Hot For Teacher (20 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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Chapter 5

A hard knock on the front door woke me up and I groaned, rolling over and burying my face in my pillow. My arm stretched out to my nightstand, my fingers tapping around the surface for my phone. As my fingers wrapped around it, I opened one eye to check the time.

9 am.


I dropped my phone and scrambled out of bed.

I heard knocking again as I smoothed my hair away from my face roughly and walked to the front door, peeking through the peep hole. Amber stood outside with her arms crossed, annoyance and worry written on her face. I opened the door and rested my temple on the frame, my eyes squinting.

"Oh my God! I was worried sick! What the hell, Vida? You didn't answer any of my texts or calls last night or this morning." Amber pushes her way in and gets the full view of my just woken self. "My goodness! You just woke up?"
     "I slept through the night." I frowned. "I didn't realize I was so tired."

"Your dad didn't wake you up before work?"

"No, he's not home."


"Where did he go?"

I shook my head, too tired to start protecting his secrets. "He's on a business trip."

"Why didn't you tell me? You can't stay here by yourself. You’ll get lonely. You can stay over at my place until he gets home."

"I like my space,

I say softly.

“Well, if you change your mind—”

"I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for school."

"It'll be too late for school once you’re done getting ready. Wanna just ditch today?"

"I have perfect attendance,

I pointed out.

"One day off from high school won't hurt you,

she challenged

"It would only take one day to ruin my rules."

Amber huffed. "Live a little, Vida."

I frowned. "I do live.

She cringed. “I'm sorry."

Hurt, I turned around to walk to my room, but Amber stopped me again. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

I stopped. There was something in her voice …


I knew that tone all too well.

My face softened as I turned toward Amber. “Isn’t today the first day of the fair?”

She grinned. “We’re going?”

“Yep, just let me get dressed.

              When I got to my room, I picked up my phone to check for a missed call or text from Connor. Nothing. I decided to text him instead.

Hey, I’m not going to class today. Woke up late. Just thought you’d want to know

I waited for his text. Five minutes passed before I gave up and tossed my phone on my bed. My chest squeezed.

Why hadn’t he texted me?


              After I’d finished dressing, we went back to her place so she could change out of her school clothes. Then we’d decided to do a little shopping which turned into
a lot
of shopping, so it was after five by the time we finally made it to the fair.

“It’s okay. The fair is prettier at night anyway,” she told me. I had to agree.

              The loud booming noises hit us as we walked closer to the entrance gate, but since it was a school night, there was no line.

“I got a fake ID from Emma,” Amber whispered. “I want to drink. Can you drive home?”

I sighed. “Okay.”
                  “Thank you,

she mouthed and pulled my hand to the booth that issued wristbands. When we get in line, Amber composed herself to show confidence as we waited. I glanced around and my eyes fell on a familiar blond who was standing with five other guys, beer in hands and laughing.

My mouth dropped open.

“Wow. Mr. Tomlinson sure has a fun life,

Amber said.

              The people in front of us left with their wristbands, so we stepped forward. Amber handed over her fake ID, and a wristband snapped around her wrist. She grinned. “Time to get some beer,

Amber said, pulling my hand.

Naturally, she led us toward Connor. "Mr. Tomlinson, we should stop meeting like this,

Amber teased

One of the guys nodded his head at Connor, then smirked.

Connor blinked at me, then smoothed an eyebrow with the knuckle of his thumb and gave his friend a disapproving look

Without thinking, Amber lifted her cup and took a drink

her eyes closed in bliss. Connor's jaw twitched.
     "How did you get the beer?"

Amber’s eyes popped open, then she slowly took the cup from her lips and looked to me for help.

"Give me your cup," he commanded.

Amber passed him her cup without hesitation. He downed the dark brown liquid, then crushed the cup in his hand.

"Someone’s in trouble with her teacher,

one of the guys chuckled. Another guy in the group looked around and nodded toward the beer counter. His boys get the hint and leave Connor with us.

“How did you get the beer?

he asked sharply.

“I got a fake ID.

Amber hung her head.

“The stupidest thing you can do right now is to want to become an adult. Be a kid as long as you can.

His voice softened.

     Amber lifted her head. “I know. It was just a lot going on,

she whispered.
“That must be the reason why you didn’t go to school today?


Amber said softly. “And Vida didn’t wake up for school on time.”

He raised an eyebrow and cut me a look for a split second before glancing back to Amber. “I’ll show you how to have fun without the need to intoxicate yourself.

He smiled and capturing us with his bright blue eyes.

Connor turned back to Amber. “Trust me?”

“Amber beamed. “Yes.”

Connor’s friends join us again, full cups of beer in their hands. 

“I’ll see you guys at the carnival section. These ladies need to get schooled on some good ole small town fun.

Connor winked.

I blushed. If he kept this up, I’d be a pile of mush at his feet by the end of the night.

“Hey, man. Wait. Let us finish our beers. We’ll join you.

They downed their beers and one guy collects the cup, throwing them in the trash.

As we walked towards the carnival, Connor fell behind, walking next to me. He grabbed the hem of my green and yellow flannel, his knuckles brushing the top of my butt.

My body instantly hummed.

He came closer, his lips next to my ears. “Did you drink?

he asked, his breath warm and raspy.


“Good girl.”

I blushed. “But you did.”

“I did. I drank enough to impair my judgment, so I won’t be good. You should steer clear of me.”

I gasped softly. “You didn’t text or call. You owe me.”

“I do owe you. What would you like me to do?”

My body heated dangerously. I had never felt like this. I angled my head in an attempt to get his lips to brush against my skin. What was wrong with me?

Amber turned to find me, but one of the guys asked her a question, grabbing her attention.
Oh God.
He was giving Connor an opportunity with me. My stomach knotted. “Your friend just stopped Amber so she wouldn’t see what we’re doing.”

“I know,

Connor admitted, letting my shirt go and falling a step behind. We arrived at the game area and it was loud and consuming. “First up, horse races with the water gun. Last one has to eat one whole cotton candy in five minutes,

Connor ordered.

We each took a seat by a gun. Amber sat to my left and Connor sat to my right. He leaned toward me.

“Good luck, my love.”

A shiver ran down my spine.

              The carnie blew the horn and the race began. My adrenaline rushed and my heart rate increased. I tapped my feet as I squeezed my gun, aiming water into the tiny hole.

The sound of a winner rings.


Connor stood and look for the last placed person. He pointed to his bald, tattooed friend. “Tate, prepare your mouth, buddy!”

              We laughed as his friends slapped him on the back. I checked to see who had won: Connor. He picked out a green bear and handed it to me. I hugged it close.

              “Awww, I’m so jealous. He even chose your favorite color,

Amber said, petting the head of the stuffed animal.

I know.

“Having fun yet, Amber?

Connor asked.

“Yes, I am. You’re a cool dude, Mr. Tomlinson.”

              Connor laughed and walked towards the snack booth. He paid for a bag of cotton candy and handed his friend the bag. We huddled into a circle as his friend started to eat.

“I’m timing you.

Teal shirt guy pointed to his watch.

Tate stuffed his mouth with big puffs of cotton candy. We watched and laughed at his struggle. Connor took this moment to slide a hand into the back pocket of my jean shorts, the big teddy bear concealing everyone’s view of us.

              I sucked in a breath. I liked his hand there. If we were alone right now, I would pull him in for a kiss. I angled my behind to get closer to his hand.

Connor moved his hand away.

Tate finished the cotton candy. “Under three minute!

“I’m not surprised,

Connor’s friend with short dark curly hair muttered.

“Another game or a ride?

Connor asked the group. 

“Ride, a scary one,

Amber suggested.

“Ride it is.”

Connor took us to a ride called the Zipper. “I’ll sit this one out. I’ll stay with Vida and her bear.”

“Well played, Mr. Tomlinson,

I whispered.

“I know.

He smiled.

Amber winked at me before she left with all of Connor’s friends toward the line.

Connor grabbed the bear from me and wrapped his strong arm around it, his other arm hooking around my shoulder.

              I lifted my hand and laced my fingers with his. “Are we not caring that someone from school will notice us?”

“I hope not. It’s a school night.”


“We’re riding the Ferris wheel, maybe more than once. We need to talk.”

              We walked quietly toward the Ferris wheel. Connor slid his arm off me, giving the attendant our tickets. I get into a car and he climbed in after me and sits next to me, leaving the bear in front of us.

Connor took my hand in his. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I didn’t know what that feeling was when we first met. But seeing you again in class, I understand what it was all about,

he murmured, turning my hand in his. “If our circumstances were different, you’d be mine now.”

              “I’ve been yours. I’ve been yours since I was eight,

I stammered, knowing what was coming. “Don’t do this.”

              “There was an incident after class that I’ve been trying to clear up. Fortunately for me, the school believes me,

he cupped my chin, “but it made me realized I can’t continue this.

“What happened after class?

I asked, grabbing and clenching the end of my flannel, panicking.


“It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m taking care of it.”

“Tell me,

I urged gently.

              He brushed his thumb across my cheek. “I’m protecting you by not allowing you to be privy to what happened. V, I’ve always cared so much about you, your wellbeing

your happiness.

His eyes roamed over my face. “You deserve more than what I can give you.”

“Don’t end us before we have a chance to start,

I whispered, deciding to seize the moment. Without another thought, I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. All my emotions seeped into our kiss. He needed to know my heart belonged to him.

It had always been his.

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