Hot For Teacher (8 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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“What the…?” The look on his face is fucking hot.

“Would you please do the honors?” I lay it down on my stomach and reach back under to grab the tube. “Here’s the lube.”

“Seriously? You bought a fucking butt plug,” he asks in disbelief.

“Oh, yes. I’ve learned quite a lot since I’ve lived here, and this is something I want to try with you. Just go slow, okay. I want to know what it feels like with you in me.”

He nods his head in agreement. He grabs the small butt plug and lubes it up then slowly inserts it. He must have noticed the little knob at the end because it soon comes to life.

“Oh, God.”

“Oh, this is going to be good. Up…I want you on all fours,” he says in a rather demanding voice. He’s not messing around.

I quickly get up and on all fours. The butt plug is vibrating on its highest power. I’d played with it a couple of days ago so I could get used to the feel of it some more and have found that I actually love it.

“Grab ahold of that chair. You’re gonna need to brace yourself.” He lines is cock up and slams in, jolting me forward, quickly pulling out and slamming back in. Every time he slides home, he hits that plug sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

He reaches one hand around and starts rubbing my clit. Between him doing that and listening to everyone else fuck around us and beside us, it’s almost too much to bear. I can feel my orgasm fast approaching, racing to the surface to break free…and it does when Liam pinches my clit.

“Liam…” I know I’m screaming when my throat starts to feel sore.

he slams into three more times and then stills. I can feel his dick pulse inside me and it feels amazing.

“Oh, my God. That was…”

“Amazing.” He finishes what I was going to say.

He slides out of me, turns off the butt plug and removes it, and then we both lay down on the lounge chair completely exhausted. We can tell that the others are going to be flying high in just a few minutes by the sounds they are making.

If someone would have asked me eight months ago if I thought I would be involved in something like this, I would have told them they were out of their fucking minds. I’m thankful I got that scholarship and I’m grateful that I got into this house. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t.

Chapter Nine

“Babe…I’m home.” I walk into the house, and it is completely silent, which is odd because he told me he would be home all day.

I go look in the office…nothing. I go look in the bedroom and stop to see if he’s in the shower…nothing. I’ve went through every other room in the process so that only leaves one other place…the deck.

“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” I walk over and join him on the lounge chair.

“You found me. Have a good day?”

I smile and lean back into him. Our relationship has gotten stronger ever since that night on the deck. “Fabulous day. What are you thinking about? You look kind of serious.”

He laughs a little. “Hmmm…I was thinking about how all of this started. Us.”

“Ah…yes. Look at all that fun we had. Time’s about up here. We’ll be graduating in a couple of months.” The thought saddens me. We’ve been here for almost two years now and all of us are getting ready to graduate. “Where is everyone?”

He wraps his arms tightly around me. “They were inside somewhere. I’m sure they’ll be out in a minute.”

Not thirty seconds later, Kaylee comes out. “Hi, Haley.” She walks in front of us and takes off her shirt, then faces her back to us. The word ‘Will’ is written there. Huh?

Brendon is the next to saunter in front of us. “Hi, Haley.” And he gives us a view of his back as well where the word ‘You’ is written on his back.

Jenny comes skipping out next. She doesn’t say anything but has a huge ass grin on her face. When she takes off her shirt and turns around, she has the word ‘Marry’ on her back.

Zach comes out, blows me a kiss, then shows us his back and it has ‘Me’ on it.
What the fuck is going on?

Sam is the last one out, and her eyes are red like she’s been crying. When she turns around, she has ‘?’ on her.

“Read that, baby,” he whispers in my ear.

“Okay. It says Will You Marry Me?” When I finish, I look down and see that Liam has his hand open and is holding a small box. He slowly opens the box in front of me.

“I knew the first day that you moved in that you were it. Will you marry me, Haley?”

Holy fuck! Sonuvabitch
. I turn halfway around so I can see him. “Are you serious? You want to marry me?” I can’t believe that someone would actually want to marry me.

I can hear everyone laughing, including Liam. “Why wouldn’t I want to marry you? I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with your crazy, sexy ass.”

I know the tears are running down my cheeks. He loves me. We’ve said we loved each other after that night. “Yes.”

“WooHoo!” I hear the girls scream. The next thing I know, we are both being attacked. Liam has his hands firmly placed on both sides of my face, kissing me with all he has.

I have dreamt of this moment all my life. All I ever wanted was to move out of that hellhole I was in and graduate from college, which I’m about to do. I hoped and prayed that I would find someone who would love me the way I deserved to be loved. Liam has been the answer to my prayers. He has taught me so many things since I’ve been in this house, as well as all the others. The people that live here are family…they are

You never know what’s going to happen when you decide to venture out on your own and live your life. You never know who’s going to teach you something. You may have one person or several that you learn from, but the bottom line is there is a lesson in everything. I was lucky and had six teachers. I learned a lot from all of them. I learned a lot about myself as well. I’m stronger for one. I’m have more confidence in myself and the things I do.

There are teachers in every shape and size. Make sure you pay attention when you meet one…you just might learn something.

The End




















M.C. Cerny






















Deviation: an action, behavior, or condition that is different from what is usual or expected.

An act or instance of deviating; a noticeable or marked departure from accepted norms of behavior.

Example: Edith and Jack deviate from the acceptable student/teacher relationship.

Deviation, 2014, in Retrieved June 27, 2014, from

Edited by Kim Young


Chapter One


   I slam my head down on my desk as the nameless, button-down wearing TA shoves another exam paper in front of my face. Groaning, I peer up and, with shaking hands, flip the blue book open to the back page. Again, in big fat red marker that looks like someone bled all over my quiz assignment, is written…

   It’s been underlined three times
…three times
. Dumbfounded, I stare at it. My brain doesn’t want to compute this level of failure this early in the day. On the previous exam, I scored a meager 76% which, if we’re splitting hairs, is technically above average. I can’t afford to be average. I’m here on a scholarship and anything less than a B grade puts me at risk of losing my scholarship money and sending me right back to bumble-fuck obscurity in a South Jersey trailer park. The last thing I want is my drunk parents rooting me to their sucky life. I’m already working two part-time jobs to make ends meet. I lied on my application about health insurance so I could save that cost off my already steep in-state tuition. I’ve donated blood, shopped at thrift stores, and sold my car. I’ve saved every damn penny I’ve earned to keep myself afloat. I’m pretty much out of financial options, besides prostitution. I can’t stomach the thought of selling myself in hopes that some rich guy will politely render my virginity and fall madly, obsessively in love with me. Frankly, that’s too much to ask and reads like a drug store romance novel my mother used to keep next to the bed. My damn freak of nature disability is rearing its ugly head just like my parents said it would. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to breathe through the tears that threaten to fall down my cheeks and choke me. The old record keeps playing…You’re stupid, you’re nothing, you can’t read and write like everyone else.
I’m a senior, a damn senior. I’ve made it this far. I have to keep doing this

   I barely make it through the TA’s lecture before he informs us that our current hard-ass Statistics professor, Dr. Roth, will be out the rest of the semester due to heart surgery. I fail to see how that’s
problem. I found his pop quizzes pretty heartless, so I don’t know why the hell they’d be conducting surgery on a person like him anyway. Dr. Roth has been the enemy since day one and, for the past month of this fall semester, I’d been slowly sinking on his ship of word problem T and Z scores. I tried to get a tutor but, apparently, there’s a waiting list a mile long and even us scholarship students don’t merit preferential treatment. I could have used my disability status to get one, but how freaking embarrassing would that be? Yes, let’s announce to the world that I’m an idiot. That feels just about right. More time for tests and quizzes I’d be failing anyway? No, thanks. I just can’t get the material to stay inside my brain long enough to regurgitate it inside those damn blue books. I tried online help, with no success, and a study group, but all those kids showed up hung over and high. I should be studying to be a gym teacher, not some business major. I was the epitome of perfect health, not some entrepreneurial wiz.

   The TA only kept us long enough to assign some graded word problems for the following week that would likely have me crossing me eyes once I got home from work and sat down to look them over. I always needed an extra hour or two to finish homework for this class. Time I just didn’t have. Leaving class, I see Shelby and Aiden waiting for me. At least my two best friends understand my pain.

   “Uh oh, I think Edie needs an espresso, stat.” Aiden curls his arm around me and hugs me to his chest. His other arm is around Shelby, who is smiling and joining in on our group hug.

   “That bad?” Shelby asks.

   “A 69%,” I sigh, forcefully pushing the breath from my body. “It’s seven points worse than last time. My grade is falling into the gutter and I can’t even get a tutor for this class. Plus, they just advised that Dr. Roth, the devil, likely won’t be back for the rest of the semester. One of you just shoot me now. Please,” I whine into Aiden’s chest.

   “Ah, lovey, you know I’d help you out, but I’m pre-med, and Shelby is all art and hippy shit. The last time we tried tackling your homework, we almost killed each other with the calculators.” Aiden gently rubs my back. It’s not in a pervert way. He is just that touchy-feely with everyone and it
makes me feel comforted.

   “That’s because you were quizzing me while Shelby was drawing nude pictures of you. I can’t concentrate with that shit going on.” I make a circling motion with my hand, trying to inject some sarcasm, earning me a blushing grunt from Aiden.

   “Yeah…because, apparently, bell curves and penises are fucking hilarious,” Shelby mutters and we both poke her, making her eyes roll. Our study session actually got Shelby the lowest grade in her art class, as if drawing penises was something you could objectively grade.

   “Besides, as your medical consult, I’d be forced to remove the bullet and staunch the bleeding, should you be shot in my presence.” Aiden ignores my comment about his nude modeling. It’s probably a good thing he is dating Shelby because we didn’t have to deal with any jealousy issues between us. We were like the Three Musketeers, and I never wanted that to change. My life had sucked balls until I escaped high school and got this scholarship to attend Rutgers, meeting Shelby and Aiden three years ago in a freshman seminar. None of us quite fit in and here we are, years later, thicker than thieves.

   “Come on, Edie. Let’s drown our sorrows in coffee and cake. I’ve got to draw some elderly male model in my Life Drawing class, but all I can do is imagine his body with Aiden’s penis.” Aiden rolls his eyes as Shelby makes rude gestures with her hands.

   “Shelby, I don’t know how you and Aiden have made it this far, but I can pass on the penis comparisons. Thanks.” I mutter, disentangling myself from them to walk ahead to the Starbucks.

   “Oh, please. It’s my appreciation of his penis that’s made us last this long.” Shelby shrugs and pecks a very red-faced Aiden on the cheek. I pray Shelby does not start chanting penis just to embarrass us in public… It would not be the first time she did it. He must be a saint among men to tolerate Shelby’s candid mouth, which makes me wince because I don’t want to think about her mouth and Aiden in the same sentence at this moment.

   “Arrrg, please. Enough!”  I cup my hands over my ears
“La, la, la,” I sing
as loud as I can. We walk down the block together, laughing and joking. Coffee is the only acceptable cure for this conversation between my two friends.


   “Mr. Hamilton, you have a call from Rutgers on line one,” Tom, my PA, buzzes me from the front office. I am shuffling papers around on my desk, getting contracts ready for signatures and reviewing files Tom had brought into me earlier. A small headache is forming behind my left eye and the buzz of the office phone is not helping. Looking around my very sleek and modern office, I think this is really not how I wanted to spend my adult life.

   “Thanks Tom. I’ll take the call. Can you order some Pad Thai for lunch?”

  I click over and take the call. “Hello. This is Jack.”

   “Ah, Jack. My favorite student and, likely, my most successful,” the gravelly voice says to me and, immediately smiling, I recognize my old professor. Just when I thought my life was going in a bad direction, he helped to pull me back on target. I owed this man a considerable amount of my success.

   “Dean Andrews! To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” I leaned back in my chair, eager to catch up with the man who is more supportive and influential to me than my own father.

   “I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time, Jack,” he says.

   “Oh no. I already feel horrible. I told Beth I would be unable to teach the Calculus course next semester due to my travel responsibilities coming up. I just heard about Dr. Roth’s poor health. How is the crusty bastard?” I ask, listening to him chuckle.

   “Indeed. His surgery is scheduled for a week from now, so he’s taking a leave of absence for the rest of the semester.” Dr. Roth had been a real hard ass in my time at the university, often failing good students and pushing those of us slackers beyond our comfort zones. It was his way of teaching us life lessons through those dreaded blue book quizzes each week on our knowledge base or some bullshit I was sure he made up.

   “I’m so sorry to hear that.” Although I wasn’t surprised, considering his behavior of drinking and eating to excess outside of the classroom, along with who knows what else was rumored about the cranky bachelor math professor.

   “It’s actually partly why I’m calling.” Dean Andrews pauses.

   “Oh, really?” My curiosity is peaked.

   “Yes. You see, I was hoping you might possibly be able to fill in for one of his classes for which I can’t seem to find a timely replacement. He was teaching four classes, and this block is one of the hardest to fill. It really fowls things up for the students eager to complete this required course.” I tap my pen on the desk and flip my smart phone over to look at my calendar, which Tom updates for me daily.

   “Which class would that be? I’d love to help if I can.” I flip through aps and hover over my Facebook account that I keep just for family and close friends. I’m more interested in how faulty its algorithms are than anything else. I click on my calendar instead and check my current availability.

   “Well, it’s the Tuesday/Thursday module of Statistics. I can’t get anyone to take it, and the TA simply doesn’t have enough experience to do it for the rest of the semester. I can just imagine the parents calling in an uproar.”

   “Alright. I’ll have Tom rework a few of my meetings. I’ve always loved the Stat course.”

   “Really? Excellent! I’ll have Beth email you the syllabus. See you Thursday on campus then? We can discuss the transition after class and make sure the students are on par for the exam.”

   “Great. We’ll have lunch after class. See you then.” I hang up and lean over my desk. I miss the university environment. Teaching had always been fun for me before I almost ruined it for myself, and that made me think of her… No sense in reliving the past.  I figure the college classes are much safer than my student teaching days.

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