How To Set Up An FLR (17 page)

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Authors: Georgia Ivey Green

BOOK: How To Set Up An FLR
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- Have him do one of those online web-teases. They can be extremely difficult because most require him to edge himself several times. You can watch or even help to insure he does everything as required by the tease. Some don't even permit him to orgasm at all. You should preview them to find the best one for your partner. (Sorry, I haven't seen any for women.)

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The following are more severe, BDSM style of masturbation things you can do. Some might require that you be more open about your relationship with some people.

- Put some coffee grounds into his lubrication and make him masturbate with it. It might make him a bit sore, but he won't bother you for sex for awhile.

- Have him use Icy-Hot(R), Bengay(R), or other mentholated cream as a lubricant to masturbate.

- Have your partner masturbate in front of one of your friends. Male or female, this will be extremely humiliating.

- Have them go to the restroom while eating out and masturbate. Or a male can take his drink with him and masturbate into it before returning to the table. Then he must drink it.

- Insert a butt-plug before you have him masturbate for you, or your guests.

- Make him purchase (at a real store) an inflatable doll. Then he can use her to get himself off while you watch. (Make him wear a condom.) By-the-way, they make male dolls (in case you were wondering). Going into the store with your partner is a good idea. You don't want them saying it's a gag-gift for a bridal shower or bachelor party.

- Purchase a milking device (for him or her) and make them use it several times a day.

- Have your partner use a restroom (anywhere) while wearing pants. Have them masturbate to orgasm in their pants. Then they must wear them for the rest of the day while you are out. Hopefully, there will be small wet spot. Especially good if your girl ejaculates when she orgasms.

- Video tape him masturbating. That alone may be humiliating. But when you threaten to upload it to the Internet, he will definitely be humiliated. If you are into it, go ahead and upload it.

* * *

Now let's move on to other forms of humiliation. Again, this first list are mild humiliations that should not be too kinky for those of you are not into BDSM.

- Feeding your partner from your plate while eating out can be a turn on as well as a humiliation for either sex.

- Have him perform chores around the house while naked. If, because of children and such, you can't really do that, then take him to the bedroom for five minutes of sexual stimulation after each chore is completed.

- Tell a friend about his chastity device or that he is submissive to you, while he is present. (Or pretend to do it while on the phone.)

- Make him spend all day naked if you don't have children.

- Order a pizza and make him answer the door and pay for it while naked. (He should hide himself behind the door while doing it.)

- If you have a privacy fence in the back yard, have him stand on the back porch for several minutes while nude. Or even in the middle of the yard. If you are worried about the neighbors, have him do it at night. Turn the light on when it's time for him to come in.

- As a punishment or discipline, tie a string around his balls and attach one end to something heavy (like a workout weight) or a permanent fixture like a table. He can't move until you release him.

- Have him call someone on the phone and, while talking to them, he must mention that he is naked. Who he calls can make a difference in the amount of humiliation he feels.

- If you are inclined, follow him around the house with your riding crop to encourage him to do his chores.

- Take your partner shopping and have them carry all your purchases. Also, make them walk two steps behind you at all times.

- Make them wear a butt-plug on your shopping trip.

- Take them to a sex shop and have them purchase items that will be embarrassing, dildos, butt-plugs, anal lubes, etc., while you wait in the car or watch from a distance.

- For a man, take him to a lingerie shop and have him buy panties and the like for himself. Whether you ever make him wear them is up to you. Just having to buy them will be humiliating enough.

- Have him wear panties or pantyhose (or even a teddy) to work under his regular clothes. Even better if he goes to the gym and must change in front of others.

- Along the same vain, make him wear a garter belt and stockings under his clothing while at work or out in public. Especially if he is not into cross-dressing.

- Even if you have children, he can stand in the corner of your bedroom for a time, perhaps with a dime (or penny) held against the wall by his nose.

- If he is not wearing a chastity device (shame on you) you can loosely bind his cock and balls with a shoelace and send him to work that way.

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Below are some more humiliating things that might be too kinky for the faint of heart... Or those of you are not so kinky.

- I don't recommend nipple clamps during outings as they should not be left in place too long. However, for women, there are nipple rings designed to keep the nipples erect. These are great under thin blouses.

- Men can wear clip-on earrings to bring attention themselves.

- Of course, being naked in the passenger seat of the car while out for a ride can be pretty humiliating for anyone. Especially when you pass trucks.

- Invite a group of friends over for a party. Your partner can serve them drinks etc. while wearing a skimpy outfit such as see-though lingerie. Maybe a maid's costume with no panties?

- Take your male partner to a female doctor. Insist on being in the room for the physical and be sure it includes a prostate exam. This works even better if he is wearing his chastity device when you go in. You can remove it in front of the doctor or a nurse.

- For female partners, take them to a male doctor and have them get a gynecological exam with you in the room. Again, if a chastity device is worn, it can be removed in front of the doctor to complete the humiliation.

- If you belong to a Femdom or BDSM group, you can use your partner for some kind of demonstration.

- Use them as a door greeter while scantily dressed, or naked, when you are at a one of these parties. Allowing guests to fondle them will also be quite humiliating, with or without their chastity device.

* * *

As you can see, there are many, many things you can do to humiliate your partner, whether male or female. Of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg. With a little imagination, or online research, you should be able to come up with enough things to keep your partner busy... And sexually humiliated and aroused.

Of course, spanking and paddling can be used, but these are often reserved for punishments. They do work well as humiliations if they are used, or even mentioned, in front of others. There are few things more humiliating than a bare-bottom spanking in front of friends. Unless, having them join in, if your partner offended or embarrassed one of your guests.

My whole point in listing all these things was to get you to think about humiliation in a whole new light. It's not just embarrassing, but can be quite erotic (for the both of you) if it's done right. So have fun with it. Make it memorable.

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About The Author


Mistress Ivey (Georgia Ivey Green), has lived as a female dominant since 2006. Before that she was a submissive to her current husband (and number one fan) where she learned what it means to be a dominant. She has been helping others to understand what a female led relationship (FLR) can be and how to make their relationships better. She has tried to educate people, and to dispel the stereo types that are normally associated with female led relationships that the Internet has, for so long, projected. She wants people to understand that a female can be in charge of a successful relationship without having to “dress” the part. That is why she started writing her blog “
Becoming A Mistress
” back in October 2010.


Other Books by Georgia Ivey Green (Mistress Ivey)

The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 1)

Taking Back Your Marriage

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