Hot For Teacher (5 page)

Read Hot For Teacher Online

Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Jenny’s eyes rise to meet mine, while rubbing her hands up and down Kaylee’s legs, getting closer and closer to her thighs. Her shirt slips off one shoulder, falling down exposing the top portion of her breast.

My hand stills for a moment. “What’s it feel like?”
God, I can’t believe I said that, but my mouth doesn’t stop there.
“I know I sound like an idiot, but how
does it actually feel?”

“It hurts at first, but the feeling that follows is amazing. We can show you if you like. We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. All you have to do is say stop, and it ends,” Kaylee replies.

They can show me what it’s like to be touched, but do I want to cross that line and know what it’s like to be with a woman…or in this instance, women. I’m nervous, excited, anxious, scared all at the same time. I came here to experience new and exciting things, so why not just go for it. They said they’d teach me, so why not let them.

I nod my head in agreement that I want them to teach me, and they all smile in return. One by one, they inch closer to me, drawing me into the circle, and before long, I’m surrounded by them. They each take turns whispering how beautiful I am, how soft my skin is, how they can’t wait to teach me everything they know.

The more they kept talking, the more relaxed I became and enjoyed what they were doing to me…the way they were touching me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Jenny and Sam each latched on to my nipples. Kaylee leaned over them and started kissing me, then slowly started making her way down my body. I kept my eyes closed at first; just wanting to enjoy the sensations they were giving me. I look down and see the girls bring their hands up and start caressing my breasts. Kaylee’s worked her way past my navel and is now kissing her way around my…

“Oh, God.” My hips jerk up toward Kaylee when she licks my pussy and then I feel her fingers exploring me…learning
learn my body. The way they were making me feel is like nothing else I’ve ever felt before and wondered if I ever would again. Sam and Jenny have disappeared for a moment, but quickly return with a few of the items that we bought today. I even see that she has the one that I bought.

“Now…let’s really have some fun.” Jenny brings the vibrator up to her mouth and starts working it, sucking it all the way in before she brings it back out. After a minute of doing that, she hands it down to Kaylee.

I’m sure my eyes show the uncertainty I have, but for the life of me, I can’t stop this. Kaylee pulls her head back for a minute and starts rubbing the vibe between my lips, getting it even wetter with my juices and then I feel the tip at my entrance.

“I got this one just for you. It’s a smaller one so you can get used to it,” Kaylee says as she starting to push the vibrator slowly inside me.

There’s a little discomfort at the beginning, but nothing that I would describe as pain. It’s what she does next that throws me for a loop. I hear a couple of clicks and the damn thing comes to life, vibrating me from the inside out…and it feels amazing. “Shit.”

“There’s so much you need to learn, and we will definitely help you out with that,” Sam whispers then bites her bottom lip.

I lay there and watch her for a moment and see that she has her fingers buried in her pussy, fucking herself while Kaylee is showing me what it’s like to be pleased. She doesn’t stay there for long…no…she’s soon on her way over to Jenny who is now laying on the floor beside me and then she nestles herself between her legs and starts eating Jenny’s pussy like her life depended on it. Watching Jenny writhe on the floor is erotic in itself.

“Ready to try yours?” Kaylee asks.

I bite my lip and nod my head. If I lay here and think about it then I won’t do it. Might as well throw caution to the wind and enjoy everything while it lasts.

Kaylee pushes the vibrator all the way in and leaves it. She reaches over with her other hand and grabs my new toy and the bottle of lube. How she’s able to maneuver down there, I don’t know, but she does.

“We’ll go slow. Just remember to breathe,” she says, and then I feel it at my

Yes, I picked out a butt plug. It is a rather small one that the girls promised me wouldn’t hurt too much. They were trying to get me to buy a larger one, but I stuck to my guns and got this one.

Feeling the cool lube against my ass draws my attention even more to her. I feel the tip now and starting doing as she instructed…breathe and push out and before I know it, it’s in. I hear another click and feel the vibrations in my ass as well as my pussy. Vibrations so intense they cause me to arch my back even further.

Kaylee takes control of the vibrator and begins to increase her pace of fucking me with it. “Oh, God.” I feel my orgasm approaching rapidly. I’ve never felt anything like this before, and I have to ask myself if it will be the same with Liam.

All four of us are moaning and squirming all over the floor. There is no way that the guys
hear us. For all I know, they themselves are on the other side of that door stroking themselves as we speak. The thought of Liam masturbating while listening to what we are doing is what throws me over the edge. The orgasm that rips through my body is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

The movie was done long before we were. And the popcorn…the popcorn will probably get tossed since we never even ate one kernel. There are empty bottles all over the floor. It seems our clothes pretty much landed in the same spot.

I never knew I could feel like that. I never knew that being touched like that could feel so wonderful. The last thing I remember, as we all lay naked on the floor, barely covered by the sheets and blankets we gathered, was that tonight I had not one, but three teachers…and I wondered what else I would learn while living here.

Chapter Seven

Oddly enough, there was no awkwardness the following morning, or the weeks, that followed; although, the guys kept smiling every time they saw me…or us. It was obvious they knew what we had done, which meant that it wasn’t the first time that this sort of thing happened.
I wonder how many other times this has happened or maybe…just maybe, they were listening to us on the other side of that door.

On this particular Saturday, we’re all moving around the kitchen making breakfast like one happy family. We all came down in our t-shirts, panties, and nothing else. For the first time ever, I felt comfortable with how I looked…how I felt. I didn’t feel unwelcome. In fact, I’ve never felt more welcome or more loved in my life. It’s amazing how your life can change in such a short amount of time. When breakfast was done, we all made our way to the table and sat down to eat, and this time…we were
playing footsie.

The girls and I cleaned up the mess that we made. The others had made their way upstairs to get their suits on. I was getting ready to take the first step when someone grabbed my arm, and before I knew it, my back was against the wall.

“What in the hell are you doing?” I look up and see Liam staring down at me with a look I’m not familiar with.

“Haley…you look…”

He doesn’t finish what he was going to say. He brings up one hand and gently places it on the side of my face, rubbing his thumb back and forth against my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into his hand and that’s when I feel his lip brushing across mine.
This is it
. He starts out slow, kissing the corners of my mouth, and then tracing my bottom lip with his tongue.
Oh God, that feels so good
. There’s no way in hell to hide the small moan that comes out of my mouth.

He alternates between my bottom lip, and then my top, trapping it between his before it’s a full on assault. Both of his hands find their way to my ass where he grips hard, pulling me in closer to him allowing me to feel the bulge now evident in his pants.

He pulls back, leaving me breathless. “I’m sorry. You look so fucking hot. I couldn’t help myself,” he says panting, staring me right in the eye.

“Liam…” I have no clue what to say. I’m standing here with my back against the wall while Liam is still pressed against me.

“Can I take you somewhere today? I’d like to spend some time with you. Just us,” he asks with a little smirk on his face.

He wants to take me somewhere…alone. I nod my head in agreement and see his eyes light up with my response.

“Great. Can you be ready in an hour?” he whispers while giving me little kisses on my neck.

This time I respond, but only a little. “Uh huh.”

“Okay. Meet me back down here in an hour. Wear something comfortable.” He grips my face and gives me one last kiss then completely steps away. “If I don’t stop now…”

I just stand there, watching him for a brief moment, and then somehow make my feet move and go upstairs to get ready. I go bouncing into the room, which startles Kaylee, grab my robe then head directly for the shower. I strip rather quickly while the water is warming up and rush through the motions of washing my hair and body, slowing down enough to pay special attention to shaving my legs, wanting to make sure they are smooth…
just in case

“Haley, what is up with you?” Kaylee comes rushing in while I’m in the last stage of rinsing off.

I don’t reply right away. I ring my hair out and reach for the towel only to find that it’s gone. I slide back the curtain a little and see her standing there with towel in hand.

“Give me the towel,” I state firmly while holding out my hand.

She starts to giggle, seeing this as a game now. “This…” she holds it up and shakes it. “You want this towel?” she continues to shake it.

I try not to laugh but can’t really help it anymore. “I’m serious, Kaylee. I need to get ready.”

She backs up toward the door. “Ready? Ready for what?” There’s humor in her voice when she asks that. Kaylee leans against the door jam, still clad in only a t-shirt and panties…still looking beautiful as ever. Images of what happened between all of us flash through my mind.

“I’m going out with Liam, and I need to get ready. Now…Give. Me. That. Towel.” I try not to laugh when I say this, but it’s too damn hard.

Kaylee just starts laughing harder. “Ooh…a date. ‘Bout fucking time.”

What in the hell does that mean?

“Kaylee, what in the hell are you…” Sam stops mid-sentence, eyeing us back and forth before she continues, “Give her the damn towel. She’s got plans, dummy.”

Kaylee turns her attention to Sam, giving me just enough time to jump out and grab that damn towel, promptly covering myself.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I step by Kaylee and wink at Sam. “I’ve got a date to get ready for.”

I head back to my room to figure out what to wear.
Wear something comfortable
. His words ring loud and clear in my head as I search my closet and drawers, finally making a decision. A simple pair of jeans and shirt will have to do. That’s what I call comfortable for me. It’s not supposed to be that hot today, so this should work.

I head downstairs to find Liam leaning against the counter in a tight pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and…boots.
Boots? Why in the hell does he have boots on?
He looks up and sees me coming his way, “You look great,” he says, leaning down and giving me a brief kiss. “Ready?”

“Yes.” I am ready…probably ready for more than he thinks. I’m very attracted to him, and so far, he’s the only one to cause butterflies in my stomach. I know how cliché that sounds, but it’s true.

Liam grabs my hand and leads me out to a part of the garage I haven’t been in yet and just about trip over my feet when I see what’s in front of us.
I don’t know if I can do this

“What’s wrong?” he turns and asks when he realizes that I’m not exactly following him anymore.

“Is that safe?”

He laughs a little at my insecurity, but that doesn’t really bother me at this particular point in time. “It’s safe. I’m safe. You’ll be just fine. I promise.” He releases my hand and walks over to his motorcycle, brings up the kickstand, then starts walking it outside. I slowly follow behind him, still not totally sure about this.

Once we are outside, he reaches over to the handle and grabs a helmet, then turns and hands it to me. “Here, this should fit you.”

I take it then promptly put it on while I watch him throw his leg over this beast and puts on his helmet. I just stand there and look at him, not exactly sure what I should be doing, and wait for him to direct me.

He turns around toward me. “Put your right foot here,” he points down to the pedal, “and then climb on. Make sure you don’t touch the pipes.” He smiles wide, grips the handlebars, and waits for me to do as he said.

I rest one hand on the back of the bike and one on his shoulder and do exactly what he said. Once I’m seated, he leans back against me. “Now wrap your arms around me and hold on tight.”

I did as he asked, resting my head against his back, and hear him bring the bike to life.
Oh Holy Jesus
this thing really vibrates. He revs the engine a few times, causing it to vibrate even more, kicks something with his foot, and we start to move.

Oh God, oh God, oh God…here we go
. I close my eyes and tighten my grip. I can feel him chuckle when I do this. After a few minutes, I decide it’s time to brave the world and take in my surroundings. I don’t loosen my grip, but I raise my head and look around.
Is this what it’s like to feel free?
I can feel the wind blowing past us, over my face…and just breathe in.

I have no clue where we are going, and really, I don’t care. We turned off the main road a few miles back onto this side road with trees that line both sides. I loosen my grip, but only a little, allowing me more room to look around. We pull up right beside large clumps of tall grass, he cuts the engine, then tells me that it’s okay to get off now.
Get off?
That’s what I was about to do with the massive vibrations of that bike.

After I remove myself from the bike and get the helmet removed from my head, I quickly run my fingers through my hair so I don’t have helmet head. “Oh my God. That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done, Liam.” I feel like I’m shouting when I tell him this.

He laughs right along with me while he’s taking off his helmet and adjusts the bike so it doesn’t fall over when he gets off it. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, but that’s not everything I wanted to show you.”

He grabs my hand and weaves us down a small path, grass surrounding us on both sides until we come to an opening. He pulls me a bit further then releases my hand, taking a few more steps, then leans down to grab something. When he stands, he unrolls it and that’s when I realize that it’s a blanket. A
blanket. I stand in awe and watch him move around quickly to get it spread out. When I offer to help him, he tells me that he has it, so I wait patiently for him to finish.

“There. All done,” he says proudly, looking down at his accomplishment of spreading a blanket out. “Come sit down.” He gestures toward the middle of the blanket where he is now standing.

I walk over and meet him in the middle then we both proceed to sit down. He leans back and pulls something forward. “Are you hungry? I brought out some things to snack on when you agreed to come with me.” I can see he’s a little nervous, and truth be told…I am, too. He always seemed to be in control at the house, and now he seems to be a little nervous with it just being us.

“Sounds great.”

We dig through the basket and munch on the food that he brought. “Tell me about Haley.”

I kick off my shoes and lean back against my elbows. “Well…what do you want to know?” I ask, leaning my head to the side and see him relax right along with me.

“I want to know everything there is to know about you, Haley.” He smiles wide, but then gets a rather serious, but sexy look on his face.

“Everything, huh?” I smile back, not sure if he truly wants to know everything there is to know about me, but in all honesty, there’s not a lot to tell. “You sure about that? It’s not that pretty.”

He scoots closer to me then leans in and gives me a kiss. “Everything. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m very attracted to you. I want to know you
…and out.”

Oh, my freaking God! He wants to know me inside and out!
How in the hell am I supposed to respond to
! I’m sure my face shows exactly what I’m feeling right now. “Liam…I haven’t really talked to anyone about my life.”

He nods his head. “Just tell me what you’re comfortable with, then. I’ll take whatever you’ll give me. I really want to know.”

I watch his face for a moment for any signs that he’s not being true to his word before I let my guard down. “Okay…if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” he says, rolling over onto his back, placing his arms behind his head and watches to see what I’m going to do.

I readjust myself so my head is resting on his stomach, making myself comfortable. “So…” I start, and tell him about myself…about my life growing up. I didn’t tell him all the little details because he really doesn’t need to know that. He stops me periodically and asks me questions. Some are more personal than others, but I’m finding it rather easy to talk to him. I don’t feel like I have anything to hide when I’m with Liam. As odd as it sounds, I trust him…maybe more than I should.

“So…now it’s your turn. Tell me all about Liam.” I turn my head and see him smile down at me.

“Well, there’s not that much to tell. After listening to everything you just told me, we have a lot more in common than you might think.”

We lay here on the blanket all afternoon and well into the evening talking back and forth. Liam tells me his entire life story, and he was right, we do have more in common than what I first thought. I was born into a family that didn’t love me and made it a point to tell me. Liam grew up in foster care, and he doesn’t know who his real parents are. It saddens me to think that such a fun-loving guy doesn’t know where he came from and yet part of me envies him. There were several times when I wished that I didn’t know my parents. He moved from home to home whether he did something wrong or not. Just when he thought that he had found the right one and began to get comfortable with his new family, the system would uproot him and move him somewhere else. Starting over each and every time with a new family, new schools, and knowing that you probably wouldn’t be there long enough to make friends had to be extremely hard on him at such a young age. I stop him every now and then and ask him questions like he did me…giving me an honest answer every time. The way his tone would change when he answered my questions, or began telling me more, led me to believe that he wasn’t holding back. It was almost as if he wanted me to see the real Liam. It was his way of telling me that he felt comfortable enough with me to tell me his story. I have a feeling there aren’t many people who know everything that happened in his childhood.

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