Hope's Toy Chest (6 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Medical

BOOK: Hope's Toy Chest
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Chapter Ten


put the final touches on the hospital room. In just a few minutes, Le would be bringing Jessica and her mother up, and she wanted everything to be prefect. She plugged in the tree, letting the warm white lights cast a glow over the space. This had to be perfect, because it would be one of the last memories of mother and daughter together, one she knew Mrs. Cook would always cherish.

Hearing the faint ding of the
elevator, she quickly grabbed the two gift boxes she’d brought with her that afternoon and placed them by the tree. They were gifts that could be opened before Santa’s visit. It was a tradition she had as a child, and one she continued with Hope. Now she was sharing it with the Cooks.

Le pushed a wheelchair through the door,
the IV bag reminding her just how sick Jessica was. “Jessica, this is a friend of mine, Chelsea.”

“I’ve heard so much about you.” Kelly stepped around Le and held out her hand. “Thank you for everything.”

Chelsea took the offered hand with a smile. “There’s no need for that, I’m glad to help.”

“Mommy, look
, a Christmas tree!” Jessica appeared so frail curled up in the wheelchair, thick blankets tucked around her. Her bald head served as a reminder of just how sick she was, but despite her illness the sight of the decorations made her blue eyes glisten with excitement.

“I see
, sweetie.” She returned to her daughter’s side, taking the blanket from her lap as Le lifted Jessica into the bed they had made up for her. “Can you tell Doctor Mathews and Chelsea thank you for setting this up?”

“Thank you.”
Her small hand covered her mouth as a coughing fit followed, but her eyes were wide with delight as she looked around the room. “Is it really Christmas tomorrow?”

“For us it is.” Kelly sat on the edge of the bed, her daughter’s hand in hers.

“I hope you don’t mind, but growing up I had a special tradition.” Chelsea grabbed the gift boxes and handed the smaller one to Jessica, giving the other one to Kelly. “Merry Christmas.”

“Can I open
it?” Jessica bounced on her bed, clearly excited.

“Go ahead.” Kelly nodded, slipping
the lid off her own box, while Jessica tore through the wrapping paper. Matching red satin pajamas with white trim for their Christmas Eve together. “Oh, they’re beautiful.” Kelly’s eyes watered.

“Growing up
, my parents started this tradition to have new pajamas on Christmas Eve. It was the one present we were allowed to open early,” she explained.

“We’ll let you change and settle in.” Le nodded to the door and
Chelsea made her way to him. “I’ve got a special visitor coming soon, so until I get back I want you to rest.”

, doctor.” Jessica smiled at him, running her hands over her new pajamas.

“I’m right next door if you need anything
,” He added before stepping out to join Chelsea in the hallway. “That was nice of you.”

I told you this would be something Kelly would remember always. When is Santa going to get here?”

“They got hung up with the new snow coming down, but they’ll be here in twenty minutes.
It gives us just enough time to…” He nodded to the room he had taken over and opened the door.

“To what?” She followed him into the room,
and noticed the table set up. Candles and dinner.

“I didn’t have time for
food and I thought you might join me. I’ll apologize in advance because it’s hospital food, but unless you wanted Chinese again it was the best I could do.” He lit the candles and motioned for her to join him. “Chicken, baked potatoes, and broccoli. Nothing special.”

“Every time I’m around you, you’re trying to feed me.”

“Food is the way to a woman’s heart.”

She laughed and sank down onto the chair. “That’s supposed to be a man’
s heart. Women like to be romanced.”

“Then I better step up my game because hospital food in a crummy crash room isn’t going to cut it.”

“I don’t know about that.” She smirked.

If she didn’t know better she’d think he was actually trying to romance her, instead of just being nice to her. Or maybe it was wishful thinking, hoping he found her as desirable as she found him. She was a divorcee, with
a deceased daughter, and no career besides her nonprofit organization. There was no chance Le was interested in her as anything but a friend.

“You okay
? You seem distant.”

She shook her head, clearing away the cobwebs. “I’m fine, just thinking.”

“I’m sorry, is this too much for you? It’s similar to—”

“No.” She stopped him before he could finish. “
Don’t get me wrong. I miss Hope every day, but this has nothing to do with her. If anything, it’s why I can relate to what Kelly’s going through.”

“I only meant you might not want to deal with this. We’re coming up on the anniversary of Hope’s passing.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” She snapped before pulling herself together. “Sorry. Damn it, I’m sorry. I’m just tired of everyone asking, walking around on eggshells. I’ve heard from Elizabeth five times in two days wanting to know how I was doing.”

“Everyone’s just worr
ied about you, that’s all.” He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers, giving it a squeeze. “I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.” She forced the smile to return to her face. “Honest, I’m fine.

“Liz doesn’t know when to step back. She’s overbearing to anyone she cares about and I know you two have gotten close.”

“Yeah.” She smiled. Liz always meant well, but she wanted Liz as a friend not a counselor. She’d adjusted to her life, and though she would much prefer Hope had lived, she had found peace.

“You did the pajama exchange with Hope.
I remember.” He paused until she met his gaze. “I stopped by the hospital early on Christmas morning. You were asleep by Hope’s bed, but she was awake, she was so happy about her cute new pajamas.”

“They had little puppy dogs on it. That’s all she wanted for Christmas, a puppy.” Tears sprang to her eyes and this time she couldn’t blink them away. “The one thing I could
n’t give her.”

, Chels.” He went to her, wrapping his arms around her. “You’d have given her anything and she knew that. She knew a puppy wasn’t something she could have in the hospital.”

“I know.” She wiped the tears away. “Sorry.” She found herself apologizing again.

“There’s no reason to be.”

It just hit me all over again.” Wrapping her arm around him, she clung to him. “Kelly’s going to be in the same position, and right now all that matters is giving her a few memories that don’t completely involve being stuck in the hospital.”

“That’s what this is all about.”

“Tomorrow is their Christmas and I want everything to be perfect.” She let her head fall against his chest, breathing in his cologne, allowing it to relax her. “Let’s eat. Santa will be here shortly and I have to tell him my Christmas wish.”

It was time she began to live her life again. She wanted to love and be loved by someone.
Not someone, only Le.

had brought them together this Christmas because they both needed each other. It was possible to have everything they wanted in life. He could have his career, she could continue with Hope’s Toy Chest, and there was plenty of time left over for love. No one would understand their needs and careers as the two of them did.

This Christmas was about love. For them
for the Cooks.

Chapter Eleven


Kingsley leaned against the wall, keeping out of the way as Santa reached down and scooped Jessica out of bed
with great care, placing her delicately on his lap. Santa obviously had years of experience lifting sick children; he gave her the support she needed to stay upright, minding the IV lines.

“Thank you
, Doctor Mathews, this is just what she needed. Look how happy she is,” Kelly whispered to him before returning to her daughter’s side.

“She’s right. Look at Jessica glow with excitement.” Chelsea stood next to him with her camera in hand, documenting every moment for Kelly.

He nodded, content things were going as planned. Assuming Jessica’s fever didn’t return, they could have their Christmas celebration. He’d spend the night right next door just in case anything went wrong. Not that he thought it would—as long as Kelly made sure Jessica didn’t overdo herself.

“Merry Christmas
, Jessica.” Santa ran his hand over Jessica’s back, soothing her as they waited for another coughing fit to pass. “What can Santa bring you for Christmas this year?”

Le sucked in a breath
, waiting, praying her wish was something they could give her. If she asked for a cure it might break what little spirit he had, because that was one thing they didn’t have, and wouldn’t for quite some time.

“Come on
, sweetie, tell Santa what you want,” Kelly urged her daughter.

My tiger.”

“Honey, Santa wants to know what he can bring you. That tiger is at our house.”

“Tell me about this tiger.” Santa smiled down at her through his thick white beard.

“It’s huge and soft. I want to cuddle with it.” Jessica paused and a let out a deep yawn. “I feel safe with it. Please
, Santa.”

Santa glanced at Le before nodding. “I’ll see what I can do, but is there anything else you’d like?”

“A new doll, one with pajamas like I’m always stuck in. Dresses make me miss going shopping with Mommy.”

, before Santa leaves, Mrs. Claus has something special for you.” Santa cleared his throat and in stepped Grace dressed in a red velvet dress to match Santa’s suit, even a black belt around her waist. Her hair was hidden under a wig, whitish gray to complete the outfit.

“Santa tells me you have a sweet tooth, so I brought your favorite chocolate cake.
” Carrying the cake, Mrs. Claus neared a wide-eyed Jessica.

“Chocolate cake.” She glanced back to Le. “Can I
, Doctor Mathews?”

“If you’re going to share with the rest of us. After all
, it’s Christmas.” He smiled at her as Chelsea handed Kelly plates and silverware.

“Let’s eat.” She smiled and forced herself
farther up on Santa’s lap. “Thank you, Santa and Mrs. Claus, this is the best Christmas ever.”

Le couldn’t help but think that if a miracle
came to pass, it really would be the best Christmas. Otherwise it had a twinge of sadness hanging over it. How would Kelly handle things next year?

Santa sat Jessica
back on the bed, carefully bracing her against the mountain of pillows so she could sit up and eat the cake. “Tomorrow when you wake up you’ll have everything your heart could wish for.”

“Thank you
, Santa.” Jessica’s attention was now devoted to the cake.

, when do the rest of us get our Christmas wishes? I think Chelsea would like to tell you what she wants under her tree.” Le caught her giving him a glare that warned him to tread carefully. “What? You said you had something you wanted to ask Santa for.”

“I don’t think this is the time. He needs to get back to the North Pole for Jessica’s presents.” Chelsea handed Le a piece of the cake before she took a seat on the spare unmade bed.

“I think I know her Christmas wish,” Santa said. “But eat your cake and then you can tell me all about it on the way to my sled.” Santa took the plate Mrs. Claus handed him.

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Chelsea took a bite of her cake. “Oh this is delicious.”

“Can I have a ride in your sled?” Jessica’s fork stopped in mid-motion to her mouth.

, little one, but that’s out of the question.” Le answered before Santa or even Kelly could.

“Why not?” She laid her fork down and crossed her arms over her small body.

“Sweetie, you’re not well enough to leave the hospital.” Kelly sat on the edge of the bed. “Doctor Mathews was kind enough to arrange this celebration for us, so let’s not push it. Okay?”

“Okay.” Jessica reluctantly agreed. “Then can I have another piece of cake?”

“Doctor?” Kelly turned to him.

“One more.” He nodded. “Then you should get some rest so Santa can bring your presents while you’re sleeping.”

“Yes, Doctor Mathews.” Jessica tried to stifle a yawn as she took another bite.

Kelly stepped away from her daughter’s bed and came across the room to him. “This is wonderful. Thank you.”

“I couldn’t have done it without Chelsea, Santa, and Mrs. Claus.” Le took Kelly’s hands, squeezing them gently between his own. “I’m glad we were able to do this for her.”

“Me too. Very glad.”

With the cake finished and Jessica dozing in the bed, Le completed one last check of his patient. While he double-checked her vitals and temperature, his gaze traveled to where Chelsea and Santa stood whispering on the other side of the room. What were they talking about? Whatever she had discussed with Santa, they had glanced his way and Chelsea was smirking knowingly. He heard her melodious giggle. Was she telling him her wish? He had hoped her Christmas wish would have been something he could have given her personally; instead, she was keeping it from him.

He’d like to be her Christmas wish
, giving them both something to celebrate this year. Naughty images of being spread out under her tree in only a bow filled his thoughts. Damn, she stirred things deep within him he’d thought were long gone. He only hoped she was different. If they could be together, he hoped it would work. He hoped with every fiber of his being.

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