Hot For Teacher (4 page)

Read Hot For Teacher Online

Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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Chapter Six

I learned a lot over the next couple of weeks. The first being was that I was not as patient as I thought in terms of how long it actually took my ankle to feel better. The second being that I should fully read all the small print when it comes to a scholarship, or anything for that matter. Turns out, after my tuition is paid, there will be plenty of money left over for me to do with as I please. That took a load off my shoulders.

At this moment, I’m sitting on the back patio by the pool with the rest of the gang enjoying the sun. I found a two-piece bathing suit that I was actually comfortable wearing after the girls begged me to get it. They all bragged about how good I looked in the teal, which boosted my confidence, until I finally gave in and bought the damn thing.

“We’re gonna watch some movies tonight. Wanna join us?” Jenny asks as she pulls the chair closer to me. She looks great in the suit she picked out. The light yellow looks great against her skin tone, but I don’t know if I would ever be comfortable wearing a string bikini. The way her breasts are barely covered by that top is sure to grab everyone’s attention. Sam and Kaylee walk over to join in on the conversation wearing their new suits as well.

All three have a shit eating grin on their faces, like they’re planning something but I’m not privy to it…yet. Oh, what the hell. “Sure.” I smile and agree, but not sure what I’m getting myself into.

“Great.” Sam smacks my leg. “Just remember to keep an open mind.”

Keep an open mind? What in the hell is that supposed to mean?
“Umm…sure.” Hearing Sam tell me that has me questioning myself, and my sanity, for agreeing to do this. What exactly am I agreeing to keep an open mind about? I guess I’ll have to wait and find out, but hopefully not that long. It’s already late afternoon. I’m sure we’ll all just hang around here the rest of the evening and do absolutely nothing. I wonder what the guys will do tonight while we watch movies. Maybe I’m getting myself worked up over nothing. I mean, we could be watching chick flicks and eating popcorn. Maybe we’ll have a pillow fight. I’ve never done any of that before.

“Haley,” Jenny yells, “we’re gonna run to the store real quick. Want to come with us?” They all start walking toward the door, leaving me scrambling to catch up with them.

“Guys, what is this place?” I’m asking the question as soon as we pull up to the curb and see the store directly in front of us. Kaylee shuts off the engine, and they all get this look on their faces like I’m in for a huge surprise. This doesn’t look like the kind of store I was thinking of.

“We told you we were taking you shopping, but we didn’t say where we were taking you,” Sam says as she starts to get out of the car. We all follow and soon enter this shop.

It’s like I stepped into the fucking
Twilight Zone
. A sex shop. They brought me to a fucking sex shop. “Oh. My. God.” I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

They girls start laughing. “I know, isn’t it great.” They’re all practically jumping for joy. “You will not believe some of the shit they have in here.” Jenny says, grabbing my hand, pulling me further into the store.

We start walking up and down the aisles. This first one is covered with all different shapes and sizes of paddles, and some other shit that has what looks like leather strings hanging off it. We don’t stop here. They continue to pull me further back and then stop two aisles over.

“This is what we are here for,” Kaylee says, gesturing down the aisle in front of us.

I turn and look at her first, not sure of what’s in store for me, and see her face is lit up.
like she’s a kid in a fucking candy store. I’m actually a little afraid to see what she’s doing now, but curiosity got the best of me and I did. I’m now surrounded by all shapes, sizes, and forms of dildos, vibrators, and butt plugs. “People seriously use things like this?” I look at this thing in front of me, not sure what it is.

Jenny comes over by me. “Yep, it’s pretty cool, actually. It’s called the iRide. You just sit down and pretty much enjoy the ride. It’s curved like that so you can rock back and forth.” She keeps going on to find what she’s interested in.

I just can’t get over what I’m seeing. There are actually double-ended dildos. It’s hard to imagine that some of these vibrators would actually fit into you due to the sheer size of them. Kaylee is picking up and inspecting damn near every single product that is on the shelves. Sam already has a couple of things in her hands to purchase. Are they expecting me to find something here? 

I follow them around the store but don’t really pick up to many things to look at. I’m rather curious about a lot of this stuff, but part of my brain is telling me that this is wrong on so many levels. Most of this stuff is in its own little packaging, but it’s the ones that aren’t that scare me. It has me wondering how many people have actually walked by and fondled this stuff.

I did find something that I wanted to try, and after talking with the girls about it, I decided to go ahead and purchase it. I’m just not sure when exactly I plan on using it, but the girls promised me that there would be a time and a place. Once again, I noted their mischievous grins but decided not to worry too much about it. I’m sure I’ll learn soon enough.

As soon as we walk into the house, the guys start giving us a hard time. Evidently, they can tell where we went by the logo on the outside of the bags we are all carrying. We all rush up the stairs, giggling the entire way to put up our new toys. I only have the one to put up, but the girls have several. I’m finally at a place where I feel comfortable enough to explore everything.

We don’t make a big meal tonight. We’ve all been snacking throughout the rest of the day and none of us are all that hungry. I know the festivities are just about to begin when Kaylee starts popping the popcorn. I see Sam packing some things upstairs but can’t make out what they are the way she is carrying them. The guys keep smiling at me like they know what’s about to come my way. I wonder if one of them will tell me what’s going on if I ask nicely.

I walk over to the refrigerator to refill my glass with water when I feel someone come up behind me.

“Have fun tonight,” he whispers in my ear.

My breath stills for a minute, and I close my eyes enjoying the heat radiating off his body. How is it that someone whispering to you can make you feel all warm and fuzzy? I’m stunned stiff when I feel him place his hands on my arms, rubbing them up and down softy, and then placing his hands on my hips, and squeezes them.

I still remember what it felt like to have him lying next to me in my bed. The way the heat from his body penetrated mine. The way it aroused me to just be
close to him. He said he didn’t want to take advantage of me, but I wonder if I should have pushed him just a little further.

He leans in further and places a small kiss behind my ear, while pulling me further against him.
My first kiss
. Well, if you can call it a kiss since he didn’t actually kiss me on the lips, but hey…I’ll take it.

I turn around, barely, and he doesn’t move. He’s still just as close as he was when my back was to him. I finally look up and see him staring down at me and when our eyes meet, a small smile spreads across his face. He knows what he’s doing to me, and he’s enjoying it. Of course, if I were honest with myself, so I was I.

“Haley…come on,” Jenny says on her way past us.

“I…I better go.” I stumble on my words, not even sure what I’ve said.

He leans down and places another kiss on my cheek before he turns to leave the kitchen, making his way back out to the patio. I stand there for a moment and watch him before I head for the stairs, taking them two at a time, careful not to spill my water, and then I damn near trip over my own two feet into Jenny’s room.

“Okay…shut the door. No guys allowed…
,” Sam says after I finally regain my balance.

I shut the door then turn back around to find them all sitting on the floor with mounds of pillows and several bottles of wine…not to mention the giant bowl of popcorn. It looks like the girls have all changed into just t-shirts and their panties.
Okay…I can handle this

I walk over and sit down in the spot they’ve left for me. “Okay, so what’s on the agenda tonight?”

They all giggle and then Sam speaks up, grabbing my hand first. “Tonight is about you. We’re going to educate you on some things.”

I’m a little embarrassed by the fact that they’ve set this up for me. Alright, I can feel my cheeks flush red.
Is it hot in here?
“What…why would you…”

Jenny stops me before I can go any further. “Do you remember anything you said to us in the car that night we all went out?”

I shake my head. Of course, I don’t remember everything that I said that night. I thought I did, but evidently I don’t…and

Kaylee opens the wine and fills the glasses, passing them out as she goes. One of them replaces the water in my hand with a glass before I can blink an eye.

“Haley, we know that you and Liam are into each other. We want to know what you know or better yet, what you
to know,” Jenny asks with a knowing smile on her face.

Uh oh…here it comes. I close my eyes in preparation. “Well, other than Liam laying down with me the other night and how good that felt…nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
There…I said it

They all giggle at me being just a little uncomfortable. “That’s fine. One thing at a time, but first things first…what do you want to know?” Kaylee says.

I look at each and every one of them, taking in what they’re asking me. After a few silent minutes, I finally answer them. “Everything. I want to know everything.”

They all smile at me, then each other. “Let’s watch a little bit of this movie to get things started, and if you have any questions, just ask. We don’t mind answering them for you.”

The next thing I know the lights go out.
How in the hell did the lights go out so fast?
The television comes to life and the movie starts. “Oh. My. God.” I’m stunned…shocked, actually, that I’m sitting here watching this, or about to watch this.

There’s no hiding the laughter coming from the girls now, and I know it’s at my expense, but I start laughing right along with them.
I think I’m gonna need more wine
. I down the glass I’m holding then refill it myself.
Are they? Is that… Does it really look like that?

I don’t know how long we sit there in complete silence, drinking our wine, while we watch this porn. There’s at least two bottles laying empty on the floor. I’m feeling a little tipsy, so I lean back against the mound of pillows that’s behind me and take in the picture before me. I’m like a deer in headlights for the longest time, and when I finally do move my eyes, I notice some movement in the corner. I look over and see that Sam has her hand down her panties. I quickly look away because I’ve never seen that done before, and quite frankly, I’m embarrassed, only to see Jenny…then Kaylee doing the exact same thing. The only other option is to look back at the television. I could leave, but honestly I’m rather curious to see where this is going to go.

“Haley…” Sam says.

I turn to look at her while she’s…she’s touching herself in that way I was told was wrong.

“Touch yourself, Haley. It feels amazing to please your body.” She closes her eyes and leans her head back before she continues. “There’s nothing wrong with it,” she says, and then I see her other hand snake under her shirt, and it starts caressing her breast.

“Don’t be afraid,” Jenny says. “We’re not going to judge you.”

Hearing the little moans starting to come out of their mouths is starting to do something to me. Hearing the sounds come out of the television is adding to the visions running through my head. I can picture myself on that screen in place of the women. I can almost feel that man’s hands on me, caressing my breasts, running them up and down my back, gripping my ass and pulling me closer just like he is her. Before I even realize what is happening, I let out my own little moan and realize that my hand has found its way down my panties and is now rubbing my clit.

“That’s it. Just feel,” Kaylee says.

And that’s what I do. I feel…and man does it feel amazing. I watch the girls, switching back and forth between the three of them, mimicking what they are doing until I find a rhythm that feels best for me. After a few more minutes pass, they slip out of their panties, toeing them off to the side. They even bring out what I can only assume are vibrators and start using them on themselves then each other.  

I sit there and watch, glancing back and forth between the television and the three of them. I’m amazed at how comfortable they are with their own bodies…and with each other. They begin to move closer while gathering in front of me.

“We’re not making you uncomfortable, are we, Haley?” Sam asks while moving just an inch further.

“Umm…” I’m not quite sure how to answer that. Yes, I’ll admit I’m a little uncomfortable since I’ve never seen any of this activity before, but not to the point where I want it to stop. I’m more in the range of still wanting to see where this goes.

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