to voice her unspoken question. Not when she laid her hand, palm up, next to mine. There on the inside of her forearm was the tattoo of a mountain lion. Most people seeing it would only see a beautiful tattoo, something that truly rated the title “body art”. But I saw the clan markings in the background. The totem and iconography marked her as a member of the Dallas pride and Texas clan. Every member of the clan would have a tattoo with similar markings. It might not be as large and it might not have the same animal, but the totem and iconography would be there, either on the forearm or bicep or shoulder.

“I left the clan before I received my markings. My parents hadn’t had them done because they wanted me to have the freedom to decide if I wanted to stay with the clan when I reached my majority or go to another. After I ran away, there was no clan or even a pride I could claim.”

Sharon’s hand closed over mine and sympathy was reflected in her eyes. “Damn it, Finn, you’ve been alone too long.”

I swallowed hard against the sudden lump in my throat. Maybe she was right. But I’d had no choice. Young as I’d been, I’d known I had to get away from Michael. Even before that terrible day when I’d run away, I’d known I didn’t want to be tied to him as his mate. Now I realized I’d known I couldn’t be a part of his pride or clan either. Fear and instinct had sent me running from him just as instinct now had me considering turning to Sharon, her brother and the rest of their clan for help.

“Yeah.” I couldn’t say anything else. So I lifted my mug and sipped, hoping she’d let the subject drop, at least for a bit.

“Uncle Stefan will be over later to take a look at you,” she said a few minutes later. “He wants to make sure you’re healing now that the barbs are out.”

“I am,” I said before she could ask. “There’s still some pain and the wounds haven’t healed as much as they should have, but they are healing. But I would appreciate him taking a look.”

“Matt said to tell you that he’ll be home by lunch.”

I nodded, hoping she didn’t notice the way my pulse quickened at the sound of her brother’s name. Damn, this just wasn’t normal.

“I hate to ask, but did you manage to find me some clothes? I don’t feel right wearing nothing but this robe.”

“God, I’m an idiot!” I tried not to laugh as she actually smacked her forehead with the heel of her hand, just like the actors used to do in that old juice commercial. “I’ve got some jeans and stuff for you. It’s in my room. Let me have another cup of coffee and then I’ll show you.”

The next several hours were surprisingly busy. After more coffee and a breakfast I hadn’t realized I was hungry for, Sharon and I worked side by side to clean the kitchen. Then, after assuring me she hadn’t forgotten about her promise, she set about putting together a large pot of stew. As she worked, she kept up a running commentary, not only about what she was doing but about local events, the clan, even her job as a teacher at one of the local high schools.

Once the stew was on, she led me through the house to the bedroom she used whenever she stayed over. According to her, that happened on a fairly regular basis. Matt was the epitome of the over-protective big brother. He didn’t like her driving by herself when it was late and he absolutely wouldn’t let her drive if she’d been drinking. She’d threatened to move in with him once and he’d simply nodded and asked when she wanted help closing out her apartment.

Listening to her, I was reminded again of all I’d lost with my parents’ deaths. Family, friends, pride and clan. It had all been torn from me.

Damn Michael.

“God, I’m sorry!” Before I knew what she was about to do, Sharon had thrown her arms around me. “I’m such an idiot.”

“No you’re not.” I smiled down at her. I’d not had a best friend as an adult. It wouldn’t be difficult to let her fill the job. “Let’s just say the last day has made me think about a lot of things I’ve missed over the years.”

She studied me for a moment and, apparently satisfied, she nodded. Then she turned to the closet and began pulling out an assortment of jeans, tee shirts, shirts and shorts for me to examine. Watching her, all I could do was shake my head. I’d asked for a change of clothes, something to hold me over until Matt decided it was safe for me to either return to my apartment or go shopping. Instead of a pair of jeans and a couple of tops, she was presenting me with more clothes than I owned.

I blinked back tears before she could turn and see them. Damn it, I had to get control of myself.

“What’d you do? Blow your entire credit line?” I reached beyond her to finger a blouse that was, indeed, silk.

“Nah.” She gave me a cheeky grin. “I blew my brother’s. It’s much more fun to spend his money.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or sigh. Laughter won. She was right. It really was more fun to spend someone else’s money, especially if you had permission to. But it did put me even further in debt to Matt and that was a feeling I wasn’t used to. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I liked it. Not that I had much choice just then.

Still, I did manage to convince Sharon that I didn’t need all the clothes. I chose two pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts along with several tanks and tees--and, yes, the silk shirt. The rest were to go back. She pouted a little, but I could see she approved. Interesting. Had this been a test of sorts to see what sort of person I was? If so, I approved. She had not only her brother’s best interest but the best interest of the clan at heart.

I liked her more and more with each minute that passed.

Several hours later, I leaned against the bedroom door and sighed. It was only a little after noon and yet I felt like I’d been through a whirlwind. In a way I had. Between getting a crash course in the clan and local pride from Sharon and being thoroughly examined by Stefan, I hadn’t had time to do much more except breathe. Maybe it was better that way. It kept me from thinking too much about what happened the day before. It had also kept me from obsessing about what I was going to do about it.

And that seemed to have helped because my subconscious had reached a decision. Now all I had to do was screw up enough courage to discuss it with Matt.

But did I want to wait until we were alone to do it? Maybe I should. But I had a feeling that Sharon would agree with what I planned. Whether that was a good thing or not, I didn’t know. It did make me feel better, however.

Mind made up, I drew a deep breath, held it for a slow count to five and then blew it out. If I really was going to do this, I might as well get it over with.

I found Matt in the den. He sat in the overstuffed chair he’d settled me onto the night before. In his right hand, he held a battered paperback book. Then, as if feeling my eyes on him, he looked up. A slow smile touched his lips and my pulse quickened. Damn, no man should have the ability to turn my knees to jelly just by looking at me.

“I thought you might be taking a nap,” he said as he put his book to one side.

“No.” I shook my head and moved to sit on the couch. I needed some distance between us so I could think. Had I been away from our kind so long that just being in the presence of an alpha male turned me into a horny teenager?

“You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”

I chewed my lower lip and then nodded. “I do and I’m really hoping you will hear me out and not think I’ve lost my mind.”

“Sounds serious.” He leaned forward, elbows on knees and waited.

“It is.”

Where had my resolve gone? I’d started this, so I had to finish it. Instead, I wanted to slink back to my room and hide. Horny, scared teenager.

“Matt, I can never thank you enough for what you did yesterday.” I held up my hand when he opened his mouth to interrupt. “Please, let me just say this. Then you can tell me to be on my way or you can call the men with the white coats to come for me.” Neither would really surprise me. What I was about to do was crazy.

I stood and took a step toward him. Then I dropped to my hands and knees. If I was going to do this, I’d do it right. I crawled to him, noting the way his eyes widened. But I didn’t look down. Nor did I bow my head. My posture recognized him as an alpha but did not grant him dominance over me. It was the posture of equal to equal, at least among our people.

“Matt, you named me alpha. The others of your clan I’ve met confirmed it. You’ve graciously offered me sanctuary and protection. I appreciate it but that would open you retribution--or worse--from Michael and his clan. I can’t ask you to do that and receive nothing in return.

“As your sister reminded me this morning, I am not formally a member of any clan. I had not been marked as a member of the Northern California clan before I left and I’ve not taken the markings of any other pride or clan since then.” I pulled my tee shirt over my head and tossed it to one side. Clad in sports bra and jeans, my lack of a clan tattoo couldn’t be hidden.

Matt’s expression tightened. At the same time, I heard a soft footfall behind me. It was followed almost instantly by Sharon’s soft gasp. But neither said anything. Right now, this was my show and I had to finish it.

“Clan leader, I come to you with a proposition. One you can freely refuse. If you do, I ask only that you give me forty eight hours before you report my presence in your territory.” I paused again and watched as his hands tightened into fists on his knees. His cat was so close to the surface I could almost see it. My jaguar responded and I knew he’d realize it. Best get this done quickly, before I lost control--or my nerve.

“I petition for acceptance as a member of your pride and of your clan. I offer myself to you as mate, female alpha to your male. I can’t deny the fact your cat calls to mine. If you will have me, I will stand by you. I will protect the clan and the pride. I will be your right hand. My arm will be yours and my life willingly sacrificed for the good of our people.”

Where the words came from, I don’t know. They seemed right. Maybe I’d heard my mother say them to my father when I was a child. Or maybe it was something they had taught me, forgotten in the pain of their deaths. Whatever the explanation, all that mattered was Matt’s response.

He said nothing. Instead, he dropped to his knees before me. His hands ripped open his shirt, buttons flying. As he tossed it to one side, I couldn’t hold back my gasp. It is rare to find one of our kind out of shape. But he’d missed his calling. Designers would fall over themselves to have him modeling their clothes--especially if he’d do it shirtless.

He reached out and lifted me to my knees. His right hand cupped my cheek and then dropped to my shoulder. I held my breath--I think I held my breath--waiting.

“Finn, you’re offering me something I dearly want to accept, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re being forced into a position similar to the one you fled.” He spoke softly and I could tell how much the words cost him. He wanted to say yes. Was it possible he’d felt the same pull to me that I had to him?

This was one of those times when I wished my parents hadn’t been taken from me so soon. There was so much about our people and our ways that I didn’t know.

“Matt, I want this.” I glanced over my shoulder, a slight smile touching my lips to see Sharon still standing in the doorway, turning purple because she didn’t dare breathe. Seeing me watching her, she blew out her breath and gulped in another. “I understand if you don’t, if you think this would be bad for your clan. I’ll understand if there are conditions you want to put on our relationship. As long as they’re reasonable, I’ll agree.”

I reached for his hands, holding them tightly. “I can’t explain what I feel. I don’t have the words and I don’t really understand it. All I can tell you is that I have wanted you since the moment my brain started working after I took that taser jolt. Every time you’ve come close, my cat’s responded and I’ve had to fight the impulse to reach for you. It’s more than lust. It is as if some part of me recognized you and knows you are a part of me. I’m rambling, but I don’t know how else to explain it.”

He gave my hands a squeeze and spoke to his sister without ever taking his eyes from mine. “Shar, call CJ. Tell her to bring her kit and get over here just as soon as she can.”

“CJ?” I repeated.

“Finn, I understand. I’ve felt it too.” He freed one hand and once more reached out to cup my cheek. I leaned into it, rubbing gently. If I’d been shifted, I’d have been purring. “I accept you as a member of pride and clan. You honor me be becoming my mate. I will stand with you and by you. Together we are stronger than apart.” His lips lightly brushed mine. “We will be so good together.”

We most certainly would be.

“But CJ?” I repeated again.

“The clan’s tattoo artist.” He grinned and pulled me into a bear hug. Then we stood, his arm around me. “Sharon, don’t just stand there looking like you’ve been hit by a two-by-four. Call CJ. It’s time our new alpha was properly marked.

“As for you, Finn, you need to decide what you want her to do and where.” Now he held me at arm’s length, studying me, a funny smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “We’ll inform the inner circle tonight and go through the ritual with the clan this weekend,if you don’t mind.”

I shook my head. Even though it had been my idea, I hadn’t expected him to agree so quickly. Still, if it meant we got to satisfy at least one of my appetites soon, I’d be more than happy to do almost anything.

“But I promise we won’t be waiting until the weekend to seal the deal, so to speak,” he said softly, as if he could read my thoughts.

Oh . . . my. 


Chapter Five



Which is how I came to be sitting at the kitchen table two hours later. I absently gnawed the top of my pen as I studied the sketch before me. How could I explain to CJ--the purple-haired tattoo artist sitting next to me--much less Matt that I’d waited a lifetime for this image to become real? I’d seen it in my dreams since I started shifting at thirteen. Maybe something like this was normal for our kind. I’d never asked my parents when the dreams first started. Now it was too late. All I could do was hope these two understood.

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