Hot For Teacher (24 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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Chapter 1

Day 1



Homeroom:  8:00am-8:25am

Biology: 8:25am-9:55am

Algebra II: 9:55am-11:25am

Lunch: 11:25am-12:05pm

U.S History: 12:05pm-1:35pm

Creative Writing/College Prep: 1:35pm-2:55pm

I printed my syllabus offline this morning and it was pretty straight forward. I had no idea who I’d have class with and as long as Zach wasn’t in any of my classes, this day would hopefully go by smoothly.

“Zeke honey, do you need me to make you anything for breakfast?”

“No mom, I already ate.”

Mom still treated us like helpless babies, thanks to my brother. She was still washing his laundry and taking care of his every need. I was too independent and a little embarrassed for my mother to wash my unmentionables.

“Hey bro, think you’ll actually get a girlfriend this year? I’m sure the debate club has some horny virgins you can take advantage of,” he said, standing in my doorway.

“Screw you, Zach.”

“Oh—I get it, you’re saving yourself for Rachel aren’t you? Guess it’s time to finally nut up, right?”

I climbed off the bed and slammed the door shut in his smug face. It was too early in the morning to deal with this. Thankfully, we just moved into our bigger house over the summer and mom let us chose our own rooms. There was no way I would last more than five minutes sharing the same space as him.


“Hey Zeke, what class do you have first period?” said Rachel.

Rachel looked a lot different this year. Her blonde hair wasn’t in a ponytail and her thick frames and braces were gone. She also ditched the all plaid wardrobe. Now her hair was falling into waves on her shoulders, her glasses were replaced with contacts and her teeth were extremely white and perfectly straight. I almost didn’t recognize her.

I stuttered replying to her, because I was mesmerized by her new found beauty. “I-uh, bio.”

“With Ms. Russell or Mr. Geoffrey?”


“Great, let’s go! We can sit next to each other.”

We walked into the classroom and chose two desks beside each other. The teacher came in and introduced herself, but it was hard for me to focus on anything she was saying.  I was too busy admiring Rachel. We’d been friends since we were in diapers, so I never looked at her in this light before.

The first two classes of the day had gone by quickly and now we were all headed to lunch. I was surrounded by my friends Rachel, John, and Jacob. I had somehow managed to avoid Zach at all costs today. Until, a football came hurling in my direction, landing in my soup. “Catch, oops.”

Ice cold soup splashed all over my face, completely covering my glasses and sweater. The entire cafeteria burst into laughter, except for Rachel. “Zach, you’re a grade-A douche pickle.” She yelled in my defense.

“I have a pickle for you sweetheart, let me know when you want it,” he shouted back.

I grabbed a napkin, and cleaned my frames off, just enough to see, snatched my bag and stormed out the cafeteria door.

Storming down the hall towards the bathroom is when I saw—her. She had dark auburn locks that were pulled back away from her face, a white blouse that tightly clung to her body—accenting her large breasts and a pair of tight pants with black suspenders over her shoulders. As we made eye contact, I felt my heart skip a beat and a pulse in my pants. “Rough day?” She asked in a sweet, sultry tone.

“How could you tell?”

She walked up to me and raised her hand to my cheek, wiping away the leftover soup residue. “Lucky guess. Well whoever did do this to you will get his, I promise you that. See you around.”

As she walked by me, I could smell the sweet scent of coconut and vanilla radiating from her. Chills from her touch still lingered and seeing as I’d never seen her around before, I assumed she was someone’s big sister or something. Which depressed me, I’ve never had a girl that attractive come near me—ever.

After I cleaned myself up, I headed to my history class, then to my final class of the day. College Prep/Creative Writing.

I hadn’t realized how late I was until the final warning bell rang. I chose a seat next to Bridget Nelson, the leader of the debate team.

The teacher hadn’t arrived yet, so I breathed a sigh of relief. I reached down to retrieve my notebook from my bag and heard high heels click into the room, followed by a simultaneous gasp.

I looked up, returning my gaze to the front of the room and there she was—the girl from the hallway. Only, she looked a little different. Her hair was free from her ponytail and she replaced her suspenders with a skin tight skirt and applied bright red lipstick to her mouth. She also had thick black frames on her face.

Placing her briefcase on the desk, she addressed the class and introduced herself. “Hello everyone, my name is Maxine Sheppard and I will be here to help you with Creative Writing and college prep three days a week. Ms. Shannon will be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays to teach you Language Arts.”

Before we began, she asked if anyone had a question. I saw a hand raise out the corner of my eye and my worst fear had come to realization-Zach was here. “Why are you so—
Because you’ve certainly gained my ‘full’ attention,” he said, high-fiving his jock friend Chris. 

His comments went completely unfazed by her and she politely smiled at him. “What’s your name?”

“Zach C.”

“Well, Zach C. You will now have the honor of being a part of our first writing lesson. Everyone, take a good
look at Zach. Study him—real well. Now, I want you to grab a sheet of paper and create a scene involving him. It must be a minimum of two whole paragraphs long, and it must contain something he just said to me. It could also involve his looks, the urge of wanting to punch him in the face—anything. You have twenty-five minutes.”

She winked at me after she said that. I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically at this. It was about time my brother paid for being a jackass.



Making a complete ass out of myself was my specialty, but doing it in front of a hot teacher like Ms. Sheppard, was a first. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted me, and I’d do whatever it takes to make her mine. Being the quarterback had its perks. I had girls practically throwing themselves at me all the time, so this wouldn’t be that hard of a challenge—teacher or not. 

After an hour of torture and pathetic insults, the final bell of the day rang. Unlike the other average kids, my day wasn’t over. I still had practice for the next two hours. I never arrived on time because let’s face it, I don’t have to work as hard as everyone else. I had an image to uphold.

As I walked out the classroom with Chris, Mindy the head cheerleader stopped me in the hall. “Hey Zach, that winning pass you threw last week was great, I’d like to see you tonight for a date to celebrate. I’ll meet you at eight o’clock at the diner.” She planted a kiss on my cheek and rubbed up against me as she walked by.

Everyone in school knew she was easy, and she’s already given me a blowjob behind the bleachers once, so I knew she had more in store for tonight. She had the tightest pink shirt on, with no bra underneath and her nipples were hard.  My cock pressed up against my jeans just thinking about it.


Until now, we’ve just had scrimmage games and short practices, but coach decided to extend tonight’s practice to three hours to prep us for facing Northeast High School on Friday. They were a Division III team and were twenty-one and two last year. Their quarterback, John Ellis, was rumored to be pretty fast and could throw a ball half-way down the field, but he hasn’t faced me yet and this year I was going to take him down.

“Hey Z-man, what are you doing tonight? Want to hang out with us at Brady’s house? His dad just got the new PS4 and a 60-inch flat screen,” Chris said.

“Nah, I have other plans, but I’ll be over there tomorrow definitely!”

“Figures. Well, he also has the new Madden so prepare for an ass-whooping tomorrow,” he said with a laugh.

Mom told me that on my eighteenth birthday she’d get me my own car, but until then, I was reduced to my bike. I hopped on and rode five blocks to the diner. I searched the windows to make sure Mindy was in there and not standing me up before I went inside. She also had a reputation for that too.

“Hey Zach, I didn’t think you’d show,” she yelled from a booth in the back.

I walked towards her, high-fiving everyone on the way over. She placed her hand on the seat next to her, motioning for me to sit beside her.

As I eyed the menu, her hand slid up and down my leg underneath the table. “Are we gonna put on a show for everyone right now? Or can I eat first?” I huffed at her. That extra hour of practice killed me and I was freakin’ starving.

“You can eat. I want you to have as much energy as possible.”

After devouring my burger and fries, she paid for our meals and we left. We walked down the street to a pretty secluded park surrounded by woods.

She led me down this dimly lit path, to an empty bench surrounded by trees. We sat down on it and she immediately slid to her knees on the pavement. Wasting no time unzipping my pants, she whipped my cock right out, and placed her lips around it.

Her mouth felt amazing on me, she was definitely good at this. In fact, her skills have greatly improved from the last time.

After getting me off, I pulled a condom out of my pocket and slid it on. She hiked her skirt, revealing no panties underneath and climbed on top of me.

Tight.Wet.Warm. I tried to let her have a little control but it wouldn’t last long. I lifted her up and off of me, making her bend over the bench with her legs spread wide for me. I slid my cock back in and out of her as slow as I could. While grasping a hold of her ponytail, I shoved myself deeply into her core. I could feel her body giving in from the pleasure and she started screaming my name, while we both came together. 

I pulled my pants back up and fastened them. “Thanks,” I said as I started to walk back down the path.

“Zach, wait. Don’t you want to talk about what just happened?”

“Seriously? No, I thought you wanted sex and that was it.”

“Well seeing as you’re the star quarterback and I’m the head cheerleader, I thought—maybe—we could be together?”

I tried so hard not to laugh in her face, but out of respect, I told her I was interested in someone else.














Chapter 2

Day 2


Zach was out pretty late last night, probably doing the usual—screwing some poor, dumb girl. I on the other hand, had a hard time sleeping last night because I couldn’t get Ms. Sheppard out of my head. I felt such a connection with her in the hallway yesterday, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I could tell Zach was interested in her too, and I knew I couldn’t physically compete with him, but I could win her over with my smarts and boyish charm.


Unfortunately today was going to suck, because we had Language Arts class and not Creative Writing. So, I wouldn’t get to see her again until tomorrow.


The day went by pretty fast, and I didn’t run into Zach at all until the last class of the day. Ms. Shannon was an older lady, about fifty with silver hair and liver spots on her face and hands. She didn’t assign us any homework which was great. By this time last year we had a week’s worth of homework in the first two days.

“Hey Zeke, wait up.” Rachel yelled from behind me.

“What’s up?”

“Are you going to try out for the Mathlete’s this year?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I think you should, it would be fun. Plus you can win scholarships and prize money.”

“I don’t know Rach, from what you told me before, it sounds boring.”

“Zeke Ryan Cunningham, the Mathlete’s are anything but boring, believe it or not. I love being on the team and we need a new member. Just try it out, you might like it!” It was always hard for me to tell Rachel no, she always twisted my arm until I gave in.

“Fine, let’s go before I change my mind.”

We walked down the hall and into the small room, beside the gym. There was a small group of kids in the room, ranging from freshmen to seniors. They were sitting at a long table in front of a long white board, full of math equations.

“This is my friend Zeke, he’s just joining us for the day, but I’m hoping we can convince him to stay!” Rachel announced to the group.

“Hey Zeke. Welcome to the Square-roots!” The group said simultaneously.

I waved to the group and whispered in Rachel’s ear, “What are the Square-roots?”

“It’s our team name. Don’t worry, it’s temporary.”

I sat down beside Rachel with our backs to the front door and looked around the room. There wasn’t much in here besides tables, two white boards, shelves to the ceiling full of books and a projection screen.

Rachel left to grab me a practice test book from the shelf and before she came back, I heard heels click into the room—a sweet, familiar sound.

I turned around to see Ms. Sheppard behind us.

“Hey everyone, Mr. Kingston had a family emergency and will be on leave until further notice. I know I don’t look the part now, but I used to be one of you back in high school.”

I felt like my jaw was going to hit the floor. I couldn’t believe she was in here. Now I had to stay, but I didn’t want to let Rachel know that my sudden change of heart was because of a five-foot tall goddess.



I was used to girls becoming clingy after a night out with me, but Mindy had taken that a step too far. She was going around telling the whole school that she was able to “Tame the Z-man.” Which was a complete lie, but I didn’t feel like fighting with her about it right now. I needed to stay focused on crushing Northeast High tomorrow night.

Every class I decided to attend today bored me to death. I’m pretty sure I dozed off during each one of them. On my way to the gym, I heard an annoying voice behind me. “Hey new boyfriend. Where are you going?”

“Mindy, piss off. I mean that in the kindest way possible.”

“Ha-ha, you’re so funny. Do you think we could meet at the diner again tonight? Same time?”

“No, I have practice tonight.”

“I’ll stay and wait as late as you’d like.”

“Mindy, tomorrow is an important game, I don’t have time to-” Before I could finish my thought, I saw Ms. Sheppard walking down the hall. I couldn’t help but look past Mindy and her horrible blonde dye job and directly at the skin tight black dress Max had on.

I pushed passed her and ran after Ms. Sheppard. “So, Ms. Sheppard,” I yelled, causing her to turn around. “What brings you in today? I thought you were only here three days a week?”

“I’m filling in for another teacher.”

“Oh—who?” I said, scanning her body from head to toe, trying to imagine what her body looked like underneath her dress.

“Mr. Kingston, he had a family emergency.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Yes, well, I really should get going. I have some Mathlete’s to attend too.”

I had no idea, what a Mathlete was, but it was starting to sound more and more interesting by the minute.

I watched her walk down the hall, swaying her hips with every step. I couldn’t look away until I was elbowed in the side of my ribs. “What the hell, Mindy?”

“I wasn’t sure if you were looking at dinner, or ogling the new slut on campus.”

“She’s not a slut. She’s the new English teacher,” I said.

“No, she’s the new eye candy around here, and I
take her down.” 

“Jealous, much?”

“Only when it comes to you, baby.”



“So guys and girls, I’m sure you all know about the 25,000 dollar scholarship up for grabs, right?” said Ms. Sheppard.

I whispered in Rachel’s’ ear again, “That’s a lot of money for a math competition.”

“You have no idea what it takes to win that prize money. We’ll be competing against college kids for it.”

“Well, whatever it takes, I’m in.”

“Why the sudden change of heart?” she said with a puzzled expression on her face.

“I don’t know, but I could use the extra money. It’ll get me one step closer to escaping this town, and starting over anew somewhere else—away from Zach.”

“You can’t go too far, I’ll miss you too much,” she said, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

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